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3 years ago
Hello! Welcome To My Very First Pick- A-card Reading! Today's Topic Is..... (Drum Roll Please)... All
Hello! Welcome To My Very First Pick- A-card Reading! Today's Topic Is..... (Drum Roll Please)... All
Hello! Welcome To My Very First Pick- A-card Reading! Today's Topic Is..... (Drum Roll Please)... All

Hello! Welcome to my very first pick- a-card reading! Today's topic is..... (Drum roll please)... All about you! 😅 I know, somewhat basic,,but! Give me a chance đŸ„ș anyways,, this can help some of you confirm (?) Some things about your personality or find out things about yourself 😳 even though I'm not here to tell to tell you how to see yourself, but I know personally, I have trouble knowing things about myself, so I'm just here to help! Also, I hope you like the pictures! There are little numbers on the bottom, so if you need help knowing which is what pile, then there you go! Enjoy the reading! If you'd like to, you could leave criticism...though be respectful or whatever,,,, /Lh

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick the pile you're most drawn too

Warning: remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all, so if there is something you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, then don't take it! Also, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice. And lastly, I'm dyslexic 😭 so if something is spelled wrong or something, plz don't hate me, either tell me or move on with your life- respectfully.

And lastly, (I know I know, I never shut up, but this is important!) I'm offering FREE readings! Yes, you heard right folks, free readings. Unless, it's super duper long, (then I probably wouldn't want to it for free, plz understand) I'm willing to do a couple of questions for you! Just private message me! â˜ș

Pile one

Hello lovely pile ones, how are you doing? Good I hope! Anyway for the type of person you are, I'm seeing, ok so this may sound weird, but you seem like a really cool person! You probably have a great sense of humor and you seem very wholesome,, hmm I'm thinking that you might be very flirtatious ;) Back to sense of humor, youre probably very silly and know how to have a good time! While you may be good in groups, at heart you may be a loner or you're introverted! You may have trusts issues (especially in authority figures I'm seeing). Also, you're probably a go getter type of person, and March to the beat of your own drum! I'm also seeing that you are not comfortable staying in one place, (physically or else where) you also may be very loyal

Pile two

Hello, my lovely pile twos, I hope you are well my dears. For the type of person you are, I'm seeing, that you are confident, and even if youre like "no I'm not" then maybe youre more confident then you realize :) uh you might be more of the pessimistic type (also side note, I'm keep wanting to call you guys dear, maybe you crave affection?) I'm thinking that you guys are the type of people to want to do everything by yourself, you're very hard-working, and maybe you have the mindset of like, you have to fight your way to the top? No shame of course, but remember, life's not all about work and being at the top/G (genuine) you might have a hard time accepting change (same :,( no judgement here) and finally, I feel that you have a hard time not feeling alone. My sweet pile twos, who hurt you 😭 let me at them 😡 Seriously though, you've probably been through some stuff that has shaped who you sre. Remember pile twos, if no one else has said it, I love you (and yes I know, I'm just a random person on the internet, shush I still do)

Pile 3

Last but certainly not least! My lovely pile 3s, how are you? I hope you are good! For the type of person you are, I'm seeing you are well spoken and you might be a very caring person. You don't like seeing people (especially your loved ones) in pain and would rather shoulder their pain. You might like being the center of attention (no shame in that/g) Hopeless romantic! You're probably in love with being in love lol. Though, that's doesn't mean that you'll let people walk all over you! Some of you like to act or want to be an actor... Also, remember to look after yourself first.

Ok that spells the end of the readings ! If for some reason you're down here, I hope these readings resonated! Sorry for any mistakes! Remember I am offering free readings !! Bye, thank you for reading

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3 years ago
Today's Topic Is... (Drum Roll Please) How Will 2022 Be? The New Year Is Fast Approaching And It Would
Today's Topic Is... (Drum Roll Please) How Will 2022 Be? The New Year Is Fast Approaching And It Would
Today's Topic Is... (Drum Roll Please) How Will 2022 Be? The New Year Is Fast Approaching And It Would
Today's Topic Is... (Drum Roll Please) How Will 2022 Be? The New Year Is Fast Approaching And It Would

Today's topic is... (Drum roll please) how will 2022 be? The new year is fast approaching and it would be nice to get some insight! I know for me personally, these past two years have been interesting 😅 But I will not submit to 2022! No matter how these readings turn out, I hope everyone has a wonderful 2022! There are 4 piles here and the numbers are on the bottom of the pictures. Enjoy the reading <3

To pick a pile, take a deep breath and relax, then pick the pile you're most drawn to

Warning: tarot readings are not the end all be all, so if there is something that you don't like or if something doesn't resonate, then don't take it! Also, never take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is spelled wrong or something, don't hate me 😅 Either tell me or move on with your life- respectfully

And lastly, I am offering free readings! Just Dm me!

Pile one

Ok hello, my pile ones. Oh, also, I will be breaking this into parts. Career/school, love/relationships, and personal growth. With advice and the end of each section :)

For career/ school, I'm seeing that you will get better at at prioritizing what you need to do. I'm also seeing that you will start feeling more fulfilled with your work. Make sure that you're not doing anything that doesn't align with what you want. There could be someone trying to get you to cave and do something for them, for example taking on a project, that you don't want to do, make sure that you set proper boundaries and not give in. For advice, don't set unrealistic goals and make sure that you're not dimming your light to fit in. Shine bright!

For love and relationships, I'm seeing that some of you are either going through a break up or you're just feeling heart broken in general. There has been a lot of conflict in your relationships in the past and you're really reeling from that. I'm feeling that in 2022, you're really going to learn to love yourself. You really shouldn't worry that much about it and that you should trust your path. Your advice is to think relationship through and know you are loved.

For personal growth, I'm seeing that in 2022, you will probably be put through a lot of trials, but know that they are for your own good. You'll be more grounded in 2022 and you'll start seeing in the good in things. For advice, I'm seeing that you should trust your path and that you should get more in control of your emotions. Also, don't hold yourself back and do all the fun things you want to. Take good care of yourself this year.

Pile two

Hello, my sweet pile 2s. I will splitting this reading into three parts, carer/school, love and relationships, and personal growth! Let's get into it~

For career/school, ok so right now, you might be having trouble with someone at your job/school. Maybe a coworker/classmate or a boss/ teacher. I can't say it will come to a definite end in 2022, but I do feel like someone is going to end communicating with this person either you or someone else. With this person, try not to get too riled up when talking to them. It will only make the situation worse. I also feel like you have been trying to tackle too much work at a time. For advice, I would try to take a break from your work/school if you can. Even if you cannot, try to cleanse or detoxify your energy. Maybe take a cleansing bath/shower.

For love and relationships,I'm seeing that y'all will get closer to you guy's friends. For some of you, you bad your friends will collaborate on something. I'm getting that for some of you, your family life isn't all that stable. I'm getting more a masculine energy that might be causing the unstablity. Do some of you fear that you'll end up like this person? In 2022, I'm seeing that this relationship will still cause you pain, but you will get better at protecting your energy around this person. For advice, and I know that this might be hard to hear, but you should try to forgive this family member. And no, forgive does not mean forget everything they've done to you, but forgiveness means not letting the past hurt you anymore. Forgiving someone does not mean giving over your power to them. Also, you don't have to tell this person that you forgive them. Trust me, I know forgiving the people that hurt you is heard (personal experience), so take good care of yourself in 2022 and know that people love you.

For personal growth, I'm seeing that in 2022 you folks will stop dwelling in the past. You will start healing. You will grow stronger in yourself. I'm proud of you for that. For advice, know that people love you and try to breath through the tension in your home. Be kind to yourself this 2022 and the following years.

Pile three

Hello, dear pile threes. I will split this reading into three parts. Career/school, love and relationships, and personal growth. Let's get into it!

For career/school, ok so what I'm getting is that some of y'all are refusing help or not getting the help you need. Like if you're struggling with school work, you're not reaching out to anyone. In 2022, youll probably get better at asking for help, though I can tell you'll be very hesitant about it. For advice, ok so yeah you're advice is to push through any fear you might have about speaking up. I know it's hard, but you gotta try! I believe in you!

For love and relationships, ok, in 2022, y'all will be very successful in love! Yall got the ten of cups! Wether it is romantic love or platonic love is up to y'all! You'll definitely be more social which will cause people to be more attracted you. For advice, work through old feelings and let go of them.

For personal growth, I feel like this 2022, youll be spending a lot of time healing. Youve probably been through a lot this 2021 and maybe in 2020 too. You're going to be letting go of a lot of old fears and making positive change in your life! For advice, you need to look at things differently. It's happening for you, not to you. Get rid of talking negatively about yourself!

Pile four

Hello, sweet pile fours! I'll be splitting this reading into 3 parts, career/school, love and relationships, and personal growth. Let's get into it!

For career/school, ok I feel like y'all have trouble accepting help from people. You have this energy of you want to do everything by yourself and you don't need any help. Which isn't true! It's ok to accept help and not do everything by yourself! In 2022, either someone is going to call you out on your BS or you're going to do it yourself. This 2022, you need to challenge yourself more (and no, that doesn't mean taking more things on by yourself) it might be challenging yourself to ask for help. Once you do this, you will be very successful! For advice, you definitely need to more receptive to help! Expand your mindset. You also need to practice more self care and self love! You deserve it!

