beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso
Beloved Calypso

24F | Tarot Reader | Astrologist | Romantic | Cynic |šŸŒž ā™‰ļø šŸŒ™ ā™ļø ā¬†ļø ā™‹ļø

273 posts

Beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso
beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso
6 months ago
Albert Camus, From His Novel Titled "The Fall," Originally Published In 1956

Albert Camus, from his novel titled "The Fall," originally published in 1956

6 months ago
Velimir Khlebnikov, From The Collected Works Of Velimir Khlebnikov; Lyrics,

Velimir Khlebnikov, from The Collected Works of Velimir Khlebnikov; ā€œLyrics,ā€

6 months ago
beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso
6 months ago
Stay Kind

stay kind

6 months ago


6 months ago

Pick-A-Card Tarot Reading: Messages From Your Spirit Guides šŸ•Šļø

Hey, welcome or welcome back to Pick-A-Card Friday on my blog! So, today, I wanted to switch things up from the love readings. I definitely plan on giving you guys a variety of subjects through Tarot and to cover things regarding healing, the spiritual journey, and self-awareness and development, instead of just focusing on romance. (We will only cover that a couple of Fridays a month)

In this reading, we will be getting messages from your spirit guides! Now, spirit guides can have different influences on our lives. We have main guides who are either around for our entire lives or the majority of our life and we have more temporary guides that specifically come in to teach us a specific lesson and then, after we have learned it, leave us. So, any of those guides could come through today.

We are going to be a little in-depth as we look at who this guide is and then how they show up in your life. (For clarityā€™s sake, I wonā€™t be taking reversals in this part) Then, in the extended on Patreon, we will see what they are helping you with at this current time.

Even if we canā€™t see our guides or donā€™t consciously know we are interacting with them, they are still there. Intuitively, you will know if the pile you have picked makes sense and recognize how this guide has been with you all along. Some of you will already know who this guide is and have a clear relationship with them and this reading will only provide confirmation and further clarity.

Also, more than any other reading, it is okay to be drawn to more than one pile here. You might have multiple guides trying to reach you through this reading!

Pick-A-Card Tarot Reading: Messages From Your Spirit Guides

Pile 1

Pick-A-Card Tarot Reading: Messages From Your Spirit Guides

Pile 2

Pick-A-Card Tarot Reading: Messages From Your Spirit Guides

Pile 3

Pile 1

Who Are They?

Three of Pentacles

Okay, the ā€œtheyā€ is feeling literal here, Pile 1. I am actually taking this Three of Pentacles to indicate multiple guides who decided to come through for you. For a lot of you, I am getting it is three of them and you may know who I am talking about. I feel like these are guides that you are probably very actively working with and communicating with. If not, you are going to be establishing that relationship with them soon. They are very close to you and very much a part of your soul family. For some of you, these might actually be family members who have passed on. Maybe itā€™s a parent and a grandparent (who you may or may not have known in this life) and another late relative. Take it however it resonates. But, these guides are a formidable unit and definitely comprise the bulk (though not the entirety) of your Spirit Team.

These guides are very invested in your success on the material plane. They are doing all they can on their side to set you up for a secure and stable and successful life. You wonā€™t always know or understand the moves theyā€™re making but they donā€™t need the credit for that. It is important that you allow them to step in and help you, though. I am getting a very stubborn energy from those of you who chose this pile. Your guides love that about you and, if they were here on Earth, they may have been very similar. But, they also need you to see when it would be most productive to step aside and let them take over a bit. Their big message here is that you donā€™t have to make things so hard and also that you can trust them.

I feel like many of you may be enduring some financial struggles or career setbacks that are causing a lot of frustration. Even if you are actively working with these guides, you are finding it hard to fully trust in the process of everything. They donā€™t hold that against you but they want you to know that everything is going to be alright. These difficulties will come to an end soon! You just need to see yourself as in an ongoing collaboration with them (as I do think they will be with you for life). Make it easier on yourself by leaving some things up to them. I also get the sense that these guides (most likely, these three guides) all have very distinct energies. It could be any mix of masculine or feminine energies. Together, they are a very powerful unit and the more you connect with them, the more you will see their huge impact in your life.

