Lance - Tumblr Posts
Prince Silverwing: All right, nopony panic.
Sunlit Honey: Not panic?
Can you make your horn spin like a drill?
Azure-Blue: My horn?
Azure-Blue: Nah.

Azure-Blue: But you know what I ~CAN~ spin like a dri-
Prince Silverwing: Azure-!
Princess Allura: Hold on, this Castle has a particle barrier we can activate.

Azure-Blue: Girl, you’ve already activated my par—

Sunlit Honey: Azure...
Prince Silverwing: —Azure!
Okay but what pony is the tallest pony.
Coran: I have helpfully categorized them for you! Though it may be noted that numbers 3 and 4 have only a negligible difference.

Prince Silverwing: No, no panicking Sunlit.
Coran: The difference between 1 and 5 is incredible, though. I am glad that we insisted on them venturing out together.
Azure-Blue: I say we pop through a Wormhole and live to fight another day.

Sunlit Honey: I second that. Yes. I mean, we tried to find all the Lions, right? We gave it the old college try. Couldn't do it.

Sunlit Honey: It’s a shame, but we can't form Voltron. Not with just three. I guess we could form a... snake?

Sunlit Honey: Or a worm! To go through that hole, Azure, that you were talking about.

Azure-Blue: Then, it's settled. Princess Allura, you ride with me. One of you take the old guy.
Azure-Blue: Here’s an option:

Azure-Blue: How about you Shut Your Quiznack.
Luxfite: Well I Don’t Think You’re Using That Word Correctly.

Azure-Blue: Now Why would I listen to a Scruffy-Looking Dropout‽

Luxfite: And WHY should we listen to the BLANK FLANK‽
Prince Silverwing: [CV] Enough.

Prince Silverwing: Whatever the Princess chooses, we shall follow.

Prince Silverwing: Which INCLUDES being “Ambassadors of Harmony”

Prince Silverwing: I understand that we are a new team; there are kinks to iron out, yes.
Prince Silverwing: But we do not devolve into playground insults and name calling. Am I Understood?

Azure-Blue & Luxfite: Yessir.
Guys, quit horsing around!

Princess Allura: He’s taken over the Universe, Father. Destroyed Altea!
Princess Allura: Do we run? Keep running? You thought it best before-

King Alfor: No.
King Alfor: Then, I thought that we could still reason with him. Reach a Diplomatic Solution. I see the err in that now. I am so, so sorry my sweet child, that I must leave this task to you...

Princess Allura: Paladins.

Princess Allura: We Fight.
Azure-Blue: How’s that?
Luxfite: It’s the size of Sunlit Honey...

Azure-Blue: You’re right...

Azure-Blue: Make it bigger.
Princess Allura: We must fight and keep fighting until we defeat Zarkon. It is our destiny. Voltron is the universe's only hope. We are the universe's only hope.
Prince Silverwing: We’re with you, Princess.

Princess Allura: Paladins...

Princess Allura: Your Armor.

Prince Silverwing: Er... Princess...
Prince Silverwing: Not to be rude... but...

Prince Silverwing: I’m not sure these will work...
Coran: [Aside] The Prince apologizes for the outburst, but even so...
Coran: [Aside] Not to be rude, Princess

Coran: [Aside] They aren’t exactly the Best & Brightest that the Universe has to offer.

Coran: [Aside] They haven’t even got thumbs.
Princess Allura: [Aside] I know, Coran.

Princess Allura: [Aside] But this war has gone on too long; far, far too long, and cost far, far too much. The Universe can no longer afford delay. We must have faith...
Princess Allura: [Aside] They’re all we have.
Allura: Now, the Traditional Weapon of the Paladin: The Bayard.

Allura: It takes a Distinct Shape for each Paladin.
Allura: [ recalls the lack of thumbs 4 ticks too late ]

Pigeon Catcher: Ooh!

Luxfite: That Works.

Sunlit Honey: Uh-

Azure-Blue: Nice!

Azure-Blue: Aw, you got a tiny, foal-sized bayard!

Pigeon Catcher: Yeah, it IS pretty cute!

Allura: [Aside] Never mind, I guess.

O-M-G What’s better than a pic to celebrate the Vore day??? A drawing of our hungry space daddy to celebrate the Vore day!!!! (/O3O)/ Well, I will be honest, I did this today e_e But the first image was the funniest to draw jajaja Lance and Keith are really good friends to offer themselves as a meal for Shiro, and of course Shiro enjoys it a lot! >:3 Happy Vore Day to everyone!!!!
Don’t forget reblog, like and following me for more hungry and hot space daddys ¬w¬)r

Hey, so let's all agree on one thing. Season 8 of Voltron sucked and they did Lance dirty.
I watched the first episode at like 6 am and I wanted to throw my phone. I knew that this season wasnt going to be good at all.
My plan is to rewrite season 8, mabey by scene or I make it up and follow somewhat of what happened.
Season 7 was okay... it was all over the place and didnt make much sense to me. I need to rewatch my personal favorite episodes.
Klance would be made cannon but slow burn because what else would I do?
But like Lance had some pent up anger for Keith leaving. That needs to be sorted. When they lost the lions in space(that didnt make any sense), Lance yelled at Keith. Which needs to be solved.
Also they should have mabey a small scene where they have a team hug since Keith has almost died and Lance died.
I would mabey like to find a way for Adam to be alive. It was too sad plus queer baiting. If I wanted to make it so he didn't die, I'd have to go back and rewrite some if the most boring episodes in the show. Seeing what happened on Earth was so boring for me.
Okay so Lance will not be a farmer, Allura wont die and all that. Allura was never my favorite but her death was still sad.
So my idea for the first episode is that Lance asked out Allura, she frowns and says yes. Keith gets frustrated and goes to rant to Shiro only to see him grieving at the wall. The two stand their together as the comfort eachother. On the date, the dinner scene(barely watched it) is changed a bit. Then at the tree she asks why he asked her and hes like I like you. She says no. You dont, you've got some feelings to sort. They have a hug and he goes off to find Keith.
Like I know people want Altean Lance and sure it could be something cool to add but not through a kiss of goodbye, it didn't make any sense.
Then also Lance didnt look happy while he was in a relationship with Allura.
My idea for the end is that Allura doesnt die, Earth turns into space hub, Lance is happy and with Keith, with his family on the beach as they eat garlic knots. Shiro is happy and relaxing with Adam( who somehow survived. No really I need suggestions, please). Hunk and Shay make a famous restaurant. Holt helps run the hub. Coran and Allura are working towards making sure the world is safe. Keith still goes out to space for missions from the Blades but it mostly on Earth. Lance does stay at home but is surround by love and has a job?(what job would they have?)
I've already asked a few people and they've said:
* Change Allura's death
* Change Lance becoming a farmer
* Have a sibling dynamic with Lance and Allura
* Change Lance becoming Altean from a kiss
Anymore things to add? Also please help me.
(This would've had an edit but I've made it like 6 or 7 times and I want to scream and I'm not dealing with it right now.)