Re: Hob And The New Inn, I Think There's Maybe An Implication From His Look In Response To "if You've
re: Hob and the New Inn, I think there's maybe an implication from his look in response to "if you've got enough money in this country you can do whatever you bloody want" that Hob thinks "I have enough money....", so then when the old pub is still standing in 2022 (instead of "new flats") it's reasonable to think Hob might have had something to do with it? Also the spray-painted sign pointing to the New Inn even after it's well established. And neil-gaiman tumblr com / post / 691863640411963392
true, but I do think that Hob would be more likely to simply keep White Horse running, instead of building a new place up. Neil's response - I understand how that could work, but why would he fund for about two decades and then let it fall to ruin?
Some fics that i've read have had hob try to convert it to a certified historic site etc etc which I kinda like so yeah. Doesn't exactly make sense to invest in White Horse just to set up new place
caityrayeraye liked this · 2 years ago
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I need to be fed, everyone do this or I will come to your house and make holes in all your spoons
Cause we are all thirsty for content, I thought I would kick this fandom off with a week of prompts! September 25th is International Dream Day, so lets revolve it around then! :)
Sept. 19, Day 1: Coffee Shop AU//Nightmare//Music
Sept. 20, Day 2: Domesticity//Sexual Tension//Feral!Dream
Sept. 21, Day 3: Sharing a Bed//Rescue AU//Siblings
Sept. 22, Day 4: Hurt/Comfort//Crossover//Memories
Sept. 23, Day 5: First Time//Soulmate AU//Peace
Sept. 24, Day 6: Skin Hunger//Meet the Fam//Trauma Recovery
Sept. 25, Day 7: Free Day
You can do one of the prompts, or merge all three together, if you want. Not picky because we all just want more content to consume. Any ship goes, and it doesn't even have to be shippy! Fanfiction and Fanart, along with any other mediums like moodboards, poetry, and other.
Please remember to not share your fanfiction to Neil Gaiman
Tags will be: SandmanWeek2022, SandWeek2022, Sandtember2022. Make sure to add those to your work :)

they laced this episode with crack because i need it. and like i want to watch the other episodes but the sound of her wings is SO GOOD
I find it so funny that people are actually getting mad that we're all gravitating towards Hob/Dream and saying it's because they're white men, and that we should be writing about other tags because there are more confirmed queer and poc characters than these guys.
here’s weirder asks
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
lighter or matches?
do you leave the window open at night?
which cryptyd being do you believe in?
what color are your eyes?
why did you do that?
hair-ties or scrunchies?
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
would you slaughter the rich?
favorite extracurricular activity?
what kind of day is it?
when was the last time you ate?
do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
can you drive?
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
what hair products do you use?
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
do you say soda or pop?
something you’ve kept since childhood?
what type of person are you?
how do you feel about chilly weather?
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
perfume/body spray or lotion?
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
about how many hours of sleep did you get?
do you wear a mask?
how do you like your shower water?
is there dishes in your room?
what type of music keeps you grounded?
do you have a favorite towel?
the last adventure you’ve been on?
is there a song you know every word to by heart?
what’s your timezone?
how many times have you changed your url?
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
a soap bar that smells good?
do you use lip balm?
did you have any snacks today?
how do you take your coffee?
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
what’s your take on spicy foods?
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
can you remember what happened yesterday?
favorite holiday film?
what was the last message you sent?
when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
can you skip rocks?
can i tag you in random stuff?
I present, Self Aware and Self Depreciative Dream.
[TWs: dealing with an ED (throughout post), mention of panic attack though it does not occur. Marked where the panic attack mentions happen]
Dream is an idiot, but he can see that Hob doesn't like him too much, especially now that they're spending time together when no one else is there, and Hob isn't obligated to hold up the façade that he doesn't like him
He's there because Death asked him to be, and he makes sure Dream knows that
Dream withdraws a little more, barely speaking during their meals unless he is asked a direct question, which is usually answered with a few words that provide a glimpse of Dream's massive trauma
Dream used to resist this arrangement and Hob would sometimes just swing by wherever he was hiding and literally toss him over his shoulder to take him to the car,
But now Dream feels too guilty about making this ordeal even more taxing than it has to be and just meekly follows Hob to wherever he wants to have lunch that day
This^ on top of Hob's responses to the media just really cementing his unhappiness about bothering Hob
This whole thing becomes How Hob Learns About His Costar's Various Traumas: The Show
Dream was trying, but still wouldn't eat much
Hob could understand that suddenly trying to eat regular amounts would not be possible, so he doesn't object but tries to encourage him to get desert or an extra fries
Hob won't admit it, but he is relieved when Dream starts to look a little healthier after some time
He also starts to learn that Death was Not Kidding when she said he's awkward
He's extremely skittish (Hob thinks it's a wonder that he never noticed before) and literally hides from fans and paparazzi, especially when they're loud and hurling questions
Hob found it annoying that Dream would be basically cowering, and leaving Hob to deal with them, until he found out about his sound hypersensitivity
Dream feels too much, and it makes it harder for him to express himself without being massively awkward
It's worse on some days, and Dream speaks even less than normal
Hob is regularly dragging him to meals, so Dream's exponential reduction in speaking becomes rather obvious
Now, Hob thinks that Dream is upset about him not fully hiding his dislike, being completely used to everyone loving him
And Dream thinks that now that he's approaching a slightly more healthy weight, Hob thinks he looks hideous and can't stand to even see him anymore but is staying for Death
