NSFW - If you are under the age of 18, please leave this page. This page is where I vomit all the random ideas in my head into text form - muscle theft, body swap, possession, muscle growth, and more. If you are a fan of my work, feel free to shout me a coffee over at https://ko-fi.com/betweenthelines.
49 posts
A Different Chris
A Different Chris
On Monday, Chris woke up in another man's body. Instead of his normal skinny freshman frame, his heavily muscled form spilled out of his single dorm room bed, his huge feet sticking a good foot out of the bed. Deep panic set in as he scoured the internet looking for answers but finding none beyond the name of the man he now resembled - pro-body-builder Chris Bumstead. After hours of fruitless searching, he drifted off to sleep, computer wrestling on his pec shelf.

On Tuesday, Chris found himself in the bodybuilder’s body still. His increased mass had crushed his laptop in his sleep so there would be no more research today. His hairy armpits stank of sweat and musk so he opted to take a shower, taking the opportunity to explore his new form. One thing led to another and before he knew it, he was furiously pumping his engorged cock as the water poured over his vascular form. Chris came almost a dozen times that day before he dozed off to sleep, his hairy abs covered in his potent seed.

On Wednesday, Chris had run out of food. His new form had an almost insatiable hunger and he had quickly consumed everything edible in his small dorm room. He peeled on the baggiest pair of basketball shirts he owned and a old t-shirt that was both practically skin tight on him. Shoes were not an option with his colossal feet so he went barefoot, his meaty footsteps thudding heavily down the hall.
He turned many heads as he made his way to the local supermarket, filling his trolley with mountains of protein. On his way through the checkout, the hot checkout operator slipped him his number, causing Chris’ cheeks to turn red - an odd sight on such a mountain of a man. Chris practically sprinted back to his dorm, carrying his heavy haul of food up the 6 flights of stairs with ease as his arms and legs developed a solid pump. The moment he made it back to his room, he dropped his shorts and began pumping his huge cock again, his hormones going wild as he thought about the twink from the store.

On Thursday, intrigued by the pump he developed the day before, Chris decided he was going to go to the gym for the first time in his life. After stopping by the athletic store to purchase some workout gear that would have resembled a tent on his old form, he strutted into his local gym. He started tentatively at first, but he quickly grew in confidence as his body's muscle memory kicked. It wasn't long before he was throwing the heaviest weights in the gym around like they were nothing.
After several hours, he had developed an insane pump and a potent cocktail of hormones were coursing through his body. He pulled out the boy from the store's number, and within half an hour the two were back at Chris’ dorm with Chris balls deep in the twink's tight hole. The twink might have found it odd that the room was decorated with a ton of nerd-culture memorabilia and photos of some random dude if it wasn’t for the constant waves of pleasure and pain that were coursing through his body as his ass was ravaged by the titan above him.

On Friday morning, the twink limped out of the dorm in the early hours of the morning, bloated from the amount of cum that had been shot inside of him. When he awoke hours later, Chris slipped on a pair of workout shorts that accentuated his thick quads, perky bubble butt, and obscene bulge. He struggled to get a tight singlet over his head with the limited amount of movement that his swollen upper body afforded him. He loved the way the garment pulled tight across his colossal pecs and how it left his tree-trunk-like arms on full display. Finally, he slipped on a pair of size 14 gym shoes onto his meaty feet and made his way to the gym.

He ruled the gym. When a group of jocks came in, he purposefully did the same lifts as they did, but with at least twice the weight as the smaller, inferior men, just to put them in their place. He made sure to grunt, and moan as he went through set after set, only pausing to flex his godly body. All eyes were on him, and many of the gym goers were trying to conceal painful erections in their shorts. Chris was fizzing. His life had changed so much in the past week and he had never felt so powerful, so masculine, so complete.
That is until he saw a mirror image of himself entering the gym. Panic spread across his face as Chris Bumstead arrived to begin his workout.

