NSFW - If you are under the age of 18, please leave this page. This page is where I vomit all the random ideas in my head into text form - muscle theft, body swap, possession, muscle growth, and more. If you are a fan of my work, feel free to shout me a coffee over at https://ko-fi.com/betweenthelines.
49 posts
Balancing The Scales - The Pendant (Part 1)
Balancing The Scales - The Pendant (Part 1)
In celebration of hitting 250 followers, I'm exploring a new series/universe with multiple parts. Enjoy!
High-ranking members of the incoming government have learned of a number of top-secret military programs commissioned under the former conservative administration. These programs sought to dominate the social media narrative by creating large numbers of influencers to sway potential voters. The most successful of these programs was Operation Alpha - which used a potent combination of technology and ancient magics to turn large numbers of gay men into submissive twinks while creating an army of alpha males who sought to dominate social media channels with their powerful physiques and handsome looks, all while promoting conservative messages to the masses.
Upon discovering the project, the new administration sought to undo the damage caused, but they soon realised having dozens of fitness influencers suddenly losing their godly bodies would cause havoc. Instead, they decided to rebalance the scales. These are the stories of those involved.
Subject #1 - The Pendant - Part 1
Things had taken a turn for Clint. He had been riding the high that was the former presidency and trolling all the betas on Instagram with his insane body and even more insane conspiracy theories. Then the liberals won the election and suddenly his handler had stopped all contact.
He remembered the day he had been approached by the man dressed in black all those years ago. Back in those days, Clint wasn't much more than an internet troll with an axe to grind against a world he viewed as unfair. Clint had drawn the genetic short straw of being short and pudgy with soft facial features and a tiny 3-inch penis. During his school days he was an easy target for bullies who constantly mocked him for his unfortunate appearance. Girls hardly took one look at him and if they did, it was to point and laugh.
Malice brewed inside Clint until he found his true calling, the internet. On the internet, it didn't matter that he was a pale nobody that puberty had seemed to pass by. He could do anything he wanted. And what he wanted was to ruin the lives of others. He spent hours being the worst kind of internet troll, eventually learning that this twisted hobby turned him on.
That's when the man dressed in black took notice. He offered Clint a chance to troll on a far grander scale. Clint couldn’t resist. The man dressed in black took him in a dark SUV to a warehouse on the outskirts of town.
“What are we doing here?” huffed Clint as he climbed the stairs into the warehouse. He hardly left his computer these days, so the small amount of exercise was causing his lungs to burn. The man dressed in black remained staunchly silent. The pair rounded a corner to be greeted by the sight of dozens of muscular men, bound and gagged. ”This is where you choose the body of your dreams,” said the man dressed in black with a flourish, “All you have to do is agree to spread our message to the masses''.
The thought of upgrading from his pathetic excuse for a body was appealing for Clint, but he was skeptical. “So you give me lipo and a bunch of plastic surgery so I look like one of these queers?” he asked. “No dear boy, we have more delicate ways than that”, smirked the man dressed in black. “You see, all of these men are members of the liberal agenda. Gay men who are threatening our ideal of a muscular alpha conservative. To advance our agenda, they must be dealt with. But why let all that masculinity go to waste when we can put it to good use?”. The man dressed in black pulled out an ornate pendant with a series of wires and microchips attached to it. “Aztec kings across the ages used this necklace to humiliate their adversaries by robbing them of the very essence that made them men. With our technology, we can harness that essence and redirect it”.
Clint’s eyes lit up as he realised the potential of the situation. “All you have to do is sign this contract agreeing to advance the conservative agenda”, explained the man dressed in black as he showed Clint a document on a tablet. Clint was thrilled at the prospect as he saw it as a win win win, an incredible body, getting paid to troll online, and one less queer in the world. He immediately signed. “Wise choice, now go and choose your donor. Feel free to inspect the meat as long and as thoroughly as you like. When you’ve made your selection, simply prick your finger and smear a drop of your blood on the pendent and grab the balls of the man you desire”. “Will it hurt?” Clint asked. “In a way” smiled the man dressed in black.
