Daily Tarot - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Are they coming back? Pick a pile 💚

Take a breath and let your intuition pick the right pile/ butterfly for you!

Let me know which one you have picked🫶🏼

Are They Coming Back? Pick A Pile
Are They Coming Back? Pick A Pile
Are They Coming Back? Pick A Pile
Are They Coming Back? Pick A Pile

If you would like to book this reading privately, please contact me through dms !🫶🏼 and check out my pinned post💚

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1 year ago

𝓢𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓸𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓵𝓮!

𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓯𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓹𝓲𝓬𝓴 . 𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓶𝓮 🤍

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1 year ago

Pick a pile their feelings for you!

Please read energy first to see if this is the right pile for you and figure which person you are A or B based on the energy!🥰

Happy reading! Lmk which pile and which person you have picked😙

If you would like to book a personal reading please check my services on my pinned post.

Pick A Pile Their Feelings For You!

Pile 1 - Apology

Pick A Pile Their Feelings For You!

Person A - fire ant energy

You might feel in this connection the need to be “cool” and “chilled out” however there’s a fire inside you that’s slowly but surely spreading in your feelings for this person, there’s undeniable love that’s coming to the point you can’t ignore it anymore, you seem to have a sort of childlike personality when it comes to your person and can’t help but feel giggly around them, which at times finding yourself doing so you could be thinking “wth this isn’t me lemme stop” but there’s definitely a call for you to swoon this person, or open up your feelings towards them for once and for all, feeling the need to go all in without a strategic plan at hand, you could be told a lot of times that you do things impulsively and for some people this isn’t their cup of tea, you could’ve grown up being told often to settle down or to “think before you speak!”

A lot of fire energy in this pile , you could have Aries Leo or Sagittarius placements, definitely giving the vibes of “do it now think later”, along with this a little bit of water signs energy came up, person A you could have Fire and Water in your chart/big three.

Person B - Buffalo energy

You usually would like to describe yourself as someone that’s quite grounded, reliable, knowledgeable and i feel your family and friends can vouch this for you as well on this, however recently you could’ve hit a bump on the road where it’s quite hard for you to be as productive as once was, being scared of jumping head first into things and new challenges due to the anxiety of things splurging out of control or going through another tower moment unexpectedly, in turn found a routine, you’ve been sticking to it and even though it might seem quite too repetitive for you, it is your safe haven, it’s where you know what to expect, at times might even find yourself not as sociable either, feeling like you can’t give out to someone else right now when barely being able to give yourself the experience and fun you deserve, there’s the energy of exhaustion here.

A lot of Earth energy here Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn with a little bit of fire. These could be present in your placements.

Fire ants feelings towards person B

In your feelings currently and how you see your connection, you could be seeing them as someone that you want to rile up or start a conflict with them to at least get something out of them, to see what limits you could push until they open up more , person A I can tell you’re feeling left out by your person, feeling that you’re not being heard about certain things or that they’re way too nonchalant for you, feeling at times that they’re like a robot, just doing the bare minimum not only for this connection but in their life as well, doing just enough, being on a strict routine of a eat, sleep, work or school and repeat and this is something that could be out of your normal usually or you could be the type of person that’s more open but feeling the need to be restrictive in case you chase them away if you push too much.

How person B ( Buffalo) feels towards their person - you feel yourself drifting away from your person, and not only just them but to others too, and finding solitude in isolation, finding being at peace is being by yourself and learning how to love yourself, I do see you putting a lot of work into yourself which is progressing into the right direction, however when it comes to your person you feel that perhaps they don’t understand why you can’t just “snap” out of this rut, as it requires intensive inner work, but at the same time you understand you shouldn’t leave everyone in the dark making you feel more guilty, worried it’ll cause arguments or conflicts or being forced to be something you can’t be right now and neither are truly.

Overall for both -

I do see person B coming towards person A with some sort of explanation with why they drifted away and for some of you they even went ghost, Person A I promise you will get the apology that you’re eager for, Person A it’s time to let Person B know how you feel about them, I feel they do need that boost from you, try to let them know the struggles you have also previously gone through and try to let them know that there is a lending hand when they need it as they feel they’ll bother you by coming clean of their situation, ultimately I see you both coming to a understanding of how each of you can contribute towards each others needs but it will take some time, that’s a factor here, but working slowly will get everything on track.