For love and relationships, in 2022, you will have a very happy and successful love life. For some of you, you'll enter a new relationship that will very good for you! You're going to have lots of options, so a lot of people might be interested in you! For people who are not into that, this could be talking about friendships. For advice, you got a lot of the same cards you did for career and school 😅 asking for help in this area too is great! If you are spiritual, asking for help from the universe or your guides is in your best interest. If not and even if your are, asking for help from family, friends, and partners is also in y'all's best interest. Also self love! Love yourself! <3

For personal growth, you all will probably be leaving behind or trying to leave behind a negative mindset. For advice, meditating and practicing gratitude is in y'all's best interest. Also, maybe take a cleansing bath or shower. Try to focus on the positive and that doesn't mean ignore the negative, but try not to only think of the negatives in your life. It's ok to cry, it's really healing for you, and try to get outside, even if it's only for 5 minutes.

Thank you all for reading! Remember I'm offering free readings! Sorry for any mistakes đŸ„ș

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3 years ago
Today's Topic Is... (Drumroll Please) Self Care From Spirit! Everyone Deserves A Little (or A Lot) Of
Today's Topic Is... (Drumroll Please) Self Care From Spirit! Everyone Deserves A Little (or A Lot) Of
Today's Topic Is... (Drumroll Please) Self Care From Spirit! Everyone Deserves A Little (or A Lot) Of

Today's topic is... (Drumroll please) self care from spirit! Everyone deserves a little (or a lot) of self care. Today's reading is going to tell you some ways you can practice self care this could help if you are struggling with self care (like me *eyebrow wiggle*) There are 3 piles and the numbers are on the bottom of the pictures. <3 enjoy the reading!

To pick a pile, take and deep breath in and relax. Then pick which relaxing bath you're drawn to!

Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all, if you hear something you don't like or if something doesn't resonate then don't take it! Also, tarot readings are not a replacement for professional advice. Finally, I'm dyslexic â˜č so if you see some kind of mistake, don't hate me (please)! Just call it out or move on with your life- respectfully.

Lastly, I'm offering free readings as long as they are not too long <3 Just Dm me!

Pile 1

Hello, lovely pile ones! This reading is going to be split into two parts! Things you have been doing well so far and then things you can do for self care!

The things you have been doing well are taking things slow! You have been doing things with intention and you have been healing past wounds.

What you should do for self care are not taking the lead on everything, let go of things that need to be let go of, take care of your needs, and prioritizing the things that need to be done or that you want to be done!

Words of empowerment: today's the opportunity to build the tommorow you want.

Song for you:

Pile 2

Hello, pile 2s! This reading is going to split into two parts, things you're doing well and the self care! Enjoy!

Things you are doing well are not being attached to what happened in the past. You are growing and moving on. You're looking for the positive in everything and making your inner child proud!

What you should do for self care is resting a bit more! You're so focused on doing things like healing that you're forgetting to rest. You should make sure to ask for more help with things, don't try to shoulder it alone! Treat your self like royalty because you are!

Words of empowerment: go for everything they said you couldn't have.

Song for you:

Pile 3

Last but definitely not least! Hello pile 3s, how are y'all? This reading will be split into two parts, things you are doing well currently and the self care!

Things that you are doing well are taking better care of your mental health. I can tell you folks are opening up to people about how you feel! I'm extremely proud of you for that!

Things to do for self care are if you can, maybe get a plant! It would be extremely healing for you! Take things slow and don't rush the process. Dont worry about things, everything will end up alright. Honor your feelings!

Words of empowerment: never apologize for being a powerful person.

Song for you:

Thanks everyone for reading! Sorry for any mistakes đŸ„ș and remember I'm offering free readings!

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3 years ago
Today's Topic Is.... (Drumroll Please...) How Do Other People See You? But! Before We Get Into The Intro,
Today's Topic Is.... (Drumroll Please...) How Do Other People See You? But! Before We Get Into The Intro,
Today's Topic Is.... (Drumroll Please...) How Do Other People See You? But! Before We Get Into The Intro,

Today's topic is.... (Drumroll please...) How do other people see you? But! Before we get into the intro, I just wanted to thank everyone for the support! I'm at thirty (almost 40) followers, which may not seem like a lot, but think about it! Thirty (almost 40) whole people really said, "you know what? I'm going to follow this person." Even to the people who aren't following me and just leave likes or to the people who are just reading, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart ! I promise to keep up the hard work ! I love you all/ P

Now for today's topic. A very famous topic, but still fun to do! Now, remember how are others see you, shouldn't define how you see yourself! And, how are others see you may be different from how you see yourself so keep that in mind. And lastly, there will be no insults here! We don't pay attention to the haters! Let's get into it!

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick the pile you're most drawn to!

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Last but not least, I'm offering free readings as long as they are not too long! Just DM me!

Pile one

Hello pile ones! Let's get into it!

Ok so for how people see you: people see you as very hard-working and independent. They see you as the type of person who knows what they want and speaks their truth. People also see you as a natural born leader.

Zodiac signs: you could be a fire sign (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries) or have major fire placements or air signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius).

Pile two

Hello hello! Let's get into it!

Ok, other people see you as a very laid back person! They see you as calm and very connected to your emotions! People find you easy to talk to and you give good advice! People think you take your time with things and are very optimistic.

Zodiac signs: you could be air signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) or fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

Pile three

Last but definitely not least, pile three!

For how people see you, they see you as type of person to take your time on things and that you know when to stop. People see you as very emotionally strong and that you know what's best for you. People see you as very patient and again you know how to take care of yourself.

Zodiac signs: you folks could be air signs (Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius).

Alrighty, that's all! Thank you everyone for reading and I hope you enjoyed the piles! Also, there was a lot of air sign energy here,,, sorry for any mistakes and remember, I'm offering free readings!

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3 years ago
Hello! Todays Topic Is(drumroll Please) Messages From Aphrodite! Ok, So I Worship Aphrodite And This
Hello! Todays Topic Is(drumroll Please) Messages From Aphrodite! Ok, So I Worship Aphrodite And This
Hello! Todays Topic Is(drumroll Please) Messages From Aphrodite! Ok, So I Worship Aphrodite And This
Hello! Todays Topic Is(drumroll Please) Messages From Aphrodite! Ok, So I Worship Aphrodite And This

Hello! Today’s topic is
(drumroll please) messages from Aphrodite! Ok, so I worship Aphrodite and this technically a devotional post. I will be doing two others for the other two deities I worship. Who is it? I guess we'll find out soon teehee. Ok, so, Aphrodite. She is the goddess of love, sex, beauty, etc, but that's not all she is! Aphrodite sometimes gets a bad rep, but she really shouldn't. She's a very loving and kind god. So this post is all about what message she has for you, yes you! What does she have to say to a lovely person like you? Find out! Now, if you don't believe in Hellenic deities or deities/ gods in general, if you would like to, just skip this post! I won't take it to heart I promise! Now, after those long blocks of text, let's get into the piles!

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick the picture you're most drawn to!

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Last but not least, I'm offering free readings as long as they are not too long! Just DM me!

Pile one

Hello, hello, pile ones! Let's see what your message is !

You need to speak up and stop caring about others opinions about you! Some of you may have a hard time accepting compliments, but it's ok, take your compliment! You deserve it! If someone says they like your shoes, don't question it! Y'all are blind to your own greatness. You are extremely unique and you need to take pride in that! You all very worthy and deserving of love. Some advice lady Aphrodite would like to give you is that you need to work through your fears and insecurities! Remember, you are loved!

Words of empowerment: throw me to the wolves and I'll come back leading the pack.

Pile two

Hello pile twos! Let's see what messages are here for you.

Let go of your fears and anxieties. They don't serve you. And I know that can be hard especially if you have an anxiety disorder (I definitely understand there), but try your best to get outside of your comfort zone,, and also try to get professional help if you need it! There's something that you really want to do, but you're letting your fears hold you back,, let it go. It is time for a change. You need to clean your space! This could be spiritually or physically. Try to make where your space doesn't stress you out! Some advice from Lady Aphrodite, whatever you want to do, just do it! Everything will be fine in end! You'll be ok!

Words of empowerment: old ways won't open new doors.

Pile three

Hello, hello! Let's see what messages are here for you!

This too will pass. Whatever you're going through will pass and you'll be alright. You're working on breaking bad habits! I'm extremely proud of you for that! Trust your path and know that this is happening for you, not to you. Nurture your inner child. The advice Lady Aphrodite has for you, trust the universe and take a breather! You deserve rest!

Words of empowerment: know your worth.

Pile four

Hello lovely pile fours! Let's see what messages are here for you!

Take a break and stop working so hard! Hardwork is important, but not when you're neglecting your needs! Some of y'all might be becoming bored with your work. Speak up about that and hold your ground ! I know it's hard, but you have to let go of your old ways that aren't benefiting you! You need to ask for help more, you shouldn't carry everything by yourself. If you continue down this path, you will end up breaking down due to stress. Detach yourself from this mindset! It's time to start taking care of yourself and know your worth. The advice that Lady Aphrodite has for you, honour your feelings and see the bigger picture!

Words of empowerment: throw me to the wolves and I'll come back leading the back.

Ok thank you to everyone for reading! I hope you enjoyed this PAC ! Sorry for any mistakes and remember I'm offering free readings!