How Do They Show Up?

Judgment /// Ten of Cups /// Two of Swords

There is a bit of tough love energy here, coming from a masculine guide in this group, in particular. But, all of these guides on your Team are not going to hesitate to put you through your paces. This is not a bad thing, even though the experience of it is going to suck, at times. Ultimately, your guides know what you are made of and they are working with you to build your character. This will happen through some harsh circumstances, especially when you are younger. When you have your back against the wall, these guides will come through loud and clear, especially the masculine one I identified earlier. In these situations, you will have major epiphanies and hard wake-up calls. You are not allowed to go through this world metaphorically blindfolded, thanks to them.

It is actually through your ability to face hard truths about yourself and your life that these guides speak through you. When guides are especially close to us on a soul level, we can sometimes confuse their guidance with our inner monologue. Some of you in this pile are clairaudient and will definitely hear their voices in a clear and distinct way. You are not going crazy. Yes, itā€™s real and while mental illness can play with certain peopleā€™s heads in that regard, I think you know the difference. It wonā€™t sound like your voice but it will give you words of wisdom or soothe and comfort you when needed. In any case, you are not allowed to ignore the truth because of these guides. I feel like, if they canā€™t get you to see reason, they will bombard you with signs until you do.

A strong message that I am getting is that many of you are clairvoyant but suppressing or resisting it. This gift of yours is very strong, though, and these guides will send you messages in that way. So, be more open to receiving them. A lot of you are also going through a major spiritual awakening that could be unlocking gifts you possess like the aforementioned ones or even mediumship. They will help you embrace and strengthen these abilities and shed your fear of them. This awakening is also what is getting you to see these guidesā€™ presence in your life to begin with. It may have been two years since this started or it will unfold over the next two years. These guides will play a major role in helping you navigate your true spiritual path.

There is also something here about one or more of them communicating to you even more when you are around your family. That supports my feel that this Team may include passed on relatives. There is something about a grandparentā€™s home or your childhood home. They could engage with you even more when youā€™re there. Regardless of your connection to these guides, they are truly your family. When you feel like you have no one to understand or help, they are right there. You share a very loving and special warmth with them. The more you draw on it and lean on it, the happier you will be in life.

Extended Reading for Pile 1 (what are your guides currently helping you with?)


Pile 2

Who Are They?

Queen of Wands

Pile 2, this guide is a very powerful being who is not to be messed with. They definitely embody this Queen of Wands energy. It is a very feminine guide, for sure. It could be a female spirit or someone who has passed on who either was a woman or was a man with strong feminine energy. Take it how it fits. For some of you, this guide feels especially queenly, like she occupies a high position somehow. I am getting goddess vibes so you might work with a particular goddess. Deities can definitely serve as guides in our life, especially if this is a patron deity of yours. And I am feeling like this goddess is a goddess of beauty or love of some kind. I am heavily getting Freyaā€™s energy (I always see her as the Queen of Wands) but also possibly Aphrodite or Oshun or Ishtar. Or maybe some other super-gorgeous goddess. There is a strong emphasis on her allure and her highly magnetic energy.

Even if this was a person in your life, she (or he) embodied a very beautiful, very magnetic feminine energy while also being fiery and spirited. They could have had Aries, Leo or Sagittarius placements. They definitely knew how to attract attention in a way that is pretty spicy but still elegant or self-possessed. Whoever this guide is, her impact on your life is to urge you to step into your confidence, to know how amazing and beautiful you are. If this was any feminine older figure in your life you looked up to who passed on, this guide wants you to know that the beauty you saw in them is in you, too! Itā€™s really sweet, actually, and may really hit home if you were related to them.

Deities feel the same way about us. With Aphrodite, for instance, the reason you shouldnā€™t compare yourself to her beauty or try to ā€œtake itā€ for yourself is that she wants you to see the beauty you have within, not try to copy hers. Whenever you are working with any goddess of beauty and love, it can only be truly effective if you are tapping into your own inner beauty and self-love. This guide is urging you to see that you are a goddess, too (and that can be said gender-neutrally, you can be a man and have an inner goddess). Also, while inner beauty is crucial, this guide also is meant to teach you that there is nothing wrong with cultivating outer beauty. She wants you to feel yourself to the degree you need to and to honor your feminine nature. Yet, she is also fierce! And she urges you to take no disrespect and to be in charge of your own life. This is a formidable Divine Feminine being who wants you to tap into your inner power and take up space.