Clint began to walk between the rows of men. Each man was a prime physical specimen in their own way, some slender and ripped like male models, others tall and hulking like powerlifters. Despite their impressive physiques, each had a true look of fear in their eyes. “Pussys,” Clint thought, “these queers don’t even deserve their bodies”. He came across a man with the tight athletic physique of a fitness model. Although he wasn’t the biggest man in the room, Clint admired the fine symmetrical curves of his physique, his boy next door looks, and his golden tan. Clint reached out and felt the hardness of the man’s muscles. “Shit there isn’t an ounce of fat on you!” Clint exclaimed.

The next man also caught Clint’s eye. This was a hulking beast of a man, with huge cords of muscle adorning his 6'4" frame. The man's tree trunk arms were pushed out by his insane lats and his barrel chest jutted out so far that he wouldn’t even be able to see the cobblestone bricks that made up his thick core. All of this was topped off by a huge uncut cock that was thicker than Clint’s wrist with balls the size of oranges. Clint was taken aback by the heavy stench of pure testosterone that the beast was putting off. “Hard to believe a beast like you is a faggot” Clint said as he pinched the beast's biceps. While they weren’t as hard as the fitness models, they were definitely full and powerful. While the fitness model was built for aesthetics, this man was pure strength incarnate.

“How are you getting on?” the man dressed in black asked as he came alongside Clint. “It’s between these two. The feeling of going from this to being a ripped fitness model has a bit of poetic justice to it. But the idea of dominating as a hulking brute sounds hot as fuck” Clint explained. “Well don’t take too long,” said the man dressed in black as he left Clint alone once more. Clint sat and pondered as he watched the two queers thrash and struggle as they realised what could happen to them. The beast was showing such a display of strength that Clint was scared he might be able to break free and break every bone in his pathetic body.
Clint pricked his hand and wiped a drop of his blood on the pendant which instantly turned red. He hesitantly approached the thrashing beast and hefted one of his huge nuts in his hands. Both men threw their heads back and roared as the necklace emitted a blinding light.
Clint was also good at finding loopholes. As the light faded, Clint was revealed to be standing between the two men, his arms outstretched clutching both men’s sacks. Clint began to smirk and each man screamed in pain as they began to shink, losing their muscles and strength. Suddenly Clint felt pain course through every fiber of his being. “What’s happening to me?” he whimpered. After a few moments, the pain turned into ecstasy as his system was flooded with power. He roared as his balls swelled to the size of oranges sending testosterone coursing throughout his body. His bones snapped and cracked as they thickened and lengthened. His shoulders broadened and his feet grew to a monstrous size. Slabs of muscle began to fill out his frame, the size of which matched that of the Viking, but with the hardness and symmetry of the fitness model. He moaned as his face rearranged itself into something masculine yet boy next door and his skin took on a golden tan.
Clint looked at the two men's new twink-like physiques. He squeezed their significantly smaller packages in his hands, wringing the last drop of masculinity out of their bodies. His muscles grew more vascular and his chest and arms sprouted a fine dusting of hair. Finally, his dick grew to a full 10 inches long and so thick that he couldn’t fit his new manly mitts the whole way around its girth.

Clint let go of his two donors, and using both hands began furiously rubbing the length of his throbbing shaft until he neared climax. He marveled at his new powerful physique as he approached orgasm, veins popping all over his arms as something feral took over him. As bursts of thick ropes of cum began to erupt from his cock, he pulled a most muscular pose and roared in sheer power. This is what he was born to be. A god among men. An alpha.

The man dressed in black smiled. It was always fun when someone found a loophole.
Part 2 available here
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More Posts from Betweenthelinesmtf
Short Story: Wasted Potential
Ding! Asher paused his video game to check his phone. It was an alert from Instagram saying that one of the hulking bodybuilders he followed had a new post. Asher clicked on the notification and greeted a photo of Lukas, a European fitness influencer, trying to hawk some vegan protein powder. Asher sighed. He should have unfollowed Lukas years ago. The handsome Norseman had started out promisingly, building a solid amateur bodybuilder physique. But that all changed after his first competition when he got a new girlfriend and adopted a vegan lifestyle. In the following years, his physique diminished from one of a promising young bodybuilder to that of a toned model. Sure he was attractive, but in Asher’s eyes, Lukas had squandered the gift that he had been given by not living up to his potential.
