Cupids Blind
Cupid’s Blind
Words: 7349
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Angel!Au
Summary: One - lovers are tied by red strings. Two - you hate love. Three - a certain angel literally cannot say ‘no’ to ‘please’.
Notes: Gif

“I wonder what love feels like…”
You whip your head around, stopping in the middle of the crosswalk as the rest of the crowd pulls past you. The surroundings haze as if the world is being tugged away until everything is but a picture from a distance and you are in darkness. You swear you’ve heard a voice, a warm breath tickling your ear but no one’s there. Except, you catch a moving shadow on the road and in your peripheral vision; sterling pink.
The crosswalk ticks once….twice….three times then flickers to red. The stop light flashes green and absent-minded drivers push down on the pedal, accelerating forward. And you don’t notice, standing right in front of them as a mesmerized statue.
“M O V E !” Someone shouts but you don’t react fast enough, it doesn’t register fast enough. It’s as if sound passes right past through you and it never reaches your ears. It’s as if every second is being pulled down to last days and evenings, as if millenniums have passed and you’re still in the same place.
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More Posts from Bangtan-bey

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This is giggling bangtan, reblog it for good luck and eternal happiness, don’t risk it.
bts 8th member who is feeling a bit moody, distant, not eating, not being their cheery selves, etc and the boys find out and try to cheer them up/talk to them? so like angst but fluffy
They felt like they had tried everything, but they were still just as far from figuring out why you were so sad and distant. You weren’t eating, and you seemed to be avoiding them making them worry.
Yoongi sighed running a hand through his hair as the thought about it. Jimin had tried dancing with you to distract you, Taehyung had tried watching your favorite cartoon with you, Hoseok had tried to talk about anything .. Maybe that was where they were going wrong, he thought.
He walked into your room, not bothering to knock, knowing you had been taking a nap. “Alright, Y/N, what’s wrong?”
You sat up, eyes narrowing. “Yoongi, get-” He cut you off by moving to sit next to you on the bed. “Uh-uh, I’m not the others okay. They’ve been trying all day to get you to relax and take whatever is wrong off your mind but that’s obviously not working, so now you get to tell me what’s wrong.”
You stared at him in silence for a moment, and he narrowed his eyes at you. If it were anyone else, you would have been upset with the way Yoongi just barged into your room, but this was him.. and for some reason knowing that he cared enough to crash into your room and demand to know what was wrong so bluntly was enough to have you finally crying out everything.
He leaned forward to pulling you into his arms. “That’s it,” he mumbled. “Let it out, you’re alright.” You had just wanted someone to comfort you, and he would always be there to do that for you.
Story Talk: Petals