How Do They Show Up?

Ten of Pentacles /// Knight of Swords /// The Hanged Man

So, a metaphor for how this guide operates popped into my head. Have you ever wished you could literally stop your bestie from dating that no good man? Just yank him out of the picture? Have you ever wanted to vet your friendā€™s dates for them and turn them away? Thatā€™s basically what this guide does! She does not mess around when it comes to you and it is coming up as in a romantic sense. Iā€™m getting that this is a very attractive group that chose this pile. You get your fair share of love interests or suitors. But, this guide is fiercely protective and they need her seal of approval before they get near you.

Think of her as the best friend who keeps no-good lovers at a distance. It is quite motherly, too, in its energy. Of course, this could have been a maternal figure in your life and, if so, she had opinions on who was good enough for you and did not want you settling for less. I feel like if you date men or masculine people, this dynamic is even stronger and more pronounced. It might constantly feel like romantic situations ā€œstallā€ in your life. Maybe you get ghosted or the person youā€™re dating refuses to commit or is frustratingly unavailable. These things happen in order for you to see the truth. This guide opens your eyes on a regular basis when it comes to romance. You might be looking at a love interest one way and then, all of a sudden, you see them from a totally different point of view that changes your desire to be with them.

This guide does feel like a very long-term guide. She has, at least, been around throughout your adult life as you have navigated romance on a serious level. For some of you, especially if this is a non-patron goddess, she might have been called in on a temporary basis to help you elevate to the next level of commitment with someone. But, even so, she is not going to leave until she sees you settle into a happy, healthy, stable relationship. Think of her as your metaphysical matchmaker! Because of this, she is going to be straight-up with you and force you to grow into the secure and mature adult you need to be to have a successful relationship. If you have any patterns in love that need to be addressed, she will lovingly insist that you do so. This goddess-type figure understands how to attract in a powerful way and she knows that you need to match the vibration of a solid romantic connection if you want to attract that.

While single, any urges you have to focus on yourself and practice self-love or build your self-confidence will be applauded by her. She wants you to be secure enough in yourself to be able to clearly identify what you do and donā€™t want in a long-term connection. That way, she wonā€™t have to keep interfering for you. Her goal is to get you to the place where you are getting rid of unsuitable partners yourself. The more you do this, the more she will be guiding you toward the right person. I have to tell you that it will be quite a wait! And if that frustrates you or saddens you, you can turn to her for comfort. But, she also doesnā€™t want you to feel like youā€™re ā€œwaitingā€ for the right person. Her influence in your life is felt when you stop focusing on the wait for the one and learn how to show up for yourself in the way you want a partner to. When you get comfortable with this, she will help you manifest your true person in a way that is so sudden and unexpected but also feels so right.

Extended Reading for Pile 2 (what is this guide currently helping you with?)


Pile 3

Who Are They?

Six of Cups

Pile 3, I felt a swell of emotion while I was meditating on your picture. This feels like a sentimental sort of energy that might make you tear up a bit. I get the sense that this guide had some sort of significant impact in your childhood. That can mean quite a few things. For some of you, this is a beloved pet that was with you throughout your childhood and then passed. Pets very often act as guides in our lives for a period of time. I think some people in this pile had a tumultuous childhood or adolescence that a pet helped them through with their unconditional love and comfort. They may have felt like your only support, sometimes. So, if that fits for you, this pet is still with you and is saying hello and that they still love you!

For others, this could have been someone you grew up with or went to school with who passed unexpectedly. I am getting a very youthful energy with this pile. So, they may have been sick or gotten into a fatal accident when you guys were still really young. Possibly, it was a troubled friend who went down the wrong path. Regardless of the circumstances, something you should know is that they are fine and their spirit is operating in the exact way that you remember them. I think that is the emotional part of a reading like this as we can grow a bit older and move through life but we still have this presence with us that takes us back to that time when we were kids or teens. It can evoke nostalgia out of nowhere but we know we canā€™t get that time back with them.