Asher hastily typed out a Reddit post lamenting the Lukas of old and how veganism was ruining bodybuilding. Satisfied with his work, he passed out on his bed watching Netflix.
Asher awoke the next morning to a feeling of heaviness as the sun shone through a crack in the curtains. As his eyes adjusted, he realised his surroundings didn’t match those of his bedroom. From the little light in the room, he could see a bedroom in disarray. The walls were plastered with images of classic bodybuilders and workout routines. Dirty gym attire and empty protein shakers littered the floor. In the corner sat a stack of hex dumbbells and empty containers of whey protein powder. “Where the hell am I?” Asher said, the foreign tilt to his voice surprising him and he instinctively grabbed his throat. He looked down and noticed a meaty forearm where his previous flabby one used to be. As he slowly lowered his arm from his throat, his gaze followed the muscular forearm, up to a sizable bicep, with a single prominent vein running its length. “What the fuck?” he said, marveling how the arm flexed as he moved it.
He heaved himself up out of the bed and was momentarily caught off guard by a sense of vertigo. Walking slightly shakily, he crossed the room to where a large mirror hung, his foot steps heavier than normal. He gasped as he saw his reflection. Staring back at him was Lukas. But not the Lucas he was used to, Lucas at his prime in 2016. He lifted the white singlet that was hugging his body, revealing a solid six-pack followed by two square pecs.
While taking in the physique in front of him, he noticed the tip of a fat cock poking out the bottom of the gym shorts. He hastily dropped pants, his new rock cock smacking against his abs with a thud. As one hand explored his new physique, the other reached for his new package. His strokes were short and furious at first, his hands accustomed to working with a significantly smaller tool. But he slowly got used to the length of his new monster, and the strokes became longer and more sensual, his body temperature increasing in his aroused state. Precum leaked from the tip of his pulsing member as his body began to glisten with sweat. He loved the way his muscles rippled as he used both hands to pump his new cock. He marveled at the man he know was now, and dreamed of the man he would become. With one last pump, his dick erupted all over his reflection in the mirror.

Asher had just finished his workout. His huge pecs were so pumped that the bands of his singlet were straining to contain the bulk of his chest. He pumped his arms, relishing at the feeling of blood rushing to his huge cannons. 6 years of pumping iron and fueling his body with huge amounts of protein and hormones had turned his body from an amateur bodybuilder to a hulking heavyweight.
He surveyed the gym looking for a plaything to take back to the showers. Man or woman, he wasn’t picky. When you have this much testosterone coursing through your veins, you just had to get your rocks off.
He spied a cute twink over at the reception desk. He strutted over, making sure his massive quads forced his package to strain against the front of his shorts, the outline of his cock clearly visible as it swung side to side with each step.
As Asher approached the counter, he saw the twink's nostrils flare as he was hit by the stench of Asher’s own manly scent. The twink's eyes showed a mixture of fear and lust as they darted across Asher’s hulking form, trying to sear as much of the adonis into his memory as he could.
“Protein shake?” the twink croaked as he shakily handed Asher a shaker, “on the house!”. “That’s sir to you boy”, Asher rumbled in his deep baritone. “He took a long dreg of the brown liquid before spitting in on the floor. “What is this shit?” the hulk demanded. “The latest pea protein on the market sir,” the twink said shakily, trying to avoid incurring anymore of the titan's wrath. “I don’t want none of that vegan hipster shit” Asher spat. “It’s specially formulated to promote clean muscle growth” the twink replied remembering the tagline of the product.
