Starco Child - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
There Is A VERY Disappointing Lack Of My Ot3 In The Svtfoe Ive Decided To Take Matters Into My

there is a VERY disappointing lack of my ot3 in the svtfoe ive decided to take matters into my own hands 

making next gen kids seems to be the Hot Button Topic in this fandom so here some concepts for stomco kids that ive had in my head for a while

more about them under the cut!

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6 years ago
Because Ifreakinglove The Art That @catsinapot Made For My Girl!! Thank You Again Hun!!!

Because I freaking love the art that @catsinapot made for my girl!! Thank you again hun!!!

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6 years ago

I   w a s    b o r e d 

So here’s like the outfit reference for The Butterfly Diaz Family.

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6 years ago
 But I'll Be There For You As The World Falls Down

“ But I'll be there for you as the world falls down ”

Guess who got inspired by The Labyrinth movie.

 ‘as the world falls down’ by David Bowie is Rosa’s and Jareth’s official love anthem, fight me.

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Page Seven Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead1: Its The Circle Of Life~2: Soluna

Page seven of my sketches for my fanfic ‘We’re a Miracle’ spoilers ahead 1: It’s the circle of life~
2: Soluna And Mandy meeting, one of the few pics of Soluna with her natural brown hair color.
3: Soluna Butterfly, age 7. Pink hair, went back in time, future daughter of the main couple, yeah Sailor Chibi Moon was the main inspiration during her creation. Her dress was originally closer to the other inspiration for younger Soluna, Classic Amy Rose, though details changed in the concept process. The alias she uses in the past ‘Sally’ is a shout-out to Sally The Witch, plus it sounded close enough for it to be plausible. The story of her going back and meeting her parents had been conceived years ago, but she would have landed after Starco got together and Marco would have been more involved. 
4: Mandy Lucitor, age 7. Not a lot of screen time yet but she’s a little troublemaker like her mom.
5: Hunter the Bounty Hunter. I couldn’t think of a name for a long time until one day I just thought ‘what if he was a bounty hunter named Hunter Bounty?’ last name wasn’t mentioned but it’s canon to this. I was binging Infinity Train while designing him so the Reflection Police inspired that hat of his and some unseen facial features.
6: Mother and daughter team up with Rainbow Narwhal Blast. Read the story here

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Page Eight Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead

Page eight of my sketches for my fanfic ‘We’re a Miracle’ spoilers ahead

1: Soluna Butterfly, age 14. The Starco child of this continuity. Unfortunately being the child of two heroic rulers puts a lot of unwanted pressure and expectations on her. She’s not the rebellious princess her mother was, she actually enjoys going to school and doing the work (something that Star is genuinely concerned about) Her biggest interest is in outer space, she’s always reading about it and names her spells after cosmic objects and terms. This version of Soluna draws inspiration from Lillie of Pokemon and Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony, heck if she had a voice it would absolutely be Tara Strong with the same voice for Twilight.

2: Dev, age 14. A transfer student who doesn’t seem to be interested in anything until he helps Soluna take down an unknown creature... spoiler warning he’s the son of the villain for the arc, his full name is Devon Amalgam. He didn’t plan on becoming friends with the princess, but it works for his ulterior motives as the mole. Not much more can be said at this point in writing. Kevin Levin was the biggest inspiration for his character, alongside Kiriha from Digimon Xros Wars. Voice wise I would say he sounds like Steve Staley with the same voice for Koji from Digimon Frontier.

3: Mandy Lucitor, Age 14. Jantom’s little hellspawn, she’s got her dads powers and her mother’s penchant for causing trouble. She and Soluna have been the best of friends since they met, they have each other’s back to the fullest. She’s the drummer of her band ‘Vegan Zombies’ and hopes to be the biggest demon rockstar on the planet. One fact about her that I’m not sure will be mentioned in the fic is that she is bisexual. Since Soluna has some of Lillie in her base, Mandy has a little of Marnie from Pokemon Sword and Shield, her outfit was specifically redesigned to look like Marnie’s. Voice wise she would be the voice Stephanie Beatriz uses for Gosalyn Mallard on Ducktales.

4: Gina Pony Head, age 15. She is just like her mother, she’s always posting on her blog and being an being the biggest drama queen. She and her brother have fins from their half seahorse heritage, so she can hold things and talk at the same time unlike her mom. She is named after Gina from Brooklyn 99, who she also shares a lot of her personality with.

5: P.J. Pony Head, age 13. Gina’s little brother and Pony Heads other child. His full name is Pony junior Pony Head since his mom named him after herself when she didn’t have a boy name planned. He’s more quiet and the polar opposite of his sister, preferring to just be part of the crowd instead of the center of attention.

Read the story here

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Page Ten Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead.

