babydallas - just a place for a baby to be a baby and have fun
just a place for a baby to be a baby and have fun

this is just for me to post random things I'm a 18+ blog no minors please and thank you I'm 32 years old going on 1 I am not a sugar baby and I will not pay to play so don't waste your time or mine asking me for it! any questions my mail box is open to all

74 posts

Babydallas - Just A Place For A Baby To Be A Baby And Have Fun - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago


Totally Spies Self Contained Page Would you be interested in adopting them? The downloadable file contains All WIP in images for this drawing, two alternate versions of the same image, six stickers, and a PSD

P.S. I will be deleting my fantia account due to certain circumstances, It's not for any particular reason, it just wasn't as convenient as I expected.

Página autoconclusiva de Totally Spies ¿te interesaría adoptarlas?

El archivo descargable contiene Todo el WIP en imágenes para este dibujo, dos versiones alternativas de la misma imagen, seis stikers, y un PSD

#少女 Adoption! - abdlbabygirlのイラスト - pixiv
Totally Spies Self Contained Page Would you be interested in adopting them?The downloadable file con
9 months ago
Commissions: OPEN!

Commissions: OPEN!

Contact me: Order a Commission: Prices/Info: ≧◠ᆽ◠≦

10 months ago
Walking Along The Beach

Walking along the beach

Fpr Mcplayer129A! <3 Commissions: Slots open at random! Check out my form to see if any slots are open. ❤ Prices: ❤ Form: ❤ Email:

10 months ago
Wolf Goddess

Wolf Goddess

Ref for creamurpamps ! <3 Commissions: Slots open at random! Check out my form to see if any slots are open. ❤ Prices: ❤ Form: ❤ Email:

11 months ago
Crayon Doodle Coms - Open!!

Crayon Doodle Coms - Open!!

Crayon Doodles are open!! <3 Taking on lots, since I like to do these as warm ups, relaxing, etc! :3 Form link! (Sketches are also available in the form, I just don’t have examples atm!)

11 months ago
babydallas - just a place for a baby to be a baby and have fun
11 months ago


Dakis commissioned by KyaFrostpaw for Shirodatenshi and PearlMoonlight! Commissions: Slots open at random! Check out my form to see if any slots are open. ❤ Prices: ❤ Form: ❤ Email:

11 months ago
Jankar89 - Commission

jankar89 - Commission

For jankar89! Commissions: Slots open at random! Check out my form to see if any slots are open. ❤ Prices: ❤ Form: ❤ Email:

1 year ago
babydallas - just a place for a baby to be a baby and have fun

open ABDL commissions

A partir de ahora el tiempo destinado para cada comision pasará de 2 días a 3 o 4 dependiendo de la dificultad, espero no molestar a nadie con esto, la verdad es que a pesar de todo este tiempo, todavía no tengo mucha idea de cuánto es el tiempo reglamentario normal para las comisiones.

En lo que respecta a las comisiones también estoy disponible para hacer dibujos referentes a otros fetiches o completamente SFW

si te interesa tener un dibujo hecho por mí o si tienen alguna duda acerca de las comisiones, pueden escribirme a mi dirección de email:

From now on the time allocated for each commission will go from 2 days to 3 or 4 depending on the difficulty, I hope I don't bother anyone with this, the truth is that despite all this time, I still don't have much idea how much it is. the normal regulatory time for commissions. Regarding commissions, I am also available to make drawings referring to other fetishes or completely SFW If you are interested in having a drawing made by me or if you have any questions about commissions, you can write to me at my email address:

1 year ago
This One Might Be A New Low Tumblr. I Updated The Links In The Bottom Corner Of These Posts This Morning
This One Might Be A New Low Tumblr. I Updated The Links In The Bottom Corner Of These Posts This Morning

This one might be a new low Tumblr. I updated the links in the bottom corner of these posts this morning and they got flagged.

These posts have been up for nearly 3 combined years with almost 100 likes between them. They should be unflagged immediately if Tumblr has any respect for its own terms of service. I'm so sick and tired of Tumblr’s constant harrassment 🤬🤬🤬

1 year ago
Crayon Doodle Coms: OPEN

Crayon Doodle Coms: OPEN

Crayon Doodle Coms are OPEN! Gonna try and get a bunch done <3 Form link:

1 year ago
babydallas - just a place for a baby to be a baby and have fun
1 year ago



Well, they got me. Patreon disabled my account today.

I kinda figured this day was going to come, even if I hoped it wouldn't.

Look, at the end of the day, I want to keep writing stories and I want people to read them. So, we're just going to move forward, and start over again.

I've decided to move the Quietly Humiliated Story Empire to Ream Stories - a place where many other ABDL writers seem to have already relocated to. I'd like to get my content on other platforms too (I have my eye on SubscribeStar), but this feels like a good starting point.

I have years of stories to upload to Ream, and it's going to take a while - but it's something I'm dedicated to accomplishing as quickly as possible. Already, I've uploaded the last two months of exclusive stories for Tier 2 and Tier 3 readers, and next on the list is getting Doing Business uploaded (along with more recent chapters that haven't been posted publicly yet). Then, in the coming days/weeks, I'll be uploading everything else.

