Pro Snape - Tumblr Posts
Please, pay attention to HOW MUCH Snape avoids intrusion into his personal space and touching. However, this does not prevent him from actively invading Harry's personal space
He's SO coquette
So true. I also have wondered why his hair is fully dark
Something about Snape, 31-38, with pure black hair, not a single sign of white, despite that being the age most people start going grey
Something about how he had the full dark hair of youth and died like that
Something about how he never truly grew up like he should have
Something about how he was always stuck there in the past, stuck as that Snape boy from Spinner's End, stuck as Snivellus the boy who the Marauders hated for just existing
Something about how he died there in the same place he nearly died as a boy
Something about how he died in that place, bloodied and wounded, raven black hair, no difference between him and his boyhood self
Something about how that black hair was perhaps a sign that he was still living in the past, that a piece of him was eternally frozen at 21, at 16, at 15, he died a man yet he wasn't one, he wasn't a boy but not quite a man
Something about how his portrait among all the other heads of Hogwarts is the only one whose hair is fully dark, whose face isn't lined with age.
Next to them, he is a boy. Perhaps he always was.
Do you ever wish you weren’t stuck in a fandom that is constantly in war??? Like no I don’t like the marauders they were assholes?? Why are you now carrying a pitch fork and chasing me??
/!\ Most reblogs are going to be long and this might be an issue if you're interested in the content, but don't want to have an unreadable dash and just want to save something for later reading, for instance. Therefore, most reblogs are tagged #long post. You can also go to your dashboard settings and toggle "shorten long posts" !
This blog aims at reblogging Severus Snape-related meta posts. It's not here for discussion, debate, etc with the blog owner; it just seems like a convenient way to save those posts all in one place. Feel free to send post suggestions; some may or may not already be in the queue but i can't hurt! More discussion can be found in the replies and reblogs of a specific post, so check out the notes as well if yo'ure interested.
The goal is not to reblog art, though some might be reblogged if it's accompanied by meta. Ship-related meta may crop up at some point, but it's not the specific focus of this blog. No specific ships are endorsed or rejected.
JKR, however, is definitely not endorsed.
Avatar & header credit: Photo by Eleanor Brooke on Unsplash Photo by Jan Ranft on Unsplash
This blog aims at reblogging Severus Snape-related meta posts. It's not here for discussion, debate, etc with the blog owner; it just seems like a convenient way to save those posts all in one place. Feel free to send post suggestions; some may or may not already be in the queue but i can't hurt! More discussion can be found in the replies and reblogs of a specific post, so check out the notes as well if yo'ure interested.
The goal is not to reblog art, though some might be reblogged if it's accompanied by meta. Ship-related meta may crop up at some point, but it's not the specific focus of this blog. No specific ships are endorsed or rejected.
JKR, however, is definitely not endorsed.
Avatar & header credit: Photo by Eleanor Brooke on Unsplash Photo by Jan Ranft on Unsplash
/!\ Most reblogs are going to be long and this might be an issue if you're interested in the content, but don't want to have an unreadable dash and just want to save something for later reading, for instance.Therefore, most reblogs are tagged #long post. You can also go to your dashboard settings and toggle "shorten long posts" !
This blog aims at reblogging Severus Snape-related meta posts. It's not here for discussion, debate, etc with the blog owner; it just seems like a convenient way to save those posts all in one place. Feel free to send post suggestions; some may or may not already be in the queue but i can't hurt! More discussion can be found in the replies and reblogs of a specific post, so check out the notes as well if yo'ure interested.
The goal is not to reblog art, though some might be reblogged if it's accompanied by meta. Ship-related meta may crop up at some point, but it's not the specific focus of this blog. No specific ships are endorsed or rejected.
JKR, however, is definitely not endorsed.
Avatar & header credit:
Photo by Eleanor Brooke on Unsplash Photo by Jan Ranft on Unsplash
/!\ Most reblogs are going to be long and this might be an issue if you're interested in the content, but don't want to have an unreadable dash and just want to save something for later reading, for instance.
Therefore, most reblogs are tagged #long post. You can also go to your dashboard settings and toggle "shorten long posts" !
This blog aims at reblogging Severus Snape-related meta posts. It's not here for discussion, debate, etc with the blog owner; it just seems like a convenient way to save those posts all in one place. Feel free to send post suggestions; some may or may not already be in the queue but i can't hurt! More discussion can be found in the replies and reblogs of a specific post, so check out the notes as well if yo'ure interested.
