b4ts1e - A

they/them | 19 | writer/artist | requests: OPEN

435 posts

Hi Hi!! Read Your Work And Got Hooked Immediately. You're A Really Good Writer!

Hi hi!! Read your work and got hooked immediately. You're a really good writer!

Could you be able to write some OL:NF hurt comfort? Basically the MC (gn please) feels bad that Qiu and Tamarack don't get along and feel that its thier fault? And Qiu and Tamarack find out and comfort them?

It can be platonic if you want it to be. Thank youu<3

Working on this tonight! Thank you for your patience and I am so sorry about the wait! It shall be out by 6am EST! ^^

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More Posts from B4ts1e

1 year ago

cove holden bf headcanons <3

cause i’m feeling sappy and i need to do SOMETHING 🀬🀬

gn reader as always mwah

- the type of man to do whatever you ask whenever you ask

- β€œhey can you-β€œ β€œYES πŸ«‘β€

- says yes maam/yes sir NOT even in a sexual way you nasty freaks he does it cause it’s silly and he likes it. πŸ™„. also probably in a sexual way don’t ask me about that

- like β€œcan you remind me 2 put my clothes in the wash later” β€œYES MAAM!”

- soo clingy and needy especially when he’s sleepy. refuses to get up and do something that he needs to do because he β€œdoesn’t want to leave you” (it’s like 3 feet away and he would come right back)

- you’re like the ONLY thing that’ll push him out of his comfort zone (mostly bc he is so stubborn)

- has a photo album on his phone and the title is whatever your preferred nickname to be called is (β€œbaby <3”, β€œangel” etc whatever). there are 200+ photos

- in fact you make up most of his camera roll (given he doesn’t take a lot of photos,, mostly ones of the sunset or the water or a cool animal he saw)

- HOWEVER every time you leave your phone unattended hear him you come back to like 12 selfies he took of himself on it. some of them are really cute and he’s smiling so big and the rest look like he’s trying to eat the camera

- ADORES when you play with his hair. or scratch his back or his pet his head or play with his hands. he just likes when you touch him it makes him giddy and excited cause you love him sooo bad!!!!

- if you’ve made a playlist for him/the two of you, he listens to it every day and it’s one of his favorites :3

- lowkey FREAKS OUT if you’re upset or angry at him at all even if he really knows he shouldn’t be this worked up, he still is. he’s worried and he wants to fix it:(

- he can’t pick a favorite photo of you. just btw. if you even care.

-you’re also his phone wallpaper btw. whatever. psh. πŸ™„

- you catch him staring at you so often. from across the room or even if he’s laying on your chest, he’s looking up at you with the sweetest puppy eyes because he thinks you are so gorgeous and wonderful and he’s so lucky!!!!!!

- your families (mostly Lee, Elizabeth and Kyra) all take so many candid photos of the two of you. so much love radiates from every photo it makes everyone SICK!!!!!! get away from me. 🀬

- blushes and gets so flustered the first time you call him any pet names (and that feeling never goes away no matter how many times you call him that)

- lowkey soo touchy even in public (by accident 😞) so if you’re not a PDA enjoyer you gotta push that mf AWFF 🀬🀬🀬🀬

- loves it when you spoil him but gets so flustered when you actually refer to it as spoiling him

- you will receive the sweetest most heartfelt message you’ve ever gotten which is then followed by something so irrelevant and strange

- and he texts so weird so it’s even funnier

- β€œI love you so much. You make me so happy every day, you’re so wonderful and perfect. I’m glad I get to spend my life with you! πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜β€ followed by a message saying β€œI cooked chicken lol. Do you want some”

- also rambles so much about things you’re not very familiar with so you’re like β€œ!! what!! okay!! cool!! very cool cove i love you!!” and he’s like 😊😊😊

1 year ago

β–€β–„β–€β–„β–€β–„The Weight of Stonesβ–„β–€β–„β–€β–„β–€ (πšπš—!𝙼𝙲)