I'm sharing the link to my new account with you now, but I'll leave it up to you if you want to jump in and join the party or if you want to wait until more stuff has been uploaded. I'll be providing periodic updates here, too, so you'll know when all the old stuff is available too.

It'd help me a whole bunch if you helped spread the word!

A membership platform built by authors for authors.
1 year ago
Just A Cute Little Boy With His Favorite Stuffy

Just a cute little boy with his favorite stuffy

Tags :
1 year ago


Tags :
1 year ago
I'm Lilith A Professional Artist Who Loves To Creates ABDL Games.

I'm Lilith a professional artist who loves to creates ABDL games. 

As you probably know Patreon made a purge of ABDL content and also ABDL games. It's totally stop my possiblity to take time to create games.

If you want to help me continue creating ABDL games, if you have already support my games, please considering support my work here :

Lilith fetish Games on
Subscribe to Lilith fetish Games for more updates and exclusive content.

You will gain acces to update in advance, paticpate to next update content, Dedicated Discord and more!!

1 year ago

The CrissieBaby SubscribeStar is Here!

The CrissieBaby SubscribeStar Is Here!

Hello once more, dear readers. Your favorite (fictional) diaper company CEO, Master, is here to inform you that the CrissBaby Diaper Company is back up and running on our brand-new home, SubscribeStar. And with the abrupt end to our Patreon account, we need your help to power Crissie and Codi's pocket dimension nursery now more than ever.

We have over THREE HUNDRED exclusive chapters, short stories, and art pieces already available. Submit to a diaper company you can trust at

- Master

💜 Artwork By CodiBaby 💜

SubscribeStar: pixivFANBOX: All CB Links:


Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BeelzeDerBock BlossomBitchDolly BlushyBen Exminister Gun1242 LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor

1 year ago
Hello ^^As You Probably Know Patreon Made A Purge Of ABDL Content Without Warning Us. It Cut 90% Or My

Hello ^^ As you probably know Patreon made a purge of ABDL content without warning us. It cut 90% or my revenue and put me and my family in an extreme situation.

To survive I'm moving to to

If you want me to continue drawing please consider support my work, right here right now!

You will find content in advance, caption comics, animation, paricipate with polls, exclusive contents and more.

I know that I want to continue and improve and it's has always because of your AMAZING SUPPORT!!

Hope to seee you on subscribestar.

1 year ago
My Subscribestar Is Now LIVE!

My Subscribestar is now LIVE!

I am now over on Subscribestar! I will continue to create the best content to my ability. I appreciate everyone's support and patience <3 I'm happy that my content now has a new home ;D You may become a supporter under any of my paid tiers. I got rid of my old $1 tier and I'll be opening a "FREE TIER" also known as the follower tier named Star tier where you can follow me over on Subscribestar and have access to an image gallery! The Star Tier will be opening sometime very soon- I hope you look forward to more good ;) With more artwork to be posted and shared on my socials as always!

1 year ago

The Alien Zoo (Patreon Preview)

NSFW 18+ Only

Contains ABDL Content

"I know it's a lot to take in, commander, but we'll have to explain later," Greta informed. "The first tour group of the day is coming in and you need to have your diaper changed."

Greta had really undercut Ellen's internal monologue about being a strong leader with that comment about diaper changes. But, Ellen looked down to confirm that Greta was horribly, regrettably corrected. Her diaper began to swell and turn a dark shade of yellow as Ellen realized she had let her bladder go amongst all the surprises. So much for leading her crew through the mission, Ellen cried internally. Were they going to follow her as she waddled in her soaked diaper.

Ellen tried not to watch as Great untaped her wet diaper and slid it out from under her, leaving her naked on the floor. Unfortunately, while trying to look away, she was forced to look up at the aliens through the glass. Some took pictures, some pointed, and others made comments in a gibberish language of clicks and beeps that were assumedly about her strange, foreign anatomy. Ellen wiped tears away again as she watched one of the aliens walk up with a microphone and speak into it. The gibberish played through speakers in the room, which was followed by an English translation.

"Folks, you are very lucky to see the very first diaper change of our new residents here in the human exhibit," the alien guide exclaimed. "From our research, these baby humans are approximately thirty Earth years old, or seven years old here on <untranslatable>. I'm sure you're asking yourself, isn't that a long time for a species to remain infants? And, it is! Much longer than any other alien species we've discovered. But, it's clear by their long term use of diapers, that humans don't potty train until forty to forty-five Earth years - almost half of their lifespans!"

Ellen's head began to spin again, each word spoken over the speaker echoing inside her head like a curse. It was their space diapers! It had these aliens convinced that they were babies who weren't even toilet trained, which Ellen had just confirmed by weeing herself in fear. They were stuck in some kind of alien enclosure where they'd be treated like babies as an audience of gawking aliens watched enraptured as they filled their diapers!