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More Posts from Betweenthelinesmtf
Making Coach Proud

“6 foot 4”. Marcus flared his shoulders, puffed out his chest, and stood up as straight as he could. “6 foot 5, I stand corrected,” Coach Peters said approvingly as he marked a series of numbers down on his clipboard. Marcus followed Peters across the room to the scales, his heavy footsteps thudding across the ground. Peters tapped his pencil on the scales. Marcus hurriedly stepped onto the scales, his large meaty feet wrapping around the edge of the metal plate. The scale groaned under Marcus’ weight as Peters adjusted the scale to get an accurate measurement. “280 pounds,” Peters said, a hint of surprise in his voice, “That's 8 pounds up on last month”.
Marcus beamed with pride. 8 pounds was way more than the other boys. Coach would be so pleased. In the 2 years since he had been training with Coach Peters, his physique had grown in leaps and bounds. He couldn’t quite remember what Coach Peters was training him and the other boys for, all that mattered was making Coach proud. Coach Peters just said he was helping him reach his full potential.
When Marcus had first joined the programme, he was an ordinary high school jock. He had had a decent physique, but two years of training with Coach Peters had honed his body into something truly monstrous. He had even begun sneaking in extra workouts early in the morning to grow a lead over the other boys and be the best he could be for Coach.
Coach Peters knew this. All of the boys snuck out to do extra workouts. Anything to please their coach. Anything to grow. It was what Coach Peters instilled in them as part of the programme, and all of his programmes over the years. The boys would hone their physiques to their fullest potential, with an unwavering dedication to their coach, their days filled with long sessions in the gym and protein shakes laced with micro doses of testosterone and experimental hormones. And when their muscles were ripped and swollen, Coach Peters would sell them off to the highest bidder.
But Marcus was something special. He had perfect genetics, able to easily pack colossal amounts of weight onto his tall athletic frame. A natural athlete that would dominate any physical pursuit he put his mind to. His muscle-bound physique was more fitting of a seasoned professional athlete as opposed to an 18-year-old finishing their senior year. A true alpha male. So when the time came for Marcus to graduate from the programme, Peters knew he had to have Marcus for himself.
Marcus was beaming. Once Coach Peters had told him he was graduating, he was filled with pride, even though he didn’t know what he was graduating from. All that mattered to Marcus was Coach’s praise.
Coach Peters led him out of the gym and into a strange room off of Coach’s office. Marcus had passed by the mysterious door daily but had never seen the inside. The boys only entered upon finishing the programme, emerging a short time later to leave the campus forever. Marcus felt Coach must be pleased with him if he was being granted access so ahead of graduation.
Marcus entered the room sideways so he could fit his broad frame through the doorway. The small room was simply furnished with two ornate wooden chairs placed opposite each other. “Strip to your briefs boy” Coach Peter growled as he tapped away on his tablet. Marcus quickly complied, peeling off his tight-fitting shirt and shorts, exposing his insane physique in all its glory.
Coach Peters looked up from his tablet at the perfect incarnation of masculinity in front of him. Every muscle of Marcus’ colossal form was perfectly formed, with huge muscle bellies, serrated muscle fibers, and thick veins crisscrossing his body. Marcus’ chest swelled and compressed with each breath. Marcus was the vision of pure athleticism. Peters’ eyes lingered momentarily on the heavily stuffed pouch at the front of the boy’s briefs before he managed to compose himself. “Sit”, Peters ordered, gesturing to one of the chairs.
Marcus instantly complied, lowering himself into the chair, the wood groaning under the strain of his full weight. He didn’t flinch as thick metal braces clicked into place, securing him into the hard wooden chair. “You’ll feel a small prick, but it’ll all be over soon,” Coach Peters said as he stabbed a small syringe into Marcus’ arm. As the contents of the syringe spread throughout Marcus’ body, his heart rate began to rise.
