Alphamale - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Whenever Me And My Bros Go Out For The Night They Always Ask Me What Part Of Devouring Guys Do I Love

Whenever me and my bros go out for the night they always ask me what part of devouring guys do I love the most and truthfully it’s the hunt, having these weak men scared not knowing what’s about to happen and when they scream, cry and beg me to spare them……. But let’s be real this gut spares no one UUURPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP who’s next ? Cmon boi’s let daddy see who’s brave enough 😈

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3 years ago

Follow my alpha pred snap for tasty and extreme Vore post, can’t wait to eat y’all there….. haha i mean meet y’all there 😈UUURRPPPPP

Follow My Alpha Pred Snap For Tasty And Extreme Vore Post, Cant Wait To Eat Yall There.. Haha I Mean

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1 year ago
If You Don't Like Blood Then Play The Golf !

If you don't like blood then play the golf !

To bleed is natural... We give our blood not our cum

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3 years ago

Short Story: No one deserves to be alone on Christmas eve

It was Christmas eve. Everyone was spending the night with their loved ones, except Lucas. Lucas was a nobody, a wallflower that was never given a second glance. He had no one to spend the night with, so he went to his local gym in an attempt to get a head-start on his new year's resolution to put some muscle on his lanky frame. His spirits dropped as he realised that he struggled to lift even the lightest weights in the gym. “Why would anyone want to be with a pathetic excuse of a man like me?” he sighed.

An ancient presence heard his cry and took pity on the man and his loneliness. Drawing on the magic of old, it sent a blast of raw power towards Lucas’ form.

Lucas was struggling to wrack his weights when he was knocked off his feet by an invisible force. He writhed on the ground in pain, as his body began to explode outwards. Layer upon layer of muscle rippled below his skin. His back arched as testosterone coursed through his body, his features becoming more masculine and a thick beard sprouting from his face.

Several minutes later, the agony stopped and the gym was silent except for the sounds of Lucas’ heavy panting. He struggled to his feet, pausing momentarily as he was overcome with vertigo. As his vision cleared, he noticed his hulking form in the gym mirror. His prayers had been answered, he could no longer be ignored. He pulled out his cellphone, laughing at how small it looked in his large calloused hands. He snapped several shots of his new physique for his Grindr account. Instantly his phone started lighting up with offers of worship and lust.

Lucas smirked, looks like he won’t be alone on Christmas after all.

Short Story: No One Deserves To Be Alone On Christmas Eve

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.

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3 years ago

Short Story: Distilled Strength

Keith was livid. Brett, a wannabe fitness model, had humiliated him by stealing the smoking hot chick that he had been chasing for months. Brett had followed Keith around the gym for his entire workout, smashing all of Keith's mediocre lifts, proving how much more of a man he was. Keith’s slim yet toned body proved to be no match for Brett's more muscular physique. It wasn’t long before his crush was hanging off Brett's muscular figure, stroking his pecs and reaching her slender hands into his shorts.

Keith had had enough. He stormed into his apartment and pulled an almost full vial of clear liquid from the back of his kitchen cupboard. He had planned to consume the liquid slowly over many months, so the changes would be gradual and less suspicious, but in his rage, he removed the cap and drank what was left in the vial. The taste of raw sweat filled his mouth as he swallowed the potent liquid. A horrible pain filled his entire body, as his veins began to pulse angrily.

After several agonising moments, waves of pleasure began to cut through the pain, causing Keith to moan in ecstasy. His feet burst from his trainers as they doubled in size providing a solid foundation to his calves which swelled bigger than most men's arms. His quads grew thick slabs of muscle, forcing him into a wide stance as they fought for space. His growing quads forced his package forward as it surged past its previous fully erect size. His balls swelled in size and began pumping an intoxicating cocktail of hormones throughout his body as his previously flat ass grew into a perky muscle shelf.

His back grew wider, pushing his arms away from his sides as his lats flared larger. His core tightened into a series of deep ridges and valleys. His chest grew outwards, forming two huge mounds of muscle that heaved with power as they pumped oxygen through his growing frame. His hands balled into tight fists as his arms exploded, the muscle bodies of his biceps growing full and hard. His shoulders swelled with size, and huge traps soared upwards causing his frame to grow wider to accommodate all the layers of thick muscle. His high-pitched moans turned into a rumbling roar as his neck grew thicker and his voice adopted a rich bass.

The bones on his face began to rearrange, causing his baby fat to give way to a strong jaw and high cheekbones that gave him model good looks. All the blemishes and scars on his skin began to fade as it adopted a healthy natural glow. The hair on his head thickened and took on a sun-kissed shine, as his pores began to emit a pheromone-filled mix that smelled of musk and coffee.

As the changes began to subside, Kieth reached one of his saucer-sized hands into his pants to feel his new cock. With one hand Keith stroked the length of his erection, while his other squeezed his nuts, precum lubing the length of his shaft. His new cock had to be at least double the length and girth of the pathetic dick that he had felt this morning. He roared as he reached orgasm, every muscle pulsing bigger one last time, as a light dusting of hair spouted across his body.