The train's still rolling over on Patreon! We won't stop the party until they kick us out! Please consider supporting me over there to read the rest of this story, but also support all ABDL writers and artists especially those affected by Patreon's fucking stupid changes!

1 year ago
(20Things To Say To Your Diaper Wearing Little!)

(20Things to say to your diaper wearing little!)

1. I'm glad you're home from work sweetie, why don't you tell me about your day while I put you in your diapers.

2. Come over here little one, I thought I smelled something stinky and I need to check if it was your diaper!

3. Is your diaper squishy baby? It looks like you've already had an accident.

4. Behave baby, there's only 2 ways that diaper is coming off: when mommy/daddy needs to change you, and when they need to spank you.

5. Let me check your diaper honey, I need to make sure I put enough powder on you so you don't get a rash today.

6. I think this store has a family restroom, let's go inside and do a quick diaper check to see if you're going to leak prince/princess.

7. You can't sit on the couch baby, sit on daddy/mommy's lap. Your diaper has more than enough padding to keep you comfy.

8. I hope your hungry baby, because you're not getting out of that diaper until you make stinkies for me.

9. Bend over baby, I need to check the leg cuffs of your diaper, otherwise you're going to leak with how much pee pee you make!

10. I think you're just too little for pull-ups baby, let's try again later. For now, let mommy/daddy put your diaper on and we can forget about the potty for a while.

11. Uh-oh, I think I smell poopies! Did you make a messy in your diapies baby?

12. Up on the changing table little one, you know the rules, it's either a padded bum or a paddled bum in this house.

13. Now that's a thick diaper you've got on baby! I guess you're just going to have to crawl around the house now.

14. Do you want daddy/mommy to hold you while you make a pushie baby? It's okay, mommy/daddy will help you get comfortable.

15. Of course you need to wear a diaper to the park baby, a little one like you isn't going to want to stop playing to go to the bathroom!

16. Let's practice counting by seeing how many diapers we have left before we buy you new ones baby, I think we're running low!

17. Well, I could put a plug in your bottom if you aren't going to go poopoo, it's your choice baby.

18. You're waddling again prince/princess, mommy/daddy knows that means your diaper is full.

Come over and let me check.

19. I'm putting a booster in your diaper baby, and don't fuss over it, you know you can't control yourself on long car rides.

20. Sit next to me baby, that way I can check your diaper under the table during dinner.

1 year ago

Patreon Issues – PaddedLittleParadise Update

Below is an update I just shared over on Patreon. I'm reposting it here for everyone's info:


Hi everyone,

As many of you are likely already aware, over the last two days a drama has unfolded here on Patreon and in social media. A huge swathe of 18+ AB/DL, babyfur, and other kink artists who feature ageplay in their content were unceremoniously banned for what Patreon apparently believes is the "sexualization of children and teenagers."

I'm not here to go into the alarming nature of Patreon's action or to debunk this illogical stance on a clearly adult, consensual kink; I think it speaks for itself. What I will say is that I'm not sure (1) why the PaddedLittleParadise Patreon wasn't shut down as well, and (2) I have no idea if or when it will be. Maybe we'll be here for years to come. Maybe we'll be axed tomorrow. No one knows at this point, so I want to communicate to you all what I see as next steps.

Firstly, I completely understand if some of you want to leave. You may have been subscribed to multiple kink creators on Patreon, and with so many disappearing, you might feel that you have little reason to remain on the site. Furthermore, you might feel icky giving any money, no matter how small a percentage, to the company that has actively harmed and discriminated against our community. I GET THAT. So while I don't necessarily look forward to seeing people cancelling their memberships with me, I can certainly sympathize. You do what you think is best for you.

Secondly, I am actively working to set up an alternate membership page over on Ream Stories, a site (and app) for erotica writers which has been vetted by prominent folks (PeculiarChangeling, for one) and which has explicitly promised not to take issue with this kind of 18+ content. It's going to take awhile; heck, I have more than 400 individual story posts and chapters on here, believe it or not, and there's no easy way to transfer all that material to a new site. That said, I think it will be worth it. I will plan to keep the tier pricing and benefits the same as here on Patreon; only the website will change.

Finally, at this point I honestly can't say whether this Patreon site will ever be shut down. Ideally I'd like to shift over 100% to the new site and wind this down, but that will depend on how things proceed and how many people want to try a non-Patreon platform. I'll be in touch with you all if and when further changes occur.

I'm very sorry for all of the disruption that Patreon's actions may cause. I do want to assure you all that I'm committed to continuing to create fiction for our community, no matter what site it might have to be hosted on. Thank you all most sincerely for your support now and over these past years. I look forward to continuing to do my best for you all!

Wishing you all the best,


1 year ago

Banned From Patreon, New Places to Sub

Heyyo! So as some of you may know, our patreon has been removed, along with a large number of ABDL community members. Fear not tho! I've already set up a Pixiv Fanbox and SubscribeStar for anyone who'd like to support Codi and my content to join. We'll be transferring all content throughout the next few days 💕💜 SubscribeStar - (pending approval) Pixiv Fanbox -

1 year ago