Victorious - Tumblr Posts
sToPPPPP!!!!! It has not been 10 years already!! 😭

10 years of victorious ● episode one debuted on march 27th 2010.

best polar opposite duo

cat valentine
I played roblox, it was fun but boring at the same time. I am going to play some games on my mobile and after read books about pusheen while watching victorious. Victorious is one of my fav shows. I am so scared cause idk what is happening to my rat. She is hurting herself and idk why. It is sad to see her suffer while i cant do anything with it🍰🍰🪽🪽
In an alternate universe, Jade is probably exactly who I would've been in high school.

BECK OLIVER & JADE WEST you love me again. who said i stopped?

Fandoms I’m in part 6: Live action shows
Does anyone know how I can edit my pictures like those cute 2014 ones?
One of the best fanarts I've ever seen
Good job

I think we’ve all seen the video
What it would be like dating Beck Oliver:

Both of you are extremely close
Like tell each other everything- no secrets close
The amount of trust you have in each other is just unmatched
You spend almost all your time together
You had almost every class together before you started dating anyway so it worked out perfect
It’s not your fault that the school system set you up
Beck’s love language is 100% physical touch and no one can tell me otherwise
He always has his hands on you
Just a casual arm over your shoulders, maybe a hand on your knee while sitting in class
Forehead kisses
All the time
Literally all the time
You both love to run lines together
Most of the time it ends up in a bunch of laughing and the two of you being goofy
Beck would try to stay in character attempting to actually practice (he normally cracks two seconds in though)
However, if it’s important like for a big audition or the night before his play starts, you take it seriously
You help him reach his goals, he helps you achieve yours
He’s actually very helpful
Just in normal everyday situations
He’s good at helping you with your homework if you can’t focus
And by helping I mean he gives you the answers
He's also tall and can reach things you might not be able to if your short
Of course, you get jealous of how some of the others look at him
But he very easily calms you down
Just simple reminders help
“Y’know my heart belongs to you”
But after he calms you down he would totally say something along the lines of “You look cute when your jealous” which would be followed up with a playful smack on the arm from you
You in turn make fun of him when he gets jealous
If he finds someone staring at you, he immediately goes into protective mode
He won’t like get into a fistfight with the person
But he would stare at them until they left/stopped looking at you
And if the staring doesn’t work he would grab your chin, turn you to face him, and kiss you until he knows for sure the person stopped looking at you
Because in the words of Natasha Romanoff "Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable"
You say that you hate it but you secretly love it (and when I say secretly I mean not so secretly)
At first, your parents weren’t sure about him
Your parents tried to act like they didn’t like him but you knew they did
He was super nervous to meet your parents rightfully so they acted very intimidating at first
His parents love you
You were super nervous to meet them at first but it went fine in the end
Cuddling with this dude is just amazing
You playing with his hair or him playing with yours
Did I mention forehead kisses?
I don't think I did
Dates are always something cute
Always, every single time
But then again everything the two of you do is cute

So Much More (Beck Oliver | Victorious)
Summary — You and Beck both try to prove something pretty important to one another.
Requested by frenchgirlinlondon — Hi I love your blog,I was wondering if you could do a Beck Oliver x reader where the others are teasing her about her crush on Beck and she breaks but telling them that she loves him and that he is more than just a pretty face (so you know really talented, kind, caring, supportive) and because of this she feels like she isn’t good enough for him and deserves better but he overheard everything and later on when they are alone he tells her he loves her and that she is amazing (so you know really fluffy stuff and bonus points if she thinks he is joking at first but then kisses her to prove her wrong) Thx!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Fluff; mentions of insecurities (feeling like they aren’t good enough for Hollywood Arts); kissing; overhearing conversations.
Notes ➳ Word Count is 907. ➳ Reader is gender neutral (they/them).
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Music blasted throughout the auditorium. You watched as students from your acting class, including your friends, rehearsed for one of Jade’s plays. (Thankfully, it wasn’t as dark as others she had written before, though some scenes were still rather questionable.)
Being in charge of running the play’s lights and music was something you enjoyed, especially since Jade gave you a lot of creative freedom. There was always one particular scene, however, that always made you forget what you were supposed to be doing.
You tried not to smile as Beck took over the stage for a monologue. All alone on stage, he began singing after reciting his lines. After a moment, he paused and everyone turned to look at you with raised eyebrows. Some of your friends even had smirks on their faces.
“(YOUR NAME)!” shouted Jade, stomping out from behind the curtains. “You missed the cue again!”
You snapped out of your thoughts, tearing your focus away from Beck. You tried not to cower in response to Jade’s glare.
“Sorry,” you muttered.
Jade sneered, “Start again, Beck!”
Beck gave you a small smile before beginning his scene once more. You hadn’t noticed some of your friends sneak up behind you.
“What’s going on back here, huh?”
You jumped out of surprise and turned to glare at Tori and André, who both didn’t even make an attempt at stopping their laughter.
“Shut up,” you groaned. “It was accident.”
“No, an accident happens one time, maybe two,” chuckled André. “Six times, though? I don’t think it’s still an accident at that point.”
“(YOUR NAME) likes Beck! (YOUR NAME) likes Beck!” sang Tori.
“Everyone likes Beck,” said André. “He’s the best looking guy in the whole school. No one can deny that.”
“He’s more than that,” you said, taking a moment to change the stage lights to blue when you heard Beck begin to sing. “He’s not just a pretty face, not to me. He’s always so nice to everyone and he’s super cared. Not to mention, he’s incredibly talented.”
“I’ll say it again,” grinned Tori. “(YOUR NAME) likes Beck!”
“Yeah, I do,” you admitted “What about it—?”
“(YOUR NAME)!” shouted Jade, causing you to grimace, especially because of the volume of her voice in your headset. “Next scene! I want purple this time!”
You quickly changed the lights to purple like she requested and started some background sounds for the next scene. You glared at Tori and André, who both began giggling once more.

