blinddreams24 - Kinda Just Doin’ My Own Thing
Kinda Just Doin’ My Own Thing

-20-Bit of a nerd-Entered the Undertale fandom in January -Like to do my own research-Is a cat person(but still loves my dogs)

196 posts

Headcanon Time!!!

Headcanon Time!!!

When Nightmare reads, if he’s not turning the pages, he will fidget with/scratch the closest thing to him. The little wooden paperweight duck that Dust carved for him has been worn down with how much Nightmare will twirl it in his hands while he’s distracted. Grooves from him drumming and picking at the desk are deep and old.

However, if you happen to catch Nightmare sitting on the couch in the living room, you will find yourself sat beside him while he rubs/scratches your back. To the other skeletons in the castle, those who lack muscles and thus muscle soreness, the scratching is very uncomfortable and they tend to avoid Nightmare while he reads.

But for a human, it’s heaven. It’s even better if you’re Nightmare’s love interest.

Nightmare, after noticing the positivity coming off you while he rubs your back, will search you out whenever he has time to read and just plop you down beside him and disassociate. He doesn’t even hold you there like he would the others. Just lets you melt into the back rubs while he reads. If you’re lucky, he might even read aloud.

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More Posts from Blinddreams24

10 months ago

I got to hold a dragon today!

She was really sweet and sociable. And she was cold. Colder than I expected but not anywhere near freezing. Like a water bottle at room temperature. It holds no heat and neither did she.

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10 months ago


A Mermay Prompt


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You came back to the water alone. You hadn’t told anyone about the suspicious skeleton in the water that apparently saved you from sharks. Honestly, who would believe you? He swam unbelievably faster than anyone you’d ever seen, you never actually saw him, and there was no evidence of him ever being there. Not even a bruise from him grabbing you, he’d been so gentle.

It was hard for you to believe it even happened.

So here you were, oxygen tanks at the ready, attempting to find the monster in the water from yesterday. He seemed pretty cordial and knew his way around in the water so you figured your chances of seeing him again would increase in the water. Well, seeing him for the first time. Not again.

You waddled your way out into the water, your flippers doing you no favors on land, and went diving. Since it was the first place you technically met him, you swam for the same coral reef from yesterday. Nothing new. Just another school of fish, a few garden eels that shrank into their holes when you approached, and a stingray gliding across the sand between boulders.


He wasn’t here.

You blew out a couple bubbles in frustration. Not that you expected to find him immediately, just… it’d be easier if you did. Whatever. You could check on the reef in the meantime.

You carefully swayed with the currents as you floated from one patch of coral to the next. Checking on the health of the environment, avoiding any obvious dens, and picking up the occasional bit of trash that immediately got zipped into your fanny pack with a glittery zipper to dispose of later. Seriously, people didn’t understand cleanliness.

Something moved.

Shocked from your business and anticipating your mystery skeleton, you spun to look. Somewhat disappointingly, it wasn’t your skeleton. However, you still froze.

A barracuda stared you down.


You gently tread water and leaned back, trying to slowly get away. It followed you, eyeing your fanny pack. You weren’t getting away easily. What could you possibly do? It was already after you. You covered the fanny pack with your hand.

It lunged.

You barely had time to register the attack when something huge darted at the barracuda and snatched it. The speed at which this creature moved shoved you backwards making your arms flail to stay steady. A large black tail filled your vision as you regained focus. It swished and twitched in place as the front seemed busy. As your mind actually cleared, the colors of the beast registered.

An orca.

You carefully and slowly kicked to back up. Orca’s were remarkably friendly in the area but you weren’t about to risk it. Your flipper paddled just a bit too hard and the orca noticed. It’s front twisted around to look at you, barracuda still in its mouth.

You both froze at the sight of each other.

That wasn’t an orca. It was an orca siren. With skeletal features and blood still drifting off its jaws from the barracuda it gently took from its open mouth. You could help but think you were next on its menu. However, it looked just as shocked to see you as you did.

“Uhhh… hi?” Came a familiar muffled voice from its toothy maw. It waved sheepishly at you.

Startled from your shock, you squeaked and spun on a dime, swimming away as fast as you could. An orca siren?? This close to land?? You thought there weren’t any sirens in these waters! Didn’t sirens tend to live near more crowded areas?

“Hey! Wait!”


A hand around your ankle earned a scream of bubbles from you as you turned to defend yourself, kicking and flailing. It made sense now why he was so fast. Being part fish(well, mammal, but aquatic) would help with that.

