black1ndigo - Just a blog
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Documented obsessions. Hey I’m an 18 yr old black girl form London :)

76 posts

Shows/Movies To Watch This Autumn

Shows/Movies to watch this Autumn

Shows/Movies To Watch This Autumn
Shows/Movies To Watch This Autumn

I’ll speed run through ones everyone says

🐛Glimore girls

🐛Gossip girl

🐛Teen wolf (but only season 3 like, cmon now)



🐛Gossip girl

🐛Breakfast club

🐛Dead Poets Society

🐛Harry Potter (and then some marauders ff iykyk)

🐛Fantastic Mr Fox (I feel like loving this movie is one of my personality traits)

Shows/Movies To Watch This Autumn

Okay onto personal recommendations

🦋Boy meets world (I wish this show was talked about more)

🕸️Sherlock Holmes (BBC tv show)


🕸️Alchemy of Souls (October would be good for this since it has magic)

🦋Sky castle (For some reason I would say watch around Nov, don’t ask me why)

🕸️True beauty (I would say watch in Nov for some reason as well)

🦋Twenty five, twenty one (although I can imagine saving this and watching it at the end of the school year)

🕸️Skip and loafer (TOO CUTE)

🦋Frankenweenie (underrated)

🕸️Addams Family

🦋Monster House (underrated)

🕸️Little Women

🦋Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (I feel like it reminds you not to take life to seriously- great for a sick day off of school)


🦋Enola Holmes (surprisingly good for MBB’s first job as a producer)

🕸️About Time (also reminds you of what’s important in life. Chef’s kiss. If anyone doesn’t like this film then they must not like films in general)



🦋Hunger Games

🕸️Silence of the Lambs

🦋High school musical


🦋Spiderman into the spideyverse (but also like tasm would be nice to watch as well)

I’m probably forgetting lots but yeah, there’s some recommendations. Have a good autumn everyone! Remember to take your vitamins and get cozy!! 🐞🖤🖤

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5 months ago

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