boba-is-a-soup - life is soup. i am spoon. om nom nom slurp slurp.
life is soup. i am spoon. om nom nom slurp slurp.

my motherfuckery is unmatched

196 posts

I Just Wanna Show Off How Cute I Am Here That's All--

I Just Wanna Show Off How Cute I Am Here That's All--

I just wanna show off how cute I am here that's all--

Look at me go I am so good also please don't mind the mask everyone forgot that it existed lol

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More Posts from Boba-is-a-soup

2 years ago

This shit's so funny and for what

man i do not vibe w those posts that are in all the x reader tags like

he kisses you and has a big dick and loves you a whole lot. the perfect man and he is yours.

— MICKY MOUSE, star lord, bernie sanders, DARTH MAUL

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2 years ago

insert romantic sigh, y’know the sound

if you really think about it, sleep is like death with benefits. you’re not actually dead and you’re not awake so it’s a win-win situation. it’s like being dead without the commitment, an open relationship with death. sleep is deaths free trial.

I saw a TikTok where someone said they hoped death feels like being carried to bed by your parent when you were young and fell asleep in the car / on the couch etc etc & honestly I haven’t been okay since

2 years ago

I have so many toxic ex girlfriends but like...


2 years ago

Wore shorts for the first time in a decade

They make me feel so gender but in a little shit kind of way

Bruh my fit makes me feel like Scara tf

Nah I love him but if we met I'd try to punt him into the sun

What is this thought process

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2 years ago

This whole thread is my absolute favourite because it goes from utter outrage over Yuu's living conditions (which were honestly my first thought when I started playing) to revering Remy, a fictional rat in a fictional scenario for an already fictional world. True beauty right here. Also I would like to offer up one (1) Cater Diamond making an entire Magicam account for Remy, which ofc goes viral and is an extra source of income for the Ramshackle gang.

Feel free to ignore this, but... I've been thinking... Does Ramshackle even have, like, running water/electricity when Yuu moves in? It's been abandoned for so long, and Crowley doesn't seem the type to pay for services for a place no one is using. And if there is water/electricity, maybe it's in such a poorly maintained state that Yuu would probably be safer showering under a thunderstorm.

So now imagine Yuu going to Vargas and asking if she can use the gym showers when no one is there. Next thing she knows, her teachers are giving her a key to an empty staff room in the castle with its own shower and a small kitchenette, horrified at the thought that Crowley allowed a magicless girl to not only be alone in a place anyone can break into, but also without even water to wash herself or electricity to cook.

Frankly I have to agree with you. The building hasn't had living in inhabitants for the better part of a century. If it's still connected to anything, I doubt any of it would run properly. Like those pipes have to be rusted in need of replacement, you cant tell me the water in Ramshackle didn't run red from rust on the rare occasions it did work. Same with electricity, if it was ever connected to begin with. If it's anything like our world in that regard, electricity being widespread in most homes only started to be a thing in the mid 1920s. So 50/50 bet on whether or not Ramshackle had power to begin with or Yuu had to live by candlelight for a while.

It isn't until book 3 that Ramshackle looks clean and livable. Book 4 takes place over winter break, so its in December, and I think they say Book 2 is in September. So this is somewhere in October or November. Things are going to get cold and dark very fast, the problem of the living conditions at Ramshackle are getting real. Knowing Crowley, he probably put off the maintenance work until the reality is staring him in the face and all the staff are breathing down his neck to get shit fixed. So I'm pretty sure Miss Yuu has to live like this for a few months. Because Ramshackle has to have running water and electricity if all these students are going to be living there for the training. If it wasn't all at least up and running, I don't think Ramshackle would a viable option. But since Yuus motivation for agreeing to the training camp was to get money to fix the house, I don't think Crowley got the best work done. Ramshackle at that point is livable, but it still sucks. There's some loose floorboards, there's a draft in the living room, the kitchen ceiling has a leak. It does just enough to keep the rain (mostly) out.

Even if it was GN or guy Yuu, they would have to use the gym showers and maybe ask the teachers for help, because until then Ramshackle can barely be slept in. I want to have faith in the other staff that they would help Miss Yuu in any way they can. Like Vargas let's her know when the locker room is free and makes sure no one goes in until she's done. It's Treins idea to let her have access to the staff quarters and use the spare room. Especially when Crowley finally gets the work done and there is repair guys in and out of the building, she has a room to crash in for a couple weeks till it's done.

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