batshitcrazee - overwhelming sense of dread™
overwhelming sense of dread™

☾ salem or bat(ty) ✦ they/it ✦ queer ✦ 19 ☽your local cryptid but i’m working with like two braincells“#batshitcrazee rewrite” for posts relating to my Voltron Rewrite fic

31 posts

Batshitcrazee - Overwhelming Sense Of Dread - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
5 months ago

We don’t talk enough about how fanfiction writers love to give character large amounts of non-specific paperwork they hate doing

6 months ago

going to SIT DOWN in front of my computer and get some writing done ill let you guys know

Going To SIT DOWN In Front Of My Computer And Get Some Writing Done Ill Let You Guys Know
6 months ago

well, you see, the thing is: (instead of finishing my sentence i curl up comfortably in bed and go to sleep

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6 months ago

keith and pidge should’ve known each other already. they should’ve been besties. shiro knew matt and sam before the trip to kerberos, there’s no way he and adam and keith didn’t have semi-awkward dinners with the holts. i just know it to be true in my heart.

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6 months ago

Lil’ Keith & Hugs

So we can all pretty much agree that after Keith’s dad died, he became very touch-starved.

After he was admitted to the system not a lot of people hugged him. He remembers a social worker hugging him when meeting him in a hospital after a fight; he remembers a teacher loosely wrapping her arms around him when she sees his black eye; he remembers a girl in 2nd grade hugging him because her mom told her to “hug the disheveled boy who’s parents didn’t come to parent day.”

None of them were genuine in their hugs.

More and more he missed his dad’s hugs. His dad’s big, strong arms hugging him so tight — almost to the point where he couldn’t breathe, but close. In a big scary world, it was the one place Keith felt safe. Felt happy. Felt secure.

That feeling was lost for years.

Until he meets Shiro.

The first time Shiro hugs him is about a month after he starts living with him and Adam. Shiro’s gentle at first, but instantly Keith is reminded of his dad and he hugs Shiro back as tight as he possibly can.

Because in the same ways, Shiro is big. His arms are big and strong and he squeezes tightly — not too tightly that he can’t breathe — but enough that he feels secure. Shiro’s warm in the same way his dad was. And when Keith is held in his arms, he’s happy.

He’s safe.

He’s secure.

He’s at home, once more.

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6 months ago
Voltron Edit/redraw! It Is A Tiny Bit Of A Redesign Too, I Changed His Gun To Like A Lot More Snipery
Voltron Edit/redraw! It Is A Tiny Bit Of A Redesign Too, I Changed His Gun To Like A Lot More Snipery

Voltron edit/redraw! It is a tiny bit of a redesign too, I changed his gun to like a lot more snipery and changed his hair a bit. As well as this I like the headcanon that Lance wears earrings so he has those too!! One earring is a starfish the other is a seashell :} This is mostly for my partner who’s starting a full Voltron rewrite. You should check them out they are @batshitcrazee

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6 months ago

planning a rewrite comes with rewatching the show yet again… despite how many times i’ve seen the first episode alone (planning to rewatch it then giving up), i still forgot how cheesy this shit is.

why are there so many corny one liners

the dialogue is so bad. why is it so bad.

please it cannot be this hard to come up with decent dialogue for the first episode

it’s so bad

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6 months ago

Okay I’m going to speak what may be blasphemy but it must be said.

I don’t care for Keith’s dad. Perhaps having a dangerous job and then proceeding to ignore safety regulations for said dangerous job while having a young son at home wasn’t the best idea. Like… why tf would you risk your life that much when you have a small child (Keith looks like he can’t be older than 10 in the flashback we get of him at his father’s grave) who is half alien at home???? Especially when said kid has no idea he’s half alien. What exactly was the plan if Keith ever started manifesting physical galra traits with no idea what was happening or how to hide it???

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6 months ago

i have this headcanon thing going on that baring your teeth and/or hissing or growling is like the mega offense in Galra culture. it’s like blatantly giving someone the middle finger but worse?? it’s the definition of disrespectful and it likely will start a fight if you bare your fangs to the wrong Galra.

Keith is much like Krolia in the way that they both simply just… do it. they don’t realize they do it sometimes, but they will bare their fangs at any minor inconvenience or irritation.

it doesn’t affect most of the team Voltron, but Allura and Coran know enough to at least raise an eyebrow at this. they can tell that they both don’t realize they’re doing it. keith especially.

lance finds it endearing, in a way. he’s like an angry kitty cat.

pidge said something similar to keith once so he attempted to smother them with a pillow

shiro probably gently scolds keith about it when he learns the connotations. his little brother is being rude stop it, that’s not allowed

The idea of Keith baring his fangs (which he definitely has) while hissing at someone like a cat lives in my head rent free.

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6 months ago
6 months ago

Hunk and Lance were all but eleven years old when they met one another. Their first year as middle schoolers, and they both couldn’t be more terrified, for their own reasons.