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3 years ago
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is... (Drum Roll Please) Who Has Feelings For You? Yes, Yes, A Truly Romantic
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is... (Drum Roll Please) Who Has Feelings For You? Yes, Yes, A Truly Romantic
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is... (Drum Roll Please) Who Has Feelings For You? Yes, Yes, A Truly Romantic
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is... (Drum Roll Please) Who Has Feelings For You? Yes, Yes, A Truly Romantic

Hello, hello! Today's topic is... (Drum roll please) who has feelings for you?😳 Yes, yes, a truly romantic reading! Now if you're thinking, " psh, no one has feeling for me. Not a single person!" First of all, have more confidence in yourself and second of all, you wouldn't seeing this reading! ( Side third of all, you don't need to have a person who has a crush on you to be valid! You're valid no matter what) Now if this isn't person who likes you now, this a person who likes you in the the not- so- far future! Like 6 months at most! Ok so plz, don't worry! You are completely lovable. Also, if you are aromantic AND/OR not interested in this stuff, then this isn't for you dear. Let's get into the readings! There are 4 piles here and the numbers on on the bottom of the pictures as usual!

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick the cat you're most drawn too!

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Last but not least, I'm offering free readings as long as they are not too long! Just DM me!

Pile one

Hello, hello! Are you excited? I am!

Ok I'm getting that you know this person very well. You folks got a lot of majors, so this might be a divinely guided connection. This is a person who is very kind and loving. I'm feeling you 2 get along very well. You might of had a negative past with this person, but it is either better or getting better. There is a lot of energy in this relationship. This a one of kind love â˜ș

Advice: you might have a negative perception of love, but it's time to let go of that,, (I know I know) stop treating love so Seriously. It's time to have fun! Does this person make you happy? If so, be with them! Don't be afraid dear!

Zodiac signs: leo, Cancer, Virgo, fire signs, water signs, air signs.

Pile two

Hello! Hope you're excited! I know I am!

So much earth energy! This is a very stable type of person! This person works very hard and is very proud when the see the fruits of their labor. They enjoy their alone time and I'm seeing they either have a hard time making friends or they have a very small circle. This person may have a cold, hard exterior, but they are very warm and loving on the inside. They are very passionate and wise. This connection was meant to bring stability, ease, and comfort.

Advice: take action! Don't be shy, if you like this person, show 'em! Also, you need to take care of yourself first! :)

Zodiac signs: aries, virgo, pisces, earth signs are BIG here, fire signs, water signs, air signs, and Virgo again.

Pile three

Hello, hello, hello! Hope you're excited for this!

This person is family oriented! They are a person who likes to take their time with things. I'm getting that this a person who will be very honest with you and isn't afraid to speak their truth. This person desires deep connection with people. This connection is one that will help you accept and connect with yourself. I feel like this person will help you let go of something or someone that shouldn't be in your life.

Advice: this person might not be the type of person you're usually into, but you need to be open to change! Do some deep healing!

Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Leo, Aries, Libra, Virgo, fire signs, Libra again (lots of Libra energy), Aquarius again, air signs, earth signs, water signs

Pile four

Hello! Hope you're doing great! Let's get into it!!

For this person, they are very balanced. This person might be more pessimistic and might just say that they are more of realist. They seem like the brutally honest type. They probably have a hard time letting go of the past and might hold grudges. They are probably very emotional, but try to hide it. I'm getting Scorpio Energy,,, they are a strong person. There's a lot going on with person. This seems to be a karmic connect. This person will remind you of your worth.

Advice: push through any insecurities and take time to look at your feelings. What is your heart telling you about this person? Follow it! Stop overthinking things about this relationship. Also, for some, this person could be apart of you soul family.

Zodiac signs: Scorpio energy is big here, Leo, Aries, cancer, Libra, Virgo, Taurus, Aries again, cancer again, leo again, Virgo again, Capricorn, Aquarius, Aquarius again, air signs, earth signs, water signs.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this and sorry for any mistakes! Remember I'm offering free readings! Just DM me!

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3 years ago
Today's Topic Is.... (drumroll Please).... Yes/no! Yep That's Right, The Pressing Answer To Your Questions!
Today's Topic Is.... (drumroll Please).... Yes/no! Yep That's Right, The Pressing Answer To Your Questions!
Today's Topic Is.... (drumroll Please).... Yes/no! Yep That's Right, The Pressing Answer To Your Questions!
Today's Topic Is.... (drumroll Please).... Yes/no! Yep That's Right, The Pressing Answer To Your Questions!

Today's topic is.... (drumroll please).... Yes/no! Yep that's right, the pressing answer to your questions! I mean you could ask as many questions as you want, but make sure that you pick different piles for different questions,,, but I'm sure you know that! Welp, there's nothing else to say, let's get into it! Also, happy new year!

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax a pick a lovely landscape painting!

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Last but not least, I'm offering free readings as long as they are not too long! Just DM me!

Pile one


Your answer is yes... But be careful. Obviously this isn't going to speak to all people, but whatever this is, it seems dangerous. Not dangerous like you're going to die, but dangerous as in risky. Think it through. If you're not careful, I feel like you'll get hurt emotionally. Think; will it be worth it down the road? Is this a long term thing?

Pile two

Hello! Let's get into it,,

The answer to your question is no! Stay as far as way as you can from this thing! I don't know what this is, but it is not good! I feel like you'll get extremely hurt if you do this thing. You're probably not wanting to do this because you want to, but because you're trying to prove something. Do something because you want to!

Pile three

Hello, hello!

The answer is leaning more towards no, but it could possibly happen. Think this through. Is this what you want? Or is this what society wants? What ever this situation is, it's probably something that you have a past with, or that you have struggled with for a long time. For some this is an "in the moment thing." Will this be good long term? Think about it.

Pile four

Hello, hello, hello!

The answer to this question is yes, but no,,, um, I don't know what's going on here, but this seems like a very weird, convoluted, confusing situation. For a lot of you, this has to do with a person. You might like this person a lot (not just romantic liking), but they have a questionable past or made questionable decisions. This might be frustrating to hear, but you just need to think about this. Be careful. Also, just to add, you might have a lot of anxiety about this person!

Ok, that ends it! To be honest, I was surprised at these answers. Thank you for reading and sorry for any mistakes!

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3 years ago
Hello! Today's Topic Is...(drum Roll Please) Messages From The One, The Only Ares! Yes That's Right,
Hello! Today's Topic Is...(drum Roll Please) Messages From The One, The Only Ares! Yes That's Right,
Hello! Today's Topic Is...(drum Roll Please) Messages From The One, The Only Ares! Yes That's Right,

Hello! Today's topic is...(drum roll please) messages from the one, the only Ares! Yes that's right, we're back with another devotional post !! Now, now, Ares is definitely a deity who gets a VERY bad rep and like the good worshipper I am, I shall defend him to the ends of the Earth! Remember, deities are not exactly like their myths! Ares is very kind and fatherly (honestly better than both my parents /lh) and wholesome!!! đŸ„ș Stan Ares 2022. If you want, think of this as messages from your dad

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick which ever uh weapon you’re drawn to, teehee.

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Last but not least, I'm offering free readings as long as they are not too long! Just DM me!

Pile one

Hello, hello! Let’s get into your messages!

You all have been going through a lot of anxiety and stressful situations. For some it's about family situations. For the people who have kids, it might be a custody battle. For others, you might be struggling with friends or family. Maybe some bad habits (either yours or theirs) are popping back up and you're really struggling with that. For some it might be substance abuse (it doesn't have to be that serious for everyone). You might struggle with taking control in your life.

For some advice, try your best to take control because once you do it, you will be majorly successful. Try to be real with yourself and look at what's important in your life. Treat your self and go out with friends! Remember you are in charge of your own life!

Song for you:

Pile two

Hello, dear pile 2s... Let's get into your readings !!

First,, I'm seeing that y'all might be getting bored with your field of work/ school or that you feel like that your not getting what you deserve there. Because of this situation, you want to do something new. And you need to act! Of course think hard about this and make sure that your still be able to support yourself and stuff, but you cannot stay in this situation and be happy/ content. You need to have courage and take action with this situation!

For advice, think deeper about what you want for your life. Where do you want to be in 10-20 years ? Same thing for pile 1, but you need to treat your self! Also ground yourself!!!

Song for you:

Pile three

Hello, pile threes! Let's hear your messages!

Sweetie... You need to speak up! You probably feel out of control with your life because you can't say what you need to say! Speak up and set some boundaries! Some of y'all struggle with self esteem issues and see yourself in a negative light! You struggle with asking for help and support! And when you do, you feel guilty about receiving help,,,

For advice, ask for help! Please! Find balance in your life and trust the universe. Take a break dearie. Treat yourself, now!/ Lh. But seriously, you need to treat yourself right! Clean your space also! Whether spiritually or physically (even both). Drink some tea!

Song for you:

Ok so this is crazy but Every. Single. Pile got sweat treat and look into the stars from the self care cards! I guess papa Ares is big on that (yes I just typed out papa Ares). Anyways, thank you so much for reading and sorry for any mistakes!

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3 years ago
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is...(drumroll Please)... What Neighbourhood Song Describes You! I Thought
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is...(drumroll Please)... What Neighbourhood Song Describes You! I Thought
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is...(drumroll Please)... What Neighbourhood Song Describes You! I Thought
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is...(drumroll Please)... What Neighbourhood Song Describes You! I Thought
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is...(drumroll Please)... What Neighbourhood Song Describes You! I Thought

Hello, hello! Today's topic is...(drumroll please)... What neighbourhood song describes you! I thought that this would be a fun topic (I am in a silly goofy mood I would say). There will be three parts to this reading: your personality, your life, and you in your truest form! Now usually, I don't like doing odd number piles that are not three, but I'll make an exception this time! Now for the piles, whichever one you pick, the pictures are the album covers, but it doesn't mean the song will be in that album. Without further ado, let's get into it! ALSO OMG OMG OMG WERE ALMOST AT 100 FOLLOWERS

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick which album cover you're most drawn to.

