bee-unknown - Robin

18 any pronouns be mean and you'll get blocked I like to complain about anything and everything

1369 posts

I Remember There Was A Time In Internet History In Which People Were Allowed To Not Like A Character

I remember there was a time in internet history in which people were allowed to not like a character or just... Criticize it, now people take criticism of their favorite character as something personal and try so hard to justify their actions

Like, just because I don't like them, it doesn't mean that you are not allowed to do so. You can just like them, they don't need to be a goodie two shoes, or be morally grey or have every single shitty thing they do justified, just like pieces of shit and own up to it

And this also goes to the people who go "but he's evil" yes... And?

I'm not saying you are not allowed to make extensive posts about why you think a characters actions are justified, or why you think a character deserves to be skinned alive under the hot summer sun and then have water poured over them, I'm just saying we should be allowed to like characters even if their list of crimes is as long as the list of side effects from contraceptives but also we should be critical of the content we consume and the characters we like, we need to accept that their actions aren't always justified by a sad backstory and never forget that they are shitty regardless of their sob story

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More Posts from Bee-unknown

7 months ago

There's nothing I love more than being part of people's life

You could ask me to hold your hand while you take a shit and I will do it... With a gas mask on... But I will do it

bee-unknown - Robin
7 months ago
Based Af

Based af

7 months ago

Me rn stepping barefoot on the floor to see if it hurts because I'm used to ignoring the pain until someone asks me "hey does that hurt?" And I check and I'm like "yeah it does"

7 months ago

Perfectly explained

For some reason, even though it has been 2 years since S1 and Aemond claimed a dragon, I am still seeing people say that it is impossible to steal a dragon and he did nothing wrong. Which is baffling, because he clearly was - he did not have the King’s permission to claim such a dragon, and he specifically did it on the night of Laena’s funeral because he wanted to make sure no one could stop him or claim Vhagar before him.

I think part of this stems from a lack of theoretical understanding of how ownership works, as @rhaenin-time writes about here, but I also think it comes from a practical lack of understanding - it’s pretty clear that none of these people have ever worked with domestic animals, and therefore have never had to deal with the exact specifics of what ownership looks like in relation to each person involved with the animal.

However, I have worked with large domestic animals - and the moment that you start comparing the two, it becomes pretty obvious that Aemond was in the wrong.

The relationship that the riders, such as Laena, have with the dragons is most similar to a full lease on a horse. This means that by paying money to the owner, Laena can take Vhagar over to her place in Pentos and have essentially full responsibility over her. Laena can ride her, take care of her, allow her family to help with responsibilities, etc. She essentially acts as the owner of Vhagar. However, Laena is NOT the owner at the end of the day, she is leasing. That means that whenever Laena ends the lease (or in this case dies), Vhagar goes back to Viserys.

Vhagar belongs to no one except Viserys - not Laena’s family, not anyone related to Viserys, not even Alicent as his wife. The only one who could potentially do anything is Rhaenyra, who could be given the responsibility as heir, to manage things if Viserys cannot. No one else gets that responsibility, because their name is not on the label for ownership.

Therefore, neither Aemond nor Rhaena are allowed to just grab Vhagar and ride her. It is understandable that as a 6-7 year old, who has grown up with Vhagar her whole life and even ridden her with her mother, Rhaena might not fully understand this. However, there is no excuse with Aemond. He has never had responsibility over Vhagar, and he was not given permission to take on that responsibility and ride her. He knows this too, by sneaking out at night to do so, rather than asking at a more appropriate time.

That is stealing. By understanding that someone else owns the animal and deliberately not asking permission to take them, there is no other way to view it. It doesn’t matter if Aemond is Viserys’ son, if a kid took out their parent’s horse at night to go for a ride without telling anyone (especially never having ridden or seen the horse before), you can bet they’d be grounded for months and they would never ride them again.

It’s no different with dragons. People seem to think that by virtue of dragons possessing more intelligence than the average animal, that this somehow changes things. It really doesn’t. Sure, a dragon cannot be abused into submission, they have their own magical abilities and shouldn’t be constantly restrained, but what else is there? A farm animal could just as easily kick a person’s head in for abusing them or trying to force them into something. An animal can decide not to listen to anyone if they feel like it. They should be treated with respect as well - they are not dumb creatures that can’t understand a word a person says. People say you can’t force a bond with a dragon - do you really think it’s possible to do so with a horse?

Aemond’s actions are not better by virtue of the creature being a dragon. People trying to draw such a difference are those who have never had to understand a clear distinction in ownership before, and do not understand how domestic animals behave. If Aemond did not ask permission from the owner to ride Vhagar because he knew he wouldn’t get it, then he was stealing, plain and simple.

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7 months ago


It seems like Biden agrees with your stream last night, about 81 being too old to be president

i am NOT responsible for this

It Seems Like Biden Agrees With Your Stream Last Night, About 81 Being Too Old To Be President