π™²πš‘πšŠπš›πšŠπšŒπšπšŽπš›'𝚜 π™Έπš—πšŒπš•πšžπšπšŽπš: πš€πš’πšž/π™°πšžπšπšžπš–πš— π™»πš’πš— πšƒπšŠπš–πšŠπš›πšŠπšŒπš” π™±πšŠπšžπš–πšŠπš—πš— π™Ύπš™πšŠπš• πš‚πšŽπšŒπš˜πš—πš (πš–πšŽπš—πšπš’πš˜πš—πšŽπš) 𝙼𝙲 πš‚πšŽπšŒπš˜πš—πš (πšπš›πš˜πš– 𝙾𝙻:𝙽&𝙡)


The Weight Of Stones (!)

I am so sorry this was requested back in October and I'm just now uploading it- but please enjoy! Just a heads up- as I'm invisioning this, they are closer to step 3 then the step 2 prolouge, so this kinda like an inbetween chapter I guess.

(Heads up- as I'm writing this, I've noticed that this is gonna hit really close to home for some since it gets pretty heavy into the angst part of hurt-comfort. Please be careful while reading.)

The Weight Of Stones (!)

(πšƒπš‘πš’πš›πš π™ΏπšŽπš›πšœπš˜πš—)

It was painfully obvious for those who paid attention, and even for those who barely kept tabs on it- Qiu Lin and Tamarack Baumann...they don't get along. Everyone in the small town of Golden Grove knew it, including the one who stood between the two- MC Second. Those closest to MC, mainly their mother, could see the way they constantly tried to hold the cul-de-sac trio together, grasping at straws to keep what little of their childhood friendship remained.

However- their effort has been proven futile time and time again. And we all know the saying: 'the straw that breaks the camel's back'. Eventually, they to would break down- no matter how strong or tight they held onto their apathetic mask.

(𝙼𝙲'𝚜 π™ΏπšŽπš›πšœπš™πšŽπšŒπšπš’πšŸπšŽ)

It felt like I was drowning, no longer in control of my own body as I was forced to watch my two friends stare daggers at each other. The world around me was muffled, they were saying things at each other and yet I couldn't understand the words they were saying- I only knew that it wasn't good, they were fighting. Over what? I hadn't the slightest clue, it's just been this way- for awhile now.

I'm so tired.

My body was strained, being pulled towards two opposing sides- yet wanting nothing but the past laughter and fun we had as children. Exhaustion swallows me whole as I slowly, quietly, and completely unnoticed as I walk away from the two. I just wanted to go home at this point- and yet? The house that was once filled with joy and laughter, echoing down the hall as we told each other stories and kept each other up way past our bedtimes, no longer felt the same. It was cold, quiet, and yet somehow welcoming- the silence was always better than the muffled screaming of others.

This was the first time they'd let themselves genuinely argue in front of me, normally they kept their time with me as a neutral space- a cease from the firing of guns. Sure their slight jabs at each other never faded, but even so- that could be considered playful banter. Or at least that's what my mind told itself- what I told myself, just so I could attempt to rest easy at night.

Maybe this was my fault, they only started fighting because I kept pushing them to be around each other. Had I just...let them drift apart this wouldn't have happened, they would've lived on without needing to communicate with each other- but no. I had to be selfish. I just had to make things worse didn't I?

I entered my house, removing any extra layers I had put on today- carelessly putting them on the couch and floors along with my bag before heading upstairs. The weight of anything unessential felt burdensome, I didn't even lock the front door behind me- I couldn't find the motivation too. Once in my room I threw my shoes into a corner, flopping face first into my bed- grasping a pillow close to my chest as it became hard to breath.

I wanted to scream, but I once again- couldn't find the motivation, as tears streamed down my face.