It is also likely that this is a cousin or something who you were very close to as a kid and grew up with. I specifically feel like it is someone from your past in this life. Possibly someone from college but it reads younger for most of you. It doesnā€™t feel like some spiritual being that you have no conscious memory of. I think that, if this was a person from your upbringing, they come through in ways that trigger your nostalgia; any songs or shows or places that would remind you of them. Also, you may just be overwhelmed with the memory of them and feel really emotional. If this was a pet, they definitely send you signs through the animal that they were. You might start seeing a lot of dogs or cats or whatever species they were, often even their actual breed. And you could even hear the noises of their species, like barks or meows. This guide has a lot of love for you and they will always, in a way, see you and connect with you as that ā€œbabyā€ version of yourself. Yet, itā€™s because of this that they are also so proud to see who you have become.

How Do They Show Up?

Nine of Cups /// The Wheel of Fortune /// The Moon

You tend to be very unaware of this guideā€™s presence. I feel like there is something specific about them that makes you feel like they wouldnā€™t be guiding you or watching over you. First off, if this was a pet, it could have felt outside the realm of consideration to you that their spirit would still be with you and protecting you. It is commonplace to say that when people die but we donā€™t ever really talk about animals that way. But, the bond you had with them persists. Okay, this message is beautiful. You know how someone can lose their spouse or partner and that personā€™s spirit can guide them to a new relationship. I think that happened with you and your pet. They either brought a new pet into your life right after they passed or they eventually guided you to a special connection with one.

If this is someone who left this plane at a very early age, it might be hard to conceive of them as this guide and protector, especially as you are getting older. Now, you might look back and see them as the kid they were. But, they are very much looking out for you. There is something about fun and good times being had. You enjoyed a very fun (possibly wildly so) relationship with this person. And they are always on the lookout for ways to bring more fun and celebration into your life. They love it when you go out and socialize. Maybe this person was very extroverted or very popular when they were here. They possibly could have helped you with your confidence or people skills, in that regard, or they just made you feel really loved. If they were popular themselves, their admiration of you meant a lot to you.

Regardless of what kind of being they are, they impact your life as a guide by showing you how great you are and how much love there is for you. Itā€™s often when youā€™re feeling down or unsure of yourself or like youā€™re not really appreciated. I feel like they will be around for the duration of your life but they donā€™t stay around for long periods. They come in and out on a recurring basis to give you a pick-me-up when you need it. This could also be through words of admiration or compliments you receive from other people, in a seemingly random fashion, often from strangers in public. Also, little strokes of luck can be their doing, even if it means just getting the parking space you want or being able to beat traffic to make it somewhere on time. If it feels like someone set that up for you somehow, it was them.

The signs you receive from them will be very undeniable and strong, to the point where logic cannot get in the way or make you dismiss it. But, you could confuse it as just being a sign about them or a memory of them instead of communication from them. Thereā€™s a difference. You will know because it will seemingly come out of nowhere and hit you hard. Again, there is something significant about parties or social events coming through. I think that this guide will often be by your side when youā€™re at a party or socializing. They may be, in a way, having fun with you but there is also a protective energy. Less disasters or mishaps occur because they are around. Also, they play a role in safeguarding your reputation. This guide sees the absolute best in you and has a way of influencing things to help others see the good in you, too, even when it would be easy to judge. Many of you are in the public eye on some level or will be one day and this guide will help keep you in good social standing, even if youā€™re involved in a controversy or messy details of your private life emerge. They will make sure you donā€™t feel too ā€œexposedā€ and that certain negative opinions donā€™t hinder you.

Extended Reading for Pile 3 (what is this guide currently helping you with?)

Tags :
6 months ago
beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso
6 months ago


The Valkyrie is a mythological Norse warrior-maiden in the Scandinavian sagas. She was said to select those who may die or live during battle. In fact, "Valkyrie" literally means "chooser of the slain," and those chosen will fight with Odin in Ragnarƶk. Hughes's interpretation, therefore, associates itself with themes of fate or destiny.