Keith explored his new hulking physique, noting that he now easily outsized Brett. In fact, he must be the biggest guy in the entire gym now. And if someone managed to surpass him, he could always just distill their essence into another vial, just like he had done with the previous top dog at the gym.

Keith pulled on a 3XL singlet and a pair of workout shorts that he had been saving for later in the year, relishing in how he filled out fabric that previously billowed off his body. Returning his attention to the vial, he noticed there was a small amount of liquid left in the vial's dropper, perfect for giving him a pre-workout boost. He squirted what was left in the dropper into his mouth, before leaving to take his rightful place as the gym alpha.

Short Story: Distilled Strength

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.

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2 years ago

A Different Chris

On Monday, Chris woke up in another man's body. Instead of his normal skinny freshman frame, his heavily muscled form spilled out of his single dorm room bed, his huge feet sticking a good foot out of the bed. Deep panic set in as he scoured the internet looking for answers but finding none beyond the name of the man he now resembled - pro-body-builder Chris Bumstead. After hours of fruitless searching, he drifted off to sleep, computer wrestling on his pec shelf.

A Different Chris

On Tuesday, Chris found himself in the bodybuilder’s body still. His increased mass had crushed his laptop in his sleep so there would be no more research today. His hairy armpits stank of sweat and musk so he opted to take a shower, taking the opportunity to explore his new form. One thing led to another and before he knew it, he was furiously pumping his engorged cock as the water poured over his vascular form. Chris came almost a dozen times that day before he dozed off to sleep, his hairy abs covered in his potent seed.

A Different Chris

On Wednesday, Chris had run out of food. His new form had an almost insatiable hunger and he had quickly consumed everything edible in his small dorm room. He peeled on the baggiest pair of basketball shirts he owned and a old t-shirt that was both practically skin tight on him. Shoes were not an option with his colossal feet so he went barefoot, his meaty footsteps thudding heavily down the hall. 

He turned many heads as he made his way to the local supermarket, filling his trolley with mountains of protein. On his way through the checkout, the hot checkout operator slipped him his number, causing Chris’ cheeks to turn red - an odd sight on such a mountain of a man. Chris practically sprinted back to his dorm, carrying his heavy haul of food up the 6 flights of stairs with ease as his arms and legs developed a solid pump. The moment he made it back to his room, he dropped his shorts and began pumping his huge cock again, his hormones going wild as he thought about the twink from the store.

A Different Chris

On Thursday, intrigued by the pump he developed the day before, Chris decided he was going to go to the gym for the first time in his life. After stopping by the athletic store to purchase some workout gear that would have resembled a tent on his old form, he strutted into his local gym. He started tentatively at first, but he quickly grew in confidence as his body's muscle memory kicked. It wasn't long before he was throwing the heaviest weights in the gym around like they were nothing. 

After several hours, he had developed an insane pump and a potent cocktail of hormones were coursing through his body. He pulled out the boy from the store's number, and within half an hour the two were back at Chris’ dorm with Chris balls deep in the twink's tight hole. The twink might have found it odd that the room was decorated with a ton of nerd-culture memorabilia and photos of some random dude if it wasn’t for the constant waves of pleasure and pain that were coursing through his body as his ass was ravaged by the titan above him. 

A Different Chris

On Friday morning, the twink limped out of the dorm in the early hours of the morning, bloated from the amount of cum that had been shot inside of him. When he awoke hours later, Chris slipped on a pair of workout shorts that accentuated his thick quads, perky bubble butt, and obscene bulge. He struggled to get a tight singlet over his head with the limited amount of movement that his swollen upper body afforded him. He loved the way the garment pulled tight across his colossal pecs and how it left his tree-trunk-like arms on full display. Finally, he slipped on a pair of size 14 gym shoes onto his meaty feet and made his way to the gym. 

A Different Chris

He ruled the gym. When a group of jocks came in, he purposefully did the same lifts as they did, but with at least twice the weight as the smaller, inferior men, just to put them in their place. He made sure to grunt, and moan as he went through set after set, only pausing to flex his godly body.  All eyes were on him, and many of the gym goers were trying to conceal painful erections in their shorts. Chris was fizzing. His life had changed so much in the past week and he had never felt so powerful, so masculine, so complete. 

That is until he saw a mirror image of himself entering the gym. Panic spread across his face as Chris Bumstead arrived to begin his workout.

A Different Chris

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.

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2 years ago

For Love

Calm down bro! When I came out on my 18th birthday, you sat me down and told me that I’m still your brother and you’d do anything for me. Well, you may have heard the rumour that Max Hurley is gay. Yes, that Max Hurley, Captain of the football team. Turns out the rumour is true. I was so excited that there was another gay guy at our school, and a fucking hot one as well. But he outright turned me down. Turns out he’s a total sub-bottom that only lets bigger guys top him. With my pathetic twink physique, he practically laughed me out of the locker room. I probably should have been heartbroken, but instead, I was just mad. Mad that the universe sought fit to curse a top like me with this weak ass body. I shouldn’t have to beg the only gay guy in school to sleep with me. He should be throwing himself at me, begging me to fuck him until he’s limping to class the next day. 

