blankettreefrog - Verona

she/her,20šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆFan of fallout, ikag, doctor who, bridgerton and more.

453 posts

Blankettreefrog - Verona - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
blankettreefrog - Verona
5 months ago
One Of My Favorite Things About This Scene Is How Rio Starts Off Her Story By Saying Someone Then Them

one of my favorite things about this scene is how Rio starts off her story by saying ā€œsomeoneā€ then ā€œthemā€ and then ends with ā€œshe is my scarā€ and just proceeds to fully stare at Agatha

5 months ago
blankettreefrog - Verona
5 months ago
The Struggle Is Real
The Struggle Is Real

The struggle is real

5 months ago

Back story to other posts šŸ‘†

Okay girlies itā€™s been a while

An update of my summer

First I got into a relationship, she was American and pretty and played sports.

Second ,she made it very clear she liked me from the beginning, she was over the top affectionate, like even throwing her things on the ground to tackle hug me the third time we met cus it had been a while and picked a good date to ask me to be her gf cus she thought the day would be a ā€˜good anniversary to haveā€™. (we had only been seeing each other for a month and a bit oh which she was on holidays for two weeks and I didnā€™t see her)

She then, out of the blue, decided to flirt with other women (plural, and 1 girl was so her ā€œtype personality wiseā€ that she ā€œforgot she had a gf and flirted with herā€) on a trip she took , told me all this cus she felt guilty, then she came back after ghosting me just to immediately break up with me for me being ā€œtoo emotionally attachedā€



Not the best first relationship but uk , what can a girl do I guessšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

Any advice would be greatly appreciated ā˜ŗļø

5 months ago

Someone really tried to use the whole "There are no brown mermaids in the Little Mermaid"

Aight, lemme give you a Disney history lesson. This is Gabriella, she is also mute and uses ASL to communicate.

Someone Really Tried To Use The Whole "There Are No Brown Mermaids In The Little Mermaid"
Someone Really Tried To Use The Whole "There Are No Brown Mermaids In The Little Mermaid"
Someone Really Tried To Use The Whole "There Are No Brown Mermaids In The Little Mermaid"
Someone Really Tried To Use The Whole "There Are No Brown Mermaids In The Little Mermaid"

Try again with that nonsense lol.


5 months ago

I would really appreciate some break up advice that would help me move on.

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5 months ago

Guess who keeps thinking about her ex gf??????

Spoiler alertā€¼ļø

Itā€™s me šŸ„°šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø

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5 months ago
Tax Wealth. Tax The Rich. Dismantle Inequality.

Tax wealth. Tax the rich. Dismantle inequality.

5 months ago
AGATHA ALL ALONG | 1x04, "If I Can't Reach You Let My Song Teach You"
AGATHA ALL ALONG | 1x04, "If I Can't Reach You Let My Song Teach You"
AGATHA ALL ALONG | 1x04, "If I Can't Reach You Let My Song Teach You"
AGATHA ALL ALONG | 1x04, "If I Can't Reach You Let My Song Teach You"
AGATHA ALL ALONG | 1x04, "If I Can't Reach You Let My Song Teach You"
AGATHA ALL ALONG | 1x04, "If I Can't Reach You Let My Song Teach You"
AGATHA ALL ALONG | 1x04, "If I Can't Reach You Let My Song Teach You"
AGATHA ALL ALONG | 1x04, "If I Can't Reach You Let My Song Teach You"

AGATHA ALL ALONG | 1x04, "If I Can't Reach You Let My Song Teach You"

5 months ago
blankettreefrog - Verona
5 months ago
A false twitter screenshot with the display name Timothy Drake-Wayne (username: @TimDrakeWayne), a verified Twitter user. The text reads: Getting adopted by Bruce Wayne fanfictions are liars btw he is a cruel cruel father

A reply from display name Brucie Wayne (username: BruceWayne), a verified twitter user. The text reads: I am so sorry I did not let you win at Mario Kart, chum. Have you tried being better at it?
A false twitter screenshot with the display name Gotham Gazette (username: @GothamGazette), a verified Twitter user. The text reads: Breaking! Timothy Drake-Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, reveals Bruce Wayne is a "cruel father"
What is really going on inside the Wayne household?

A reply from display name Timothy Drake-Wayne (username: TimDrakeWayne), a verified twitter user. The text reads: Breaking! Vicki Vale, renowned reporter, doesn't know the definition of the words "satire" or "banter"
A false twitter screenshot with the display name Gotham moment (username: @accidrainn). The text reads: @zombiejayT do you ever get tired of impersonating a dead kid on the internet? I can't help but think about how Jason Todd's family must feel about you

A reply from display name Legally dead (username: zombiejayT). The text reads: Idk let's ask them @flyinggrayson how do you feel abt me impersonating your dead brother online?

