beigetiger - Y’know. Stuff.
Y’know. Stuff.

Abyss moth who can’t draw and is doing it anyway. This blog used to just be Sky Cotl but has since evolved into me rambling about my hyperfixations.He/Him atm | trans + aroace

529 posts

Because Im Currently Doing A Collection Of All My Sky OCs, Im Gonna Talk More About The Lore Around These

Because I’m currently doing a collection of all my Sky OCs, I’m gonna talk more about the lore around these kids!

They call themselves the Restorationists and what they do is they collect stories, songs, and performances from spirits or murals and then play them on real instruments or otherwise perform/show them in real time so other kids can appreciate them more! They also try to decipher the lore of the murals in order to create stories about them.

This means that they spend a lot more time interacting with spirits and examining the murals scattered about the world than hanging out with other children, they mostly just have each other for company (exception being when they’re performing).

They don’t have any one spot where they’re localized, they’ll kind of just go wherever and perform for whoever’s there.

Side note: their desire to learn more from spirits than just their emotes will lead them to take interest in a different OC of mine named Natalie.

Yall Shouldve Never Let Me Watch Harpy Hare Because I IMMEDIATELY Made Some Little Guys Based On Them

Y’all should’ve never let me watch Harpy Hare because I IMMEDIATELY made some little guys based on them

Base is from Harpy Hare by Yaelokre, go give it some love!

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More Posts from Beigetiger

5 months ago

More writing-based notes for scenes I want to put in Where the Wild Things Go when I get back to my computer:

- Go back and input a scene talking about why the Hummingbird wants to leave their parents permanently, preferably by showcasing the parent’s attitude towards Wild Things.

- Go back and show more of the Hummingbird adjusting to living in a forest and the culture that goes along with it, probably before the Hummingbird has their full transformation and they’re still living with the Spider alongside the other young Wild Things

- Show the Hummingbird learning to craft a spear that they can use in hunting and learning how to use said spear.p

- Show how the Wild Things typically survive in the wintertime, since large farmland is pretty much impossible given the circumstances. As a result, the Wild Things are more social with each other and hunt in groups to ensure that nobody dies of cold and that everyone gets to eat.

- The Hummingbird creating a place to live, possibly sharing a living space or living nearby the Cyclopean Feline, basically finding the materials to decorate it and make it livable.

- Show a different winter, and a much harsher one, where a group of Wild Things are nearly shot to death after chasing some sort of animal into the field near the Civilized Society. This leads to a Civilized Person leaving a couple bags of food near the edge of the forest, which leads to a debate about whether or not the food is safe to take or if it’s been poisoned/if they’ll be shot upon entering the field to grab the food. But desperation leads the Hummingbird to go out and grab the bags before quickly retreating to the forest.

- The Hummingbird, now a much better flier, doing air trickshots through the trees alongside other flying Wild Things.

- The Cyclopean Feline adopting a young Wild Thing (maybe 12-13?) and the Hummingbird agreeing to co-raise the kid with them. The kid is probably on-par with a griffon but has the front half of a tiger and the back half (including the wings) of a dragon. Basically show them raising and interacting with the kid.

- The Hummingbird unwisely getting near the Civilized Society and spotting a partially transformed kid inside the wall who is being chased. Hummingbird then dives down, grabs the kid, and flies away with them, which causes a ruckus within the wall and gets the Hummingbird in vague trouble when they get back.

- Another average day in the Hummingbird’s life now that they’re slightly older and a more functional adult, plus them checking in on the now fully-transformed Wild Thing they saved. They also fly around with the Tiger-Dragon.

- The Civilized Society getting more and more aggressive towards the Wild Place, which eventually leads to a party of them going out to capture Wild Things. They nearly capture the Tiger-Dragon, who’s probably around 16-17 at this point, but the Hummingbird saves them and gets captured instead.

- The Hummingbird is caged inside the wall and meets an old classmate of theirs, who is their jailer. The classmate recognizes them and is horrified by their transformation, but the Hummingbird eventually convinced them to unlock the cell and let the Hummingbird fly away.

- Civilized Society continues to be aggressive, which causes more and more Wild Things to leave the forest in search of somewhere better. The Hummingbird, Cyclopean Feline, and Tiger-Dragon stay as long as they can, but eventually also choose to leave together in search of somewhere safer. The Spider, however, opts to stay so it can continue to care for young Wild Things. The family wishes it luck and then leaves.

- Show a couple different places that the family travel to and see if it’s a good fit for them, leaving for various reasons. They do, however, eventually find a place they like and decide to stay. They then have to learn to adjust to this new place and to having fewer Wild Things around.

- The three of them continue to live their lives and they all slowly get older. They also reminisce along the way about the Wild Place, and the many creatures who lived there alongside them.

- Eventually, the Hummingbird and Cyclopean Feline are quite old and struggle to do many tasks, but are still relatively happy and enjoy their life together, especially since the Tiger-Dragon is capable of caring for them. The Hummingbird does eventually die (although not of violent causes), and dies looking up at the sky and seeing the birds flying around.

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5 months ago

Start by drawing a plain humanoid figure in whatever pose you want, make sure to plan out what position you want your cape to be in, and be sure to get some amount of references from the game or online so you can study them to figure out how to draw them. Studying the outfits as you’re trying to draw has definitely been the most important one for me. Getting pose and/or lighting references can be super helpful as well, and you can go online to try and find something (or ask someone) if you’re unable to get it in-game.