Pile 2- self love

Pick A Pile Their Feelings For You!

Person A- Nightingale energy

Person A you as the energy of nightingale, you usually are someone that usually can be upfront, not being afraid of speaking up, telling people what’s on your mind when it’s in the right times and even when it can be at the most wrongful times 😅, but there is something about your voice that makes people listen, either you can be someone that’s very convincing/ persuasive, you could even be one to sing and others love to hear it, you are giving the energy of someone that doesn’t usually stand out or you might feel it so, but people are attracted towards you either way, you could’ve been told before you have this alluring energy about yourself.

Person B - Energy of the stingray

Person B, coming up as the energy of the stingray you are someone that usually likes to take on a challenge, you can be eager around wanting to grow and very adaptable to your environment and schedules, however you’ve been stuck in your ego recently and I know , I know I don’t want to call you out but I have to, your using your ego to protect yourself, perhaps you feel that you have put in a lot of word in yourself prior and now you don’t feel the need to change all over again to make someone else happy, and that’s all within your rights, but there’s w need for you to escape from the mental trap you have put yourself in, the external is not as bad as your mind is playing it to be, and it’s okay to come back to reality.

Persons A feelings towards person B

You could’ve started off as friends with person B, starting things slowly and then all of a sudden coming to surprise that the both of you have been hiding feelings this whole time, there’s an unexpected energy here between the two of you, this could’ve come from you being shocked that the two of you even ended up together, but I’m also seeing a state of shock around some kind of ending when it comes to the two of you, for a big part of pile 2 and person A I would be surprised if you haven’t lost Person B and are currently going through a breakup or no contact, person A seems to feel a lot of regret and pain when it comes to their person , and they feel guilt around something here, Person A could’ve been the one that possibly walked away from Person B but that won’t be for everyone of this pile, reverse it as it resonates, but heavy energy around Person A walking away from something here and not being sure if that was the best decision to make, there’s a stagnant energy around Person A where they can’t move forwards from a person B but at the same time it doesn’t look like they want to, they would’ve rather work things out than have to come to that for some of you if you are person A I can definitely tell that you didn’t want to have it come to that.

How person B feels towards Person A

Person B is coming up as someone that’s very stuck mentally, emotionally quite unstable when it comes to their feelings for A, they currently don’t feel comfortable being around Person A due to not feeling like themselves unfortunately around Person A, they feel that the both of you have changed tremendously since the two of you have known each other and they’re not sure on how to fix things, they’re currently focusing on self care and loving on themselves, and it seems that as off right now they feel the need of taking a step back from this connection and bring distance into it.

Overall energy- it looks like the both of you will be prioritising your own selves at this time, and quite significantly unfortunately drifting away from each other, trying to build routines and growth separately.

Pile 3- Justice

Pick A Pile Their Feelings For You!

Person A - golden egg energy

Person A is giving the energy of an old friend, someone that you have known for a very long time, and you find comfort in them, either this is you to and for person B or you have been told often that you give off a sense of familiarity to everyone you meet, you bring a sense of comfort and quietness, you could yourself person A be quite a timid person or someone that doesn’t usually budge into peoples business or you wait for others to talk to you first before you approach anyone, you are definitely someone that has a lot of layers to themselves and it takes a lot for you to “crack”😅 or open up to others, you can only be who you truly are around the ones you love most and that’s when you find it easiest to let loose.

Libra energy, water energy, you could have these in your placements.

Person B - Snake energy

Person B you are someone that could at times be described as someone that’s creative, ambitious perhaps you work in a creative role, such as art, landscape, architecture, design, etc, perhaps you are someone that finds themselves expressing themselves through actions rather than their words or perhaps writing it down, or poetry, you could be someone that has a lot of passion and love towards someone but when it comes to voicing it, you could be finding it hard and choose other ways to show them rather by talking, at times out of balance you might find yourself being quite a flighty person, showing up and going as you please, starting out new things but never finishing them before you start something new.

Earth energy for Person B, along with water.