The goal is not to reblog art, though some might be reblogged if it's accompanied by meta. Ship-related meta may crop up at some point, but it's not the specific focus of this blog. No specific ships are endorsed or rejected.
JKR, however, is definitely not endorsed.
Avatar & header credit:
Photo by Eleanor Brooke on Unsplash Photo by Jan Ranft on Unsplash
Someone help!
I'm trying to remember the name of a fic I read a while ago.
It's a snape adopts harry kinda fic. And they live in a cottage in the woods and there is a portrait of Snape's mum, Snape has a panther amagi and I think Harry ends up being a panther cub? There is a bit where Harry attempts to take a boat in the river by himself and almost drowned.
I loved this fic but can't find it anywhere if someone could help id appreciate it!
Thank you to @shadowdiyt for being amazing and providing the name!
Fic is Arms Of A Dark Angel by GoldsJRZGirl
Someone help!
I'm trying to remember the name of a fic I read a while ago.
It's a snape adopts harry kinda fic. And they live in a cottage in the woods and there is a portrait of Snape's mum, Snape has a panther amagi and I think Harry ends up being a panther cub? There is a bit where Harry attempts to take a boat in the river by himself and almost drowned.
I loved this fic but can't find it anywhere if someone could help id appreciate it!
I got some pretty washi tapes so had a bit of fun experimenting.

Snape's robes go, billow, billow, billow~ ♡
Dumbledore: Severus you need to do something more productive than just sitting there being bitter and regretting life choices.
Snape: I do a lot more things than that, Albus
Dumbledore: Like what?
Snape: For example, I stopped murder today. Multiple times, actually.
Dumbledore: What? How?
Snape: Self control.
Dumbledore: Multiple times?
Id like to think that they might have been talking about how cute he is
Severus: [taps quill]
Lily: [taps quill back]
James: stop that!
Lily: stop what?
James: you’re talking about me in Morse code.
Severus: yes, that’s exactly what we’re doing. In our very limited free time, Me and Lily took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you.
Severus to regulus: that’s exactly what we did.
Could you imagin a post war scenario (with a very much alive Snape tyvm) where everyone is there to help pick up castle debris, and when i say everyone i mean the order and there familys (ex. Molly + husband and all there fucking kids aka a mini army)
And out of nowhere this big rugged lumberjack dude shows up and everyone is confused cuz who tf is that!? Many of them are slightly intimated cuz boy is that guy big and tall. Hes just looking around standing there waiting for somthing or someone.
Molly is the one to walk up to him not giving a fuck as she comes to a stop infront of him she can already tell he has a kind soul.
"Can i be of help hon? You look lost." she says with a kind smile on her face but a hand on her hidden wand, after all the war just ended she dosent want to risk it.
And this big intimating lumberjacks face just lights up with the biggest smile
"why yes thank you, do you know where Severus is?" as he talks it is clear he's from america more specifically the south
And those of the order that stayed close "just in case" are firmly puzzled, what business does this big guy that is currently radiating the energy of 100 golden retrievers on steroid's have with there sarcastic potion's master?
"Hes repairing the dungeons" she point to the hall just behind her "Down this hall then to the right theres a set of stair's you can take down dear, would you like me to walk you there?"
"Thats mighty kind of you ma'am but i am sure i can fallow the directions you have given me, thanks for the help"
he leaves he can her a soft "any time dear" come from the kind woman
As he goes to find Severus he managed to leave behind a group of puzzled and curious witches and wizzards.
Honesty somthing resonated in me when i read that, dont be suprised if you see more of this concept on my page, especially considering my sketch book is already open.
Sorry for any misspellings and improper grammar i am dyslexic
Severus Snape dating this big tall guy who is at least a head taller than him and with shoulders at least double the width. who wears flannel and has a beard with a gruff voice and is just the epitome of a lumberjack. He looks scary/tough but is actually the sweetest person anyone will ever meet. He is super protective of Severus and doesn’t take any of Severus mean comments to heart. He easily makes Severus face turn red from embarrassment with just how sweet and kind he is. He is just about the very last person you would expect someone as clean, tidy, lanky, pale, abrasive, and sarcastic as Severus to be with , but so help anyone who is mean to the guy because Severus will make anyone regret it.
I love this so much
Lily: *sensory seeking ADHD* don't you love Hogwarts Sev?!
Snape: *sensory deprivation autistic* AbSoLuTeLy nOt
I was talking with my friend last night and we got to the topic of Severus, more specifically how everybody sees/thinks of Sev differently. He then described what his teen Sev looks like in his head, and ofc i had to doodle it :]

Severus snapes animagus form being a black sheep. Due to always seeing himself as difrent from everyone else, in the aspect of personality and looks, As well as just being anouther sacrificial lamb for Dumbledore
These Elenianz designs are very expressive and so lovely! Where's the author?...