A reply from display name Dickie Grayson (username: flyinggrayson), a verified twitter user. The text reads: You're evil and I despise you. Also Alfred says he's making pot roast for dinner on friday and wants to know if you'll be there

A reply from display name Legally dead (username: zombiejayT). The text reads: Ugh fine >:( the things I do for that man's pot roast

Btw if anyone ever has any headcanons of any DC characters (not just batfam) or just wants to rant abt your faves this is an open invite to send them to my asks I'd love to see them

More batfam twitter shenanigans here

Image descriptions in alt text, taglist under the cut

Taglist: @scarlettauthor @searchingforthelamps @aceisferal @lady-bizarre @nana-mizu-shiki @reality-itself-but-magic @humanoidluv @shortstorylover @luckybyrdrobyn @ginevraxrogers @universal-travel-er @timpendragon @limeskittlesaredecent @illburnyouontheceiling @half-emptyjuicebox @genderlessblomber @i-suc-at-art @somniphobicfox @ultra-stormsaga @procrastinators-folly @folk-ever-lore @marinafanning @tzuyu132132 @sackofsadstuff @notarobot-lastichecked @blankliferain @kking13 @blackholegladiator @formulaonebuff @blackholegladiator @wrongwaykelly @smiling-through-sadness @cygnusdoesthings @lyninabin @justabilingualchileangirl @atlasaurelius @xxrougefangxx @fictional-love21 @kittyplayz1 @bae-graphomaniac @rusty-lake-resident @spawn0fsatan @savetheupholstery @lostsomewhereinthegarden @dead-potato-monster @its-a-dam-blue-brick @elamimax @ja50nt0ddwa5h3r3 (continued in replies due to tag limit)

5 months ago


5 months ago
This Is Art

This is art

5 months ago

Stuck on the thought that Bruce tried to be a father for Dick, but Dick didnā€™t want one. He wanted an equal, someone to fight crime with. And consequently, Bruce drove him away with his overbearing nature.

And then Jason came to him, and of course Bruce had to do better this time. He didnā€™t want to lose another child Robin. Only he realized too late that Jason didnā€™t just want to be Batmanā€™s partner, he wanted to be Bruceā€™s son.

((And with Tim he was too scared to even try))

Kay thanks sā€™cuse me while I go cry in a corner goddammit

5 months ago


5 months ago

Sometime in Gotham:

Jason Todd [on the phone]: How did the Joker die?

Damian Wayne [on the phone]: Cats ate his face.

Jason Todd: Damian, I think youā€™re confused. Iā€™m asking about the Joker.

Damian Wayne: Cats ate his face.

Jason Todd: Look, would you just put Dick or Tim on the phone?

Dick Grayson: Hello?

Jason Todd: Dick, what happened to the Joker?

Dick Grayson: Cats ate his face. Here, Damian knows more about it than I do.

(Source: Malcolm in the Middle)

5 months ago

Bruce: Anyway, I better get this one home. See you, Superman.

Jason, a 6ā€™4 anti hero crime fighting machine who threw down with Batman multiple times, sleepy as fuck: No! No no no no

Bruce, carrying him like a toddler: Yes ~

5 months ago

ohhh october be kind. on god be kind

5 months ago

to be perfectly honest i think that ghosts being transluscent and faded is kind of antithetical to what they represent. they're an echo that cannot move on, cannot fade out - they should be oversaturated and stiff and strangely out of place and unchanging, like something preserved in clear glass.

5 months ago

The entirety of Jason's speech at the end of Under the Hood is outstanding, I'm not stating anything new here. But I have a deep appreciation for one bit in particular: "I forgive you for not saving me".

Because I forgive you is worlds apart from it wasn't your fault.

5 months ago

how is piracy bad? itā€™s sharing. and sharing is caring.

5 months ago

Okay girlies itā€™s been a while

An update of my summer

First I got into a relationship, she was American and pretty and played sports.

Second ,she made it very clear she liked me from the beginning, she was over the top affectionate, like even throwing her things on the ground to tackle hug me the third time we met cus it had been a while and picked a good date to ask me to be her gf cus she thought the day would be a ā€˜good anniversary to haveā€™. (we had only been seeing each other for a month and a bit oh which she was on holidays for two weeks and I didnā€™t see her)

She then, out of the blue, decided to flirt with other women (plural, and 1 girl was so her ā€œtype personality wiseā€ that she ā€œforgot she had a gf and flirted with herā€) on a trip she took , told me all this cus she felt guilty, then she came back after ghosting me just to immediately break up with me for me being ā€œtoo emotionally attachedā€



Not the best first relationship but uk , what can a girl do I guessšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

Any advice would be greatly appreciated ā˜ŗļø

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7 months ago
blankettreefrog - Verona