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Last but not least, I'm offering free readings as long as they are not too long! Just DM me! Oh also, I will not be doing free readings after January 21, so get them while they're hot!

Pile one

Hello! Let's see what Neighbourhood song describes the aspects of your life! Are you excited? I am!

Your personality: Afraid

Let's get them explanations! First, some lines that stand out are:

-all my friends always lie to me

-Youre too mean, I don't like you.

- being me can only mean feeling scared to breathe

You feel like you have to hide your true personality from people for them to like you. Which isn't it bestie, you're amazing the way you are, don't fun your light to fit in! You're hardworking, sentimental, fun, and all around loveable !

Your life: Jealou$y

Some lines that stand out are:

-girl you know I'm on my grind

-rest in pieces peace of mind

- I'll take you on the open road, you'll take me where the ocean goes

Growing up you were taught that you always have to be working to mean something. Hustle culture you know. And because of that, you work yourself half to death and don't take any breaks. You're might be good at lying. Because of hard you work, you think that you don't have any time for anything besides it, love, friends, etc.

You in your truest form: baby came home 2/ valentines

Some lines:

- I was only 22 with a pocket full of truth

- the land lord called, she said you gotta go

- who I am gonna call?

You in truest form knows that they don't need to rely on anyone for anything and for most of you, I'm getting that you're already living that truth. You in your truest form doesn't let anyone F with them. Basically the face of confidence. Real boss shit. You in your truest form knows healthy work to life balance.

Advice for my besties: live a little. By the Gods, you need it! Smile! Youre beautiful and so is your smile! Dance! Bust a move! You don't have to do it in public, just dance alone in your room. Start a journal ! Listen to some good music! Scream into a pillow!

Pile two

Hello, hello! Hope your excited!

Your personality: the shining

Some lines that stick out me

- You've been shinin'Like, diamonds, blindin'

- you've been provin, you're superhuman

- you've got a heart of gold

Oh my gosh, excuse my unprofessionalism, but you're babie. Super kind and sweet! You could also be a hopeless romantic. Like the lyrics said, you've got a heart of gold! You glow and people stop to look at you when walk down the street! It's like they can see your heart by looking at you !

Your life: scary love

Some lines

- I don't want to be alone

- baby I got good luck with you

- Just watchin' you glow

- I'm in the passenger seat, you're in control

People have always been drawn to you. Whether or not you've been romantic relationships or not, this is definitely a fact. People feel blessed just to be around you. You're like a drug to people. Being with you is an adventure! You're definitely popular among the masses, whether you know it or not! You're magnetic 😳

You in your truest form: Daddy issues

Some lines:

- take you like a drug

- I tell you that I'm thinking about, whatever you're thinking about

- nobody does it like you do

Seriously bestie, what's going on with you! It's seems like you're blessed by our divine Lady Aphrodite herself! Honestly... Whatever you're doing, it's right! Youre living like your true self would! Sheesh, what icons...

Advice for my besties: just... Keep doing what you're doing. Honestly! Bestie you got it going on! But for real tho, dont feel like you need to fix everybody! " I can fix him..." Besties that is NOT you're job! If your searching for a partner, than you will definitely have success! Which is weird advice, but blame spirit, not me! Proud of y'all. Youre working hard on yourself and keep it going.

Pile three

Don't know why, but I'm very excited for this pile! Let's get into it!

Your personality: W.D.Y.W.F.M

Some lines that stand out

- maybe you're right, maybe this all that I can be

- what do you want from me

- she's crazy though, and I guess she took control

You struggle with other's thoughts of you. Even though you know it's rational to not let people's thoughts get to you, you can't help it. You're the type of person to work through the pain. You're a truly unique person though. Though you struggle with people's opinions on you, at the same time, you don't care and you do your own thing.

Your life: Lurk

Some lines

- I want to be honest

- is it too much to ask

- last thing that we should do is go slow

A lot of you didn't have the best childhood and probably used escapism or maladaptive daydreaming to cope (me too besties..) you live fast paced! You could of been shunned in your family for being different (ex. Queerness). But you try to make the best of your days. You feel like you didn't have a childhood

You in your truest form: Stargazing

Some lines

- it's a race against the clock

- keep running till we're lost

- made it pretty far on the first try

Oh, besties, you in your truest form knows that everything is going to be okay. They know that you have all the time in the world. And that you only have one life and you need to live it and not let dumb people control it. Your truest form takes healthy chances and risks. Life goes on.

Advice for my besties: love yourself. This may sound weird, but love yourself like you would like love your dream person/ partner. Plan a vacation, if you can. Even if it's not going somewhere, (which you shouldn't since we're still in the middle of a pandemic) but like go outside! Spend time with family. Now, it's doesn't have to be blood family, it could be found family. Like friends. Make yourself feel beautiful.

Pile four

Hello, hello! Let's get into the readings!

Your personality: lurk

Some lines that stand out

- I want to destroy you

- I want to be raw

- I think that I'm wrong

- I fuck you in love (😳)

Alrighty, I'm getting that you're an more emotional person than most people are around you. You're the type person who needs to be certain in everything. You want to know the truth of things and not beat around the bush. You're more possessive like of your friends and lovers.

Your life: Dangerous

Some lines:

- I did it, look who brought with me

- don't talk much, I don't say shit

- we're made to love

Hopeless romantics, the lot of you. You love to be in love. Whenever you're in a relationship you feel Like you're untouchable. Growing up you've might've been taught that you immediately have to get married (especially if you're afab). For some of you, this didn't bother you. Growing up, some people have said that you're intense. Some of you are more on the naive side.

You in your truest form: fallen star

Some lines:

- I'll keep you far away from me, like a star

- I wanna be your lifeline, but everybody can't be a millionaire

- you're in my DNA, I can't keep away no matter how hard I try

You in your truest form would be an amazing person to be in a relationship with and I'm getting that you even are right now. You in your truest from would demand attention and wouldn't take no for an answer (in appropriate situations). You would never doubt yourself. You would never except less for yourself. You in your truest from would know that after something bad happens, life goes on.

Advice for my besties: keep being a bad B. Let yourself feel your emotions without judgement. Let yourself move on also. Explore the magickal areas in your life.

Pile five

Hello, pile fives! Last, but not least, let's get into your messages.

Your personality: #icanteven

Some lines that stand out:

- you can't even, you can't even, say I'm overreacting

- shame on me, you fooled me twice

- you like to say that you're right

You might be a person that holds grudges. You're also a person that beats themselves up over their mistakes. Also, you might have trust issues. You hold in your true feelings until you explode. More blunt person. You have an admirable personality. People look up to you for your more outspoken nature.

Your life: W.D.Y.W.F.M?

Some lines:

- three days before she told me that I don't even try

- what do you want from me

- maybe we'll fight 'til they move us a long

Growing up, people around you could've put you down a lot. For awhile you believed it. When you got older, you began to realize how wrong it was. You try to be more optimistic most of the time. You also could've/ still do struggled with intrusive thoughts. Due to childhood, you don't let people walk all over you (as you shouldn't).

You in your truest form: unfair

Some lines:

- unfair (that's the only line)

You call out what's unfair. And you don't let people treat you unfairly. You treat every new day as a new opportunity. You don't worry. You know when to let go. You treat yourself right. You in your truest from you won't hide.

Advice for my besties: trust yourself. Don't hide from yourself or others. Stand up for yourself. Take what's yours. Make yourself feel beautiful. Connect with your inner self using meditation.

Ok besties that's it for the piles! I gotta say, that was super fun and I'm definitely doing it again! If you have suggestions for what artist I should do next or just what reading you want to see, you should comment it! Thank you for reading and goodbye!

Tags :
3 years ago
Hello! Today's Topic Is (drumroll Please)... What Will Your February 2022 Be Like? Wow, It's Almost February
Hello! Today's Topic Is (drumroll Please)... What Will Your February 2022 Be Like? Wow, It's Almost February
Hello! Today's Topic Is (drumroll Please)... What Will Your February 2022 Be Like? Wow, It's Almost February
Hello! Today's Topic Is (drumroll Please)... What Will Your February 2022 Be Like? Wow, It's Almost February

Hello! Today's topic is (drumroll please)... What will your February 2022 be like? Wow, it's almost February already! So far my 2022 has been fine. How has y'all's 2022s been so far? I hope it's been great! Also, I hope you like bread.

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick whichever bread you're most drawn to.

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Also, if you enjoy my readings and you want to, you could donate and support me! I would appreciate it a lot!

My cashapp ||| My kofi

Pile one

Hello! Hope you're ready!

February is going to be one of your most social months. Which is both a good and a bad thing. Because you are not alone, your gonna feel like you can't be your true self in a way because you have to like perform for people. You'll miss your alone time. On the flip side, the good things are that you'll meet more people and celebrate with them.

Blessings: you'll definitely be more connected with yourself. Being around all those people will help you realize things about yourself. This month you'll be more connected to your masculine energy. In a way, you'll be led to your calling.

Challenges: you may struggling with what's fair. You might be going through a legal situation, but doesn't have to be. In a way, you'll feel ripped off or like you didn't get what you deserve. This will most likely happen with a person you meet. This could be a situation in school or work like in group projects where you could be doing all the work. When this happens, take deep breaths and keep calm.