Lance had grown up in such a large family that all he really wanted was to be seen and heard. He never blamed his parents, of course; it was easy to lose one kid to the crowd if he didn’t make himself known. Middle school would be different; he’d make friends, people would know his face and his name, he’d mean something to someone.

Hunk was someplace new, someplace terrifying. After the accident that had taken his parents’ lives, his brother had taken to raising him. His brother was attending University now, they had to move to be closer to it. The places, the people were all unfamiliar to him. Not only that, but this was a new school. A middle school, which he’d never experienced before.

Lance wasn’t sure what exactly it was about this kid— this shy, clearly uncertain boy— but he was drawn to him. Their bond was near instantaneous. Lance was charismatic (in that awkward preteen sort of way), he was playful and eccentric, and he just wanted a friend. Hunk was the perfect man for the job; he was kind, and gentle, he was a warm hug and fresh baked cookies after a long day personified. Lance had been the first kid to treat him kindly after such a big change, such a big move.

They were an unstoppable pair, the best of friends. Where one went, the other typically followed.

Lance had always dreamt of being a pilot, a fighter pilot, which meant he’d always dreamt of attending the Garrison.

He hadn’t expected Hunk to follow this time; he knew his buddy had no desire to fly, to pilot. He’d always had a hobby of cooking or baking, he liked to build and tinker, but piloting was never on his list of desires or hobbies.

But Hunk felt like he had such a high bar to reach, such big shoes he feared he couldn’t fill. His brother had both raised him and completed university at the same time. He was successful, he was smart, he was kind. He was superhuman, in Hunk’s eyes. He had to do something that could live up to his expectations.

When Lance told him he had submitted his application to the Garrison, the idea came to him. He would follow Lance. He would be a pilot engineer. They could stick together, as buddies always did. It wasn’t his passion, sure, but it would make his brother proud.

It was there that they met their teammate for the simulators: Pidge. This guy was feisty, intelligent (sometimes a bit too much for Lance to follow, but they made do), but most of all, cared way too much, even if they strived not to show it.

Pidge fit into their trio with ease; their presence was natural, like they’d always belonged in their group. They bickered with Lance like siblings, they raved about tech with Hunk. They were secretive, but not in the way that tore their friend group apart. Hunk and Lance could see their hurt that Pidge thought they were hiding so well, and they knew better than to pry.

The three of them were inseparable. It makes sense that the three of them wound up in space together, on the same team once again, doesn’t it?

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6 months ago

hear me out;

not an original idea by any means, but a good voltron rewrite fic.

take the time to craft every episode into a chapter, make it all make sense in the way the writers didn’t.

give the characters room to grow, room to learn, room to be unique. give them more explicit, thought out, unique bonds between their teammates. make it juicier, angstier. just make it everything voltron could have been and wasn’t.

actually dive into the fact that keith was half galra and we totally should’ve seen it in him physically

or change the fact that his mom was… very human looking despite being entirely an alien herself

touch on the fact that pidge was all of like fifteen when they were forced into a space war

give hunk and allura and coran the personalities and storyline they deserve

can’t say i’ve taken the time to write in many years, but i’d return to writing for that.

should i?

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11 months ago
Did A Bunch Of Voltron Frame Redraws Recently !! Its Lots Of Fun Seeing How A Media I Love Looks In The
Did A Bunch Of Voltron Frame Redraws Recently !! Its Lots Of Fun Seeing How A Media I Love Looks In The
Did A Bunch Of Voltron Frame Redraws Recently !! Its Lots Of Fun Seeing How A Media I Love Looks In The
Did A Bunch Of Voltron Frame Redraws Recently !! Its Lots Of Fun Seeing How A Media I Love Looks In The
Did A Bunch Of Voltron Frame Redraws Recently !! Its Lots Of Fun Seeing How A Media I Love Looks In The

did a bunch of voltron frame redraws recently !! it’s lots of fun seeing how a media i love looks in the original style vs my own style !

(it’s especially fun considering the first drawing (the 5 panel one) is something i’ve been redrawing since 2016, so i get to see my progress over the years)

11 months ago
Jealousy, Jealousy
Jealousy, Jealousy

jealousy, jealousy

1 year ago

its RUNAWAYSTUCK TIME feat. roxy

1 year ago
Bhfs (best Hunters Forever)
Bhfs (best Hunters Forever)
Bhfs (best Hunters Forever)

bhfs (best hunters forever)

1 year ago
Hes Right
Hes Right
Hes Right
Hes Right
Hes Right
Hes Right

he’s right

5 years ago

Gen z culture is being unsure if your parents are borderline abusive or just shitty

5 years ago
Dave Strider Rabies Pride Icons :}
Dave Strider Rabies Pride Icons :}
Dave Strider Rabies Pride Icons :}
Dave Strider Rabies Pride Icons :}
Dave Strider Rabies Pride Icons :}
Dave Strider Rabies Pride Icons :}

Dave Strider rabies pride icons :}

[Don’t use if you are or support people in my dni please]