18+ I'm 28. I'm a Dude. I like to think if I had a shovel, a bottle, a lighter, and a phone for entertainment, I could survive on a island no problem.
317 posts
A Thought Came To Me, In Supernatural
A thought came to me, In Supernatural
Dean & Sam call Angel's by a spell & they're all
"I was in the middle of something"
But the Angel's be like "OooH hOw EveR ShALl WE FiNd AnOther ANGEL?!?!?!" 😩😩😩😩
More Posts from Boiipotato
*Slaps my stomach* BE THINNER
*slaps myself in the face* BE BETTER
These have been trying times, for sure, this year...
All k9 dogs are abused hands down if you post any pro k9 stuff on my dash you’re unfollowed I don’t care if we’ve been mutuals for years, you can claim to be anti-cop or a leftist or whatever but if you post k9 dogs with like “a good doggo! A good boy!” fuck off, if I lose followers over this then good riddance
Being overly critical ultimately just works against you. Balance criticism with appreciation.