BoriSka || 20 y.o || she/her || Snape fan || multifandom || https://t.me/TerBoriski https://x.com/terboriski
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Snape meme part 3
Coloring.. 😮💨

Because of Severus, Lord now makes everyone run and train 🥲
What a wonderful man!
I also get excited about the idea of sportAU with Snape. Buuuut a lttle bit another idea. I hope I can do a couple of sketches as soon as possible, but for now, GO AHEAD, SEVERUS!
I made a typo, so how about an AU where Snape runs a club called Jogwarts where they run around the grounds every morning before classes.

Training for the new Potter school year
(literally me at the training)

Snape meme part 2

I'm a little late, but I love these two toooooo much

Snape meme part 1
WIP Staff meeting
Thanks @ilovegayvampires for memes and inspiration

Try to make canon Snape
It's hard to watch Harry Potter with me because I'm asking questions:"Where's Snape? What is he doing at the moment?" However, it gets worse when Snape appears on the screen

When you defeated Lockhart in a magic duel
Sorry, it's too funny for me 😅

Typical gathering in the Great Hall
I've finally finished this picture 🫠
My first large one. It was quite hard for me
P.S. You can see the author in the background)
Shh, he's doing math

He and his bestie 🐍💅

Old Johnlock sketch

After Potter became a professor, corporate parties at Hogwarts acquired a special charm
(I'll redraw it on the iPad later)

Please, pay attention to HOW MUCH Snape avoids intrusion into his personal space and touching. However, this does not prevent him from actively invading Harry's personal space
He's SO coquette
Нет слов, одни эмоции

“The sexiest and the most mysterious wizard in the Wizarding World, the master of slithering out from his death scene, Severus Snape in this week’s issue of Playwitch magazine”

As I said before, we need more cat Snape

Please help Snape, he does not know what to do with the child
(in fact, this is a child's version of his cousin Rennei Prince)

Family photo
Severus Snape and his cousin Renney the Prince (my oc)
You can read about Rennei Prince another post below. Here are some more my headcanons:
1) Rennei appreciates Severus very much and is ready to sacrifice herself for his salvation (once she has to). But she can't stand Potter, mostly ignoring him.
2) When she makes potions, she softly sings German children's songs (she is from Germany)
3) Sometimes Severus doesn't understand her, as the names of some potion ingredients sound different in German
4) She is familiar with Teddy Lupin (they discussed magical creatures and were satisfied with each other)
5) She's kinder to children than Snape, but she doesn't want to show it. As a joke, Severus offered her to become a teacher at Hogwarts (care for magical creatures). She refused (with horror)