beauty-of-nyx - Vesania

Her/She Sy/rup, ParadoxInsanity on ao3

820 posts

I Find It So Funny That People Are Actually Getting Mad That We're All Gravitating Towards Hob/Dream

I find it so funny that people are actually getting mad that we're all gravitating towards Hob/Dream and saying it's because they're white men, and that we should be writing about other tags because there are more confirmed queer and poc characters than these guys.

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More Posts from Beauty-of-nyx

2 years ago


2 years ago

I need to be fed, everyone do this or I will come to your house and make holes in all your spoons

Cause we are all thirsty for content, I thought I would kick this fandom off with a week of prompts! September 25th is International Dream Day, so lets revolve it around then! :)

Sept. 19, Day 1: Coffee Shop AU//Nightmare//Music

Sept. 20, Day 2: Domesticity//Sexual Tension//Feral!Dream

Sept. 21, Day 3: Sharing a Bed//Rescue AU//Siblings

Sept. 22, Day 4: Hurt/Comfort//Crossover//Memories

Sept. 23, Day 5: First Time//Soulmate AU//Peace

Sept. 24, Day 6: Skin Hunger//Meet the Fam//Trauma Recovery

Sept. 25, Day 7: Free Day

You can do one of the prompts, or merge all three together, if you want. Not picky because we all just want more content to consume. Any ship goes, and it doesn't even have to be shippy! Fanfiction and Fanart, along with any other mediums like moodboards, poetry, and other.

Please remember to not share your fanfiction to Neil Gaiman

Tags will be: SandmanWeek2022, SandWeek2022, Sandtember2022. Make sure to add those to your work :)

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2 years ago

The sass is off the charts and I am LIVING for it

Hi Neil! I want to know what does it sound like for Morpheus to laugh like "HURRRR HURRRR" in Sandman Overture? Can you give us some examples or analogies?

Sure. As an example, it sounds very similar to when Morpheus laughs in Sandman 12:

Hi Neil! I Want To Know What Does It Sound Like For Morpheus To Laugh Like "HURRRR HURRRR" In Sandman
Hi Neil! I Want To Know What Does It Sound Like For Morpheus To Laugh Like "HURRRR HURRRR" In Sandman

I hope this helps.

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2 years ago

re: Hob and the New Inn, I think there's maybe an implication from his look in response to "if you've got enough money in this country you can do whatever you bloody want" that Hob thinks "I have enough money....", so then when the old pub is still standing in 2022 (instead of "new flats") it's reasonable to think Hob might have had something to do with it? Also the spray-painted sign pointing to the New Inn even after it's well established. And neil-gaiman tumblr com / post / 691863640411963392

true, but I do think that Hob would be more likely to simply keep White Horse running, instead of building a new place up. Neil's response - I understand how that could work, but why would he fund for about two decades and then let it fall to ruin?

Some fics that i've read have had hob try to convert it to a certified historic site etc etc which I kinda like so yeah. Doesn't exactly make sense to invest in White Horse just to set up new place

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2 years ago

Dear Neil.

There's a tragedy happening in Iran, we're being shot in the streets, my brothers and sisters are dying, my government is committing war crimes and as a fellow human being I'm desperately asking for your help to raise awareness.

Mahsa Amini was a 22-year-old woman who was brutally murdered by the Islamic Republic of Iran's so-called "morality police." Her crime? Showing hair in public and "dressing inappropriately." Any human being with a pair of working eyes who has seen pictures of her prior to her murder can see that not only was her dress not inappropriate, but also that she (and a lot of women in Iran) had covered herself more than any other woman in any other part of world is obligated to.This sparked fury among the people of Iran and a wave of nation-wide protests broke out as the result. But don't get it wrong. This was only the straw that broke the camel's back and was the result of 43 years of unmitigated oppression and cruelty that the people of Iran have been subjected to. Every Iranian is branded a Muslim from birth and they're not given a choice. You cannot identify as an atheist and other religious minorities are treated horribly with a lot of their rights stripped from them. There's been a long history of cruelty against Bahai people in Iran, for example. We're not forced to be muslims in name only. We're also forced to act like muslims and learn all the muslim teachings, hijab being one of the many ideals shoved down our throat. And of course, converting from Islam to other religions or no religion is punishable by death. This savagery is not part of our culture or law; it is not part of any humanitarian law to kill women for showing hair and exercising their right to bodily autonomy for that matter.Up until now, the government forces have been violent and ruthless in their attempts to stump out our protests. They've shot people from a 63 year old woman to a 10 year old girl, killing them all without mercy. The Internet has been cut out in several places and reportedly, they've brought out tanks and used military-grade bullets in the city of Sanandaj, where the Internet has been shut down for two days as of September 21. Meanwhile, president Ibrahim Raisi is giving a lecture in the UN, babbling about saving the people of Palestine and justice in the world while his own forces are brutally murdering ordinary people and protesters in Iran.At this point, we're in danger of being cut off from the world when the whole internet finally shuts down. This is not a speculation. The same thing happened in the nation-wide protests of 2019 and the government proceeded to kill all the protesters in absolute radio silence. A lot of protesters were found with cement blocks tied to their ankles and thrown in the river after the successfully stumped the protests out. We don't want the same thing to happen to our children and people again. If you hear no more news from Iran, things haven't settled down. We are being silently killed off and executed.You might think you don't have anything to do with this, but think again about why you all involved yourselves in the war between Ukraine and Russia. This is not any different. Our people have waged a war against their government and none of them are people who willingly chose violence. They are normal people who want nothing more than a normal life, which is what the Islamic regime has taken from them. If you have an ounce of humanity and empathy within yourself, you'll spread the word around and not let this injustice go unanswered and unpunished.There's nothing more to be said.

As an Iranian woman who always read your books and who always raised up her voice, I need help now. We can Breathe anymore! I fought for poc, I raised my voice for ukraine. Now I need yours. I'm a young author. I can have a future... a free one! but my government took it from me. Please be my voice ... our voice!!

I'm happy to let people know, yes. And it's heartbreaking.

Here's the BBC on what's happening:

Death toll rises from escalating protests in Iran - BBC News
BBC News
Nine people are said to have been killed in unrest triggered by the death in custody of Mahsa Amini.