Also, some people choose to draw their Skykids with more human looking eyes while others prefer to stick to exactly what they look like in game, so I suggest experimenting a bit to figure out what you’re most comfortable drawing! I personally prefer drawing them with white eyes because I struggle with eyes. And hands.

No idea if this part will be helpful, but this is how I draw my little guy (featuring bad shading)

Start By Drawing A Plain Humanoid Figure In Whatever Pose You Want, Make Sure To Plan Out What Position

I originally made his design in-game and then I took reference pictures with the Season of Moments camera from a couple different angles, and then I just insert the refs and draw. I’ve gotten better at drawing him with practice, so your first couple drawings might be bad before getting better.

I’m also working on giving the kids actual expressions 😅

Anyways, go wild with it. The most important thing here to note is that references are lifesavers when trying to draw Skykids.

artists of skyblr how do you draw a skykid. i want to know the ways. teach me your moves senseis. i will go mad if i can't draw my silly little people doing silly thing

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5 months ago

It is FINALLY time to talk about Winter and her rebellion! This took me several days so I have zero idea how coherent it is! Sorry 😃

So, Winter spent numerous of her teenage years running a terrorist organization. As a result, she is no longer allowed in Roarhaven and so runs a rebellion against some of the stronger god factions (mainly Mevolent and Valkyrie, somewhat the Darquesse cult) with a gang of people who are left over from the terrorist group.

Winter is the leader, and Alter is second-in-command. I’m debating whether or not they should be dating and I’m leaning towards yes, but I also lowkey refuse to write romance so we’ll see where it goes. Alter was also the guy who convinced Winter to join the group and eventually run it, so he does feel some responsibility for the events that went down because of it. Also, constantly nearly dying has made him a lot less Nazi-coded, so at least that’s a plus.

Aside from Alter, Malice is also there (still in energy form) and basically acts like Winter’s shadow by giving advice, following her around everywhere, and making sure that nobody is trying to sneak up and kill Winter. Malice is directly the reason why the Faceless Ones escaped from their prison, but she realized that they weren’t going to help her and instead decided that it would be more vindicating to help Winter defeat Valkyrie.

Somebody who is not there is Mia. She and Winter both joined the organization at together (although for different reasons) and Mia ended up sticking around to support Winter when she took over. Eventually the bone wand exploded and turned Valkyrie into a god, yadda yadda, but the whole thing ended with Winter being sort of…cut off? From her sister, her parents, from the Sanctuary and Roarhaven as a whole…pretty much everything except for her little organization. And so when Valkyrie started acting weird and the Faceless Ones escaped, Winter decided to dedicate what little she had left to fighting her sister. This was going alright until a fight between the two groups where Anton was cornered and using his gist, and Mia tried to step in to protect somebody else, causing the gist to grab her and maul her to death before anyone could stop it.

Winter has since made it a goal to kill Anton Shudder in vengeance for what happened. Like, she loathes his continued existence to a Skulduggery/Nefarian level. Anton, on the other hand, did not actually know who Mia was but felt absolutely awful (and still does) about the fact that he killed a teenager who was trying to save her friend.

Since the organization and everyone in it was kicked out of Roarhaven, they have continued their lack of association with the Irish Sanctuary and move around a lot, not really having a single main base. I do think that they would spend a fair bit of time in America though, where there are fewer gods to fight and therefore less constant danger. Winter also regularly gets into territory skirmishes with Valkyrie over who gets to maintain control of the Grimwood House, although Winter doesn’t know what’s down there. She just knows that she wants Valkyrie to stay the hell away from it. Valkyrie, on the other hand, wants to create more god-killers to use on people like Mevolent but has a hard time with it because neither she nor Skulduggery can go down there on account of the fact that they would get torn apart by magic-sensing monsters. Also, they’re a tad nervous about waking up the dragon. Valkyrie is half considering trying to use it as a pet. But Winter knows none of this, she just spends a lot of time trying to stop Valkyrie from getting whatever’s down there.

In fact, the rebellion as a whole does a lot of that. Their purpose is to try and kill as many gods as possible to return the world to peace, with Winter (who has the god-killer spear) at the head of it. Aside from Valkyrie and Skulduggery, the rebellion also regularly gets into fights with Mevolent’s troops. They do, however, avoid going near the Sanctuary for various reasons, including the understanding that their existence near Roarhaven would disturb its place as a relatively peaceful haven.

And Winter herself? Lots of issues. Valkyrie becoming a god and then regularly defeating Winter’s rebellion in fights has really not had a great effect on her already bad self-esteem. She’s also now had to live her life for years without her sister to look up to, which is especially hard because Valkyrie was a huge role model for her her entire life. She also still has periodic breakdowns regarding Cadaverous Gant as well as something that Cadaver Cain did to her (specifically betraying and then shooting her. And saying that Valkyrie was superior to her for not trusting him). Winter is also very cut-off from her parents because they’re mortals who’re hiding in Roarhaven at best and dead at worst. Lastly, Winter has a bit of a complex relationship with Skulduggery because she now knows slightly more the extent to which he took advantage of Valkyrie as a kid, but she also remembers him protecting her from Cadaverous and him just…being a background figure in her life for a long time. Skulduggery would probably kill her if not for the fact that Valkyrie would be sad about it.

In short, Winter has many issues that I think would be interesting to write about, and if I ever write this out as a fic it will be written partially from her perspective.

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5 months ago

This can be a solution to insulation and weatherproofing challenges


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