How person A feels towards person b

Person A - there’s a lot of emotion from them when it comes to person B, almost like they see Person B the snake for who they truly are and not who they try to show the world, person A is definitely the one that notices all the small things about person B such as how they act when they are nervous or how they’ll perhaps blink Weirdly when uncomfortable, very little things that at times person B never even noticed, Person A is definitely giving provider type of vibes towards B and they look out for them alot, even though at times they don’t fully feel this being reciprocated, either way they feel balanced in this connection.

How person B feels towards person A

The snake person B is a charmerrr, they know how to work in ways to surprise person A, and they feel the need of wanting to try new things to come out with, there is definitely heavy feelings between the both of these energies, which are very equal and person B really feels in Union with person A at times, they even feel like they’re looking at a mirror when they see Person A, the snake energy wants to come through and show person A new opportunities, new adventures and they are also very logical they go about things, they feel the need to have everything ready and Perfect around them, the snake person sees the golden egg as someone that will always have a soft space in their heart and has plans on keeping it that way if they can.

Overall energy for both - you both feel like this is a match made in heaven, and both are mirroring each other in ways you thought could never be possible, this connection is very promising, you both balance each other amazingly.

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1 year ago

I’m back with a new PAC!

Went away for a little while but I’m here with the hopes to stay and be more consistent!💓


Pile 1 to 3 , left to right ☔️🍒🍉🍓🌴🌱 as always remember to only take what resonates and leave the rest 💓

Im Back With A New PAC!
Im Back With A New PAC!
Im Back With A New PAC!

Pile 1☔️☂️🌂

“I hadn’t healed from my previous relationship before I met you, I let my fears get the better of me”

“On the outside I might look that I have moved on or that I’m having the best time of my life, but believe me behind closed doors I always think about you”

Find a message from me in the song “a different way” by Lauv

“No there wasn’t and there isn’t anyone else”

“ I know you don’t trust me anymore, but I want to try again?”

“I always stalk your social media”

“My friends and family are still asking me about you”

“I have heard some gossip about you, not sure how to feel about it”

“I have the ring still” message from a fire sign placement

“You was right all along, I just hated to admit it to you”

Pile 2 🍒🍓🍉

“ I know I said I wasted my time but I didn’t mean it, I just wanted to hurt you back”

“I’m afraid you’re getting over us” message from a water placement

“I miss you in my bed first thing in the morning, you’re sleepy eyes are the cutest”

“Don’t give up on me” Earth sign placement

“I wasn’t in it just for the sex”

“no matter how much I try, I know your love can’t be replaceable, I know that now”

“I want you to be one that stays”

“You’re so scary when you get mad😅”

“I’m falling even deeper than before”

Pile 3 🪴🌴🌱

“I think about you all the time, it’s draining me”

“I still have and listen to the playlist you’ve made me to this day”

“Your words cut deepppp” message from a air sign

“You had me feel something that nobody did before”

“When I close my eyes all I see is you”

“No you wasn’t a rebound, I actually think I fell for you even more than I ever did for my ex”

“I know I gave you mixed signals, I didn’t know what I wanted back then but now I do, will you give me another chance?” Message from a Aries smrv

“I’m thinking about reaching out to you, let’s not rush things this time around”

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10 months ago

What will be the first impression of your future spouse on you❤️

Pick a pile

What Will Be The First Impression Of Your Future Spouse On You
What Will Be The First Impression Of Your Future Spouse On You
What Will Be The First Impression Of Your Future Spouse On You

Pick one picture🌌 AND Read these readings mindfully 👻and if you want a personal reading then DM me✨🍀

Pile1 🤵🤵‍♀️

Pile 1 The first impression of your future spouse on you will be such that when you see him for the first time, you will find him very handsome👀 and charming 💕and when you see that he is not answering anyone's question, you will feel that he is as grumpy as he is handsome 🫣and I heard someone’s say emotionless. It is possible that you will find him emotionless👻 and it is possible that both of you may meet at someone's wedding or party where both of you will notice each other🫶 but it is possible that when you look at him, he will be looking somewhere else and when he looks at you, you will be looking somewhere else and it is possible that you may be wearing a white and sky blue combination dress that day🎀 but I can see the particular saree and whenever your future spouse will be looking at you, he will be smiling at you ☺️and as soon as you start looking at him, he must turn his eyes somewhere else .🫣🥹 Awww….so sweet your ✨🍀 future spouse is really very cute 😍 and his dress sense is also very good 👻