She holds her helmet tucked under her arm, with her sword held by the ricasso, a moment of pause rather than battle. This brings out her reflective nature. Light from above, soft and diffused, illuminates her in a dreamy way that heightens the mystic feel. She is also barefoot, illustrating her connection with the earth and nature.

It is in the qualities of great attention to detail, coupled with an ornate, almost medieval touch, that one sees the strong influencers of Hughes. The rich texturing and overall color palette is warm and inviting, full of deep blues and subtle golds, which invoke a sense of tranquillity and reverie.

This concept is opposite to that of a Valkyrie, who could be imagined to be a ruthless character associated with death and battle. Here in Hughes's work, she is more of a guardian character who gives this work the vulnerability and emotion it needs. The absence of a wolf or raven, symbols of war, goes on to underline this softer interpretation further, letting viewers delve deep into the depths of her character beyond a warrior.

6 months ago

from šŸ“Œ

6 months ago
beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso
6 months ago
Some Phrases To Use For Your Affirmations
Some Phrases To Use For Your Affirmations
Some Phrases To Use For Your Affirmations

Some phrases to use for your affirmations Ėšā‚Šā€§āŗā‹†ā™±

āœ® here are some phrases you can use when creating affirmations, just fill in the blank with your desire / whatever

ex. for now on, I have all of my desires

ex. yesterday I manifested passing my exams

ex. I embrace my hourglass body

ā€¢ it is a fact ___

ā€¢ Finally, ___

ā€¢ For now on, ___

ā€¢ I (have) always ____

ā€¢ I am _____

ā€¢ I possess ____

ā€¢ I accept (the fact that) ____

ā€¢ I embrace ____

ā€¢ I truly believe ____

ā€¢ I trust ____

ā€¢ I am ____

ā€¢ It is so easy to manifest _____

ā€¢ Isnā€™t it amazing how ___

ā€¢ I am grateful for ___

ā€¢ Everyone can see that ___

ā€¢ I hereby certify that ____

ā€¢ Dear diary, ____

ā€¢ Yesterday I manifested ____

ā€¢ I exclude ____

ā€¢ I love having ____

ā€¢ I always had ___

ā€¢ ___, It is done

ā€¢ ___, So shall it be

ā€¢ I naturally have ___

ā€¢ I am fortunate enough ____

ā€¢ I am blessed with ___

ā€¢ I have the luxury to have ___

ā€¢ I am the master of the universe, so, ___

ā€¢ I am in control, so, ___

ā€¢ I declare that ___

6 months ago

ā€œRest especially. Recover during the day. Think of me: you are the dearest thing to me in the world and, kept far from you, I tremble every time I imagine you in this moment.ā€

ā€” Albert Camus to Maria CasarĆØs, Correspondance, February 21, 1950 [#206]

6 months ago
beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso
6 months ago
 Anas Nin, From The Voice

ā€” AnaĆÆs Nin, from The Voice

6 months ago
beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso
6 months ago

this is insane actually

This Is Insane Actually
6 months ago


This painting represents the scene from Ovid's Metamorphoses, in which Pygmalion, a sculptor, fell in love with a statue he had made. His love so profound is reciprocated; in the myth, Aphrodite brings the statue to life and turns her into the woman Galatea.

GƩrƓme based his composition around the very moment that Galatea, the statue, comes to life and rises from her state as a piece of marble. Pygmalion is embracing her as she begins to move, capturing this dramatic moment of transformation.

This painting impressively contrasted cold, white marble at the bottom against warm, natural tones in the living figures of the statue. Light emphasizes the transformation of Galatea from a lifeless statue to a more dynamic living being.

Galatea's transformation from a statue to a living, breathing woman is symbolic of the powers of art and love. In GƩrƓme's version of the painting, he emphasizes the theme of creation and the blurring of boundaries between art and reality.

6 months ago
GHOST IN THE SHELL1995 | Dir. Mamoru Oshii
GHOST IN THE SHELL1995 | Dir. Mamoru Oshii

GHOST IN THE SHELL 1995 | dir. Mamoru Oshii

6 months ago

Thank you so much! This is incredibly informative and thorough šŸ˜šŸ”„āœØ

Moni Tarot masterlist

Hello, guys! Moni here!šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø Since a lot of you asked for a masterlist so you can have a better access to the information on my blog, here it is!

