beanies-and-sweaters - Beanie Myself
Beanie Myself

Just gonna post whatever I please here, and I might end making other accounts , so who knows? (Alas I might be slightly delirious due to sleep deprivation, but who cares?šŸ¤·šŸ» Iā€™m Gen Z!)

726 posts

Page Five Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead.

Page Five Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead.
Page Five Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead.
Page Five Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead.
Page Five Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead.

Page five of my sketches for my Fanfic ā€˜Weā€™re a Miracleā€™ Spoilers ahead.

1: Star and Marco waking up after the final battle (Ch.29)

2: Star comforting Marco after another magic outburst (Ch.30) While Marcoā€™s newfound magic is as powerful as Starā€™s it is much more unstable as a side effect of his circumstances. The fresh trauma of his memories of what he did under Ragnarokā€™s control only makes the surges of his magic worse. Thankfully Star refuses to leave his side and helps him work through his problems.

3: College age Starco (18-19) The two finally start living together permanently for the first time since the cleave. For their second year onwards they become the Vice President and president of the student council respectively.

4: College age Starfan13 AKA Darcy Nefon. I remember a while back one of the crew members jokingly answered that ā€˜Darcy Nefonā€™ was Starfan13ā€™s real name on tumblr and I just totally accepted it as canon. She bedazzles her hearts instead of painting them on now. After the previous student council president literally lost his leg she took over but quickly realized she was not much of a leader.

5: Toddler Mariposa Diaz (3 and a half) Very adventurous and smart for her age. She and Meteora dream of being inter dimensional adventurers and fighting bad guys. Her best friend, brother and future sister in law all have powerful magic and she wants to unlock hers as soon as she can.

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More Posts from Beanies-and-sweaters

Page Eight Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead

Page eight of my sketches for my fanfic ā€˜Weā€™re a Miracleā€™ spoilers ahead

1: Soluna Butterfly, age 14. The Starco child of this continuity. Unfortunately being the child of two heroic rulers puts a lot of unwanted pressure and expectations on her. Sheā€™s not the rebellious princess her mother was, she actually enjoys going to school and doing the work (something that Star is genuinely concerned about) Her biggest interest is in outer space, sheā€™s always reading about it and names her spells after cosmic objects and terms. This version of Soluna draws inspiration from Lillie of Pokemon and Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony, heck if she had a voice it would absolutely be Tara Strong with the same voice for Twilight.

2: Dev, age 14. A transfer student who doesnā€™t seem to be interested in anything until he helps Soluna take down an unknown creature... spoiler warning heā€™s the son of the villain for the arc, his full name is Devon Amalgam. He didnā€™t plan on becoming friends with the princess, but it works for his ulterior motives as the mole. Not much more can be said at this point in writing. Kevin Levin was the biggest inspiration for his character, alongside Kiriha from Digimon Xros Wars. Voice wise I would say he sounds like Steve Staley with the same voice for Koji from Digimon Frontier.

3: Mandy Lucitor, Age 14. Jantomā€™s little hellspawn, sheā€™s got her dads powers and her motherā€™s penchant for causing trouble. She and Soluna have been the best of friends since they met, they have each otherā€™s back to the fullest. Sheā€™s the drummer of her band ā€˜Vegan Zombiesā€™ and hopes to be the biggest demon rockstar on the planet. One fact about her that Iā€™m not sure will be mentioned in the fic is that she is bisexual. Since Soluna has some of Lillie in her base, Mandy has a little of Marnie from Pokemon Sword and Shield, her outfit was specifically redesigned to look like Marnieā€™s. Voice wise she would be the voice Stephanie Beatriz uses for Gosalyn Mallard on Ducktales.

4: Gina Pony Head, age 15. She is just like her mother, sheā€™s always posting on her blog and being an being the biggest drama queen. She and her brother have fins from their half seahorse heritage, so she can hold things and talk at the same time unlike her mom. She is named after Gina from Brooklyn 99, who she also shares a lot of her personality with.

5: P.J. Pony Head, age 13. Ginaā€™s little brother and Pony Heads other child. His full name is Pony junior Pony Head since his mom named him after herself when she didnā€™t have a boy name planned. Heā€™s more quiet and the polar opposite of his sister, preferring to just be part of the crowd instead of the center of attention.

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Page Nine Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead

Page nine of my sketches for my fanfic ā€˜Weā€™re a Miracleā€™ spoilers ahead

1: Adult Starco (on duty), the two soulmates ruling the country of Earthni together. Other than being queen and king and becoming parents not much has changed for these two.

2: Adult Starco (off duty), when not in the castle or on official business, the couple do the stuff theyā€™ve always done; have fun and go on adventures. Marco still buys red hoodies, but even the biggest size doesnā€™t fit completely over his abs (which his wife has claimed as her property). Starā€™s outfit is the same one from the unaired pilot of the show.