My avatar as a 24 year years old girl, muggle but empathetic. Her hair changes colour if she's excited and the hair light up while she sleeps (!). Tukhin has always been in love with Snape. She's a character from the game Hogwarts Mistery. Do you think Snape would find she interesting? I'd like to see the scene in an Elenianz drawing.

severus snape making preserves for winter, doing art, loving animals
“but they matured!”
Of course they did.
I don’t think people understand that when it comes to the dynamic of an abuser and their victim, the abuser can always move on and change at any time.
All because of one simple reason; they weren’t the ones that had to be on the receiving end of the trauma.
The abusers can move on and live their happy lives without ever having to think twice about their pasts, chalk it up to ‘them being kids and not knowing any better’ while the victim has to live with the burnt of that trauma for the rest of their life.
It’s why the argument that the marauders ‘grew up and matured’ always falls flat to my ears because it always feels as if it’s used as an excuse to blame the victim for not being able to let go of their trauma and ‘get over it’, especially because severus was never shown to have ever had a good support system for him ‘getting over it’ to have ever been a possibility.
Even more-so when it’s shown that the marauders hadn’t changed or matured at all.
Did they ever apologize?
Did they ever try to atone for their actions?
No, they never did. They simply chose to forget about it and move on with their lives. Because it did not affect them.
They grew up, they got married, they enjoyed life, and when they died their sins were wiped clean and they were martyred and worshipped by the entire wizarding world.
It’s no wonder that Severus carried as much bitterness as he did.
Grayness in HP: Author Pet Peeve
Recent pet peeve of mine: I hate when authors whitewash their favorite characters or 'revert" complex characters to being static, and keep emphasizing stereotypes especially in books where we are supposed to embrace the grayness in people and situations.
Addressing the whitewashing of characters: One of JKR's favorite characters Remus Lupin received a sanitized profile on Pottermore which in essence downplayed some of his glaring flaws as seen in canon and attributed characteristics to him which contradict events seen in POA. The characteristic I refer to is the notion of supposed "respectful politeness" displayed to Severus Snape. Sure, Remus may appear pleasant on the surface, but he frequently shows the audience and his students how he views Snape as an authority figure by dressing his boggart in an old woman's clothes (a trans-misogynistic action depicted as humorous), gaslighting him about the Marauder's Map even while withholding crucial information about supposed mass murderer Sirius Black, and reducing the extent of the Snape-Marauder relationship to one of a "schoolboy grudge" and claiming that "Snape was jealous of James's quidditch talent." Granted for the last one Lupin didn't know Snape was there, but how one talks about people especially behind their back reveals their true nature. Whitewashing one's favorite character not only reveals one's blind spots but also sets double standards in objectively assessing the grayness of all characters, regardless of an author's personal feelings.
Snape: He was a victim of some gruesome acts and had a primary redemption arc working behind the scenes of his vindicitive behavior. However, when analyzing him after the books were written, her takeaway is that he "smells of bitterness and old shoes" (Twitter 2015), thus re-emphasizing his unsavory aspects.
The Prince's Tale Memory: The "I think we sort too soon" line from Dumbledore to Snape. This is extremely problematic, especially coming from a character known for his sage advice, in that it is implied that good or brave people cannot be Slytherins which in turn sends a damaging message to people in real life that the stereotype of the group/school you associate with defines you even if you possess and act on other good qualities.
This notion is backed up by JKR when conducting a Q&A with fans on Twitter:
"@RainDragon182 Not all Slytherins think they're racially superior. But all those who do are Slytherins" (JKR Twitter, 2015).
Going back to my example of schools, there are some high schools in my city with a fantastic reputation, but that doesn't mean that every person in a "good school" is an exemplar human being. It would be naive to think that in a superb school there aren't kids who constantly get into fights, truant, or are underachieving students in standardized tests--all hallmarks for a "poor school."
In a book series which emphasizes that people's flaws are to be acknowledged and ascertains that people aren't wholly wonderful nor irredeemable, the author contradicts this notion with her subsequent words on public platforms which will undoubtedly reach a much wider population than those who are solely fans of Harry Potter.
I have to laugh at the two dunderheads on reddit who made a separate server called "snapewasanincel." I think they forgot about Instagram and Twitter being perfect niches for them. Bonus: They are the sole commenters on the others post in that sub. The jokes truly write themselves.