Suddenly, it was like a fog had been lifted from his mind. He remembered his parents dropping him off on the first day of school, so proud of their son for earning a scholarship to the prestigious football academy. He remembered meeting Coach Peters for the first time, the man's eyes boring into his soul like he was a piece of meat. He remembered being grabbed from behind on the way to class, a syringe being stabbed into his arm. He remembered a feeling of helplessness as he felt his free will disappear every time he saw Coach, being forced to consume colossal amounts of protein and workout for hours on end, his body swelling to his current colossal size. All to please Coach.
Marcus thrashed around in his chair, the solid wood barely holding together against his strength as he thrashed violently. Peters had stripped off his own clothes, revealing his own shorter, dad bod. He jabbed himself with a syringe before sitting in the chair opposite Marcus.
Small gems on the headboard of each chair began to glow. Both men froze, their eyes rolling into the backs of their heads as their bodies stiffened. Marcus roared in pain as he felt as if every fiber of his being was being ripped from his body. Small particles of light began to float off his skin, coalescing in the gem above his head, causing it to glow. The same process was happening with Peters. Both men slumped into their chairs as the flow of light slowed to a stop, leaving the two gems glowing with an intense aura.
Two mechanical arms lowered from the ceiling and proceeded to lift each of the gems out of their respective chairs before slotting them in the opposite chair. Once in place, the light began to pour from the gems, sending particles of pure light across each of the men’s near-naked bodies. In one last dazzling burst of light, the gems reverted back to their original dull state.
Peters slowly began to regain consciousness. He felt incredible. It was like his body was absolutely fizzing with energy. He opened his eyes to see his old pathetic form slumped over in a chair opposite him. A huge smile formed on his face as he looked down to be greeted with the sight of Marcus’ huge pecs, so big that they obscured his view of his lower body.
He flexed his powerful arms and quads, causing his muscles and veins to swell with blood. The feeling of raw power coursing through his veins was intoxicating. With a powerful snap, the metal bands clamored to the floor, resistance proving futile to his superior strength. He stood up out of the chair to his full height, the motion of which gave him a moment of vertigo as he adjusted to viewing the world from over a foot higher than just moments prior. His large calloused hands began to roam his new body, feeling every groove and ridge of his muscular new form.
A tight pain grew in his groin area, the fabric of his briefs struggling to contain his huge balls and growing erection. He tore off the fabric, causing his huge throbbing member to smack against his abs. He gingerly stroked his colossal shaft with his meaty fingers, shuddering the sensation of pleasure coursing through his veins. He had chosen the right mark. Marcus had far and away the biggest of all the boys. A god among men. And now that power was all his.
He looked over at the other chair. Marcus, now trapped in his old pathetic body, looked up at him with a mixture of fear and awe. Peters thudded his way over to his former body, his throbbing cock pointing the way and his massive balls slapping from thigh to thigh as he walked. Marcus gulped as his former body stopped in front of him, his former python inches from his face, thick pre oozing from the tip.
“My body”, Marcus gulped as he looked up at his former form. “This is my body now boy” Peters smiled. “I think an alpha like me deserves it more than a pathetic runt like you,” he said as bounced each of his colossal pecs, “don’t you agree boy?”. Marcus swallowed. “Yes sir, I wasn’t worthy”, Marcus said as he hung his head in shame. Knowing he had disappointed coach was unbearable, the fog having returned to his mind.
Peters grinned to himself. The cocktail of chemicals he had injected into his former body combined with his new body's potent pheramones had made his former body totally submissive. “That’s ok boy,” Peters growled in his new deep baritone “I know there’s a way you can make it up to me”. “Anything” Marcus cried, as he pleaded for forgiveness, beside himself that he had disappointed his master. Coach snickered as he bent down and picked up his former body with ease.