(I hope this pile resonates with you)


Pile 2✨🍀

Pile 2 The first impression of your future spouse on you will be such that you will feel that he is missing 🧩something in his life and he is trying very hard to find that thing ♥️🥹 And you will find this person very disciplined and career oriented and financially stable and it is possible that when you meet this person, you will remember his words and you will not be able to forget them 🫣🫶 I am seeing angel numbers 66, 99 so it is possible that when you are about to meet your future spouse, you will see these angel numbers and this future spouse will be your soulmate 💜 And I also saw 96 mirroring numbers right now so it is possible that both of you mirror each other 👀 Just like you will remember one thing he said 🤪 Similarly, he will also remember every thing you said 👻 And for some people, it is possible that this person is your twin 🌸 And I heard that this is a destined connection 🫶 which your angels and God himself have chosen for you♥️🌼 And I loved this pile very much 😍✨

( I hope this pile resonates with you )



Pile 3 The first impression of your future spouse on you will be that he is very hardworking and very passionate ☄️ and you will find him just like a model 🤵 and you can meet him like this when you have travelled to another country 🌉 and it is possible that this is the place where you dream of going 💫 and you will feel that his skin and his body are absolutely perfect 🎀 just like a model and it is possible that your future spouse wants to make a career in modelling or it could be you 🤵‍♀️ and whenever you will see your future spouse for the first time, he will look different even in the crowd because he will shine in a different way even in the crowd 🫣His face will have a different grace or glow ✨❤️ and you will also feel that this person is very passionate about his career and it is possible that this person has a pet dog Or it could be a cat or you may have a pet🐶🐱 And I saw angel number 101010 then it is possible that when your future spouse will come in your life then there will be double blessings and double happiness in your life, whether it is emotional happiness or financial happiness🌸🍀 And it is possible that you may see angel number 1010 or 88, these dates may be important for you👀👻

Stay blessed ✨🍀 And thankyou for your support 🫶❤️

(I hope this pile resonates with you)


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1 year ago


I was immersed in try to understand Peppa Wutz because Im learning German and a dear friend of mine callled me ti Tell me that She (for Now but in the Future he) is Trans .

I was lightly shock because I Never thought of, so I set up a goal in my ko fi Page for help, I Pinned it if u want and could, the only thing I can do is emotional Support because im Searchomg a job too.

S*he want to Transfer to another Region because here many are homopobic and is difficuly to find a Job .

Another ps , im Ashamed to ask her but if Now She ist a lesbian Girl in the Future will be a hetero Boy , Right? I feel so dumb sorry

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Ps my Mixed eng-de wrting is Horror 😂

We will apreciate any Form of help

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1 year ago

Another PACmoji: his 🔞 thoughts about you

Pile one 🏹, pile two 🎻.

Another PACmoji: His Thoughts About You

Pile 1 :🏹

Another PACmoji: His Thoughts About You

He feel your touch before fall asleep, your face appear and he smiles.

Pile 2🎻

In his mind , every day dream Revolves around you. He knows how to enter your dreams 😏

Another PACmoji: His Thoughts About You

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1 year ago

18+ PICK A CARD ⋆ how can you improve your sex life with your partner?

18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?
18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?
18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?
18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?
18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?
18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?

reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.

BOOK A READING WITH ME · LINKTREE · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips and feedback are highly appreciated!

