bonsai-maze - Bonsai Maze
Bonsai Maze

Your local (!!underage!!) ceterormantic, pansexual, transgender demiboy who doesn't know wtf he's doing-Full Name: Bonsai Maze Wanders (I couldn't get rid of it. For joshdub)

905 posts

Can Someone Like

Can someone like

Make a boy where

It's not y/n shit, but another member or smth?

Like for the boys, if rp with Mully, then you can be Eddie or josh or smth

Bc i don't play as y/n ever, and having to change the 'you said this, and you did that' to 'he did this, or Josh did that' is really annoying since the bot still uses you for everything

Not to complain, ofc. Just wondering if anyone's made anything like that for yeptheboys

Anyone else rp as someone else, not themselves or an oc?

  • juicyfruitsnaxx
    juicyfruitsnaxx liked this · 5 months ago

More Posts from Bonsai-maze

5 months ago

Throwback to the time I came out for the very first time to an adult (who's Christian, mind you)

And got accepted 🙌

when your friend's christian aunt accepts you

Y'all have no fucking idea how nervous I was to tell a Christian woman with complete access to my unaccepting parents. Then this women goes and accepts me and I 😭

When Your Friend's Christian Aunt Accepts You

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5 months ago

Have you ever had one of those days when the slightest minor inconvenience makes you slowly wish you flat out stayed in bed

Like your auto correct not correcting to the right word

Like your fucking Tumblr fyp taking forever to load

Like your calculator dropping into the floor and you having to pick it up after getting comfy

Like accidentally shutting off your phone instead of taking a screenshot

Like having to leave Tumblr to find a phot only to come back and find your entire post gone

Like knowing you have a history test tmrw and you can't study since you don't have a damn study guide or know how to take notes

Like your binder being in the wash and yet you have to go to school without it

Like running out of time on chrome in the middle of a session because your parents are helicopters and only give you an hour on chrome

Like accidentally closing out of your music app and the wonderful bliss of music being abruptly cut off

Like wanting to write but never finding enough time during the day and being unable to write at home because of the helicopter parents

Like having to sit through a lecture and bible reading about how your gender is either male or female and fuck what you think it is you aren't valid if you think differently so fuck you's been a day

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5 months ago

@hazelartz @nyxtheghostboy @thatstrangekid

@stqrgirl3 @the-real-catholic-church @rottingwithers

@thexie-and-stars @ask-the-narrsonas @askyeptheboys @actually-ao3 @theboysfanficmaker @the-official-news @sweetd3lights @sauceddie-asks @sasquotch

@solitaire481 @what-do-you-taste-like @realsafari

@real @realizes @dusksleeplessscribe @duckydemons @hiro--aoki @k1nky-r0b0t-g1rl

@love-personal @ho-ho-homosxual @zamisriza-the-resurrection @juicyfruitsnaxx @jiminswh0re

@joyfully-horrified @owlown @oklahoma-unofficial

@cruising-frog @coffeebeanbabysdreams


sorry if y'all have already been tagged, or don't even know who I am. I just clicked whoever showed up.

But go to that person's post and reblog/like. We shall help them out

Doing this bc I’m scared to and won’t on my own

if this gets 5k notes by thanksgiving, I will tell my dad about my eating disorder and get help to recover + therapist


No spamming

5 notes per person including likes

if either one of those is broken, I’m reducing the time limit, basically making it less likely to hit the goal on time

tagging is okay

Might delete later(sorry!) because I’m scarrredddd, I don’t wanna tell my dad >:l

5 months ago