You waved as the last of your friends left the auditorium. You still needed to reset the lights and music before you could go home as well. After doing that, you began packing up your things in your backpack.
You inhaled sharply, placing a hand on your chest. You turned to glare harshly at Beck.
“What is with all of you scaring me today?” you asked, before you stood up from seat and put on your backpack.
“I think it’s working on all of Jade’s plays,” he said. “Do you want a ride home?”
You shrugged, though you hoped he couldn’t hear your heart pounding, “Sure.”
It took a few minutes for the two of you reach Beck’s car. You looked at the city lights as he began driving in the direction of your home. Soft music played from the radio.
“You are, too.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you focused your attention onto Beck. He had paused at a stop sign (like a good driver always should, of course). No one else was around since he had taken the scenic route like he always did.
“What?” you asked.
You were clearly confused. ‘You are, too.’ What was he talking about? Had you lost yourself in your thoughts about him again?
“You are, too,” he repeated. “More than a pretty face.”
Your eyes widened, before you muttered, “Where did you hear that?”
Beck finally looked over at you, a smirk on his face, “Headsets. Remember those?”
It took you a moment to realize what he meant. You then let out a loud groan, leaning forward to rest your head against his car’s dashboard. (You should’ve received bonus points since you also hid your face in your hands.)
“You weren’t supposed to hear that,” you said.
Beck chuckled, “(YOUR NAME)? Will you look at me?”
Seeing as you had no means of escape, you complied by sitting upright in your seat. You heard him chuckle again when you refused to open your eyes.
“I know you doubt yourself a lot,” he said, “but you shouldn’t—”
“I’m serious! You’re amazing! You deserve to be at Hollywood Arts just as much as the rest of us, whether you believe it or not,” he said. “You’re so much more than just a pretty face, (YOUR NAME), and I wish you could see yourself the way that I see you.”
“How do you see me?”
Your answer wasn’t exactly what you expected, especially since your eyes were still closed. Beck’s lips moved against yours, kissing you as though he had been starving for this moment to happen. Your eyes flew open for a split second, but you quickly closed them once more, placing your hands on his cheeks and pulling him closer to you.
Beck finally pulled away, both of you keeping your eyes closed in an attempt to savor the moment. You felt him softly sigh, leaning his forehead against yours.
“How do you think I see you?”

beck Oliver relationship headcannons
(A/N): I never thought I’d get a request for Victorious, but I’m so happy!!! Here you go, hope you like it! :)

○ You guys are always seen together.
○ Not because one of you is jealous or possessive, but simply because you like spending time with each other (which happens to be almost all the time)
○ Beck always has his hands on you, his skin is in constant need of touching some part of you.
○ When you’re walking, his arm is always around your shoulders or your waist, always taking the opportunity to kiss your temple every time he does so.
Keep reading

p.s the mirrors work great 💭
*the gang is at The Hub, and a girl is hitting on Hyde*
Donna: He has a girlfriend.
Girl: I don't see her.
Jackie: Turn around. [she does] Now you see her.
Girl: I don't see much.
Jackie, ready to kick some ass:
Hyde: Okay, you should go home before she sends you to the hospital.
Richie Tozier would totally make a Robarazzi TMZ show because he saw it on Victorious
Pass it on