18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?


cards · strength, nine of pentacles, ten of wands, eight of swords, five of cups (reversed). waning moon: let go of that which is causing you inner turmoil. now is a time for casting away emotions that are no longer serving you. moon totem – wolf: beware of letting your wilder instincts spin out of control.

my dear group one ♡ one way that you can improve your sex life with your partner is to take a more proactive role and be the one who takes control and initiates change. your partner may not be feeling either way about your sex life as it is, thinking that it’s a bit dull or unsatisfying but to be expected as time passes and as you have sex with the same person over and over.

that’s not to say that they do not enjoy it, rather that you both would benefit from the excitement that exploring new things can bring.

sex can be many things, and one of the best things about being with someone for a long period of time is that you two get to explore the world of sex together. grow and learn together.

it will be a good decision to talk to your partner about where they find sex lacking and what are some things they would like to add or change. create an open discussion between you and your partner and decide what the two of you can try out together. remember, too, that sex isn’t one-sided or only about your own pleasure and that is okay to put yourself a bit out of your comfort zone for your partner’s pleasure—especially if you are expecting them to push themselves a bit out of theirs.

also do not forget that improving your sex life is not just about penetration and what you two can do in sex, but about fostering intimacy in all areas of your life.

where are you not making your partner feel loved, cared for, and appreciated on the day-to-day? how are they not making you feel loved, cared for, and appreciated on the day-to-day? how could this be affecting your shared sex life?

open and honest communication is key! even if it is hard. 

18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?


cards · two of swords, five of pentacles (reversed), the tower (reversed), eight of wands, death. waning moon: let go of that which is causing you inner turmoil. now is a time for casting away emotions that are no longer serving you. moon totem – cow: a new beginning, or even a new life.

my dear group two ♡ you are currently feeling as if sex with your partner is boring and that it is your partner who needs to do something in order to make your sex life exciting again.

you’re looking at them and thinking, “well other people talk about how their partner does this in bed and my friend talks about how their partner does that to them,” but you’re not actually telling your partner that you’re unsatisfied or doing anything to make bring some pleasure and satisfaction back into your shared sex life.

your partner is not psychic! they will not know what’s wrong if you don’t tell them!

in order to improve your sex life with your partner, you are going to need to change your approach to sex before casting judgement on your partner and what you perceive as their failings.

is it even fair for you to look upon them in this way, when you should be looking at them with love, understanding, and kindness? when you should be making efforts to at least try to meet them halfway and figure out if they are also having issues with your sex life as it is?

to be blunt, my dear, it isn't all about you and it is unfair to place the pressure of your pleasure completely on your partner’s shoulders without even trying to communicate with them first. 

18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?


cards · the tower (reversed), king of pentacles, the devil, six of cups, ten of pentacles (reversed). moon totem – owl: a crisis will allow you to look into yourself and make an important revelation. moon phases – half to full moon: embracing high levels of motivation and energy will bring feelings of empowerment and satisfactions.

my dear group three ♡ you may have had somewhat of a bad sexual experience with your partner lately, maybe you were walked in on or disturbed or had your plans for sex disrupted by work or other obligations.

your life is so busy, which makes sex almost unenjoyable—especially for those of you with kids who, while you love your children, would like just an hour or two to enjoy time with your partner and experience the kind of intimacy that you two crave. even for those without children, you do not have the time you want to have to be with your partner in the way that you both want or need. rather, you do not make time for this.

it is so bad that even the idea of sex seems like a chore. you schedule that this thursday you and your partner will have sex, and you spend every day leading up to that day looking at the calendar and wondering if you’ll actually get to spend time together or if something will come up at the last minute. or if you’ll both be too drained and tired to even look at each other with any sexual desire. one way that you can improve your sex life with your partner is for the both of you to consciously decide to devote time to each other. not just an evening at home, in and out and roll over and go to sleep. something more like a weekend away would be more suited for the two of you in order to rekindle the spark that has been lost.

it doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant or that far from home, just something that reminds you two that you are people with desires before you are partners or spouses. during this time, spoil each other and pay special attention to each other. 

because, my love, if you feel like this relationship is suffering and needs special attention, imagine how your partner feels… try to make this a habit. something you can look forward to not only to find healing as a couple but as individuals with busy lives!