But in some sick twist of fate, you’re exactly his type. Instead of lusting over me as he should, he was jacking himself off to you and your alpha body. We’re only a few years apart but you had at least a foot of height on me and 60 pounds of muscle. No wonder colleges tripped over each other to offer you a scholarship. But even with such an alpha body, you acted like a beta. Saving yourself for marriage and all that shit. Those purity rings that you and your girlfriend wear are so fucking lame. 

I was walking past your room the other night and heard you moaning in your sleep. As I crept into your room, I saw your muscular body glistening with sweat and a raging hard-on tenting your sheets. You were biting your lip moaning, practically fucking your blanket, but your face looked so tortured. Whatever dream you were having, you were begging for it to stop, crying that you promised Jessica that you would wait. It was fucking pathetic. I felt all of this anger building inside of me. I put that anger out to the universe. All that power and you were literally sobbing like a little boy in your sleep. It was wasted on you. So somehow I took it.

The tent in your sheets began to wilt away as one began to grow in my shorts. My little dick surged in size until it reached truly monstrous proportions, easily three times the length and girth of my former member. My balls swelled in size, growing huge and heavy as their production of potent sperm and hormones went into overdrive. It was such a rush, standing there with a monster of a cock and a cocktail of hormones flooding through my body for the first time. 

I felt like a man, and soon I would look like one too. It started with your feet. Those wide size 13s that were poking out of the bottom of your bed began to shrink. They retreated back under your sheets as my own feet exploded in size, providing a strong foundation for what was to come. My bones began to thicken and lengthen, while my jawline, cheekbones, and nose became more masculine and handsome. My skeleton was reforming to accommodate the mass that was soon to come. 

Your hard-earned muscle seemed to shrink away into nothing as pound after pound of mass piled onto my frame. Thick veins covered the striated calves that began to jut out from my lower legs. Meaty quads forced me to adopt a wider stance as they piled on layer after layer of thick, feathered muscle. My formally flat ass inflated into a shapely bubble butt that became as solid as granite when I flexed. 

The stubborn layer of baby fat on my midsection parted as row after row of deeply grooved abs forced their way to the surface. Meaty pecs swelled forwards from my chest as solid traps began to form on either side of my thickening neck. My shoulders grew bulky and round as my back grew ever wider. Thick veins snaked down my powerful arms and forearms towards my saucer-sized hands, each meaty limb bigger than my former legs. 

I heard you whimper like the little bitch you were as the last of the masculinity drained from your body. My Adam's apple jutted out as my voice became deeper. Hair sprouted all over my body, a thick coat covering my legs and groin with a lighter coating across my chest and face. Finally, several tattoos etched their way across my forearm and chest. 

I had ascended. I was finally the alpha I deserved to be. And the best part is, I have you to thank for it little bro. You were curled up in your bed, your runty body hunched over in the fetal position, clutching your pathetic excuse for a package while I towered over you, every inch of me excluding power, strength, and toxic masculinity. I squeezed my new hairy nuts and practically came then and there, so I thudded my way back to my room to really get to know this new body of mine.

Now get lost. Max is on his way over and I’m going to breed him like the little bottom bitch that he is. 

For Love

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.

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11 months ago


Almost everyone in the gym immediately noticed the change in Brandon. Formally the strong silent type, Brandon’s personality seemingly changed overnight. The oversized gym clothes were replaced by skimpy singlets and gym shorts that did little to hide his hulking physique or the fat monster snaking down his leg. His laser focused weight routine gave way to endless breaks flexing in front of the mirror, his eyes fixed hungrily on sight of his pumped body. His normal hasty retreat back to his car replaced by a long trip to the showers to impale yet another disposable gym slut on his fat horse cock. 

Some would be put off by the emergence of yet another quiet lifter morphing into a conceited alpha bro. But those in the know would know the truth. That the old Brandon was gone, his titan of a body now under the control yet another basement dwelling nerd, jacked up on content from the manosphere, and an innate sense masculine superiority. Soon more would join the ranks of those taking their rightful testosterone fueled place at the top of the food chain. Where they deserve to be.


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4 years ago

When I first met my girlfriends son, he told me he’d make me his bitch in a month. That’s when I first caught a whiff of his feet.

These days I can’t survive a day without falling to my knees in front of him to taste his delicious alpha feet. I am broken.


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1 year ago

W🤗😋F. I’d lick whole your back side to turn us on like beast before exploring your black inside 🤪

jerfaun - Jerfaun

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3 years ago

Truly perfect !

Roberto Merlo

Roberto Merlo

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1 year ago

One look and you know he's the #alpha and you are there to #serve.

fawkezzz - f a w k e z z z

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