What you need to focus on: you need to focus on taking care and being true to yourself in February. Don't be someone you're not. Be patient and strategic know your social interactions.

Advice: alone time and go with the flow. If your into things like this, you could connect with Crystals and do sound healing. Be authenticly you! Try to see the bigger picture! I hope everyone's February is amazing!

Pile two

Hello! Hope your excited!

In February, you will be healing and focusing on yourself and that healing. In the end of 2021 and the start of 2022, you been recovering from some kind heartbreak and now in February, you'll be at the very end of the journey. You're almost there.

Blessings: In February, you will find stability. For some of you, you'll stop feeling like you have to rely on others. And for others, you'll be able to give more to yourself. You have to fill up your own cup first. You'll find strength and you'll focus on yourself (finally).

Challenges: you will face the feeling of the lingering heartbreak that you are healing from. The change could also be difficult for you to handle. Try to find balance in your life. Like life to work balance or work on putting self care into your schedule.

What you need to focus on: focus on finding peace. Work on inner child healing. Try to find silence and time for rest.

Advice: go outside, take a walk. Start a dream journal and drink plenty of water! Honour your feelings. Stop overthinking and let your fears dissolve. I hope y'all have a peaceful February.

Pile three

Hello! Hope you're ready for this!

This February, you might be going through a "test" of sorts. There will be a hard decision coming up (perhaps in work). Instead of looking at this decision through your eyes, do what feels right.

Blessings: though, this hard decision will bring good luck! And a lot of happiness. You could meet new friends because of this decision. You will seen as mature, clever, and powerful.

Challenges: you could struggle with being unproductive. Because of this new position, you could feel like you don't have to work as hard. But! Don't think like that. Be humble. Don't let your ego get the best of you!

What you need to focus on: don't get lazy! Focus on working hard. But, make sure to take time for rest and relaxation. Stay productive.

Advice: dance, spend time with animals, take a walk, and eat a sweet treat! Trust all will be well, believe in your good luck, and practice gratitude. Don't stress too much over this situation! I hope you have a relaxing February.

Pile four

Hello! Let's get into it!

In February, you will probably be feeling pushed to the limit. Probably with a particular person or group of people. There are toxic people in your life that you need to get rid of and your starting to realize this.

Blessings: you will be breaking out of bad habits and bad cycles. Without these things distracting you, you'll be able to move forward with a purpose. Good change is coming. You will more dedicated in your studies or work.

Challenges: you may struggle with passion. Also, because of this toxic people, you may struggle with self image. Perhaps a lot of trouble with arise when you call these people out. Also these people could be some of the only people that you call "friends" so you may struggle with leaving them behind. But you need to. Relax and go with the flow. More people will come into your life.

What you need to focus on: getting comfortable in your own skin. Know that your not alone! Stop lying to yourself about your circumstances.

Advice: spend time with family, make an altar, drink some tea, and get a health check-up. Be proud of yourself, know your worth, don't let people walk all over you! Release your blocks and keep your heart open. There will always be more people.

Thank you so much for reading and sorry for any mistakes! Overall, have an amazing February and year.

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3 years ago
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is... (drumroll Please)... Your Life's Porpoise ... Get It? Cuz The Pictures
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is... (drumroll Please)... Your Life's Porpoise ... Get It? Cuz The Pictures
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is... (drumroll Please)... Your Life's Porpoise ... Get It? Cuz The Pictures
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is... (drumroll Please)... Your Life's Porpoise ... Get It? Cuz The Pictures
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is... (drumroll Please)... Your Life's Porpoise ... Get It? Cuz The Pictures
Hello, Hello! Today's Topic Is... (drumroll Please)... Your Life's Porpoise ... Get It? Cuz The Pictures

Hello, hello! Today's topic is... (drumroll please)... Your life's porpoise 🐬... Get it? Cuz the pictures are of porpoises ? (Crickets) ok uh moving on 😅 yep yep, your life's purpose ! Now just because this is your life’s purpose, doesn’t mean that you have to follow it! If you see something and your like “nah,” then that’s ok! But knowing your life's purpose could really help you out.

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick whichever porpoise you’re drawn to!

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Also, if you enjoy my readings and you want to, you could donate and support me! I would appreciate it a lot!

My cash app ||| my kofi

Pile one

Hello, hello pile ones!

Your life purpose is to be surrounded with people! You're not really meant to be "alone." This could mean starting a family, but it doesn't have to be. You are more or less supposed be the decision maker. You're like the person that everyone relies on, (not in an unhealthy way). You have a very loving and kind energy. You are meant to share you wisdom with the world!

How to follow your life's purpose: don't carry anyone else's burden. Don't get caught up in the past or in bad habits. Admit when you need to change. Stop worrying too much. Embrace change.

Advice: don't give up on your goals. Don't micromanage things. Let things come to you.

Pile two

Hello pile twos!

You are meant to help people. You have this energy that heals and helps people. You are an incredibly wise person who gives amazing advice. Now you don't have to help people through a spiritual practice like reading tarot, but it could something like a teacher, therapist, doctor, etc.

How to follow your life's purpose: seek out more divine wisdom, like a spiritual teacher, though don't feel like you have to. Work on yourself. Work on healing yourself first before trying to help anyone else.

Advice: don't feel like you need to step up into some kind of position don't feel you owe anybody anything.

Pile three

Hello pile threes!

Your life purpose is to be freeee. Ok that may sound weird, but you are not meant to held down or shackled. You are not meant to hide who you are. Life's too short to not be who you are.

How to follow your life purpose: Be yourself! Don't care what anyone says about you ! Be as weird as you want! You are a very unique person. Speak up and don't hide yourself!

Advice: be confident in yourself. Bring your plans to life! Don't just keep them in your big, beautiful head. Be bold! And lastly, don't doubt yourself.

Pile four

Hello pile fours!

Your life purpose is to be bold! You're not meant to just sit back and let things happen. You are meant to be outspoken and confident. Your kinda like that friend that everyone needs because you tell it how it is and don't take no BS.

How to follow your life purpose: learn many things! Don't just be a one trick pony. Take action! If you're sure about something, follow it! Don't do anyone's bidding. Stand up for yourself.

Advice: be confident in yourself. Don't let anyone walk all over your for any reason. Be independent. Like I said don't just stick to what you know, learn new languages! Don't be scared of talking.

Pile five

Hello pile fives!

Hmm, well you certainly are the romantic type. Ok, well this may sound weird, but in a way you are meant to be someone's dream person. Now, now, I don't mean that's all you have to be, like being a house spouse (tee-hee), but being romantic is like in your nature.

How to follow your life's purpose: keep on dreaming. Really never stop dreaming! And then put those dreams into action! Work on finding the perfect person for you, cuz they're out there! I feel like some of you have given up on love, well don't 😡 Jk I'm not mad, but for real, don't give up, ok?

Advice: Don't let people treat you like a toy! If someone is not willing to commit, drop 'em! Don't change yourself for anyone, like if you're not someone's type, that's fine! You're still attractive and someone out there thinks so too!

Pile six

Hello pile sixes!

You are meant to help people. This could be as simple as giving advice, getting someone out of a slump, or saying hi to someone on the street! You have a very healing energy. You are meant to live by your own rules. Don't change yourself to fit in and don't let anyone change you! You are meant to be you!

How to follow your life's purpose: Love yourself. Be defiant. Like I said, don't let anyone change you or hold you down. Don't let anyone keep you in a box.

Advice: Dont be afraid to tear things down, like old standards! Be careful or cautious of the people you're around! Don't let people into your circle unless you know they are for your highest good!

Thank you for reading ! And yes, I know that advice and the how to and kinda the same, but leave me alone 😭 I like giving advice!

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3 years ago
Happy Valentine's Day! Today's Topic... (Drumroll Please)... What Does Your Person Love Most About You?
Happy Valentine's Day! Today's Topic... (Drumroll Please)... What Does Your Person Love Most About You?
Happy Valentine's Day! Today's Topic... (Drumroll Please)... What Does Your Person Love Most About You?
Happy Valentine's Day! Today's Topic... (Drumroll Please)... What Does Your Person Love Most About You?

Happy Valentine's day! Today's topic... (Drumroll please)... What does your person love most about you? Now, now, this doesn’t have to be a romantic person, it can be a friend, a sibling, a parent, anyone! This is what they love about you, so think about your person and get ready to find out what they love about you!

Now to pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick whichever rose you’re most drawn to!

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Also, if you enjoy my readings and you want to, you could donate and support me! I would appreciate it a lot!

My cash app ||| my Kofi

Pile one

Their traits and energy: they are a very energetic person. They have a very dominant energy. They are very confident. When the love someone, they’ll do anything for them and won’t let them go.

This person loves you a whole lot! They think you’re really special. They look up to you. They don’t want to happen to you! They want to take care of you! Their heart breaks when something happens to you. They want to be yours and you to be theirs (this is more for romantic group). They think you are too good for them. You or them may come from a chaotic household and all they want for the both of you is peace.

Channelled messages:

“baby, how do I say this politely?”

“ I was such a fool”

“And she did what she had to do”

“Does my pen only write bitter words for those who are dear to me?”

Pile two

Their traits and energy: they are daydreamers, night owls. Their energy is um very Romantic! They are probably a Romantic at heart!

This person loves that you’re agreeable? Your able to meet them halfway. Your person thinks you’re tough. This person loves being around you and wants to show you off. They also feel like they are always at fault when y’all get into it. They think you’re very confident and attractive. They want to protect you. They feel they are not good enough for you. They love that you are very loyal.

