18+ feedism oc art account! (23, he/him) my art is under #boyswhoeat
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Does The Prince Have A Person That Autorotate His Clothes? And How Does The Person Feel When The Prince
Does the prince have a person that autorotate his clothes? And how does the person feel when the prince keeps outgrowing his clothes?

Prince Bremen’s talented long-time friend and tailor seems to enjoy the challenges of working around his newly acquainted curves
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More Posts from Boyswhoeat

Prince Bremen has recently inherited royalty under his mother, the new Queen of Whogivesafuck. Having come from a poor background, the new lavish lifestyle of living in a palace overwhelmed Bremen. The thing he enjoyed the most from this lifestyle was the hourly servitude of the faculty and chiefs that stocked the premise. Before his time in the Kingdom with his new Step-father the king & mother, it was a luxury to have a single filling meal a day. Now without any fear of running out of food, Prince Bremen spends his days shoveling food down his throat. The heavenly tastes of gourmet cooking and the tight strain of a full stomach engulfed him into a new life full of lustful bliss. In his room is where he feasts away from the other castle-dwellers, moaning and grasping at his packed gut. It won’t be soon before the consequences of these glutenous actions take their toll on Bremen’s waist-line. What do you think? Got any sketch requests you’d like to see? My inbox is always open ;)

Okay, so recently, I saw someone say that they couldn’t wait for their next payday so they could do a stuffing session, apologising that they didn’t have $40 to spare.
That seems a lot of money to me so I thought I’d make a basic guide. It’ll focus on being economic, but you can use it as a starter’s guide if you need one.
Don’t waste money and time on empty calories. Things like chocolate and other sugary foods with little bulk to them are fun to eat, but they don’t actually take up much room in your stomach and are likely to make you feel nauseous early on.
Buy in bulk. If you’re looking at actual food rather than snacks, meals made from pasta and other foods that can be bought in larger amounts are usually quite cost effective. Rice, pasta and noodles are all good. (see below for pasta recipes)
I mentioned time. Time is your main enemy. The body takes around twenty to thirty minutes to realise it is full, so eat what you can before the food wall sets in!
Variation is important. Flavours and, more importantly, textures can get old fast. Make sure you’re eating something you like and switch it up if you need to. Sweet and salty flavours work well. If you plan to eat a gallon of ice cream, keep something crunchy and savoury nearby.
Liquids are brilliant for bloating but not good if you want to fit as much solid food in as you can. After a high carb meal, a glass of water can make all the difference, but if you’re trying to gain, steer clear of drinking until you’ve eaten what you need to!
Condiments are important if you’re trying to eat a large amount of dry carbs; they break up the flavour and texture, so keep a bottle handy.
Food groups:
If you’re into stuffing but are trying not to gain weight, it can be done. Try loading up with low calorie vegetables that still have a lot of mass. Aside from that, certain food groups can have a huge effect on your stuffing sessions.
Protein: hard to break down. Protein will fill you up much faster than other foods, which is why people try to eat as much as possible when dieting. You wont be able to eat as much as you’d like and the food wall will last much longer.
Sugar: As mentioned before, sugar induces nausea and usually isn’t bulky enough.
Dairy: Things like ice cream can be amazing for stuffing and milk is great for cooling the heat of spicy food but it’s almost impossible to ingest high amounts of dairy without vomiting, so be careful.
Carbohydrates: these should be your main focus, especially if you’re gaining. Complex carbs like pasta, rice and bread are the best for stuffing and tend to expand once liquids are consumed. Baked goods are great because you can make them yourself for a reasonable price or look in your local bakery section for good deals. Pick up a bag of cookies or a box of doughnuts for a cheap session.
I’m a big fan of pasta. Well, I like Italian food in general; pizza is great if you’ve got some money to spare, a phone and you don’t feel like cooking. Pasta is easy to cook and you’ll probably accidentally cook more than you need to. Leftovers are great.
Spaghetti Bolognese:
There’s no real way to make this but this is how I do it. It’s pretty much a blend of what my mother (a chef) and a friend I met on tumblr taught me.
minced beef
tinned chopped tomatoes
tomato passata
herbs/spices (I use oregano, basil and paprika)
Chop the onion.
Add oil to a pot and turn the stove onto a medium heat. Add the mince a stir it gently until all of the meat has changed colour.
Add onions and stir briskly to allow the onions to cook slightly before adding the tomatoes and passata.
Open clove of garlic and crush three sections into the pot. Add a few pinches of each herb/spice (this is open to interpretation, add however much you like) and sweeten with a spoonful of sugar (more if it tastes too much like tomato).
Allow to simmer, stirring occasionally for twenty minutes.
Cook pasta, serve and add grated parmesan cheese if preferred.
Sometimes I just add a little butter, cheese and oregano to cooked pasta, or I’ll add a cheap jar of sauce if I’m lazy. It’s ridiculously cost effective and perfect for stuffing.
Some BBC pasta recipes that tend to be quite healthy
TLDR/more ideas:
So, as tempting as it may be to just go to the shop and buy a ton of junk food, that’s expensive and not that effective. Some cheap ways of stuffing include:
buying a family pack of baked goods
frozen pizzas
pasta + cheap sauce
budget noodles
boxes of mac n cheese
BREAD (really bread is just great, buy something nice from a bakery and stuff it with whatever fillings you’d like)
for gainers:
add cheese to everything (although cheese, especially when melted, acts the same way protein does to your appetite)
add butter to any sauces (or anything else you can)
I just wanna say I love your Alex weight gain series so much! Its so cute!! If you were to draw those cuties ever again, I may explode!
No exploding on the premises 🥵🥵

Alex’s wg progression so far! Chi adores his butter gut peeking out of all his feedee’s shirts. The fatter he gets, the more aroused the two grow.
I am losing my mind over feedees taking advantage of quarantine & stuffing their bellies to their hearts content. My newest feedism related character I wish to draw is an individual who has also been inspired to make the best of our current situation by getting absolutely fat!
Their basic description goes as follows:
A slender individual notices the sheer pleasure they endure whilst indulging themselves, regardless of its consequences. Now with no other choice than to stay inside, they lose all control. Day in and day out, dash orders and grocery shipments arrive at the front door as the twink pleasures themself shoving every morsel of food into their expanding belly. Entranced in a haze of lustful desire, they find themselves only growing more and more satisfied as their flesh expands around them.
Would you be interested in seeing art of a character like this? If so, send me drawing prompts in my inbox and maybe I’ll draw urs😏😏
(Also they will need a name! Whatcha think it should be?)