Page ten of my sketches for my Fanfic ‘We’re a Miracle’ Spoilers ahead.

1: Dr. Nolan Amalgam, Dev’s father and the main antagonist of the Soluna arc. Yes I purposely made his initials DNA. I decided on a human scientist as the bad guy when I settled on Magic vs science as the conflict. Rather than trying to take over the world the doctor is just someone who had been hurt in the past and wants to take it out on everybody else. He is an overly doting parent to his son in contrast to some other villainous fathers in animation (coughHawkmothcough). As you can see by the faint outline I was going to give him glasses and my eraser didn’t work well that day.

2: Chimera Dev. Dev was always planned to have a more muscular and monstrous form that would be revealed when his lock was undone. Originally he was going to be a chimera using the DNA of the devils of Ragnarok, early on I decided against it and went with parts of the Magic High Commission. He only possesses a fraction of their power however, small crystals, flames, partial intangibility, flight...and something from Reynaldo but no one is quiet sure what. The name Dev is actually a leftover from the original idea, I honestly couldn’t come up with a better name so it stuck. Him and Soluna however we’re always meant to have a ‘Bad Boy and Princess’ relationship.

3: Soluna sealing the black hole. Again the earliest draft of the story was made during the shows run so I originally designed a wand for Soluna. It would have started out similar to her mother’s but would have turned into a key shape in the end. I was able to at least reveal the outline of her final wand form.

4: Soluna’s new design. Like her inspiration Lillie, Soluna was always planned to get a new design after she saved the day. Her hair changing and wearing a halo instead of devil horns is meant to symbolize that she finally is able to see herself as more than a Starco child.

Read the story here

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Final Page Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead

Final page of my sketches for my Fanfic ‘We’re a Miracle’ Spoilers ahead

1: Queen Soluna, alongside her husband Dev they rule Earthni after her parents step down. Other than being queen Soluna has also accomplished her dream of being an astronomer. She was originally going to wear a crown and queenly dress but the suit fits her more practical personality better. It took until she and Dev were 17 for the two to confess their feelings for one another, but now they are happily married with three children of their own. Soluna and Mandy are still best friends and often talk about the problems that come with each being a queen.

2: Milky Butterfly, oldest child of Soluna and Dev and granddaughter to Star and Marco. She’s cocky and a show off unlike her mother, yet underneath her prideful showboating is a kind girl that works hard to do what she does. Milky is torn that she is the first princess in her family to lack cheek marks but never gives up trying to gain her own after learning it’s possible. And although her dream of earning cheek emblems never comes true her other dream of becoming queen one day does. Her younger siblings, a pair of twins, often driver her crazy but she loves her brother Soleil and her sister Selene very much...yes they are all named after Star Twinkle Precure.

3: Nebby Butterfly, the great great great granddaughter of Starco in the distant future. Yes she is named after Nebby from Pokemon Sun and Moon, and her hair was inspired by Cosmog too! She is the first Butterfly to earn marks since Soluna, a pair of stars the same color as Star’s hearts. History has begun to repeat itself with another rebel princess and safe kid going on adventures and saving the world from evil while also becoming more than best friends. Nebby and Kai battle the forces of evil that exists several generations from now, with their greatest foe being Nebby’s father’s ex-best friend now going by the name ‘Roulette’. With her great-great-great-grandparents there to guide her, who knows how her fate will unfold.

4: Star and Marco, Spirits of Magic. The outfits were designed shortly after Battle for Mewni, originally as Blood Moon empowered battle outfits. Their weapons only appear when they take physical form to deal with threats only they can handle, it doesn’t happen a lot but they welcome the chance to get back into action. They both really enjoy teaching the Emblem Bearers of the future and training the next generation of heroes. Being dead has its ups and downs, but as long as Star and Marco have each other that’s all they’ll ever need.

Read the story here…

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8 years ago
Yeah... I Forgot To Add The Pockets To The Hoodie Before I Posted It. But I Fixed It!

Yeah... I forgot to add the pockets to the hoodie before I posted it. But I fixed it!

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7 years ago
Hey Guys! Sorry That I've Been Inactive Lately. Anyway, Here's A New Image Of Nova And Connor That I

Hey guys! Sorry that I've been inactive lately. Anyway, here's a new image of Nova and Connor that I came up with using paint and PhotoShop. I hope you like it.

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6 years ago

On a side note for today, I'm planning on making Nova Butterfly Diaz's wand in the future. I already found the handle for it.

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5 years ago

I was scrolling through some Star Vs The Forces Of Evil stickers in PicsArt and I found out that someone took a screenshot ofmy animation of Nova for a sticker and DID NOT ASK ME FIRST!!!

Here's proof.

I Was Scrolling Through Some Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Stickers In PicsArt And I Found Out That Someone

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