3: Adult Jantom, the king and queen of the Underworld. Tomā€™s design comes from a sketch by one of the artists on the show (Hugbees?) which I accept as his canon adult look, I just designed the outfit. Janna ā€˜s dress was more detailed in earlier drafts, looking a lot more like Eas from Fresh Pretty Cure initially. They dote on their daughter Mandy, with Tom teaching her demon powers and Janna encouraging her to continue the legacy of ā€˜Jannanigansā€™.

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I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.

I apologize for the poor quality, I donā€™t have a scanner or any art programs on my computer to work with. Seeing as how my fanfic ā€˜Weā€™re a Miracleā€™ has been out for over a year now, I decided it was about time to upload concept art and designs for characters and moments in the story! There will be spoilers for my fic so be aware of that.

1: Pony crashing Starcoā€™s first date disguised as a waiter (Ch.3). Pony is really giving off some ā€˜Orlando Blooā€™ vibes. Small detail but I differentiate between Starā€™s real hearts with the sticker ones like this by coloring them a brighter pink. 2: Globgor is wearing pants (Ch.7). Thatā€™s it. 3: Halloween costumes from Chapter 8. Godzilla Star was based on one of her scrapped designs from Hungry Larry. That is the greatest drawing of Pony Head that I will ever do. After seeing a sketch of Ludo as an anime nerd at the IRL Blood Moon Ball event, I immediately accepted it as canon. Dressing him as Asuka from Evangelion just came out of nowhere to me and it was cursed enough to run with! Read the story here

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Page Ten Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead.

Page ten of my sketches for my Fanfic ā€˜Weā€™re a Miracleā€™ Spoilers ahead.

1: Dr. Nolan Amalgam, Devā€™s father and the main antagonist of the Soluna arc. Yes I purposely made his initials DNA. I decided on a human scientist as the bad guy when I settled on Magic vs science as the conflict. Rather than trying to take over the world the doctor is just someone who had been hurt in the past and wants to take it out on everybody else. He is an overly doting parent to his son in contrast to some other villainous fathers in animation (coughHawkmothcough). As you can see by the faint outline I was going to give him glasses and my eraser didnā€™t work well that day.

2: Chimera Dev. Dev was always planned to have a more muscular and monstrous form that would be revealed when his lock was undone. Originally he was going to be a chimera using the DNA of the devils of Ragnarok, early on I decided against it and went with parts of the Magic High Commission. He only possesses a fraction of their power however, small crystals, flames, partial intangibility, flight...and something from Reynaldo but no one is quiet sure what. The name Dev is actually a leftover from the original idea, I honestly couldnā€™t come up with a better name so it stuck. Him and Soluna however weā€™re always meant to have a ā€˜Bad Boy and Princessā€™ relationship.

3: Soluna sealing the black hole. Again the earliest draft of the story was made during the shows run so I originally designed a wand for Soluna. It would have started out similar to her motherā€™s but would have turned into a key shape in the end. I was able to at least reveal the outline of her final wand form.

4: Solunaā€™s new design. Like her inspiration Lillie, Soluna was always planned to get a new design after she saved the day. Her hair changing and wearing a halo instead of devil horns is meant to symbolize that she finally is able to see herself as more than a Starco child.

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I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.

I apologize for the poor quality, I donā€™t have a scanner or any art programs on my computer to work with. ā€ØSeeing as how my fanfic ā€˜Weā€™re a Miracleā€™ has been out for over a year now, I decided it was about time to upload concept art and designs for characters and moments in the story! There will be spoilers for my fic so be aware of that.

1: Alphonse and the Blood Moon, I always planned for spiritual entities to be a thing in this story even before it was confirmed that Father Time is one in canon. Father Time originally had Alphonseā€™s role but I decided he probably wouldnā€™t know Morse code to communicate with Blood Moon. Can anyone translate what the Morse code says on this drawing? 2: The necklace Marco gave to Star. 3: A moment on the Ferris wheel (Ch.21), It should have more orange lighting and sunset-ness but coloring with colored pencil has its limits. 4: Corrupted Marco, Dark Seiji from Happiness Charge Precure was the main inspiration for the outfit. I always thought the show would have a Dark Marco story but it never happened. Writing my own plot line and causing Star to suffer made me think ā€˜is this how Daron felt?ā€™ 5: Starā€™s design for the Ragnarok story arc. I just wanted to see her wear the hoodie, I actually cosplayed this design a while back at one of the Gallery Nucleus events. 6: Queen Galaxina (Ch.26), the sixth queen of Mewni from the distant past. I may have given her a jewel theme due to my love of gemstones. Her and her daughters names are shoutouts to Cosmo and her sister Galaxina from Sonic X, while the brief mention of Cosmoā€™s queen title being ā€˜Cosmo The Phantom Thiefā€™ is a reference to Cure Cosmo of Star Twinkle Precure.

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