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The Last Kiss
Sorry for the lack of content - I've been super busy at work. Hopefully this makes up for it - betweenthelinesmtf
“Oh Luke, I love it!”, Stacey said as she pressed her slender body into Luke’s hulking torso. “Thought you might,” Luke chuckled in his sultry deep baritone, as he held her close with one of his colossal arms. The moment was perfect. Surrounded by twenty-somethings in the hottest shape of their lives, welcoming the new year as the sun set on our private yacht. Luke easily picked Stacey up in his huge meaty hands and lifted her by her perky ass so her groin straddled the bulge in his shorts. “Happy New Year Stud,” Stacey whispered as she draped her hands around Luke’s thick neck. “Happy New Year Babe,” Luke said as he gazed into his girlfriend’s eyes. As the clock struck midnight and their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Little did they know that was the last time their lips would touch.

Luke sat on the side of the pool as he rested for a moment. He loved swimming lengths as a way to get some low-resistance cardio in on days he had gone heavy in the gym. And all those long hours in the gym were clearly paying dividends based on his hulking physique. He bounced his giant pecs a few times, marvelling at the way the last residue of pool water dripped over his protruding muscle shelf before snaking down the grooves of his abs. He traced each of his deep cum gutters with his thick calloused fingers, the movement causing the swollen muscles of his arms to flex and ripple. The whole display was getting Luke a bit hot under the collar. His hands made their way down to his crotch where he gently squeezed his swelling member, its semi-hard form snaking down his expansive quad. “Down boy,” Luke said playfully as he snapped the elastic on his shorts back into place.

Luke hauled his huge figure to his feet and began to walk away from the pool. His huge size 14s thudded with each meaty step, the imprint of his thick member clearly visible through his shorts as it slapped against his quad. He loved all the lustful looks he got from men and women alike. The coy ones snuck a few sideways glances at the hulking man as he walked past, casually adjusting their towels to hide their growing boners. The more overt ones cat-called him or even pulled out their phones to snap pictures for later. Luke played to the crowd by casually bouncing his pecs or subtly tensing his biceps.
Luke made his way over to his deck chair where another large male was bathing in the sun. “Hey man, how was the swim?” Max asked as he hauled his muscular form up off the lounger. Max was another giant of a man that clearly spent hours in the gym packing on serious size. Max was about the same size as Luke, but his mass had a bulky, strong look to it, rather than the ripped adonis perfection that was Luke’s physique. Luke collapsed into the second lounger, the metal frame groaning under his weight. “The swim was great, it was just what I needed after this morning's gym sesh,” Luke said as he tucked his arms behind his head. Using his swollen bicep as a pillow, he closed his eyes to relax.

“YOU BASTARD”. Luke's eyes darted open to see Stacey stomping across the pool area towards him. She had clearly seen better days. Her make-up was running, and she had clearly been drinking. “You have the nerve to show your face around here!” she yelled as she stood over Luke’s relaxed form. Luke sighed to himself. He swung his heavy legs over the side of the chair and drew himself to his full imposing height. At 6 foot 6, he towered over Stacey, his hulking form eclipsing her own petite one. She looked up at him with a mixture of fear and lust, as Luke’s familiar potent scent filled her nostrils. At that moment, she melted, all anger in her voice disappearing. “Come back to me baby,” she said as she placed one hand on Luke’s chest, her fingers exploring the sheer expanse of his solid pecs, “We used to be so good together”. She slowly slipped her other hand into the front of Luke's swim trunks. “We could be that way again, the power couple that everyone was envious of,” Stacey moaned as she fondled Luke’s thick member, remembering all the things his fuck stick used to do to her.
Luke snickered. He craned his neck down and whispered in Stacey’s ear. “You were always such a slut weren’t you,” he said and he gently pulled her hands off his body, “but I told you we’re through”. Stacey’s eye’s welled up with tears and she took a few shaky steps away from the hulking Luke. “I mean it’s just simple, you can’t satisfy me anymore,” Luke said. Luke gently turned to Max who had appeared at his side, “Not like he can”. With that Luke grabbed Max and pulled him in for a long, passionate kiss.
Luke grabbed the cheeks of Max’s perky muscle butt as he pulled his torso against his. Stacey burst into tears and ran away from the couple. Max’s hand grabbed at Luke’s bulge, causing Luke to break off the embrace. “Down boy”, Luke purred, “we don’t want to make another scene in public”. Max pouted at his adonis. “Tell you what, go up to the room and get ready and I’ll meet you there in a bit”. Luke smiled to himself as Max practically sprinted from the pool towards the hotel. Seeing the effect he had on people was a huge turn-on.
Luke chucked on his slides and took a short walk away from the hotel to the student district. Entering one of the dorms, he got numerous stares from the student body. One of the braver jocks even asked him how much he could bench. “More than you ever could pal,” Luke shot as he shouldered past the smaller jock.