18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?


cards · nine of wands, eight of wands, six of cups, the devil, nine of pentacles. blue moon: now is a powerful time to set long-term goals and sow seeds for the future. moon totem – cat: make time to focus on your own spiritual wellbeing and connect to the metaphysical world around you.

my dear group four ♡ the simplest way for you to improve your sex life with your partner is to create a to-do list together of the things that you’re interested in and want to try together.

i actually see a powerpoint presentation, and envision you two having a presentation night, laughing as you describe in detail the things you’re interested in experimenting with or trying!

put together a plan for the next few weeks, months, or the year—maybe a collaborative list on google docs or notion which you both can freely edit whenever a thought pops into your mind—as it will give you both something to look forward to.

especially if you’re both fairly sexually inexperienced or are trying new things sexually, such as bdsm, and aren’t really sure about what you’re doing. 

sex doesn’t have to be daunting or methodical or boring! it can be fun, it should be fun, most of all when you’re sharing this beautiful experience with someone you love and care about and who loves and cares about you. 

creating a list or plan will make this more exciting for both of you—as well as will make you feel less overwhelmed by the idea of sex with your partner!

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1 year ago

What they think about you?

Hello everybody 🌹

Welcome to another PAC. This is a what they think about you. This person could be anybody but it was to be somebody you have meet in 3D.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath and intuitively choose your pile :)

What They Think About You?
What They Think About You?
What They Think About You?

Pile 1 ---- Pile 2 ---- Pile 3 ---- Pile 4

Pile 1

What They Think About You?

Cards :- king of pentacles , the strength and the tower

Hello pile 1 welcome to your reading. Your person thinks that you are sophisticated and secured within yourself. They might think that you are competent and reliable. And also someone who is very generous and normally a giving person. You could be someone who is very goal oriented once they have set their intentions on to something you will do anything to achieve it. But you also know how to stop for a while and enjoy and celebrate your accomplishments and share your success with others. The scepter which he holds in his right hand is standing out to me which indicates his power so maybe this person thinks that you hold some kind of power or authority either in general or over them.

They think that you know how to control a situation rationally you just don't try to overpower someone even though you have the power to do so they really admire this quality of yours that you still have morality and humanity left in yourself. They see you as someone who is courageous and confident in themselves. You might as well appear manipulative to them sometimes and even though you are using your powers correctly they might feel that there is some kind of thread to your powers. I am getting a lot of competitive energy here. So maybe there is an academic backdrop in this relationship between you and this person.

They might also think that you are brutally honest and even though it is good to be honest but you can be a little straight forward like not sugar coating things just to make them look more appealing. Also you might not be able to keep secrets that well. Pile 1 this person is really confused about how to perceive you because on one hand they are admiring you but they also don't like you I hope you understand what I mean they are very confused about your energy and the way you behave or your personality is. 

That is it for you my pile 1 for today and I hope you got some insights from this reading. see you in the next one bye🎐

Pile 2

What They Think About You?

Cards :- page of cups , 9 of swords and three of wands

Hello pile 2 welcome to your reading your person thinks that you have a naive and child like energy you could be someone who is highly intuitive and very sensitive. They think you have a very loving,gentle, kind and warm personality you like to be with people who are in need and like you like to be people's emotional support. Which they really appreciate but it is possible due to this you are ignoring yourself which doesn't go unnoticed by others.

Pile 2 you could be highly creative and emotional but due to shyness you tend to stay behind the closed doors.

I am particularly getting that line from Selena Gomez's who says " It's like the work of art that never gets to see the light" Many of you could be artists who have a lot of potential but due to shyness you are not able to show your talent to the world do it pile 2 what is stopping you? It is always worth a try.

This person sees this state of you and they know that you can do a lot with your life but as you are not so they might think that you have some personal problems due to which you are not showcasing your talent to the world. They think that you are deeply preoccupied and greatly weighed down from something that is out of your control. They want you to come out of this energy and be the best version of yourself this person is very supporting my pile 2 and this reading has become more of encouraging you to do something then what the view you as because they really want you to get out of your shell.

They think that you are a dreamer and a very determined person you are very optimistic and you see opportunities where other people don't.

Pile 2 this person thinks highly about you they think that you can literally conquer the world if you want. You might also come off as someone who is arrogant sometimes but you do it all to defend your boundaries you may say something that you may regret later. But they know that once you have set your mind onto something you will not back down until and unless you have achieved it pile 2 you guys of very determined people according to them.

That is it for you my pile 2 for today and I hope you got some insights from this reading. see you in the next one bye🎐

Pile 3

What They Think About You?