Channelled messages:

"Don't you know that I would move heaven and Earth to be together forever with you. "

"take my eyes"

"Cause it's my kinda party"

"They fall in love"

Pile three

Their traits and energy: this person wants to be noticed by you and they want for you to pay attention to them. This person is tired of dancing around you. They want to get to the point. This person is intense! You may have gone through a rough patch with this person

What they love the most about you is how you can be a bit uh dumb sometimes? Not like dumb in a bad way but like in a cute way! Like airheaded. They love that you always are ready for an adventure and that you're fun to be around. You don't pretend to be something that you're not. They love how chaotic and fun your energy is.

Channelled messages:

" I want to taste your love, anything you want to do"

"Ever thought of calling when you've had a few?"

"You need everyone's eyes just to feel seen"

"A smiling and crying and lying charade"

Pile four

Their traits and energy: your person has a pretty romantic energy. They also seem like a sweet person. They always feel like they have to prove themselves. They don't want to come off as intimidating, but they still want to be "mysterious." They don't want to seem easy to get.

What they love most about you is that you're energetic. They love that you're own person and they admire you for that. They feel like they can always come back to you. They feel like there's a sort of "magic" about you. They think that you're very good, too good for them.

Channelled messages:

"You're a beauty, a luminary in my face"

"Stay away"

"If we fall apart, maybe it wasn't to be"

" I swear to God, I never fall in love, then you showed up, and I can't get enough of it"

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day! Thank you so much for reading!

Tags :
3 years ago
Alrighty, Today's Topic Is... (drumroll Please) Messages From Dionysus! Ah Yes, The Man Himself, Dionysus.
Alrighty, Today's Topic Is... (drumroll Please) Messages From Dionysus! Ah Yes, The Man Himself, Dionysus.
Alrighty, Today's Topic Is... (drumroll Please) Messages From Dionysus! Ah Yes, The Man Himself, Dionysus.

Alrighty, today's topic is... (drumroll please)
 messages from Dionysus! Ah yes, the man himself, Dionysus. The last devotional post! Dionysus is like the wine aunt and fun uncle all in one! Me and Dio (as I call him) have been together for the longest (that makes sound like a couple, but no) 7 months. Whereas with Lord Ares and lady Aphrodite, they came in the same month and we've been together for about 3 months. So our bond is definitely deeper than the others, but don't worry, I love them all equally! Anyways lord Dionysus is the god of madness, wine, fertility,revelry, and all that good stuff. Ok so I made this pictures with that art generator, dream by wombo. That bring said, let's get into it!

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, a pick a picture that you're most drawn to!

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Last but not least, I'm offering free readings as long as they are not too long! Just DM me! Btw, I will not be doing free readings after January 21, so get them while they're hot!

Also, if you enjoy my readings and you want to, you could donate and support me! I would appreciate it a lot!

My cash app ||| my kofi

Pile one


There is something that you are burdened by. For some, I get the sense that this is some kind of relationship. Maybe a partner that you can break up with because you rely on for finances or for whatever reason. This person could cause you a lot of mental turmoil. These can also be parents. Don't worry because you will be able to get out of this situation. Start making moves to get out of this situation. This can be by doing things like saving the money you get, reaching to people (also if you are in a situation of domestic abuse, look for shelters in your area or call hotlines, I wish the best for you)

Advice: Take care of yourself, create art, or try art therapy, know your worth and I'm saying that you should forget or excuse whatever this person has done to you, but don't let it hold you back from living your life. Keep your heart open and know that good things are coming. Also know that whatever this person has done or said to you is not who you are. You're worth so much more. I love y'all and I hope you're safe.

Pile two


You are turning over a new leaf. Your starting to take care of yourself more, careless about people's opinions (or are going to start to soon), and you're letting go of unnecessary worries. You're taking charge and becoming your truest self. You're listening to your intuition more and your standing your ground with people and not letting them cross hour boundaries. Keep doing what you're doing. Whatever you need answers to, you're going they them.

Advice: connect with your ancestors or check ancestry like doing one of those DNA tests. Drink tea, look into the stars, keeping being yourself and shine. Also, if you're spiritual, attune to the Divine, maybe contact your spirit guides if you want to and you're ready to. Just make sure you do your research and stuff.

Pile three


I'm getting that there is something that is new in your life and you're really passionate about it, but you need to slow down and plan. Whatever you are doing will be good for you, but in the beginning you will struggle unnecessarily if you don't think things through. You need to be strategic, don't just jump into things. You need to balance things out like the balance between spirituality and practicality. Though just know once you plan this out and get started, it will bring a lot of prosperity.

Advice: Taking a walk could help you think and plan this through. Baking could help too. Look at the small details of what you're planning and really consider them. See the bigger picture!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed these messages from our good Lord Dionysus!

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3 years ago
Welcome Back To Another Of My PAC! Today's Topic Is... (Drumroll Please)... Your Energy In March! January
Welcome Back To Another Of My PAC! Today's Topic Is... (Drumroll Please)... Your Energy In March! January
Welcome Back To Another Of My PAC! Today's Topic Is... (Drumroll Please)... Your Energy In March! January
Welcome Back To Another Of My PAC! Today's Topic Is... (Drumroll Please)... Your Energy In March! January

Welcome back to another of my PAC! Today's topic is... (Drumroll please)... Your energy in March! January and February have passed by quickly! Which I don't know if I am glad for or not, but whatever. Uh, I can say that 2022 is not shaping up or not :/ but hey! We're gonna make it!

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick whichever painting you're most drawn to.

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Also, if you enjoy my readings and you want to, you could donate and support me! I would appreciate it a lot!

My cashapp ||| my Kofi

Pile one

Hello, lovely pile ones! Hope you’re having a decent year so far.

Your energy in March: ohh ok, you will be vibing. These past few months you may have gotten rid of a toxic relationship in your life and now you will living your best life. You will feel more connected to your intuition and to yourself. You will go with the flow. It's happening for me, not to me will be your mindset. You could be starting a new relationship or starting a new project that your passionate about. You could have more success in work/school. You'll be super productive and on top of it. You'll more giving in this month. You'll have more faith in your spiritual abilities and more faith in the Divine.

This march, you could be spending more time alone and soul searching. You'll be protecting yourself and what's yours. You're changing yourself for the better. You could also be ending karmic cycles. You becoming at peace with what has happened in your life.

Pile two

Hello! Hope you've had a decent year so far!

This march: In the past months, you could've had trouble with setting boundaries, especially with loved ones, but this march, you'll be getting slightly better with this. I'm getting that you'll start off small (even though setting boundaries are never small) like with telling a person that you're busy and that you can't help them. You may also learn something (good or bad) about a person in your life that will change how you feel about them. This March is a time for healing. Happiness lies in your path.

Btw, this pile's energy is kinda like pile ones, so go look at that pile if you want. This March, I can see a tower moment coming up. Which I know sounds scary, but I promise it's for your greater good. After this tower moment, everything will much clearer.

Pile three

Hello, I hope that you have had a decent year so far.

This March, you could be rekindling a relationship with someone from your past. This relationship could've ended because you moved away, you could've naturally drifted apart, or whatever. This March, youll start to become more comfortable with yourself. For the people that are rekindling an old relationship, I hear that this relationship will make you calmer and stronger as a person. This relationship will change you for the better. You'll be renewing your energy in March.

Something that you are not expecting will happen. This could be how you meet with this person again or something unrelated. A big issue in your life could be resolving itself soon.

Pile four

Hello, I hope that your year has been at least decent so far

Good things are coming the march. Your vibrations will be rising. You'll be using all your tools to help you. This month you'll be master manifester. This March will be a month for celebrating and joy. This might be one of your "best" months. I'm also seeing that youll have plenty of good luck too. You'll be stepping out of a victim mentality and stepping into your true power. This month will a month of great change. Make sure to express your gratitude this March (and always).

This March you'll definitely have a more youthful energy about you. You might be more open into trying new things without feeling uncomfortable. But also you will feel more confident will yourself and what you got. Other People will see this new energy that you have and some might try to take advantage of it. But I have a feeling that you'll be ok. I see that you'll be smart enough to not be tricked. These people cannot pull a blindfold over your eyes.

Hello, hello, thank you for reading. Also, I just wanted to say that I hope that anyone who is reading this and is in Ukraine/ was at some point are okay. I know these times are hard and I hope you all stay safe. If you are in a safe place, make sure that you take care of your mental health during these times (especially if you are from Ukraine and made it to a safe place)

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2 years ago
Hello! Im Back From My Little Break, But I Bet You Didnt Even Know Teehee. Todays Topic Is. (Drumroll
Hello! Im Back From My Little Break, But I Bet You Didnt Even Know Teehee. Todays Topic Is. (Drumroll
Hello! Im Back From My Little Break, But I Bet You Didnt Even Know Teehee. Todays Topic Is. (Drumroll
Hello! Im Back From My Little Break, But I Bet You Didnt Even Know Teehee. Todays Topic Is. (Drumroll
Hello! Im Back From My Little Break, But I Bet You Didnt Even Know Teehee. Todays Topic Is. (Drumroll

Hello! I’m back from my little break, but I bet you didn’t even know teehee. Today’s topic is
. (Drumroll please)
 What Mitski song describes you? I mean, who doesn't love Mitski? Her music is honestly iconic. I throughly enjoyed doing the Neighbourhood post, so I decided to another one of my favorite artists. What's your favorite Mitski song? I think mine is either Nobody or Me and my husband. Ok and just like the Neighbourhood post, the album you pick doesn't mean that your pile will have a song in the album and this reading will be spilt into your life, your personality, and you in your truest form, except I'm gonna add something which will be how are you presenting yourself now.