Luke stopped in front of a secluded room on the fourth floor. He paused for a moment. He loved that he was easily broader than the doorway. He reached up to the top of the door and grabbed the spare key before letting himself into the room, entering sideways to make room for his broad wide shoulders.
The room was dimly lit with the only light source being the cracks in the blinds. His nostrils were immediately hit with the potent smell of sex and cum. As his eyes adjusted, he could make out the features of a dishevelled dorm room. “Come on out little mouse,” Luke growled, “I don’t have time to lay hide and seek again”. A slender figure stepped forward out of the shadows, eyes red and puffy from many sleepless nights. As he stepped into the light, Luke saw a boy of about 19 or 20, with soft, baby-faced features. His slim body had a small amount of lean muscle on it, but it was that slender bulk that skinny guys got when they tried to work out. Luke towered over the other occupant of the room. It was hard to believe they were practically the same age. Luke, a paragon of athleticism and virality, and this small little mouse.
“Why do you keep coming back here?” the smaller man asked, his voice shaking, “isn’t it enough that you took everything from me?”. “Ohh I think you know why” Luke replied as he took another step towards the smaller man. “If you haven’t come back to give me my body back, you’ll need to leave,” the smaller man said, tears in his eyes.
Charlie smiled to himself. The last few days had been incredible, there was no way he was giving up Luke’s body. Not being comfortable enough to come out to his college peers, Charlie had spent New Year at some dodgy gay bar on the other side of town. He mostly sat alone in the corner, watching the other revellers party the night away. But as the clock struck midnight, a massive bear of a man drunkenly pulled him onto the dancefloor and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips. Charlie closed his eyes, embracing the moment of his first kiss when suddenly he felt the world shift. The rugged lips of the bear morphed into lips that were more slender and soft. Charlie opened his eyes in fright to find himself making out with a brunette supermodel on a yacht in the middle of the harbour.

It had only been a few days since New Year but Charlie was already so at home in his new body. The feeling of suddenly being over a foot taller and 100 pounds of muscle heavier was intoxicating. All the new and unfamiliar sensations that smaller men would take for granted. The way his pecs bounced at the slightest movement. The feeling of innate strength inside his powerful muscles, like a compressed spring being ready to explode at any moment. The feeling of simply taking up more space.

