Whumptober2022 - Tumblr Posts
“T-This wasn’t supposed to happen…I promise!”
Kris looks at the player with skepticism. The player continues, “I-I was s-suppose to get a vessel o-of my own! Not your body!”
Kris scoffs as they leave the room, leaving the player alone. The player curls up into a ball, What am I going to do?
(Whumptober Day Two) Nowhere to Run
TW: Blood
Hero looks around to find an alleyway. None. A dead end. Pain in their leg pulse in their leg as the blood paints their skin and clothes. Footsteps echos around the area. Hero curls up as their legs shake. They can hear Supervillain approaching.
(Whumptober Day Three) HAIR'S BREADTH FROM DEATH
Spoilers for SMT IV: Apocalypse Bad Ending (Siding with Dagda
Mention of Blood
Character being Impaled (Not describe)
Major character death (The characters are not named but with context clues you will know who if you played/seen the game)
You breathe heavily as you are on your knees. Surrounding you are your friends. Dead. Bloody, burn, frozen , filled with holes… The friends you met on your adventure. You turn to the towering figure. A friend, at least what they used to be. Not after being a puppet to Dagda. You didn’t try to reason with him like how the others try to do.
You close your eyes as you brace yourself, “Go ahead Nanashi…Get it over with it.”
The only thing you felt is the pain of being impaled by his sword.
(Whumptober Day Four) DEAD ON YOUR FEET
Part One
Hero slowly opens their eyes, What happened…? They tried to lift up their head, but they felt like there were weights on top of their head. Hero feels a stinging pain in the leg. Despite the numbness in the leg, they felt a puddle around them. Hero has an idea of what the puddle is. They tried to move around, only to be stopped by chains hugging their skin. Hero already feels the bruising in their wrist and ankles. They feel sick. They want to vomit, but tape is covering their mouth.
They just want to go asleep and wake up in their own room.
(Whumptober Day Five) EVERY WHUMPEE NEEDS
TW: Swearing | Blood Lost
It's not descriptive + Very Short
“Well fucking shit.” He looks down to see a hole in their chest. Blood pools around their feet. He can feel light-headed.
“Damn, should’ve dodge that bro.”
(Whumptober Day Six) PROOF OF LIFE
Part One | Part Two
Villain walking around the Supervillain’s lair. Hero has been missing for a few weeks. They shouldn’t care, but…their feelings say the opposite. They suspect that it was Supervillain doings, due to them fighting with Hero more often than usually. Villain walks down the stairs to see a single door in the hallway. The place was dusty and dirty. It hasn't been clean for years. They grab the door handle and turn it. With a small crack in the door, there was already a smell of iron invading their nose. Fear spread throughout their body as they wondered why iron is such a strong smell in this room. They open the door fully to see Hero on the floor, unconscious. Villain wants to run towards them, but it will cause a noise since the hallway can make an echo. They slowly approach Hero and kneel down. They put two fingers on the side of the neck. There is a pulse. They put their arms under Hero’s legs and head and lift them up. Hero groans and Villain stiffen. Hero breathes heavily as they open their eyes. They glance up to see Villain, “Villain…?” Their voices are hoarse from all the screaming. Villain smiles as they exit the chamber, “Let’s go somewhere safe.”
TW: Small Panic Attack
It’s almost time. You can feel fear taking over your body. You hesitantly stand up. You can feel eyes staring at it. Burning into your body. You quickly walk up into the front. The teacher is writing something down and they look up at you, “Go ahead.” You breathe heavily as you look down at your paper. You start to speak, you stutter and pause a lot. Suddenly you feel pain in your chest. Directly on top of your heart. It was small, but it was noticeable. You start to breathe more heavily, you shake more. You're almost done. Your presentation is almost over. The pain in your chest starts to hurt more. Your voice starts to shake. It feels like hours, but you finally finish. People clap, most likely they feel like they need to. You quickly sat down in your seat. “Thank you.” The teacher says and they finish writing down something.
Despite the presentation being over, the pain is still there.