Asher smiled. “Do you think plants built this?” he said as he flexed one of his colossal arms, the peak swelling larger than the twink’s head. “What about these?” he said as he bounced each of his swollen pecs. “Or these?” he said as he lifted his singlet exposing his powerful core. The twink moaned as climaxed from the display of raw power in front of him. Knowing he had caused this twink to cream himself without touching him was a massive turn-on for Asher. He adjusted his stance to make room for the rapidly hardening monster between his legs. ”Meet me in the showers in 2 minutes,” Asher smirked as he turned his back on the embarrassed clerk. “It’s just too easy” he chuckled to himself as he strutted towards the locker room.

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Short Story: Come on babe
Calm down babe. What do you mean you saw a skinny guy break into the apartment on the door cam? Does it look like anyone else is here? Besides, if someone did break in, do you really think they’d be able to get past a guy as big as me? Just look at how big my arms are, I’d like to see anyone try and take me on.
Why are there candles on the floor? Ignore them, I was just tidying up. I swear babe, there’s no one else here, no need to check. And the handcuffs on the bed? They’re a gift from a friend, in case we want to do a little role-play.
So what if I’m rubbing my chest? It’s my chest, I can do what I want with it. I just love how my pecs fill out this t shirt. Just forget about it babe. I know it’s just you showing how much you care but I don’t need my twink boyfriend to protect me. Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, come on, give me a hug. I know how much you like it when I wrap my arms around you like this, pulling you close to my chest, protecting you from the outside world. Yeah, I’m a bit sweaty, I had a bit of a workout just before you came home. But I know my BO drives you wild.
It feels so good when you grind against my crotch like that. The thought of ploughing your perky little ass is making me so hard babe. I love how my huge hands are so big that cover both of your perky ass cheeks. Fuck your hole looks so good. Just relax babe, I’m going to go in slow. Damn, your ass is so tight. I can’t believe you can take this monster balls deep. It's like your ass was made for my cock. Shit, you're close already? I feel like I can keep going for hours. Knowing I can give someone so much pleasure is such a turn-on. Fuck, you're cumming already, and haven't even touched your dick. I knew you’d forget about that skinny guy once I gave you something else to moan about. I know I have.

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Short Story: Change of Plan (New Year's Eve)
“I shaw yous” Kelsey slurred as she drunkenly pointed a finger at Joey. Joey stared nervously at his feet, his meaty toes spilling over his size 12 flip-flops. Size 14s must be hard to come by. “Saw what?” he said, keeping his voice low to try and deescalate the situation. “Three went into the bathroom (hic), but only two came out,” Kelsey slurred again trying to keep her balance. Shit, he’d been caught.
Joey turned up to the New Year's Eve party with a purpose. Throughout high school, Mark had made his life a living hell. Always being small for his age had made Joey an easy target for Mark, a jock was always taller and more muscular than his peers. It started with Mark roughing up Joey in freshman year but turned nasty when Mark found out Joey was gay. Roughhousing turned into outright venom, each punch laden with malice. “Your kind doesn’t belong here queer,” Mark would threaten before proceeding to punch Joey painfully in the gut. The beatings were so bad that no other guy in their high school would dare come out of the closet for fear of incurring Mark’s wrath.
But tonight that would change. Before everyone went their separate ways after high school, Mark decided to throw a massive New Years' party. One last time to survey his kingdom before he went off to college. Whilst not strictly invited, Jacob blended into the mass of intoxicated teens as just another face in the crowd. He scanned the room for Mark’s bulky frame. He spied the bully talking to his fellow jocks over by the keg, a cheerleader hanging off each arm. Joey moved closer, being careful not to draw attention. “Sorry girls, I gotta take a slash,” Mark said as he excused himself from the group and made his way upstairs. Joey moved closely behind Mark as he used the bulk of his wide shoulders to push his way through the crowd.
Joey marvelled at Mark’s physique from behind. Years of sports had built an impressive amount of muscle on his teenage frame. But soon all that hard work would have been for Joey’s benefit. Joey came from a line of powerful men. His family tree was made up of politicians, business leaders, and star athletes. But none of them were born that way. When each male in his bloodline turned 18, they would take over the life of another. The eldest son in a wealthy family, the valedictorian, and the school's top athlete were all common targets. By taking over the lives of truly talented individuals, his family had grown to wield immense influence across the globe. And this New Years' Eve, Joey had turned 18.