This is a story talk for my most recent fic, Petals! Hope you enjoyed! :) PLEASE read the italicized parts! These are real meaty parts of my story talk.
Ok, wow. Sorry to everyone who read that story…
So when I sat down and wrote this fic, I think it took me about…3 hours? And I initially started it with Yoongi as Hoseok’s part months ago but I decided to scrap that and change it to Hoseok because I felt that his happy image would fit better with the angst and the sad undertones.
And damn did it get angsty.
Usually, when I write these short ones (it was intended to be a 1-2k) I don’t storyboard at all and just let my writing go and I don’t stop until I’m finished. That’s sort of how I crank out these drabble game oneshots. No planning, no stopping. But somewhere along the way, I realized there was so, so much more I could do with this au and I just kept writing and writing.
When I read other hanahaki disease aus, they were so angsty. And I loved it. This au is seriously strictly designed for the genre of angst, obviously, with the undertones of unrequited love and literally life-threatening diseases as the main part of the catch. But as an angst loving bitch, I read that and thought, hm what are some other ways to put this au?
And so obviously I wrote an au in which the surgery doesn’t work haha.
Basically, Y/N loves Hoseok, Hoseok liked her a bit too but ended up falling in love with Jiyeon, hence the five years of Y/N’s petals (and those four years in the beginning weren’t without petals because it was “just a small crush.”
Because petals are supposed to be for unrequited/unreturned love. Everyone told Y/N that the first four years were because it wasn’t love yet, but actually, it was love. Just not unrequited. Meaning, Hoseok did actually love Y/N for the first 4 years, which saved her from throwing up those petals until later when he gets with Jiyeon instead. Does that make sense?)
But when he realizes Y/N actually loved him for nine years, his love for Jiyeon is too shaky and his love shifts, which explains why Jiyeon throws up. At this point, let me point out that Y/N’s no longer throwing up because her love is now requited, so she is now really healed of the disease. But not in the way that she planned.
And then the story ends with Jeongguk realizing that he’s been in love with Y/N for a while too, and he coughs up his first petal, rendering him as the second person to have the surgery go wrong.
It’s a MESS I know, but that’s what love is like, isn’t it? It’s a mess because if Hoseok and Y/N had just gotten together in the first four years, in that long span, then y/n would’ve never had the disease in the first place, then Hoseok would’ve never had strung Jiyeon along, and Jeongguk would have never fallen in love with Y/N.
Or would they? Would fate still have somehow led Jiyeon and Jeongguk to throw up petals anyway as they watched Hoseok and Y/N fall in love? Would Jiyeon still have loved Hoseok, since they were in the same dance group anyways? Would Jeongguk not have gotten the surgery for the first girl he fell in love with because his heart had already moved onto Y/N by the time he would’ve realized his love was forever unrequited by a girl who died in an accident?
Those are questions to really get you thinking >:)
Use of lotus flower: Love is unpredictably, undeniably messy, but it’s exactly like the lotus flower. Innocent, pure, and dedicated. Apparently the pure white lotus is an extremely rare flower and symbolizes just those qualities so I chose it as the motif of the story. But sometimes, it can be cruelly innocent, stubbornly pure amongst the mess that it creates, and dedicated even when the bearer doesn’t want it to be anymore.
Also, I’d like to explain my petal choice for Jiyeon. The Hanahaki disease au also fails to specify how deep a love has to be in order to work. As we can tell, Hoseok’s love for Jiyeon was deep, but shaky enough to be switched to Y/N in a matter of minutes. We can’t deny he loved Jiyeon, but what separates his “love” for Y/N (in which he tells her he really loves her as a friend) from his love for Jiyeon? The problem with the whole unrequited love part of the au is that it never specifies whether it could be love love, like love for a significant other, or friendship love. So I made sure to reiterate that what separated Jiyeon and Y/N was the love for a s/o and a friend. But when it shifts, Jiyeon barfs rose petals, which is a symbol of love, but an overused and sometimes cheap version of it. It’s lost its meaning because of all the overuse and so, when Hoseok’s love for Jiyeon is revealed to be shaky and not at all dedicated as we thought it would be, Jiyeon barfs red roses.
Just sayin.
Also, the blood on Y/N’s finger that gets on one of the white petals foreshadows how Jiyeon’s rose petals spill over her white dress “like blood.” ;) But I guess, to wrap this story and this story talk up, the moral(?) of the story is that love is so so fickle and messy and isn’t always beautiful flowers and butterflies and weddings. Sometimes its horrible, and stupid, and uncontrollable, and extremely fragile. Like petals.
Finally, I didn’t include this in the beginning but I’ve gotten quite a few questions about Jungkook’s blue color choice!
Blue is obviously a color that represents sadness and melancholy, giving a solemn vibe to anything it graces. Also in flowers and nature particularly, blue pigmentation is extremely rare! So combined, the blue color really reflects the rarity of the entire morale of the story: y/n and Jungkook are both anomalies (abnormalities) in the medical sense; 99% of hanahaki surgeries are supposed to reverse the effects of the disease and keep them dormant forever. However, just as the blurb asks, what about the 1%? And how much more rare that the two people inside the 1% happened to be involved with eachother in this incredibly twisted, sad reality??? that’s why I chose blue :)
Hope you enjoyed!
I really appreciate everyone who reads the story talks. If you’ve read, you can really see exactly what I wanted to portray with my stories, and since we’re not in AP english anymore and trying to decode everything we read, I’ll gladly do it for you here in the story talks! :)
Good night!