Dagda: What’s the fear? I’m going to revive you.
Whumptober 2022 (Not Completed)

A Little Out of The Ordinary: "This wasn't supposed to happen!" (Deltarune) (Kris x Reader?)
Nowhere to Run: Cornered (Hero x Villain)
Hair's Breadth From Death: Impaled (SMT IV:A x Reader)
Dead on Your Feet: Waking Up Disoriented (Hero x Villain)
Every Whumpee Needs: Blood Loss (Orginal Content)
Proof of Life: "I've got a pulse." (Hero x VIllain)
The Way You Shake And Shiver: Panic Attack (Orginal Content)
Everything Hurts and I am Dying: Back From the Dead (SMT IV:A)
Whumptober 2022 Day 4 || Waking Up Disorientated
Saw somthing like this on my dash and decided it might be fun to try out !
I'll try to do as many days as I can, but I'm pretty busy :]
Gn Reader || cw Body horror || Not proofread || tw yandere ||

Everything around you felt...floaty. Yet oddly heavy.
Heavy but floaty. All at once.
Were you awake? Or was this just a vivid dream you found yourself trapped in?
Thinking this, the air around you seemed to cup your face gently, its' warm touch enveloping your senses completely.
How had you not noticed how cold you were until now? The blank white expanse so frigid and lifeless.
The warm feeling dragged you away from your thoughts, away from reality.
Before slipping away, just as quickly as it came. The absence of it leaving you empty and confused.
You couldn't let that feeling go.
It was cold. So cold. Unbearably cold.
Like you had been covered in ice, your skin frozen over. Your warm blood, drained away...
You needed to find that warmth.
Before something irreversible happened.
That warning rang in your head, a desperate call to protect you from something unknown.
Grasping the ground, you tried lifting yourself up onto your feet, the panic gnawing at your insides, threatening to burst out of your skin.
Yet, you felt to heavy, so weak, like trying to swim through a pool made out of honey. Your limbs screaming out in defiance, your body, a traitor.
Struggling, you have no choice but to leave it behind. Slipping from your skin, shedding that useless shell, you feel the weight, that chilling pressure, disappear.
Its' strange, and you don't know exactly what happened just now, but maybe ...thats for the best.
Curiosity killed the cat, you know.
Completing your task, you frantically looked out into the distance, trying to find that sliver of warmth.
Through the fog that is your mind, you see the shadow, the warmth.
You sprint toward it, your form free from "human imperfections", no lungs suffocating you and forcing you to stop for a breath, no muscle to drag you down and tire you out.
You pay no heed to your surroundings, your focus entirely on the black shadow, the warmth, your only hope.
The white turning to grey and then to black.
The freezing temperature slowly heating up, and then becoming scalding hot.
It didn't matter.
You were close. Oh so close to the shadow.
You had almost touched it.
With a desperate cry, you felt your new form collide with your body, merging once again. Something dragging you back.
There was nothing you could do but unwillingly sink back to reality.
"Are you awake now?" A sweet voice flooded your ears.
The world felt heavy once again, but at least everything was a bit less foggy.
You looked up, meeting the eyes of your captor. You couldn't remember much, but you knew it was their fault.
Everyhting was so blurry, yet the hatred and anger you felt was engraved in your heart. Engraved in your soul.
"..Please.. don't look at me like that, love." Their guiltless whisper sounded in the hospital-looking room you found yourself in.
Your mouth spoke on its' own, ceramic lips delicately opening.
"I know what you did."
Their reaction was immediate. They gripped the bed sheets, their smooth un-calloused hands still a bit messy with clay.
"I.. I only did what I h-had to, I promise!" They cried out.
It sounded like they were trying to convince themself, not just you.
It was sickening.
That voice, those eyes, that look of desperation and sadness.
Why? Why?!
That look made your gut fester with never ending disgust.
Fueled by confusion and anger, you lunge at them, aiming for their open neck. Something, just anything, to make this disgusting feeling fade.
