Being The Older Sibling Of Hat Kid Headcanons (A Hat In Time)
Being the Older Sibling of Hat Kid Headcanons (A Hat In Time)
Note: This is probably OOC
Being Hat Kid’s older sibling can be wild at times.
Like, you only slept for a few hours to learn that Hat Kid lost their soul by signing a contract.
And how the hell are they so calm about it?!
Why didn’t Hat Kid tell you about the missing timepieces? She was afraid that you would get mad at her.
You weren’t mad. It was out of her control. But you were mad when Hat Kid accidentally drove the cruise ship into the iceberg.
You decide to help her, despite the fact you want her to stay at the ship. She was too insistent to go with you.
You two were a pretty good team. Though you two get injured a lot. Her often mischievous nature is the cause of it
You often take care of the injuries and fix ripped up clothes. If thrip is big enough, you sew in patches of cats on Hat Kid’s clothes. Majority of them have tiny hats on.
Hat Kid sometimes wants you to stay with her when she takes naps. You weren’t too bothered by it.
When you fall asleep while sitting and your head resting against Hat Kid’s bed, she puts a blanket over you and carefully puts one of her many pillows under your head.
You are glad that you are her older Sibling.
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More Posts from Bayothemayo
~ Akira Kurusu with a Reckless S/O ~
He is really concern
He just saw you run into a group of shadows screaming in triumph.
When you run back after the group from the slaughter, you were covered in cuts, bruises and have fire on your back
The Shadows are not even fire type!
When he asked how you not yourself on fire, you just shrugged
Sometimes you get into fights, much to Akira’s dismay
One time you got into a fight with a person with a knife. You somehow won. Either way he still drag you away
He loves you, but tone down your reckless for him please
TW: Small Panic Attack
It’s almost time. You can feel fear taking over your body. You hesitantly stand up. You can feel eyes staring at it. Burning into your body. You quickly walk up into the front. The teacher is writing something down and they look up at you, “Go ahead.” You breathe heavily as you look down at your paper. You start to speak, you stutter and pause a lot. Suddenly you feel pain in your chest. Directly on top of your heart. It was small, but it was noticeable. You start to breathe more heavily, you shake more. You're almost done. Your presentation is almost over. The pain in your chest starts to hurt more. Your voice starts to shake. It feels like hours, but you finally finish. People clap, most likely they feel like they need to. You quickly sat down in your seat. “Thank you.” The teacher says and they finish writing down something.
Despite the presentation being over, the pain is still there.
hello! i’d like to request headcanons of minato arisato & a talkative reader who is more outgoing than him, and likes to take him to social events and talks a lot. gender neutral reader :>
~Minato Arisato with an Outgoing and Talkative S/O~
You guys are polar opposites of each other
When you heard that there is going to be another student coming to the dorms, you were excited. Another person to talk with!
You were the one who showed him his room and gave him a tour around the school. Majority of the walk, you talked and talked.
He mostly stayed quiet throughout your conversations. It is not unusual considering that is how he is with other people.
When he hangs out with you, you always take him to social places. If there is a social event going on near the dorms or schools, you always go there.
You always give Minato an option to go to these places or not, you don't want to burden him.
If he does agree to go with you to a social event, you are overjoyed.
You go to many different social events, so every time you hang out with Minato it is always something new.
One time you two went to an event where there are dancing and music. You are kinda bad at dancing. You don't mind. Minato begins to dance with you. You smile brightly as you two dance and have fun with you.
If he notices that you are strangely quiet, he will help you whatever you are going through
❗ Persona 3 Ending Spoilers Below❗
"I will tell stories about this adventure... and about you. No matter if people believe is its fake or real, I will keep sharing. Even if you die, you will keep living in my memories." You smooth Minato's messy hair as he lies on his bed. Sleeping...for a while now. You give him a kiss on his head.
Opposites truly does attract...
(Whumptober Day Six) PROOF OF LIFE
Part One | Part Two
Villain walking around the Supervillain’s lair. Hero has been missing for a few weeks. They shouldn’t care, but…their feelings say the opposite. They suspect that it was Supervillain doings, due to them fighting with Hero more often than usually. Villain walks down the stairs to see a single door in the hallway. The place was dusty and dirty. It hasn't been clean for years. They grab the door handle and turn it. With a small crack in the door, there was already a smell of iron invading their nose. Fear spread throughout their body as they wondered why iron is such a strong smell in this room. They open the door fully to see Hero on the floor, unconscious. Villain wants to run towards them, but it will cause a noise since the hallway can make an echo. They slowly approach Hero and kneel down. They put two fingers on the side of the neck. There is a pulse. They put their arms under Hero’s legs and head and lift them up. Hero groans and Villain stiffen. Hero breathes heavily as they open their eyes. They glance up to see Villain, “Villain…?” Their voices are hoarse from all the screaming. Villain smiles as they exit the chamber, “Let’s go somewhere safe.”
BayoTheMayo's Request Rules
(This will be updated)
I Don't Do:
Adult x child reader (Romantic)
Real Person x Reader
I Do:
Angst (Light to Heavy)
Description of Gore
Adult + Child (Platonic)
Head Cannons
One Shots
Multiple characters (Either separate in one post or poly)
Gay,Straight, Bisexual, Asexual, Aromatic, etc (Either the Reader, Character, or both)
I can do Non-Binary, Male, Trans, etc reader. However it might be harder to do some.