Here you can see all the information that I've upload on my blog so if you want to find a certain subject regarding tarot you now can easily access all the information(especially for newbies that are trying to learn more about tarot). The list will be updates with the rest of the information that I will post on my blog!

Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! šŸŒøšŸŽ€šŸ’•

//donā€™t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//

ā™” šŸ¦‹ Understanding tarot - Tarot and the 4 elements - FirešŸ”„, Waterā›µ, AiršŸƒ, EarthšŸŒŽ

ā™” šŸ¦‹ Tarot aces

ā™” šŸ¦‹Major Arcana cardsšŸ”®āœØšŸƒāš–ļøšŸ’–

ā™” šŸ¦‹Minor Arcana in tarotšŸ•ŠšŸ•ÆāœØ

ā™” šŸ¦‹Tarot week meaningšŸŒ›šŸ”®šŸŒœ

ā™” šŸ¦‹Major Arcana card - The Fool, The Magician, High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, The wheel of fortune, Justice, The hanged man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The tower, The star, The moon, The sun, Judgment, The world.

ā™” šŸ¦‹Timing in tarot

ā™” šŸ¦‹Colours in tarot

ā™” šŸ¦‹Archetypes in tarot

ā™” šŸ¦‹Elemental dignities in tarot

ā™” šŸ¦‹Minor Arcana - Suit of Cups - Ace of cups, 2 of cups, 3 of cups, 4 of cups, 5 of cups, 6 of cups, 7 of cups, 8 of cups, 9 of cups, 10 of cups, Page of Cups, Knight of cups, Queen of Cups, King of cups.

ā™” šŸ¦‹Minor Arcana - Suit of Swords - Ace of swords, 2 of swords, 3 of swords, 4 of swords, 5 of swords, 6 of swords, 7 of swords, 8 of swords, 9 of swords, 10 of swords, Page of swords, Knight of swords, Queen of swords, King of swords.

ā™” šŸ¦‹Minor Arcana - Suit of Wands - Ace of wands, 2 of wands, 3 of wands, 4 of wands, 5 of wands, 6 of wands, 7 of wands, 8 of wands, 9 of wands, 10 of wands, Page of wands, Knight of wands, Queen of wands, King of wands.

ā™” šŸ¦‹Minor Arcana - Suit of Pentacles - Ace of pentacles, 2 of pentacles, 3 of pentacles, 4 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles, 6 of pentacles, 7 of pentacles, 8 of pentacles, 9 of pentacles, 10 of pentacles, Page of pentacles, Knight of pentacles, Queen of pentacles, King of pentacles.

ā™” šŸ¦‹Health indicators in tarot - Major Arcana meaning

ā™” šŸ¦‹Health indicators in tarot - Minor Arcana - Suit of Pentacles

ā™” šŸ¦‹Health indicators in tarot - Minor Arcana - Suit of Cups

ā™” šŸ¦‹Health indicators in tarot - Minor Arcana - Suit of Wands

ā™” šŸ¦‹Health indicators in tarot - Minor Arcana - Suit of Swords

ā™” šŸ¦‹Tarot card spread - ā›…š“‡¼ šŸŒŠā‹†.ą³ƒąæ”*:ļ½„ šŸš

ā™” šŸ¦‹Tarot tips and tricks - šŸ¦‹ā™”šŸŒˆšŸŖāœØ

Thank you for your support and wish you only the best!


Moni Tarot Masterlist

Tags :
6 months ago
beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso


6 months ago
beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso
beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso
beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso
beloved-calypso - Beloved Calypso
6 months ago
Being A Woman Holds Value. Know Your Worth And Dont Let Anyone Try To Convince You Otherwise, Ladies.
Being A Woman Holds Value. Know Your Worth And Dont Let Anyone Try To Convince You Otherwise, Ladies.

Being a woman holds value. Know your worth and donā€™t let anyone try to convince you otherwise, ladies. šŸ’•āœØ

6 months ago

Intellectual Things

Watching the history channel

Learning history

Reading about current events local, regional, national, worldwide

Having a library card

Hanging out at the library

Critical thinking

Keeping a list of vocabulary