Feeling the rush of power through his veins, Charlie felt compelled to flex. He brought his thick, vein-covered forearms up to his side as his biceps swelled. This power. This strength. It was all his. His attention was drawn to a tickling sensation on his abs. Charlie looked down to find Luke licking the salt sweat off the groves of his ripped core. Luke looked up at him with wide eyes. “Please give me my body back, I’ll do anything,” the former jock begged as he kneaded at Charlie's quads. Charlie laughed, “Ohh I’m counting on it”.
Charlie reached into his gym shorts and squeezed his bull nuts, sending jolts of pain and pleasure across his body. The insane amount of testosterone these puppies produced each day was more than his former body did in a month. Not only did they power this body's insane physique, but they also fuelled his animalistic sex drive. Charlie had such a huge amount of hormones coursing through his veins that not even the marathon fuck sessions with Max could fully satisfy his lust.
With one meaty hand, Charlie freed his hefty member from his shorts and palmed its weight. Even in its semi-flaccid state, it was at least 8 inches long and thicker than many men were hard. Luke’s eyes went wide. He’d never appreciated the sheer size of his member when it was his. He slowly lent forward and began to gently kiss the length of the shaft. Blood began to rush to Charlie’s groin until his cock was the full mast, just over 12 inches long and as thick as a beer can. Charlie reached down and pulled back his foreskin. An overwhelming smell of hormones and cum filled the room as his huge mushroom head was exposed to the air.
Luke stared at the imposing fuck stick. He told himself he wasn’t gay, but he had some small scrap of hope that if he did what Charlie wanted, he’d give him his body back. Luke gingerly licked the oozing tip of cock in front of him. He was rewarded with the salty-sweet taste of pre. The taste of a real man. He slowly lowered his mouth over the mushroom head, his mouth stretching to try and fit all of it in. Charlie threw his head back in ecstasy as Luke’s tongue danced along the tip of his cock. Who knew his former body’s mouth would make for such a good cock sucker. Luke finally managed to take the whole head and a few inches of the shaft before beginning to jack his head forward and backward. He knew what his body liked. It was all too much for Charlie. His animalistic sex drive took over and he grabbed Luke by the back of the head and forced him further down his fuck stick. Luke choked and spluttered as Charlie began to roughly face fuck the back of his throat.
As his eyes filled with tears from the pummeling his mouth was receiving, Luke looked up at the adonis above him. Seeing the raw animalistic power on display fueled the submissive fire inside of him, and one of his little hands reached out to fondle one of the huge testicles in front of him. The swollen orb pulsed with power in his hand. Luke’s other hand slipped into his shorts and began to furiously jack off his tiny dick.
Between trusts, Charlie saw the movement out of the corner of his eye. “The fuck!” he roared as he pulled his cock out of Luke’s mouth and hoisted him into the air. “This is for my pleasure, not yours you little runt” Charlie roared, fury in his eyes, “You’re nothing but a hole for my pleasure, and you will only cum when I allow it”. Even in his fury, Charlie’s body was a sight to behold. His prominent muscles were glistening with sweat as they easily held his pathetic body off the ground while his rock-hard foot-long cock glistened with saliva, its vast length pulsing with thick veins.

Luke was trembling at the beast’s display of strength in front of him. Charlie smirked as he saw what remained of the former alpha jock. His face twisted into a wicked smile. “I forgot to thank you for building all this for me,” he said as he held Luke in one hand while gesturing to his body with the other. Charlie slammed Luke roughly onto a nearby table and tore off Luke’s shorts. Luke’s eyes went wide when he realised what was happening, and he hastily parted his legs, offering his hole up to the alpha above him. Charlie smiled at the willing display of submission as he lined up his throbbing cock with Luke’s perky ass.
Both men moaned as Charlie’s huge mushroom head forced its way into Luke’s waiting hole. Pressure began to build as Charlie pushed inch after inch of his fuck stick inside Luke. After taking 6 inches, Luke was wailing at the top of his lungs “Please, no more”. Luke sniggered to himself as he pushed another half-inch of himself into his former body. Luke moaned with utter pleasure as his vision flashed white. He clawed at the table as his body rocked with pleasure.
Charlie paused. 6 inches of his cock was still out, but it was enough to get the job done. In time he’d be able to condition Luke to take his full fuck stick just like Max could. Charlie began to slowly pump his cock in and out of Luke. Luke began to wail as the waves of pleasure escalated to become more intense. He began to move his hips in time with Charlie’s powerful thrusts. Due to the sheer pressure on his dick, it wasn’t long until Charlie climaxed. Cum spewed out of Luke’s ravaged hole as Charlie withdrew his cock, a few stray volleys pumping over Luke’s slender torso and face.
Luke lay on the table, still moaning as his body processed the waves of pleasure washing over him. Charlie pulled up his shorts and turned to leave. “I should bring Max next time,” he said as he made his way to the door. “I owe him everything you know, he was the one who made the wish for you to be his boyfriend after all”, Charlie said as he slid on his slides, “lucky for me, you were straight so the universe put me in the driver seat”. Charlie placed his hand on the door handle before pausing. “Ohh and you can cum now,” Charlie said as he opened the door and walked into the hall. As he shut the door, he heard Luke let out a high-pitched moan as his tiny prick shot his load into the air.
Charlie rearranged his still-hard junk in his pants before making his way down the hall to the exit. After that nice warm-up, he was ready to give his boyfriend the fucking he deserved.

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Thanks Dad!