Mark slammed open the door to the toilet and began undoing his fly. Joey quickly slipped inside before the door closed. He had Mark alone and now was his chance. He had begun to mumble the incantation when the door slammed open, pinning him painfully against the bathroom wall. “Move it Turd, I need to take a leak,” barked a deep voice that Joey didn’t recognise. “Bro, I’m already going, just wait,” Mark complained, his voice sounding higher pitched than normal. “I don’t care little bro, get out of my fucking way,” the stranger's voice ordered. With that, he heard a quick scuffle and Mark’s panicked grunts as the jock was thrown painfully out of the room. As the door slammed shut, Joey was greeted with a sight that made him gasp. While Mark had the muscle tone of a teenage athlete, this man had the bulk of a seasoned gym rat. A man who spent hours in the gym building layers of thick muscle and lifting colossal amounts of weight,
He had to be at least 5 inches taller than Mark, and well over 50 pounds of muscle heavier. One colossal arm was braced on the wall in front of the man, steadying his bulky, singlet-covered frame, while the other wrangled a massive cock that hung so low, Joey could see it between the man’s legs as it sprayed a powerful stream of piss.
Glancing into the basin mirror, Joey could make out the profile of a face that appeared to be an older, more chiseled version of Mark’s. Joey realised that the hulk in front of him must be Mark’s older brother, Jake, who had left for college a few years ago. It looked like Jake had spent every moment of his college life taking roids and growing his body. Joey smiled to himself, he had been thinking too small. Why take over Mark’s life, when he could get revenge by taking over his bigger, older brother's life and using it to make his life a living hell? Joey smiled to himself and walked slowly towards the bigger man. He began to utter the incantation under his breath. Joey felt his body tingle as it disintegrated, leaving a spectral version of himself behind. As he neared the giant’s wide back, his spiritual form grew to match Jake’s larger stature. Pleasure flooded Joey’s form as he made contact with Jake’s wide back. He momentarily hugged the muscular frame in front of him, before it began to pull him in. He felt his spirit expand within its new flesh, growing to fill each muscular limb.
Joey felt flashes of ecstasy as he began to feel a wave of new sensations. The fabric of the singlet pulled tight across his pecs and traps. The toes of his heavy feet touching the cool bathroom floor. The hot stream of piss coursing out of his massive cock.
Jake moaned as he took full control of his new form. Using his free hand, he began to stroke his growing cock, as it surged to a full erection. With each long powerful stroke, waves of pleasure shot through his body. He turned to look in the bathroom mirror admiring the beauty and masculinity of his new form. The muscles in his powerful arm twitched as he approached climax. He leaned further towards the wall as his throbbing cock unleashed volley after volley of cum straight into the toilet.
As Joey basked in post-orgasmic bliss, he marvelled at his new hulking form. How his huge pecs heaved up and down with each breath. How his massive shoulders spilled out of the sides of his gym singlet. How a single thick vein pulsed down each of his huge biceps. He gasped as he lifted his singlet exposing his powerful core. While some skinny guys had abs, simply due to having low body fat, Joey now had 8 solid bricks of pure power jutting from his core.
Joey dropped to the floor and quickly did 50 perfect push-ups, his chest and arms developing a solid pump. As he got back to his feet, he lifted his arm and took a sniff of his hairy armpit, revealing in the manly stench his new body made. He put his semi-hard cock down one of the legs of his shorts, noting how its length slapped against his quad as he walked. He pulled open the door and left the bathroom, ready to begin his new life.
“That loser went into the bathroom and then you (hic), you came out of the bathroom grinning like you won the fucking lottery” Kelsey slurred as she poked Joey in his heavy chest. Joey’s mind raced as he tried to come up with an explanation. But then it hit him. He wasn’t Joey anymore. He was Jake. And Jake demanded respect. “This bitch is fucking hammered,” Jake laughed, pushing Kelsey away. “TAXI!”, he yelled across the party as Kelsey drunkenly lost her footing and collapsed to the floor.