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick an album cover.

Warning ! Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

Also, if you enjoy my readings and you want to, you could donate and support me! I would appreciate it a lot!

My cashapp ||| My Kofi

Pile one

Your life: brand new city

Some lines that stand out

-I think my heart is ready to die

-Honey look at me

-I think the ground is pulling me down

-And teach myself how to die.

Ok I know that that they lyrics do look morbid, but it’s not like that. I’m getting that life had it’s go at you. You’ve definitely have been through a lot, but you don’t let it get you down. You might actually look back at with a sense of dark humor. You may think that life is just passing you by and you don’t think that you’re doing anything meaningful. I’m thinking that there is a person that maybe broke you heart. It doesn’t have to be a romantic partner, it could be a friend or a parent/guardian. For some of you, you could’ve just recently lost a loved one.

Your personality: townie

Some lines that stand out

- And I want a love that falls as fast

- I want a kiss like my heart is hitting the ground.

- And change, change, change is gonna come, but when, when, when

I’m getting that you are a confident person. You have a very loving personality. You are a very tough person. You are the warrior of your life. You stand up for yourself and don’t let people take advantage you. You try to keep a positive mindset, but it can be hard for you. You seem like the type of person who’s always in a relationship or always wants to be (nothing wrong with that).

How are you presenting now: Pearl driver

- Dive, dive, deeper

- But hunter, you were human, don’t forget it and go safely

- And, I, I’ll live without you, though the struggle will be daily

Right now you could be doing shadow work, healing, and/or going to therapy. You’re admitting when you’re wrong and learning from your mistakes. You could be feeling like you’re stuck in a sort of “limbo” phase. Though I think that you were the type of person to stand up for yourself, I think that you’re getting even better at it. You’re breaking bad habits especially bad love habits.

You in truest form: working for the knife

- but I’m working for the knife

- I start the day high and it ends so low

- Now at 29, the road ahead appears the same

-I always the thought the choice was mine and I was right, but I just chose wrong

You in your truest form will not be afraid to admit when they are wrong. You will also be fine with not knowing what is going to happen. You in your truest form will not be afraid to let relationships go. You won’t care about pleasing anyone or making people like you.

Pile two

Your life: last words of a shooting star

Lines that stand out

- And I am relieved that I’d left my room tidy

- They’ll never know how I’d stared at the dark in that room

- And you’d say you love me and look in my eyes but I know through mine you were looking in yours

- I always wanted to die clean and pretty

Growing up you were always told that you needed to behave and look a certain way. You could’ve grown up with narcissistic guardians or guardians that wanted to live through you and you really struggled to give through that. You may have also struggled with distancing yourself from this people as you got older. Like even though you know it would be best, you love them too much. It could also be that you grew up in a less than accepting family and you had to hide you were. Now that you’re older, you can start to be yourself.

Your personality: First love/late spring

-lately I’ve been crying like a tall child

- please don’t say you love me

- And I was so young when I behaved 25

- one word from you and I would jump off this ledge I’m on baby

You could be a person who is not very trusting. You have a hard time letting people in and you build walls around yourself. You’re the type of person to smile through the pain and pretend like everything is ok. You tend to not care what people say about you. No offense, but you’re the type of person to get mad when someone complains about their childhood or problems because you think that they don’t have it as bad as you. You may do this subconsciously. There’s nothing wrong with that, but when you get these thoughts, catch yourself and realize that everyone’s problems are valid. You could also be the type of person to push people away.

How are you presenting now: me and my husband

- and then I’ll be nothing forever

- so I bet all I have on that furrowed brow

- but when he walks in, I am loved, I am loved

You could have just met a new person and you are investing all of your energy into this new relationship. You kinda of just sit around and wait for things to happen instead of making them happen. Instead of investing all of your energy into other people, you need to start investing it in yourself. There’s nothing wrong with putting energy into your relationships, but you need to balance it out.

You in your truest form: I will

- I will take good care of you

- there’s no need to be brave

- cause all I ever wanted is here

You in your truest form will put yourself first and take care of yourself first. You will be able to be comfortable with yourself and know that your home is with you. You will not be so guarded and afraid of getting hurt. You will know how to love unconditionally both yourself and others. You will let people shower with you love and you will not push them away. You’ll love yourself first. And I’m not saying that you have to completely love yourself to love others and actually find good people for you will help you love yourself.

Pile three

Your life: fireworks

Lines that stand out

- and when I find that a knife sticking out of my side, I’ll pull it out without questioning why

- I will be married to silence

- I’ll hear fireworks outside, and I’ll listen to the memories as they cry, cry, cry

You enjoy having peace and quiet. You’ve always preferred being alone and getting away from people. You’ve always had a hard time expressing your emotions. You also could’ve been bullied before or have had people against you and you feel like that has made you strong. Though you may not like to admit it, you could be a romantic at heart. In the past, you could’ve had friends that turned on you for no reason or that were toxic.

Your personality: jobless Monday

- oh, I miss when we first met, he didn’t know me yet

- makes no difference where we’ll be

- But please under the light of day

You always had a hard time getting to know people. You’re the type of person who thinks that they don’t need anyone. You’re not the type of person who gives second chances and you also might be more pessimistic. You also might enjoy traveling and have always wanted to get away. Though may not think that you don’t need anyone, you have always wanted that special person in your corner. You always have felt like you don’t fit in with how your supposed to act.

How are you presenting now: fireworks (again)

Uh I don’t think there is a point to pick out lines haha

You’re presenting for very strongly. You don’t give up and you’re very resilient. “It’s over when it’s over” is your motto right now. You know that there’s no escaping your issues and others issues so you go through it all. If you’re not mentally not doing well, but you should always to rest mentally when you can and take care of your mental health. You have a hard time trusting especially in relationships. Whoever hurt in your past really left a bad mark on your life and mind. Though it may be hard, the only way to heal is to let it go and forgive, so you can move on and be happy. Though it’s weird to say, you’re too strong for your own good. You don’t deal properly with your emotions because you say you’re “strong” but you don’t have to be. It’s ok to feel your emotions and not be strong all the time. You don’t have to push everyone away in fear that they will hurt you, it’s ok to trust again.

Shhh, don’t tell the other piles, but I’m gonna give y’all some extra advice: you need to spend some more time looking within. You also need to take a reality check, is that person really not trust worthy or are you being paranoid. Follow your intuition.

You in your truest form: working for the knife

- I guess ‘cause I wish I was making things too

- I always thought the choice was mine, and I was right, but I just chose wrong

Ok so you in your truest form would know that they are able to do whatever they want without making excuses and without needing anyone’s approval or validation. You would feel better about meeting people and not automatically not trusting them. You would able to find true love and friendship. You would start attracting them. You won’t be ashamed to show the world your true self.

Pile four

Your life: fireworks (wow this song is popping up A LOT. If you feel called to pile three, check it out)

Lines that stand out

- I’ll keep going to work and he won’t see a change, Save perhaps a slight gray in my eye

- and I’ll listen to the memories as they cry, cry, cry

- but you know, oh you know in the quiet he holds, runs a river that’ll never find home

For some of you, you were really praised as a kid for something that you were good at. Like sports, academics, etc. This made you feel like that people didn’t care about some of the other things that you were interested in. You could’ve also felt like that people didn’t care about how you felt. You might be the type of person who falls for someone very quickly.

Your personality: last words of a shooting star

- they’ll think of me kindly

- carefully I was going to live

- quietly it was told to believe

- I’ve always wanted to die clean and pretty

You’re a people pleaser and you only want people to think highly of you. You may have a hard time with differentiating friends from acquaintances. You also could be the type of person who gets irritated when people don’t do their share of work. You probably don’t like when people worry about you and you don’t like sharing your feelings.

How you’re presenting now: real men

(Also this song says nothing about your gender, dw)

- and real men suck it in

- little boys cry and look around for comfort

- and tell me, “well done girl, you’re looking good.”

- oh I’m gonna be a real man

So you are presenting as the type of person who seeks external validation and doesn’t show emotions in public. You always act calm, cool, and collected. If someone is unnecessarily rude or tries to walk all over you, you’ll just suck it in. You could be feeling every lonely right now. You try not to dream that much and stay in reality. Which is really sad btw,,, it’s never a bad thing to dream and actually it’s very important to have hopes and dreams. You try to be the very refined person. Instead of following your own dreams, you follow the dreams of other people or what people say is stable. Like say you wanted to be a musician growing up, but someone told you that you should be something more “stable” and be like a doctor instead. So that’s what you would do. But you need to listen to yourself and your heart and do what you want.

You in your truest form: heat Lightning

- though I’ve held on, cant carry it much longer

- so, I give it up to you, I hope that’s ok

- well I’ve held on but feel a storm approaching

- Can I give it up you? Would that be okay?

You in your truest form would be able to live out their dreams. You may have held on to other people’s expectations, but you’ll know that you don’t have to do that no longer. You’ll be able to speak to other people about how you feel and you’ll not feel like you’ve burdened them. You’ll be able to have intimate relationships with people. You would be able to ask for love you deserve and not settle for less. You would see the hope in the future. You wouldn’t forget all the good things out there in the “bad” moments.

