🌿 Banesberry Anomoly System 🫐 ☆ It/He/They + Neos Collectively ☆ •° Bodily 18 °• 「Aspiring SCP and WL writer」 ♡ Partner system: @vinefilledarchways ; QPR System: @stellyfins ♡ ¤ Discoursers stay off our blog we dont need the stress ¤ ▪︎ Proship+TransID+Anti Endos DNI ▪︎
1638 posts
Hey How Are You All Doing? I Was Concerned For You Guys So Me And Sammy Sent Some Asks(feel Free To Delete
hey how are you all doing? i was concerned for you guys so me and sammy sent some asks(feel free to delete them lol. it was just us checking up on you)
glad you guys are back!
- mason
Heya! It's good to see yall again! We forgot our password here and school blocks were weird but we got around them lmao
And then our phone broke, twice and we couldn't access SImplyPLural for a bit
And then we realized a few days ago we can download SimplyPLural on our chromebook so yayyyy!
Might finally make a Headmate thing to pin on here, will take a while tho
More Posts from Banesberry-anomoly
and uh idk what to do for a sideblog name lol. maybe something like "names for the systems"? or just "system name help"? something simple and to the point so the blog can be found easily, for sure.
- mason
Definitely. I& kinda want to also set it up so if people think of names that other people could use, then they could submit posts like that aswell.
We'll ponder on the name for a bit, then dm you (you can dm us first cause we dont remember your blog name hdhjdhdh) about it a bit more in detail.
yeah school blocks are weird lol, glad you could get pass them
class starts for me in a few minutes btw, so i'll probably send more asks later(or maybe i can dm you now instead?)
and another one of our alters wants to say hi
- mason
hi!!!! i'm mikey :3 nice to meet you!!!!! :D
Yea, school blocks *suck*
We found a proxy site that a friend of a friend set up and used that, we haven't told anyone else the url though cause we're afraid school will catch on and block it or it'll crash, or both. So as far as we know, its just us, our friend, and the friends friend using it lmao
Also, hi Mikey!
People with complicated identities are not the reason people with simple identities are disrespected.
We're not sure if this counts, BUT It immediately made us think of everyone that has an in-system relationship, so here ya go, tagging time. @funnier-as-a-system

Franz Kafka, Letters to Felice
so advice. i would ask some of your mind people and see what a general consensus for a theme would be. themes would be like our cat theme, or maybe a name inspired by space. if you give me a theme, i can go look for some words for this first part
then it's the next part. most systems use "system", but there are other words to use.
collective, cluster, clutter, den, pack, team, group, family. you can look up terms for groups of animals to see if anything sticks.
maybe you could get creative too. want something water themed? S.S Gold, perhaps(because it sounds like the name of a boat)
you could also do a joke. nervous system for example, but there might be many who already use that.
and you could do something like the [noun/verb/whatever else]-ers.
- sammy (and maybe mason?)
So, we were going through Simply Plural and trying to update some of our stuff, and we realized that most of us use food/drink emojis as proxies (as yall can probably see in one of our recent posts). So maybe a food/drink/chef-related thing would work? And I kinda want it to have alliteration and be unique. Demo jokingly suggested 'Chaotic Kitchen Crew' which we have added to the beginning of a list of possible system names. We all also really like seafood for some reason. - ☕