(πšƒπš‘πš’πš›πš π™ΏπšŽπš›πšœπš˜πš—)

Shortly after MC had walked away, Tamarack and Qiu realized the absence of their mutual friend. Worry struck them both, despite Qiu not outwardly showing it like Tamarack so willingly did. "Where did MC go?" she asked- mainly to herself as she looked around, hoping to spot the bridge that kept the trio together. Autumn shrugged, looking around lazily- they didn't show it willingly but worry was burried deep in their heart. "Maybe they finally got sick of you, I dunno know." they proded, almost eliciting a snap response from Tamarack.

She may not be willing to stand up for herself normally, but she definetely wouldn't let Qiu- of all people, make her doubt the closeness between her and MC. After all- they were bestfriends, right? Since the second day they've known each other and they both confirmed it. That hadn't changed...right? She shook her head quickly, glaring at the taller of the two. "Or they got sick of you finally. I can't understand how they stick around you after all this time!" she responds before pinching the bridge of her nose with a groan.

"Y'know what? I'm going to find MC and apologize for letting your stupid remarks get to me in front of them, if you're tagging along then I highly suggest keeping up." she says before walking away, towards MC's house- hoping that'd be where she'd find her friend. Autumn rolled their eyes and followed after her, not caring all too much about apologizing but worried for their friend- one of the few people who they kept around in this difficult time for themself.

By the time the duo had gotten to MC's house, the sun had set- the sky being dark and the threat of rain became extremely apparent as heavy storm clouds rolled in over the town. The feeling of electricity in the air mixed with their worry made them both far more anxious to know if MC really was within the walls before them. Tamarack knocked, receiving no answer and only boosting Qiu's nerves. Neither of them liked how it felt detrimental to get into the building quickly, almost like a rush of adrenaline shooting through them both simultaneously. Autumn nudged past Tamarack, their expression shifting from their relaxed front to anxiety in an instant- they reached for the handle and tried to open it.

Seeing the door creak open, revealing a dark and quiet house was terrifying. Leaving too much room for their imaginations to wander, especially with the door unlocked- had something happened? Tamarack flicked on the light, quickly spotting the mess of clothes and a bag that remained untouched in the living room. A slight relief ran through her as she was now certain that her assumption of MC going home had been correct, but when the soft sound of dry sobbing came from upstairs the two made eye contact with one another. Worry etched across both of their faces, a mutual agreement to not jab at each other for the time being was made without words.

Slowly the two went up the stairs, locating the source of the crying. Hearing mumbles of things such as:

"It's my fault..."

"I'm so selfish..."

"I just wanted to be happy..."

The voice was hoarse and muffled by a pillow. Looking into the room, Qiu and Tamarack saw something that broke both of their hearts. MC was curled into a ball, laying on their side, clutching a pillow like a life line, shivering, and crying. Most beyond their small trio would've never seen something like this, they were always so optimistic about things and their mask was as hard as stone. Rarely had the cracks gotten bad enough for the mask to completely shatter and allowed them to break down like this, they were the strong one- no matter their muscle mass.

Hearing them degrading themself, blaming themself for the two not getting along- even going as far to see themself as selfish for wishing for the past... It triggered something in Autumn, the person they relied so heavily on day after day had been hurting and they too had been far too blind to see it- it made them feel incredibly guilty, they had been the selfish ones. Not MC. Tears pricked the corners of their eyes as they slowly entered the room as quietly as possible- yearning to comfort them as much as possible.

Tamarack's reaction had been similar- she didn't want to believe that she had been so neglectful of her best friend's needs, but the proof was right in front of her. It clicked in the back of both of their minds in an instant- they both had been bad friends. Without realizing it they turned their rivalry of sorts into a larger priority than their friendship with MC. Now knowing just how much they'd affected their friend's mental health, they wanted nothing but to take it all back.

Once she broke from her shock- Tamarack moved quickly, faster than she had intended, getting onto MC's bed and pulling them in her chest- holding them tightly as her own tears spilled from her eyes. Stunned, MC froze- looking to see Qiu approaching slowly and hearing the choked sobs coming from Tamarack. Once Autumn had finally gotten to the bed, they sat down on the edge and grabbed MC's hand gently- massaging their knuckles lightly, something MC had done for them in the past to calm their nerves.