“TAXI! TAXI!” chanted the crowd as Jake turned, the sea of people naturally parting to make way for his huge frame. He made his way to the keg, downing a drink or two along the way as people fought for his attention. Girls fawning over his muscles. Young jocks asking how much he benched. But he had his mind set on one thing. “Oh hey little bro,” he said as he towered over Mark.

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.
Short Story: Break In
Heath was pissed. He was driving home from a Tinder fling’s house when he saw a dark figure outside the door to his home gym. “Someone's trying to rob me,” he thought as he pulled his pickup truck into the driveway. The dark figure seemed unperturbed by the disturbance and continued to work at the lock of the heavy door. “Let’s treat this guy fucker a lesson,” Heath groaned as he hauled his muscular frame out of his truck. Any sane man would know not to mess with Heath. Heath had dedicated most of his life to the gym, resulting in a strong, powerful physique, part bodybuilder, part strongman. “Oi you!” he yelled as he charged towards the dark figure.
As Heath closed in, the door popped open, bathing the figure in light from inside. Heath barely managed to make out a slender teen, with boyish, delicate features before he disappeared inside his home gym, slamming the door behind him. “What’s he after?” Heath thought to himself as he tore open the door and charged into his gym.
Heath's eyes took a few moments to adjust to the light before he managed to make out the slender teen rounding the corner to the shelves where he kept his numerous bodybuilding and power-lifting trophies. “I’ve got you now runt!” Heath roared. The boy had cornered himself with nowhere to go. A subtle golden glow and the smell of black pepper appeared from the corner that the boy had just disappeared behind. “What the fuck?” Heath cursed.
As he crossed the gym floor, Heath felt a wave of weakness overcome him. With each step, his footsteps became lighter as the muscles he had worked so hard to craft melted away. He slouched as he lost inches of height and his bones thinned. He unknowingly stepped out of his enormous flip-flops as his feet shrank, their petite size no longer able to deal with the large footwear. His thick body hair fell from his body while his hefty balls shrank and pulled themselves up closer to his body. Finally, his sizable bulge shrank to what could only be described as an embarrassment that would never please a woman again.
As Heath rounded the corner, he was hit with the powerful aroma of musk and black pepper. The mountain of a man that stood before him tore the remains of a tattered hoodie off his torso, revealing a powerful hair-covered physique. “Who are you and what are you doing in my gym?” Heath squeaked, surprised by his higher voice. “I think you mean my gym runt,” the giant smirked as he clenched his fists and watched the veins in his meaty forearms swell with power. Heath gulped as a weird feeling overcame him. It was a feeling that he had never felt before. The feeling of being completely inferior to another man.

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.
Short Story: Finishing What I Started
There he is, the fat piece of shit. Hiding in the locker room thinking I wouldn’t find him. It’s probably the place he felt the safest, but not anymore. This is my domain now. I wonder how his first day was being an ugly fat tub of lard? Trying to explain to his friends and family how 70 pounds of his hard-earned muscle turned to fat overnight. Trying in vain to convince his cheerleader girlfriend that he could work it off by summer and be back the hot, fit jock that he used to be. I’d like to see him try. I tried for years to get rid of that fat and build muscle, but my genetics worked against me. My old genetics that is. And besides, losing a bit of fat won’t fix that soft jawline and those sunken cheekbones.
It’s time to remind him who’s boss. Look at his soft body jiggle as he tries to get away from me, slamming his fat torso against the lockers. What a fatty, he probably dented it. I’ve got you cornered now loser. Look at these huge biceps. You spent so many afternoons building these pythons up in the gym and on the pitch, but it only took me seconds to make them mine. I think I wear them well. I love how my skin now has a slightly pink glow when I have a pump. Look at the veins that snake up my forearms, pumping them full of blood. If I clench my fists, I can make them pulse. When I’m drenched in sweat, I look even bigger and more vascular.
I’m just so wide now. Good thing I stole a couple of you gym singlets. I love how my boulder shoulders spill out the sides, and how my back pulls the fabric tight across my traps. And this, chest. This fucking chest. Look at how it heaves every time I take a breath. I realised I could bounce this morning in math. That got a rise out of the class, especially your pretty little girlfriend. Look at the way they bounce and flex. Not like your saggy bitch tits. And these perky nips are so sensitive, I practically cum whenever they brush the fabric of my shirt.
