14 posts
I Am Tired Of Ppl That Tell Ppl With Mental Health To Get Over It Work Through It Your No Different Like
I am tired of ppl that tell ppl with mental health to get over it work through it your no different like shut up you don't know what's it like in my head they just want you to get over so they don't have to deal with you
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BPD culture is realising that no matter what you do the people around you and who you love and care about will always end up feeling like they need to walk on eggshells around you, no matter how hard you try to minimise or control or regulate your symptoms, because eventually you will show your symptoms because you cant hide and mask forever, and when that happens everything will be ruined.

bpd culture is not feeling like you even have a personality?? like who tf am I? what are my values? am I the worst human ever or the best fucking person on this planet??
I guess who I am depends mostly on who YOU are, cause my only personality trait that seems to be consistent is that I can adapt to others without even noticing it
I'll be anything you want if that means you won't hate or leave me
makes it easy to make people like me on a surface level, but it's kinda manipulative and fake I guess? but it comes so natural to me that I almost don't notice it?
I feel so so lost and I always thought by 26 I would have figured out who I am and what I want but guess what bitch you're still here pleasing everyone else and wondering what it is that you yourself truely want and need, and also whenever you try to connect deeply with someone they sooner or later notice that your values and standpoints and character change SO DAMN MUCH?? I can be convinced of something one day and then say the opposite thing the next, and it's so frustrating for myself and others and sometimes I don't even wanna share a thought or an opinion anymore cause I know damn well I will probably think differently soon and feel fake and weird and like a lying bitch, and people close to you never know when to take your words serious cause things. just. change. SO QUICKLY with me and I jump from black to white in an instant
Stoic mindset
1. Your happiness is your responsibility.
2. Everything is temporary.
3. We are social beings with a social duty.
4. A philosophy of life must be lived.
5. Happiness is not found in superficial pleasures.
6. We are social beings with a social responsibility.
7. Structure your goals so they become attainable because they are.
8. Be attached to nothing.
9. If you are too scared to lose it, you shouldn’t have it.
10. Associate with people who can improve your life.
11. Accept what cannot be changed.
12. Avoid materialism. Live simply.
13. Do not consider yourself a victim.
14. Live below your means.
15. Maximize positive emotions. Minimize negative emotions.
16. Do not let emotions control your life.
17. Be proud of your achievements but don’t be arrogant.
18. Be disciplined.
19. No quick fixes. Put in the work and do it right.
20. Don’t put yourself in a box. Be open minded and hold yourself to the same standard you hold others.
21. Do not judge a book by its cover.
22. Avoid drama.
23. Learn to forgive. Do not become the pain you feel or the people or things that hurt you.
24. Be there for the people you love.
25. Educate yourself.
26. Give yourself the chance to learn from everyone even when you disagree.
27. Think for yourself.
28. Demand the best for yourself.
29. You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence is a habit.
30. Be as you wish to seem.
31. Every obstacle is an opportunity.
32. The more you value things outside of your control, the less control you have.
33. Once you start looking for outside approval you have already compromised your integrity.
34. You become what you give your attention to.
35. The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.