Pile five

Your life: crack baby

Lines that stand out

- blank open eyes watch the moon flower bloom

- crack baby, you don’t know what you want

- but you know that you had it once and you know that you want it back

Ok so in your childhood you probably had people that invalidated your feelings. Because of this, you had a negative a perception of people and the world and you also thought you had to do it all by yourself. Despite this, you always try to be as loyal as possible to the people that are in your life. Also growing up and even now you may have been told that you were a lot better than others at certain things, so you may have gotten a big head,,, you may also be quite stubborn towards change and you accept things as they are.

Your personality: a pearl

- sorry I don’t want your touch

- it’s just that I fell in love with a war

- sorry I cant take your touch

- it’s not that I don’t want you

Ok so like I said in the life part, you probably have a very big ego. I also get that you’re very hardworking. Also, if you want to, you should check out pile 3 and 4. You’re very prideful. Some people might also call you arrogant. You’re very stubborn and won’t take no for an answer (not in the gross weird way, I hope,,, always ask for consent plz and respect it) I’m getting that you’re a very masculine energy which doesn’t mean that you have to identify as masculine, it’s just your energy. I also get you can be very intimidating.

How you’re presenting now: nobody

- And I don’t want your pity

- And I know no one will save me

- And still nobody wants me

You’re presenting as the type person who is very confident and knows what they are doing. You are also presenting as the person who doesn’t want love, help, and maybe even friends. Your probably not interested in finding a long time partner and are only interested in hookups. Though deep down you probably want to find someone to settle down with. You’re presenting as the type of person who is a “realist” or just basically a pessimist. You see things as the way they are and not as they could be. You’re not the type of person who gives out second chances.

Your truest form: first love/ late spring

- wild women don’t get the blues

- so please, hurry, leave me, I can’t breathe

- Tell me “don’t,” so I can crawl back in

While I get that you’re confident now, you’ll be more confident in things like talking about your feelings and stuff like that. You will be able to correctly express yourself in a healthy way and you’ll have healthy relationships. You’ll be more satisfied with your life. You’ll realize you’re the ruler of your life and no one can dictate that. You’ll be able to change even though it will feel uncomfortable but you’ll be ok with that. You’ll be able to see things as the could be and you won’t just accept and expect the worst.

Thank you so much for reading! And I hope you enjoyed this reading :) I hope you have a wonderful day, night, or evening

Tags :
2 years ago
Hello, Hello! Todays Topic Is (drumroll Please)your Main Character Story! Even Though You May Not Feel
Hello, Hello! Todays Topic Is (drumroll Please)your Main Character Story! Even Though You May Not Feel
Hello, Hello! Todays Topic Is (drumroll Please)your Main Character Story! Even Though You May Not Feel
Hello, Hello! Todays Topic Is (drumroll Please)your Main Character Story! Even Though You May Not Feel

Hello, hello! Todays topic is (drumroll please)
your main character story! Even though you may not feel like sometimes, you are the main character of your own story! So don’t you dare think you’re a side character!

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick the dress you’re most drawn to!

Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life— respectfully

I am now offering paid readings! To see more about that, click here

Also, if you enjoy my readings and you want to, you could donate and support me! I would appreciate it a lot

My cash app ||| my kofi

Pile one

Theme song: Show me how by Men I Trust

Bestie, everyone’s eyes on you! You are able to articulate your thoughts and everything you say is well thought out. Though people don’t see you as stuck up or stern. People are willing to follow you and your every word. People think you have a youthful energy (doesn’t mean you’re young). You are divinely protected at all times. You’re good at taking care of yourself. Some amazing things about you are that you are a very stable person, you’re creative, emotionally intelligent, and you can’t be blindsided.

Your theme song fits you because you are able to listen and you are very compassionate. You are very loving and you’re an amazing partner, friend, family member, etc.

Pile two

Your theme song: Heart mind- Kodak black, Plies

You are highly intuitive and people love to love you! You are a very balanced person and a very smart one too! You are able to let go of things that are not for you! You are very strong in your convictions and you know what you want! You won’t settle for less. You’re also creative. You are able to make people feel like they are not alone. When challenged, you don’t back down. You’re a risk taker and you always uplift people.

Your theme song fits you because you always make people feel special and you are very loyal! You always give people your all.

Pile three

Theme song: no way back- Foo Fighters

You don’t give energy to the people who aren’t worth it. Like the haters, you just ignore them. You really value your rest and you take care of yourself well. You shine brightly! You are the type of person who sticks around and you are very patient and you don’t try to rush things. There’s also a lot of people who want to be your friends and a lot who want to date you. But there’s also lot of people who are jealous of you and want to stab you in the back, but they are not able to. You have a very peaceful energy. You are a very wise person and a lot of people look up to you. You think things about before you do them.

Your theme song fits you because you fight for the people you love and don’t give up on them. You put your all into everything. You always help people when you can. You do the right thing, even when no one is looking.

Pile four

Theme song: ok so y’all got the same song as pile 3, so I would suggest y’all check that one at too! Also I’ll get y’all another song lol- animal by Neon Trees

People see y’all as very successful! They also see you as very happy. You enjoy the simple pleasures of life like going on a stroll. You have a very “flowy” energy. You also have a peaceful energy and people feel at peace when with you. You make people feel like family and you take care of them. But you also take care of yourself first. You are able to let go of things that are not for you and know that it’s for the best. You have a lot of swords energy so you are very well thought out and speak your mind.

Your theme song fits you because you can easily accept things. You also say what’s on your mind.

Sorry if it was short,, y’all’s was similar to pile three’s !

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this ! Also if you didn’t see, I’m also offering paid readings. See y’all later !

Tags :
2 years ago
Hello, Hello! Todays Topic Is(drumroll Please) What You Need To Hear Right Now! Just Some Simple, Good
Hello, Hello! Todays Topic Is(drumroll Please) What You Need To Hear Right Now! Just Some Simple, Good
Hello, Hello! Todays Topic Is(drumroll Please) What You Need To Hear Right Now! Just Some Simple, Good
Hello, Hello! Todays Topic Is(drumroll Please) What You Need To Hear Right Now! Just Some Simple, Good

Hello, hello! Todays topic is
(drumroll please)
 what you need to hear right now! Just some simple, good ole advice from spirit! ALSO, we are almost at 200 followers and I kinda plan on doing something special, but if you have any ideas or any recommendations, please comment or send an ask!

To pick a pile, take a deep breath, relax, and pick whichever photo you’re most drawn to

Warning! Remember, tarot readings are not the end all be all. So if there is something that you don't like or if it doesn't resonate, don't take it! Second, don't take tarot readings as replacement for professional advice, I beg of you. Finally, I'm dyslexic, so if something is... Off, either call it out or ignore it and move on with your life-respectfully.

I’m offering paid readings now, to see more about that, click here

Also, if you enjoy my readings and you want to, you could donate and support me! I would appreciate it a lot!

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Pile one

Ok what y’all need to hear right now is that y’all are manifesting something big and really important and you’re almost there, but you have to take a few more steps to get there. You’ve been really in your head about this manifestation, and I know it’s hard, but you just have to let things come naturally! You are almost at the end of this journey though and you just have to wait a little longer. I’m seeing that this manifestation will either be coming in a few weeks or in fall! You need to start putting you and your emotions first. Try to stay away from drama even if people try to put you in it! Set your boundaries and walk away. Show the world the real you and stop hiding yourself because you’re afraid of what people will say. Be at ease because a personal issue will soon be resolved. You need to rely on your intuition because the intelligence of the universe lies within you.

Pile two

You’ve been through a lot lately and you’ve been working hard, but now it’s time to rest. You need to sit down and look at all your achievements because you haven’t been giving yourself credit! You need to start speaking up for yourself. Maybe as a child, you were taught not to talk back and this really affects you know, but it’s time for this change. You also need to speak better to yourself and give yourself the kindness you deserve. You also need to pay more attention to your needs. Maybe your body is calling you to move more or get outside more. This can also be as simple as opening your blinds or your window. Look at the bigger picture and don’t focus on the small things. The answers you need are coming, so just trust the universe. These answers will bring peace and harmony into your life, so just wait patiently because it will not be long.

Pile three

You need to slow down right now. You’re doing to much and it’s becoming more detrimental to you. Because of how fast you’re going and all the things you’re doing, you’re ignoring your inner judgment and not taking care of your needs (also pile 2 had similar messages, so if you want, go check it out). You need to set higher standards for yourself and invite happiness and love into your life. What you believe is what you create. You need to have more trust in yourself. You need to be more confident because that is your way to success. You need to release all the negative energy to make space for the positive energy ! You also need to do work through your fears and do the things that scare you, but will ultimately benefit you (ofc not situations that are dangerous and that you are pressured into). Like talking that person or starting a business! If you have the means to do it! Then do it! You need to right the past wrongs that you have done to yourself and apologize to yourself. And then take the steps to make it better. You need to soften up to love and start loving yourself unconditionally.

Pile four

What you need to hear is that you need to let yourself be taken care of! Go out (ofc be safe cuz we are in a pandemonium), and have fun! With some friends if you can. Or you can go over to someone’s house and have fun there, but let someone else host it! You need to relax. Step down from taking care of everything. Let someone else fill your cup instead. Instead of listening to everyone else’s problems, talk to them for a change. Put yourself first. You are good enough and you’re doing a good job. Don’t feel like you have to be constantly doing stuff for others to be worthy. Surrender and just enjoy life. You don’t have to constantly productive! Just relax for a change and let someone else do the work.

Hello! Thanks for reading! All the piles had do with relaxing and I find that pretty interesting. I hope you enjoyed and I hope I’ll see you again on one of my PAC.

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