18+ I'm 28. I'm a Dude. I like to think if I had a shovel, a bottle, a lighter, and a phone for entertainment, I could survive on a island no problem.
317 posts
Boiipotato - But Idk. Stop Judging... - Tumblr Blog
I'm so lonely today.. :( I'm all alone with a hangover and feel so panicy!. I know the whole house is fine but I keep thinking I left the water on, or the stove is on, or just booooom. Why is my anxiety so shit

The peace I find in Ghibli🍃✨✧。。♡

Fit inspiration! Goals

Happy 52nd birthday to the franchise that ruined my life AND at the same time made it 1701 times better :D
put that beast in the wall

silly seal

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine // S06E08: Resurrection
date idea you shoot my brains out

You deserve good things, I want to be one of them.

By @norichan5050
I think about killing myself way to often. Especially lately cause of the lonelines... I cannot believe the women I attract... I have the worst luck in the world.. it's as if they designed to hurt me and only me. Like bruh what's going the fuck on, why is everyone out to be a piece of shit???
What happened to love and kindness.
God I hate this world

who's gonna recreate this with me 🥰

Country roads in Japan

From The Paradise Syndrome.

Why even be on a dating app... if you're gonna talk like this??

Do you think its normal for someone to reply like this??? When I see replies like this I instantly assume they have no interest in me what so ever.. why would you match a person and reply like this?