And yet they easily pinned your hands above you, cautious and gentle.
"Please.. p-please be careful.. I just finished making your new body..." Their expression turned frantic and uneasy, the emotions in your glassy eyes sending a clear message to them.
Watching them pulling a concoction from their lab coat, you struggled in their grip. Every joint in your body working to rid yourself of their slimy grip.
The panic and unease of what they would do to you next-
The tussle only lasts a few moments.
They cut off your little game, gripping your chin with surprising strength, forcing the odd mixture down your throat.
Your mind is bleary, as you fall into semi-lucidity,
n c
g a
n . .
Whumptober 2022

Welcome to Whumptober 2022, in its fifth year of running!
To those of you who participated last year, welcome back! To everyone new, WELCOME!
Please make sure to read the Event Info carefully, as most of your questions will be answered there already. For everything else, you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here.
This year’s AO3 Collection can be found here.
With that being said, we’re very excited to see the community come together once more and be a wild, chaotic bunch of creators and consumers of whump. Go wild with the prompts, and support your fellow creators, see what juicy whump they’ve created too! We wish you all the fun!
(All 31 Themes + Prompts, Event Information and FAQs are posted below the cut!)
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“What are you going to name her?” his sister Julieta asks him softly, the corners of her eyes crinkling in concern as she lays a hand on his arm. For a moment, his daughter quiets to stare up at him. There’s only one name that will fit her, that describes what she is to him. “Mirabel,” Bruno croaks. “Mirabel.”
“What do you want from me?” Arthur demanded. “Have you come here for revenge?” “No, but that would have been a good second option,” the ghost said. “I’ll keep it in mind. In actuality, I’ve come to haunt you.” Arthur couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Haunt me? Isn’t that the same?” “No, not really.” “Yes, it is.” “No, it isn’t.” “I don’t have to stay awake to listen to this.”
NEW FIC: Halfway to Heaven 1/31
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: none (for now) Fandoms: Daredevil, MCU, Jessica Jones, The Punisher, The Defenders Relationships: Matt Murdock & Foggy Nelson & Karen Page, Jessica Jones & Matt Murdock, Frank Castle & Matt Murdock, Matt Murdock & Claire Temple Characters: Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Jessica Jones, Frank Castle, Claire Temple, Wilson Fisk Additional Tags: Whumptober 2022, Alternate Universe - No Powers (just for Matt), Non-Linear Narrative, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Torture, Hurt Matt Murdock, Matt Murdock Needs a Hug, Protective Matt Murdock, Blood and Injury Wordcount: 600
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Citrine posts for Whumptober!!! Huzzah!!
When waking up in a bad situation, with a wire around your neck and your life at risk, one should be concerned about themself.
All Player can worry about is Carmen.
(Made for Day 1 of 2022's Whumptober; Unconventional Restraints)
Look at me!! Not just posting CS stuff for once!
ATF: Mirage fans, come get YA JUICE!
Tip knows how things work out here. She knows the apocalypse, she knows no one will give a damn if a descendant like her lives or dies.
Jackson knows people. He knows everyone is good, deep down. No matter what, no one is too dangerous to be saved.
Both of them are wrong.
(Made for Whumptober Day 2 "Nowhere To Run" and for the subsequent prompts; Confrontation, Caged, and Cornered TWs/CWs are in the Author’s Notes and tags)
*offers you some more fandom/Whumptober angst*
Player is different from his teammates.
He isn't used to gallivanting across the globe or having little to no downtime or being stuck with people who are (endearingly) loud.
But he's fine!
... Right?
(Made for Whumptober Swap-out Prompt; Sensory Overload (in place of Day 3))
A hidden injury fic?? More likely then you’d think
Player screws up. Very badly. Not the kind his mother would tease him for, but the kind that would make his friends ban him from heists in person for the foreseeable future, the kind that would make Carmen blame herself and fret until the cows came home.
Player gets stabbed.
(Made for Whumptober Day 4, Dead On Your Feet and the prompt Blood Loss)