Cards :- two of pentacles , two of wands and the world

Hello pile 3 welcome to your reading your person thinks about you that you can easily roll with the situations life brings to you and you are very confident in dealing with whatever hell the life chooses to throw at you. Pile 3 they may as well think that you are a risk taker and you are not afraid to take risks as you know that these risks will lead you to achieve something big. But they also think that most of the time luck sides with you and you are a very lucky person along with other qualities.

They also think that you are a good nature human someone who has a good sense of humour and are sarcastic when the situation arises. I am also getting that in this pile some of you might like satire and dark comedy.

Pile 3 they think that you are a great leader and you have that charisma that instantly makes people attracted to you. You have this clear idea of your future and you are working really hard to attain that for yourself. I am literally getting girl boss energy here regardless of the gender. Like you my pile 3 don't really give a f*** to irrelevant peoples bs. You people are highly courageous and competitive.

I am also getting that they think you are very clear and straightforward about your decisions Although you do weigh the pros and cons of your decision very diligently. And someone who doesn't make rash decisions. Pile 3 you are in this girl boss energy but you are also in touch with your feminine side like this soft feminine side you are well connected to your surroundings according to them. I can also see that you might do a lot of charity not on a larger scale then maybe on a smaller scale but you like to give to other people and you find comfort in helping those who you can.

Pile 3 this person thinks that all these boundaries which you have created around yourself are good for the outer world but to your loved ones you really care about them and you want to be there for like everyone in this world but because the word is fucked you have to create those boundaries.

That is it for you my pile 3 for today and I hope you got some insights from this reading. see you in the next one bye🎐

Pile 4

What They Think About You?

Cards :- ace of wands, the temperance and eight of pentacles

Hello Pile 4 welcome to your reading your person things about you that you are very creative and tenacious. You could be someone who is successful and are constantly pushing themselves forward with new ideas. They might also think that you have superiority complex. And an individualistic approach to the life you value your thoughts and opinions the most and expect the others to do so too.

You might be someone who is action oriented and you don't really give a good thought when starting something new. You could make rash decisions but maybe your luck they are always or most of the time right.

Okay Pile 4 I am also getting that you could be someone who is patient,moderate and balance in contrary to what I said above. Either it is possible that there are two kinds of people in this Pile or it could be like what you actually are and what they think about you like for example maybe you take your decisions after analysing but to the people outside it looks like you have made rash decisions. Also I think you get affected a lot by how people in the world perceive you and you give a lot of thought to it and might make alterations to your life plan. You may also get distracted easily.

You could be someone who is hard working according to them and if you have the motivating drive to do something you could also be overly focused and might not feel at rest until and unless that work is done. It is also possible that currently you are preparing for something and you are so engrossed in the preparation of that particular project that you have lost sight of other things and don't really care about the whatever is happening in the world you are so focused on that thing and my pile 4 they admire you for that they think that this is a quality only a few of us have to be so focused on something.

That is it for you my pile 4 for today and I hope you got some insights from this reading. see you in the next one bye🎐

Thank you so much for reading ✨ Please keep in mind that this reading is just for entertainment purpose.

Masterlist : here

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3 years ago


"Three swords through the heart of truth: clear, present and unapologetic. I am aware and honest in my pain. I embrace my sorrow, my grief and trust that pain is purposeful. I am brave, accepting and moving with my sorrow. I do not stop it, and it cannot stop me. I am stronger in my sadness, aware and sure. I cannot be defeated by this pain, instead I am fueled by it- signaling my growth and fire, for once this burns away, there will be space for so much more. I am strong in this pain. I am sure."

Known as the "heartbreak" card or card of painful truth, the Three of Swords removes all barriers by bringing the seeker a moment of clarity through supreme and unaltered truth. Though this may be uncomfortable, this card asks us to feel strong, brave, and sure in the face of this reality, giving us the opportunity to eliminate what is no longer serving us to make space for something beautiful, meaningful, and sincerely connected with our authentic purpose.

Available on Etsy

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8 years ago
Hello Everyone Who Asked About My Tarot Decks Future!
Hello Everyone Who Asked About My Tarot Decks Future!