“Thanks Dad, best term break ever!” Reggie said as he wrapped his arm around his much shorter father’s shoulders. His dad smiled warmly as he stared up at his son's hulking form. At 6-foot-6, it was hard to believe that the giant was his son. But that was exactly what the procedure was for.
When Reggie came back home for his mid-year break, he was prepared for another boring month on the family estate on which he had been raised. Reggie had had an awful time during his first year of university and was struggling to fit in socially with his classmates. In the age of TikTok, it seemed like virtually all his classmates were wanna-be fitness models or bodybuilders. With his short pudgy physique and acne-covered face, Reggie was a social outcast, watching his fellow freshmen's antics from the sidelines.
Reggie’s dad knew how down his son was, so thanks to a suggestion of a family friend and a few lucrative investments coming to term, he decided to shell out a small fortune for his son to go through a transfermorphic-infusion procedure. Reggie was ecstatic when his father told him. Transfermorphic-infusion was a new medical procedure that allowed for the recalibration of a patient's physical traits by infusing their cells with those of a donor. The result was a transformation for the patient at a fundamental DNA level. For Reggie, this was a chance for him to leave his embarrassing body behind. And he knew exactly who he wanted his doner to be.
Blake was the son of the local high school gym teacher. Although he didn’t come from a wealthy family like the other kids at his private school, he was blessed with incredible genetics, with an insanely well-developed body for his age. His muscular physique and good looks made him a force to be reckoned with both in and out of the gym. Throughout high school, he tormented Reggie and ruled the school as the undisputed alpha. When they finished high school, the wealthier kids like Reggie went on to university, while Blake enrolled in a personal training course and further matured his muscular physique.
But recently Blake had been involved in a traffic accident and was being sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Money that he didn’t have. Faced with being bankrupted, kicked out of his course, and potentially losing his family home, he reluctantly accepted the offer to be Reggie’s donor.
The two laid down on separate operating tables in only their trunks as nurses plugged dozens of needles into each of them. Reggie could hardly contain his excitement as he caught glimpses of Blake’s nearly naked form. The mountain of a man had only gotten bigger since high school and based on the hefty bulge in the front of his trunks, the rumours about his legendary package were true. One of the nurses pressed a few buttons and the machine whirred to life.
Blake roared as excruciating pain tore through his body. It was as if he was being burned from the inside out. Liquid flowed out of his body into the tubes, which contained his proteins, minerals, hormones, and genetic material. As the extraction continued, his body began to condense in on itself and shrink.
Blake’s loss was Reggies’s gain. Reggie cried out in ecstasy as the compounds flowed into his body, the cells of his body devouring Blake’s essence. The first thing to transfer was Blake’s impressive height. Reggie moaned as his bones stretched and elongated with sickening cracks. His limbs slowly lengthed giving him an incredibly gangly appearance and as his height edged slightly over 6 foot 6.
His bones began to thicken and strengthen as he grew broader, his shoulders becoming wider and his chest cavity bigger. His feet and hands swelled with size to support his massive new frame. His facial features became stronger with the development of a wide jaw, strong chin, and masculine nose.
Once the transfer was complete, Reggie had a truly colossal frame, but he was impossibly skinny, his fat having melted away to fuel the infusion process. Then with a moan, mounds of flesh sprang forth across Regie’s frame. Muscle rippled and twisted in thick layers under his skin, forming heavy slabs across his chest. Thick abs began to bubble to the surface of his midsection, forming a powerful core. Overlapping layers of muscle formed strong, shapely quads. His hands formed into tight fists, the muscles in his arms flexing as they swelled bigger. His forearms grew bigger than many men’s biceps, and his biceps were larger than their heads. Small pockets of fat appeared in select places on his body giving him a full, powerful physique.

