banzaitaka - fanfiction, drawings & shitposts
fanfiction, drawings & shitposts

adult-he/him Commision me!

314 posts

Im Currently In The Midst Of Creating A What In "Hell" Is Bad? Amino!

I’m currently in the midst of creating a What in "Hell" is bad? amino!

What In “Hell“ Is Bad? Amino
What In “Hell“ Is Bad? |
A place where you can experience hell with your fellow descendants.

Feel free to join in on the fun✨I’d be happy to have you

  • thedum1
    thedum1 liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Banzaitaka

1 year ago

-do u take multiple requests, or just one?

One request and one fandom per ask!

If you have multiple requests, you can send them in individual asks.

1 year ago



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1 year ago

Hiiii!! I was wondering if you could make some Mystic Messenger x Reader headcanons were the s/o usses age regression/little space as a copping mecanism. I would like the characters to be Jumin Han and 707, if that's ok with you. Also, male pronouns for reader.

The situation could be, like, how would they react to that and all... Please!

Sorry if I didn't explain myself properly, English is not my first language and the translator is trash...

Love your headcanons, btw! <3


Sorry, I have absolutely no knowledge on this topic, so I'm unfit to write anything about it

1 year ago
I Said It Before, I'll Say It Again...

I said it before, I'll say it again...

I'm one lucky bitch

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1 year ago

I made something

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