“Hey! Hey! It’s okay! I’m not gonna hurt you.” He assured as his hands grabbed your arms. You kicked at him but the combination of water, flippers, and thick hide made your attacks useless.

More bubbles escaped you as you screamed. “Mmh!”

“Oh, stars, you can’t hear me can you? Uh….” He gave you a weak smile and looked up. “Don’t worry, we’ll be at the surface in no time. Hang on.” He pulled you close, prompting you to thrash again, but when his tail moved into action you clung desperately to his arms. He was too fast. How had you thought you could out swim this beast of speed? It was insane.

It was only a few seconds before you broke the surface for the second time in 24 hours. This time about a mile from the beach.

“Let go!” You snapped in the air, trying to shake his hold off your arms.

“I will! Just listen to me. Okay?” He pleaded. When you didn’t snap back he continued. “I’m not gonna hurt you. You just can’t tell anyone that we’re here.”

“We?!?” That did make sense, orca’s swam in pods, but still! The thought of more killers in the water had you shivering. “How many are you??”

He grimaced. (Should have kept my mouth shut) “That’s not important right now. What’s important is that you listen. There are very dangerous people that will hurt you if you tell anyone you saw me.”

You growled. “Hard to hurt me if I never come back to the water.”

His grip tightened on your arms. “First of all, don’t ever say that until you’re in the clear. I could kill you right now if I wanted and not have to deal with this problem ever again. You already said there isn’t anyone that would care to pay ransom for you. So who would notice if you went missing?” He glared down at you.

You froze. You and your stupid mouth. He was right. Even if you did have someone that would fight tooth and nail for you, he could still kill you and you wouldn’t be able to tell anyone that he was there.

“Second,” He interrupted your thoughts. “I wasn’t talking about in the water. There are land dwellers, scientists, that will torture every last detail of information from you just to find me. They have before for less.” His expression turned sad and he broke eye contact with you. “…This is more for your own safety.”

“…You said ‘we’ before, but now you’re only saying ‘me,’ like, just you.”

“Yeah, they don’t know about my pod and I plan to keep it that way. Please.” He pleaded.

Your resolve shook at his explanation. You… You couldn’t not tell people that there were sirens in the area, could you? He seemed so desperate. Maybe…

“If you promise something as well, sure.”

His eyes lit up. “What is it?”

You swallowed. He better hold up his end of this deal. “You can’t attack or eat people.”

He smiled gently and placed a hand on his chest. “I promise I won’t hunt, stalk, attack, injure, or eat any monster or human person for as long as you keep my secret. No loopholes. No strings attached. Your turn.” He looked at you expectantly.

Oh right. “I promise not to tell anyone about you or your pod as long as you don’t do any of that you just promised. Happy?”

“Mmmm.” He tipped his head, smirking. “…You missed a part.”

“What? What did I possibly miss?”

“No loopholes~?”

“Fine! No loopholes. No strings attached. Now are you happy?” You glared.

He whistle-laughed at you. “More than. Do you want me to take you to the shore again?” He offered.

Right. You still had no idea how you’d get back to the beach with those swirling currents between you and your destination. “Mm, fine. But only because I don’t want to swim all the way back.”

“Of course.” He hugged you to his chest. “Deep breath.”

You stuck the nozzle in your mouth.

“Oh. Okay. Here we go.”

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10 months ago

I did not mean to only have this up for a day…




I even caught it on the exact mark…


I… I’m flabbergasted*…

Thank you guys.

It’s been a long ride, and there have been many bumps along the way, but y’all stuck around through it and we made it to the other side.

Y’all have changed my life for the better and for that, I thank you.

I want to do something special for hitting this mark but I’m not sure what…

Again, if you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for 100 followers! I could not have done it on my own, and you all made my day!

Thank you!

*flabbergasted is brought to you by viewers like you

10 months ago


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11 months ago

Headcanon Time!!

Since monsters are made of magic and not physical matter like humans, they are shocked by each and every tiny discovery the closer they get to a human.

And you don’t know why your monster friend (or lover, whatever you prefer) is getting so close to your face until they gasp: “Your eyes are like mirrors!”

Turns out, magic doesn’t reflect light, thus leading each monster to peer into their human friend’s eyes in wonder at the revelation.

“I can see what you see!” “I didn’t know you could do that…” and my personal favorite “The stars look really nice in your eyes.”

(You’re welcome)

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