It felt like an enternity went by at the trio cried together- one crying silently, the other with their voice already hoarse from previous events, and the other much more vocal about their sarrow. Once it had calmed down, tears now dry and everything was out- Qiu was the first to speak, voice soft and slightly shaking from all the emotions.

"MC...We are so...so sorry for ignoring your needs, we prioritized our stupid rivalry over our friendship with you- I see now that we have been really bad friends to you. You shouldn't have to chose between us. You aren't selfish for wanting things to be as they were before. I am so sorry for not seeing the warning signs that you needed help too..." they explained, clutching MC's hand tightly- their partially gloved hands cold and shaking slightly. The cold inside only amplified but the chill and rain from the out, making MC realize that they hadn't bothered to turn on the heater once they got home.

Tamarack slowly let them go, rubbing under her eyes with her sweater sleeve to try to clear the crust left behind by the tears that were shed. "I- I'm sorry too MC. We're supposed to be your best friends, and not even I noticed what you were going through. I thought...I dunno- I just." she took a moment to restabilize herself before she cried again. "I was a bad friend to you as well MC, and I am so sorry if we accidentally made you feel unimportant or selfish because of our stupid inability to get along. We care a lot for you, but I'm pretty sure we'd both understand if you need space from us both for awhile."

Her approach was professional, but her voice betrayed her harshly as she couldn't withhold the shakyness of it. A habit she had attempted to pick up from MC- using professionalism to hide true emotion in situations, though she was never very good at it. MC however- was somewhat of a master at it, having used it whenever Tamarack's brother had shown up to see her unannounced.

MC hesitated for a moment before pulling the two in for a hug, they had been shaking for a while- though it had calmed down, their nerves still felt a bit fried at the moment. They didn't say much when they spoke, Autumn's arms wrapped around their torso gently and Tamarack's wrapped loosely above their shoulders, but their voice was soft- a calm breeze despite the storm outside.

"Thank you...both of you." that was all they could say in the moment, keeping the two opposite personalities close as their exhaustion reached peak compacity. "We'll...we'll stay here until Ms. Second gets home, go ahead and rest. I promise we won't fight like that anymore." Qiu's voice was soft as Tamarack nodded in agreement, all three were tired now.

However- as the three slept, it marked a new chapter. Sure the two wouldn't always get along, but they swore never to allow themselves to fight like how they had been- especially if it risked their mutual friendships.

The Weight Of Stones (!)

πš†πš˜πš›πš π™²πš˜πšžπš—πš: 1,963

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1 year ago

Charlie: Everybody’s always like, β€œCharlie, how’d you bag a baddie? How’d you bag that baddie, bro?” I didn’t bag sh!t. Casper picked me up from my neck, threw me over their shoulder, and I’ve been on it ever since. And I ain’t got no intention of getting off any time soon.

1 year ago

Qiu Lin

Qiu Lin

Simultaneously want to be them and be with them.

I need more Qiu art and if I can't find it I'll make it myself ~

Qiu Lin
Qiu Lin
1 year ago

Quick thing! Recently I've been trying to find more things to write about for you all, so in my free time I've been playing games that I enjoy and studying the characters within them! It's been a slow process but I've gotten through a few games on my own and have decided to add a few to the allowed request lists. (list below the cut)

I will update my pinned post with specifics regarding characters and stuff, but here's the short version ^^

The list currently goes as follows:

Our Life: Now & Forever (no nsfw until step 3 releases)

Our Life: Beginnings & Always

A Date with Death

My Dear Hatchet Man

Something's Wrong with Sunnyday Jack


The Groom of Gallagher Mansion

Restart Heart



Blooming Panic

Love Unholyc

Mystic Messenger

Tears of Themis

Genshin Impact (LunASMR & Aqua Makes Noise AUs are allowed)

Honkai: Star Rail

Omori (no nsfw)




YUZUYA (their specific AUs from MHA)


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