Hello everyone who asked about my tarot deck’s future!

Today in the mail I received my printed proof from the folks at the Game Crafter. The only possible gripe I have is that the box feels a little loose (meant for 90 cards and I only put 72 in). Maybe someday I’ll update a new edition with an extra set of cards, or some sort of mini booklet. 

You can see the deck in the store here: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/iconographic-tarot

I think the rules state that it can’t be published for another couple of days however (not sure why), so it may not be available to purchase for until Monday.

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1 year ago

Guidance 🎴

❄️ Review the past year and ask yourself what the most important lessons you have had to learn are, what you have accomplished, and what dreams and visions you want to manifest in the upcoming year. Whether it has been a relatively smooth ride or a challenging series of events, acknowledge your experience as being the work of The Universe, no matter what your judgments, fears, or joys are. Honor whatever has happened over the previous several months with gratitude and forgiveness. Then let it go. Allow yourself some solitude so you can spend some quiet, slow time in reflection. Reflect on your present life, especially focusing on what you are grateful for. When you are finished, consider what is to come—all the different possibilities and potential that exist before you. Patience and stillness is called for here, for just as the Earth cycles have their own pace, so does this cycle.

🌅 This is a time to say farewell to the old and honor the new by releasing any self-imposed constraints or resistance to the truth that you know. As this prospect becomes increasingly visible and real, doubts and uncertainties may arise. Rest assured—just as dawn inevitably turns into day, by heeding your inner guidance, you will succeed.

If you enjoyed this reading and want to work with me, feel free to message me for a personal session.

You can support Ancient Astarwis with a tip through the link in my profile. Thank you! 💜

Love 💟


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1 year ago

Pick A Card 🃏1, 2 or 3

Pick A Card 1, 2 Or 3

Which card(s) did you pick? Was the message accurate for you? Feel free to share below.

For an in-depth personal reading see all tarot and oracle readings available on the website. Offering Life Purpose, Rainbow Chakra, Psychic Abilities, General, Past Life...

Have a good day ✨☀️



Pick A Card 1, 2 Or 3

Option 1: Island - Solitude:

You need to take some time for solitude, preferably in silence. Spend the morning, afternoon, or even the entire day by yourself, completely unplanned and unstructured. The bombardment of your senses by the noise and intensity of society leaves you on alert far more than is necessary. The vibration of millions of people's worry and fear throughout the world can impinge upon you and greatly affect you if you do not honor your need to pull back from time to time. When you have passed through any self-constructed barriers to enjoying the quiet peace of solitude, it will serve you best if you simply observe the thoughts and emotions that pass through you, especially those that cause shortness of breath or a quickening heartbeat. Remember that isolation is experienced not by choice, but out of fear. When you decide to spend time with yourself in solitude, however, you are choosing to once again find and connect with who you really are.

Option 2: Mountain - Strength:

It makes no sense to deny the strength you have at the cost of allowing yourself to be reactive and subject to external influences far beyond what is healthy for you. Imagine yourself as a mountain of strength, solidly grounded in the Earth, your head held high as if you were touching the sky. Do so without straining, just as the mountain itself does not strain. The current situation calls for you to be vigilant, but not to the point of fear or paranoia. Be that rock of strength that you are capable of becoming. The solidness of your resolve will be clearly communicated when you model yourself after the towering immensity of a mountain, impenetrable and inscrutable. Standing steady like a rock is what is called for at this time.

Option 3: Gaia - Nurturing:

Receiving can be a sacred act if your intention is to honor Spirit. It is as holy as giving when performed with a humble and open heart. This is even truer when receiving much needed nurturing, so let others give you. It may be a stretch to do so at times because of childhood conditioning, but that habit can be overcome. Your wounds can be healed. One way to achieve this is to nurture yourself, and allow others to nurture you. Consider the actions you take that are self­ nurturing. What comes to your mind when you really think about doing beneficial things for yourself? Set aside your ritualized habits and beliefs that restrict the pure act of allowing your body, heart, and soul to be nurtured. Lie on the Earth and ask Gaia to rock you in her bosom as you breathe with her and relax into her loving care.

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