And let’s not forget your famous abs. I could never understand why the Greeks had abs on their armour until I felt how hard these puppies are. Look, you can punch them all you like and you’ll probably do more damage to your hands than my rock hardcore. Your fat percentage must have been in single digits or something because when the light hits them just right, I can see the muscle fibres under the skin. Fuck I love this body. But you and I both know there’s more. I’ve come to finish off what I started, so I can ascend to being a true alpha.
Don’t try to run, don’t try to scream, you’ll only turn me on more. First I need to get rid of these tiny feet that I have. I had to get these shoes in the boy section, but I guess that’ll be your problem soon. I did a workout before this so my feet are nice and ripe. Peel off my socks loser, I want you to lick them clean. That’s it, your tongue feels so good. Ohh god, I’m getting pins and needles which means it’s starting. Fuck I love how this feels. Fuuuuuccckkkk. Jesus, what size are these puppies? You must have to go to a special store to get gym shoes to fit these things, they must be at least size 14s. And I love those veins that criss-cross over the top of the skin. But now they look out of balance compared to the rest of my legs. Let’s fix that, shall we? Massage my calves twerp. That’s it, really work them. There they come. Look at how much they’re swelling. They must be bigger than the arms of most of the football team. Look if I stand up on my tiptoes, they get super hard. Now to bulk up these quads. Hell yeah, look at those grooves appear out of nowhere. They’re getting so big they’re pushing each other out of the way. It feels so good to feel them rub together when I walk, the way they make my dick flop from side to side with each step. It’s getting hard just walking! Woah, I’m taller now as well. It’s so weird seeing the world from this high up. I literally look down on you now.
About that dick though. Even with all this muscle, you’re probably better known for the legendary piece that you have in your boxers. I bet you can hardly see it now with that massive stomach of yours so I doubt you’ll even miss it. How sad that you won’t be able to say goodbye? Let’s see what you’re going to be working with from now on. I know you’ve laughed at how small it is in the showers before, but that’ll be your micro-dick soon.
You know you want to suck it, you can't help yourself with the amount of pheromones coming off me. That’s it, it feels so good to be balls deep in your mouth, even if your body repulses me. Fuccckk, it’s starting. It’s like I’m still getting an erection, but I’m already hard. Don’t try to back out, I’m face fucking you untill this is done. How does it feel having my nuts smack against your chin each time I pump your fat face. It’s like they swell bigger with each smack. They feel so heavy in my hands. I’m feeling something of course through me, it feels so good, so primal. I feel like I own the world now, like I can just reach out and dominate those around me. No wonder why you had a body like this, it's crazy how much testosterone these fellas pump out. And hell, if you managed to build all of this at 18, imagine how massive I’ll be at 25. Imagine if I started taking roids as well, I’d be an absolute monster. Fuck, I’m getting close. You can’t even take half my shaft anymore. Look how big that vein is along the length of my shaft. Fuck it’s still growing, no wonder why you’re choking. Fuck, you can only just get your mouth past the tip now. I guess this is why they call it a mushroom head.
And what’s this? Foreskin? Kinda weird but I’m game. This monster must be at least 10 inches long, and it’s just so damn thick. Maybe I should start an OnlyFans or something. Damn you can’t even fit the tip in anymore. I guess I’ll take it from here. Look at that, I can have both my hands on the shaft and there’s still plenty of room. And my fingers don’t even make it close to making it the whole way round. Look at all the precum. That’s already double what one of my other loads would have been. Shit, I’m getting so close. Get over here bitch, I want to see what you’ve lost. Look at that cum as it showers your pathetic fatty body. That’s the cum of a real man. There’s more testosterone in my cum than in your entire body, you're an embarrassment to men everywhere.
Damn, I’m still hard. Better go find that girlfriend of yours to take care of that for me. Well, I guess she won’t be your girlfriend anymore once I’m done with her. Thanks for the body fatty.

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