Thinking of this, he checks his weight some time before they are supposed to meet
Bad idea™. Dream decides that he needs to lose weight again and tries to cancel their "appointment." He also mentions that it would probably help in getting the paparazzi to back off
Hob, armed with Death's blessing to (softly) yell at him, shows up at Dream's trailer to physically drag him to his car, as he had in the initial days of this set up [TW Panic attack mentions start]
He finds him curled up under his little desk, clearly fighting off a panic attack
Even with how much he hates Dream, he can't exactly leave him to suffer like this
He gently coaxes Dream out of his hiding spot and guides him to stop hyperventilating and calm down, which floods Dream with more affection and care and most prominently: guilt
He's exhausted after staving off the attack for so long and just collapses in Hob's grip [TW Panic attack mentions end]
Exhaustion=no filter, so he ends up blurting out everything he feels about Hob in the middle of a flood of apologies about being such a burden, looking horrible and for existing at all. Or maybe just the latter
Hob finally realises exactly how much of an awkward idiot his costar really is
Now Hob is saddened about Dream thinking he looks horrible, because he is really one of the most beautiful people on the silver screen. This is the moment when he really realises the effects and causes of an ED, the moment when his research makes sense
Oh no, what to do except reassure him that he is not hideous and not a burden and he has actually kinda started enjoying hanging out
Dream isn't convinced, obviously
So Hob pulls him into a hug, the same way he had to when cameras were rolling on their third project together and tells him about how the way Dream made him feel watching one of his earliest projects was a catalyst in Hob saying yes to Destiny's offer
He hadn't really realised it, but Dream had grown on him again through this ordeal, as he learnt what makes his colleague tick
"Come on. You need therapy, but you're beautiful, and we're going to go to an ice cream parlour and get the largest fucking sundaes that have been made in the history of the world."
"Stop fucking complaining you don't have a choice" but also really gently pulling Dream to his feet and letting him hang on to his arm because he's fucking exhausted
Dream falls asleep during the ride and cat-heat-seeks his way into Hob
Hob... can't bring himself to pull away
This isn't two cents I am approaching a dollar
[TW: mention of ED, fainting. I have marked where both these start and end]
Dream, being the most introverted person imaginable, hides in his trailer almost all the time, alternating between rehearsing and writing
He does like to help out the BTS departments whenever he can, and can often be found quietly painting props and sets whenever there are less people on set
Hob on the other hand is the guy always telling jokes and making people smile on set
Sometimes people accuse him of getting the jobs he does by pulling strings via Dream, but then meet him and realise just how sweet and talented he is
Dream seems to forget that he's an A lister most of the time and does not know how much power his word/recommendation has in the industry
This is why Hob never really snaps back at Dream's accidental barbs. He has fallen in love with his new world and cannot exactly risk Dream saying he is not worth working with
(Dream would never say that but he is an idiot)
Hob is friendly with Death and often goes out for coffee with her whenever she is in the area
Dream is closest to Death out of all his siblings - she is his confidante about everything that even mildly bothers him, even if it takes a bit of prodding to get him to spill - and she makes it a point to regularly visit sets of projects he's in so he can unwind/let out everything he keeps bottling up
These visits are some of the few times Dream doesn't hide in his trailer, and they can be found chatting on a couch or floor or something until Dream falls asleep (going off on the point about Dream sleeping between takes)
Dream is always cold, and seeks out sources of warmth like a cat, but only when he's asleep, because he's too awkward to do so casually enough when he's awake, and holds back anyways because he doesn't want to be a burden. He curls into Death's side once he drops off, and she has never and will never tell him about it [ED mentions begin]
Dream has an ED, as a result of being in the movie business for so long, which is why Hob hasn't ever seen him eat, despite having known him for so many projects
He thinks Dream is so lean/slender because he just works out a lot, but is always a little alarmed whenever he has to touch him for any takes/photos/etc because his bones seem to be literally hanging out
He's always worried until exactly the moment Dream opens his mouth and says something mean
(I know you have something planned about The Big Reveal™ but my brain fixated on Dream having an ED and went off)
In one movie, Dream is to have a shirtless scene and he goes into overdrive with his workouts so he looks Perfect™, plus it's with Hob so he's even more anxious about looking good. He also subconsciously starts restricting his food intake even more. [Fainting mentions begin]
When filming the scene, he does look great, but in a slightly sickly way. The script calls for him to "faint" into Hob's character's arms, but he actually passes out
Hob thinks it's just his usual stellar acting and magnetic fervour that he brings into each role and scene
Until the director yells "Cut!" and Dream... doesn't wake up.
Cue panic
Death is conveniently on set that day, and realises what's going on
Oh no, we need to take him to his trailer and need a big strong man because he obviously can't walk there himself
Hob, thoroughly confused about what to feel, takes Dream to aforementioned trailer
While Death takes care of his idiocy, she ends up ranting about how he is Utterly The Stupidest, Most Self-Centered, Pathetic Excuse For An Actor on This, Or Any Other Form of Media, and simply cannot take care of himself or even ever say what he means
Hob, awkwardly hovering around and trying to not get in Death's path, asks what happened to his dearly detested
"He's been starving himself for this stupid scene. Probably hasn't drunk anything in a day or two."
Oh shit now things make a bit of sense
Hob is now extremely overbearing when it comes to making Dream eat regularly, now that Death has given him her blessing to yell at him to eat [All TW mentions end]
Death has also now informed him about how awkward he actually is, and how often he ends up implying exactly the opposite of what he means
Oh shit, he's trying to compliment me.
I've gone overboard and it is now very AM. Good night.