Wsp, Im Craving Angst With My Self Insert And Dream Guy. So Like, Lets Chow Down Ig. I Can Make A Y/n
Wsp, I’m craving angst with my self insert and dream guy. So like, lets chow down ig. I can make a y/n and crush version idrc lol. <333 ilyyyyy

“Why did you do it?! What made you think I would like that?!” The rain pelted down as Rosa held her tears back. Her words full of anger and betrayl.
“I….I….don’t know…” Benjamin stared at the ground with his soaking clothes clinging to his form. He wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t think this would happen.
“You should’ve expected something like this to happen. I can’t believe I was so oblivious! Why did I ever believe you were the one?” Rosa turned away and started walking away from Benjamin. Tears fell from her eyes like the rain fell from the clouds. She held her arms to her chest to try and keep some warmth.
“What….so you’re just going to walk away?! Like you always do?! You always run away from your problems Rosa!!” Benjamin shouted with venom. He glared at Rosa’s figure that was standing still in the cold rain. Even at 100 feet away, he could see her shivers from the cold.
“Do you want to know my problem? The problem I tried to face head on?” Rosa spoke quietly but still loud enough from Benjamin to hear. She turned her head slightly. “My problem….was that I loved you. And I hate myself that I couldn’t even tell you. I tried but I was and still am a coward. So there you go. My problem was my feelings for you. I love you, Benjamin. But it’s now obvious that you don’t care for me as I care for you.” Rosa then kept walking away. Not stopping to turn back to see his reaction. She had an internal battle of running back to him and hugging him. To apologize for everything that went wrong. To say how she truly felt at the moment. To tell him everything. But alas, she kept walking until she was out of his sight.
Benjamin stood there, shocked. He couldn’t believe it. The girl he liked for so long….liked him back?? God he was such an idiot! How could he ever yell at her like that?? She never deserved someone as bad as him. He sunk to his knees and sat on the soaked concrete beneath him. He hugged his kneese close as he was lost in thought. How could he ever yell at her like that? He was such a mean person. He lost his only chance to explain his love. He lost his love…
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Reblog if you think trans women are real women , and trans men are real men .
I'm trying to prove something to my transphobic father .
Pinky Promise - Ruck Oneshot
Words: 448
Posted: 10/18/2023
“Y/N!!!” You heard someone yell.
Why were they yelling?
You stood there, shocked, confused, and dissociated. You looked down and noticed your shirt was crimson. By touching your stomach lightly, blood gathered at your fingertips. You took a wobbly step backwards before hearing two thuds, the first belonging to yourself as you fell to the ground. The second belonged to your great uncle, Ruck. He was on his knees, your head cradled in his lap, as he tried to stop the bleeding effortlessly.
"Hey, hey, stay with me, alright?” He babbled frantically, pushing down on your stomach. He looked terrified. You hated it.
“I’ll- I’ll be fine." You comforted him softly, sucking in a breath of pain.
Everything that just happened flooded into your mind. You were in the Warrior Falls championship. Stinks changed his target from the mannequin to you. Stinks shot you with his bow and arrow. Now you were on the ground, with your great uncle holding you as you bled out in his arms. He was crying. Ruck was crying? He never cried, not even when the toon died.
“It will be ok, Ruck." You whispered through your teeth, trying to cover the pain.
It was becoming unbearable. It felt like a fiery phoenix was on a rampage in your body and was wreaking havoc on all your organs, but it would never compare to the pain in his eyes.
“Kid, please…” He whimpered. He had never whimpered in front of you. You hated the sound. More tears fell from his eyes and covered his cheeks. “Don’t leave me. Don’t do this to me."
“You’ll be ok without me; you have the toons.”
“You’ll survive”
“Kid no!” He shouted angrily. “I can’t do this again. I can’t lose you too!"
You remembered the words he used when he comforted you once. Maybe they will help him now?
“You’re strong, and you’re smart. You’ll make it, and you’ll have a good life. Even without me there to help you up. You deserve happiness, Ruck, even if you don’t think so.”