Next came a rush of muscle memory and skills. Reggie marveled as his brain was filled with knowledge of athletic pursuits and working out. His senses sharpened and the world around him became more in focus.
Finally, Blake’s dominance transferred. Blake felt an innate feeling of superiority as his balls swelled to the size of lemons, his stance forever shifting to accommodate his hefty balls and thick quads. A flood of hormones coursed through his body as a thin layer of body hair sprouted over his body and on his strong jaw line.
Seeing the transfer was a success, the medical staff quickly left the room. Reggie shot up from his table as the wires and tubes popped off his body. The giant lurched over to a nearby mirror as he slowly began to get used to his new larger form. He gasped when he saw what he had become.
His facial features were still recognisable as himself, but his masculinity had been dialed up to 11. It was as if his childhood of sweats and video games had been replaced by a steady diet of protein supplements and growth hormones. He stared at his much larger hands in disbelief. The power he felt coursing through his body was intoxicating.
His attention was drawn to his cock, which disappointingly hadn’t grown beyond his previously small 4 inches, even though it was nestled on top of two colossal balls. Something must have gone wrong with the procedure. He tentatively cupped his massive balls marveling at their heaviness.
Suddenly he felt a pang of pleasure course through his tentacles. Blood began to pump into his penis, causing it to rise to attention. He began to stroke it with one hand, relishing the feeling of it being encased in his big mit while the other continued to massage his balls. His swelling cock reached the size of his former erection, and then amazingly kept on going, becoming longer and thicker.
Reggie’s strokes became longer and more sensual as his erection seemed never-ending. It slapped against his abs with a meaty thud. Eventually, he struggled to keep his hand around it, so he moved his other hand along the shaft to provide more area of stimulation. As blood continued to rush to his obscene member, gravity began to take hold, causing his heavy cock to rest at a 90-degree angle to the floor.
Finally reaching full mast, his cock was truly something to behold. It was perfectly proportioned to his huge body, but in absolute terms, it was a monster of a cock with thick, angry veins and a huge mushroom tip. Reggie furiously pumped his new cock with animalistic fervor, before he finally reached climax, spraying volley after volley of thick cum all over the mirror in front of him.
Reggie turned to Blake on the gurney, his semi-hard cock flopped halfway down his leg dripping cum onto his muscular quad. Blake was furiously rubbing his now tiny prick of a cock with his small feminine hands. Reggie smirked at the pathetic display and brought his biceps up into an imposing flex. The former jock let out a squeal and spurted a pathetic load onto his skinny torso. “Guess there’s a new alpha round here now looser”, Reggie said and he towered over the smaller man.
Reggie made a mental note to wire the promised funds to the "victim" of Blake's traffic accident as he reached for his former tormentor's feeble frame.

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Through The Pain

Christian knew it would be painful. The other nerds had warned him that forcing a person’s soul from their own body would hurt. But Christian wasn’t prepared for the sheer torture that he would feel as he literally tore someone’s essense away from every fibre of their being. It was painful for the other nerds, but Christian had gone for an even bigger target. He was taking the body of Luke, a fellow senior who seemed to spend every waking hour in the gym. The soul sundering process took significantly longer for the over-muscled brute, and Christian was consumed in agony.
After what seemed like an eternity, the last of Luke’s spirit began to fade away along with the searing pain. And in its place, a sense of euphoria. The feeling of release after such an agonising experience, combined with the barrage of new sensations was overwhelming. The soft athletic fabric stretched tight over his new pecs and shoulders. The feeling of innate strength swelling deep within his swollen muscle. The potent cocktail of hormones coursing through his veins. It was all too much. Christian threw his head back and released a rumbling moan as he rode his first orgasim in his new body. His huge arms tensed as they gripped the side of the gym bench, its cool metal warping slightly against his herculean strength. His thick quads flexed and contracted in time with the bucking of his hips as he released volley after volley of Luke’s potent jock seed into his gym shorts.

As he came down from his post orgasmic high, Christian became aware of the silence that had descended over the gym. He hauled himself to his feet and surveyed his kingdom. He stood head and shoulders above the other former nerds that had gathered to watch. The old Christian would have been embarrassed by the attention. But the new Christian relished it. He craved it. With on smooth motion, Christian tore his workout shirt off his body, exposing a physique developed well beyond its years. The other former nerds were in awe. Sensing his newfound dominance, Christian took his rightful place as the top of the food chain as undisputed alpha.

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.