beetlethebug - Welcome Back to Me Screaming
Welcome Back to Me Screaming

Hi! I'm Beetle! They/them This is my main blog where I just post whatever I'm into at the moment! I also do art sometimes!

891 posts

One (1) Person Asked Me To Elaborate So Here We Go

one (1) person asked me to elaborate so here we go

so it’s a college au! it starts just before they move into their dorm for the freshman year

it’s also fantasy races but no magic! because i don’t want to deal with that sldkhgslkdgh

it is fabian and riz centric with fabriz being the ultimate end goal

the bad kids do NOT know each other to start! our primary friend groups include riz and kristen, as well as fabian, gorgug, adaine, and fig

everyone has so much trauma. thank god Aguefort college has free therapy :)

riz immediately gets hate crimed by ragh, dayne blayde, and fabian

fabian was a bully most of his life but this really stuck with him. he KNOWS he should of stopped something, but he’s afraid of his reputation in the Owlbears, the football fraternity, and less apparent at the start, his fear of being outed as gay

he and adaine are dating (and have been dating for almost three years) because of this 

he and fig both struggle with accepting themselves and are very self-destructive; they end up leaning on each other to vent steam, resulting in a friends with benefit sort of situation

fig, in general, is in that rebellious teenage phase, but falling fast and hard. she’s struggling with addiction of various forms, as well as an eating disorder. she’ll go through periods of “recovery” but will relapse. fabian is afraid that if he brings it up, she’ll cut him off and get more and more reckless without any support system to help her. 

gorgug will also help his friends; he is, out of all of them, the most stable and is a grounding force for a lot of them (but oh boy, even a rock will weather with time :DDDDD )

riz hates fabian’s guts immediately. he reads right through his façade and loathes everything he is and stands for.

riz meets gorgug and fig after getting dunked in a trashcan at lunch and gorgug walks in on him freaking out in the bathroom trying to get a stain out. he offers riz a tidestick he keeps in his pocket for emergencies and leaves before riz can give it back. riz vows to find him and return the favor somehow (hint hint--he does!)

fabian overhears riz and kristen talking and riz talks about being stressed about finances, because while his school is covered he only has a little for food and other expenses, and he also worries about his mom and their bills. fabian decides that this is the PERFECT opportunity to apologize to riz and corners him, essentially threatening him into being his tutor 

riz only accepts because fabian offers him a frankly RIDICULOUS amount of gold

and after the first meeting fabian realizes that riz is not what he thought he was at all. and he starts to fall for riz hard. 

so, he does what anyone would do in the situation--use all his resources to spoil riz. except is it really spoiling if riz actually needs these things? fabian doesn’t think so

and then ya know the conflict about riz believing that fabian only sees him as a charity case to soothe his own ego and fabian worries that riz only hangs around him for the money. 

that’s basically it alskdhklghsd! we explore all the fun dynamics between the friends, people start to get help and learn how to be functional human beings, and fabian gets his kisses in! eventually! 

some fun things just to put them down: everyone gets piercings together, ragh redemption arc, zelda and gorgug are both poly, fabian is a business major (even he isn’t stoked about it)

me making the most complicated and wild euphoria-esque au of the bad kids: these terrible children can fit so many complex relationships built on trauma :)

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More Posts from Beetlethebug

3 years ago

fuck dental insurance, please help

hi i’m peach, disabled & unable to work, your local mental health disaster! today i tried getting my wisdom teeth out just numbed up but i couldn’t do it. it hurt and eventually the doctor said “we should refer you somewhere they’ll put you to sleep”, and i very much agree.

and that will be around $800. i don’t have a solid number yet, will update as soon as i do.

we can barely afford to buy groceries so there is no way for me to get this money. i promise i’m going to try to find work and get some but i don’t think i’ll be able to come up with it all. i have 2 months.


cash/app & ven/mo are peachalchemy, pay/pal is

(at the very, very least, i would like nitrous, and that’s only $200. i would very much prefer to get completely knocked out, though. i nearly had an anxiety attack during the procedure and broke down in tears after the doctor left. i don’t know if nitrous is enough, but if i don’t make enough money, i will accept that. anything would be better than how horribly it went today.)

((if i make it to 200 but not 800, i will return everything over the 200.))

please reblog if you can!<3 endless thanks to you

2 years ago

My friend already roasted me in the tags but for the first, oh, 18-ish years of my life I thought that Pluto and the Moon were the same thing. I was into astrology (not astronomy) and read about the signs in Pluto and the Moon and was like “Huh, that’s weird that they listed the moon twice! Oh well.” The signs were different. It’s because they were different planets. I was (and still am) very much a fool. 

I used to be a grader and an occasional substitute prof for an introductory astronomy lab. That means that the majority of the people in this lab are only taking it because it’s a requirement and about half of them think it’s an astrology class.

I was grading midterms and this one girl. She was so nice and I think she was a business major. Fuck. The question on the midterm was to draw a diagram of the solar system and this poor girl. This fucking girl had drawn a Mars-centric solar system. As in every planet and the sun were orbiting Mars. I now actually have a custom Cards Againsy Humanity card I got at a con that says “A Mars-centric solar system”

I had a boy argue with me that there was liquid water on the moon (this was around when they had found liquid water on Mars in ~2015) and he wouldn’t believe me that he likely meant Mars and not the moon. After I marked his answer to the relevant lab question wrong, he took it to the department head who had promptly laughed him out of the office.

And there was another boy who, during a lab in our observatory where we would look at certain things in the sky, asked where the sun was. At 10pm in November. After some questioning it was revealed that he thought the moon and the sun were the same thing.

Tags :
2 years ago

yknow ever since people realized tumblr isnt dead and have decided to flock here from twitter and tiktok ive seen a huge influx of people in fandom spaces who dont reblog anything. at all.

like, i used to have an art blog with 340 followers. not a ton but not a small amount either given how this website works with creators. and in my experience back then even the ones who only left likes still reblogged other things or at least posted their own stuff. literally the only empty blogs were clearly bots.

but on this New art blog, i've had so many people with fandom-specific headers and icons with actual usernames as urls and some kind of title or description, but have. Nothing. no posts. all they do is like things. and it's always public, too. their following list and their likes list.

and honestly all it makes me think is that these people are New and also don't know how tumblr works. how likes don't give exposure. not even in a "oh, i know it doesn't give exposure, but i'm still going to reblog anyways" way, but in a genuine honest to god straight up doesn't realize tumblr likes don't work like twitter's.

PLEASE please if you're from tiktok or twitter or whatever please reblog people's art both fandom and original if you like it!! and maybe actually pad out your blog's content in some way so people won't potentially see you as a bot and block you.