“Kid, I can’t-“
“Please, for me.” You begged. You had to know that he’ll be alright without you.
You stuck your pinky out. Your hand was shaking so much that your eyes couldn’t focus on it. You were running out of time.
“Pinky promise me?”
He let out a laugh that sounded more like a sob. Even so, he interlocked his pinky with yours as more tears fell from his eyes.
“Pinky promise.”
You shakily smiled. You sucked in one final breath. “I’m going to miss you."
“Me too, kid…” He replied whisperly, watching your form go limp in his arms. “Me too…”
Hey there @betterthanyalls!!!!! Now this is not really a request, but I absolutely love your iconic username. As well as that pic of Jax, man he's so dreamy. But that's beside the point. When I saw your username, I instantly came up with some funny lyrics in my head to go with it. Just for fun I literally made this up on the spot and I just have to type it out for ya. So, I hope you don't mind. Here it goes:
My one-shots brings all the users to my blog!!!!! Damn right they better than ya'lls!!!!! Damn right they better than ya'lls!!!!! You can make a request, but I have to charge!!!!! My one-shots brings all the users to my blog!!!!! Damn right they better than ya'lls!!!!! Damn right they better than ya'lls!!!!! You can make a request, but I have to charge!!!!! 😂
(man, I'm so corny and dumb af 😂)
AN- 12-10-2023 I made this sooo many months ago i forgot now but I was scrolling through my tumblr posts lost to history, I audibly gasped when I saw this. I hate and love myself for writing this.
Chugga Chug
Train!Bendy x Plane!Reader
“CHOO CHOO!” Bendy screamed as he was rushing down the tracks, he sped up even more. A child was playing on the railway and didn't notice Bendy nearing. Then a loud splat was heard, the child was run over by Bendy. He felt happy now, his kill count reaching 27. Bendy continued on his tracks, blood coating the front of his locomotive. Above him was y/n. She was a majestic plane that soared through the skies. Y/n zoomed through the skies as a passenger plane. At the moment she was carrying 53 passengers from New York City to London. Y/n flew smoothly then remembered she was flying people to Great Britain. She hated Great Britain after her last 7 husbands were british. Anger built up inside her as she decided that nobody was going to get to London on her flight. She started flying higher and higher, making all the passengers lose oxygen. She started doing loop-d-loops until everybody on her flight was dead from the great forces. She then started darting to the ground until she saw a locomotive with blood on its front. “Fwoosh foosh(Hello there!)” Y/n greeted the train. “Choo Choo(Hi toots, I’m Bendy)” Bendy replied back. “Woosh(I’m Y/n!)” Y/n spoke back. They conversed slightly until they got to the topic of deaths. “Chuga Chug(I killed 27 people so far)” Bendy bragged. “Woosh Woop(Only 27? Im at 53!)” Y/n retorted. “Chugga Choo(That’s really hot)” Bendy spoke while flabbergasted. “Fwoosh Fwoop(Have you seen yourself?)” Y/n winked. Then before Bendy could compliment her back, a car drove straight into Bendy. It resulted in Bendy being derailed with the car screaming “BEEP BEEP(STAY AWAY FROM MY FUTURE SENPAI)!” The car screamed at Bendy. Bendy tipped over and screamed in pain. The car stopped to address Y/n “Beep Honk!(Hello there y/n-san! I am Cuphead)!” Cuphead told Y/n. Y/n glared at Cuphead after he hurt her new hubby, she then nose dived at the car. Cuphead screamed in pain as he was crushed by baddie Y/n. Y/n then helped Bendy up and said “Fwoosh Whoosh(I love you Bendy, let's get married)!” Bendy was surprised but loved the idea “Choo Choo!(Yes let's do it!)” Y/n then asked one more thing “Woosh?(Are you british?)”. “Chug(Yes I am!)” Bendy responded to her. Y/n did a double take and then shot off to the sky. She wasn't going to marry another british guy.
The End!