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Updated Feedism ocs Left is Alex (feedee) and right to him is Chi (feeder). If you have any art suggestions which will get Alex bigger, feel free to let me know in my inbox. I like to draw people’s requests ;)

Alex’s wg progression so far! Chi adores his butter gut peeking out of all his feedee’s shirts. The fatter he gets, the more aroused the two grow.
I am losing my mind over feedees taking advantage of quarantine & stuffing their bellies to their hearts content. My newest feedism related character I wish to draw is an individual who has also been inspired to make the best of our current situation by getting absolutely fat!
Their basic description goes as follows:
A slender individual notices the sheer pleasure they endure whilst indulging themselves, regardless of its consequences. Now with no other choice than to stay inside, they lose all control. Day in and day out, dash orders and grocery shipments arrive at the front door as the twink pleasures themself shoving every morsel of food into their expanding belly. Entranced in a haze of lustful desire, they find themselves only growing more and more satisfied as their flesh expands around them.
Would you be interested in seeing art of a character like this? If so, send me drawing prompts in my inbox and maybe I’ll draw urs😏😏
(Also they will need a name! Whatcha think it should be?)

Here is some sketches of the character in question 😈😈 Someone suggested the name Damon, so workin off of that I feel like Devin is similar & fits him well. So this is Devin! Who wants to see him get fatter?
I am losing my mind over feedees taking advantage of quarantine & stuffing their bellies to their hearts content. My newest feedism related character I wish to draw is an individual who has also been inspired to make the best of our current situation by getting absolutely fat!
Their basic description goes as follows:
A slender individual notices the sheer pleasure they endure whilst indulging themselves, regardless of its consequences. Now with no other choice than to stay inside, they lose all control. Day in and day out, dash orders and grocery shipments arrive at the front door as the twink pleasures themself shoving every morsel of food into their expanding belly. Entranced in a haze of lustful desire, they find themselves only growing more and more satisfied as their flesh expands around them.
Would you be interested in seeing art of a character like this? If so, send me drawing prompts in my inbox and maybe I’ll draw urs😏😏
(Also they will need a name! Whatcha think it should be?)
I keep imagining Alex likes to wear Chi's clothes because they used to be really loose and baggy on them like that orange hoodie use to swallow them and hang down to their knees, but lately, omg lately, they've been wearing that hoodie and its like a sausage in it casing, packed so tight they can hardly breath, especially when Chi is stuffing them - which of course both of them can't resist doing ;) (btw love your art and all your OCs, especially Alex and Chi)

Love this! A little bf growing out of his big bfs clothes, too cute 💕💕

Thank you! I wonder if there’s anyone out there wanting to help him grow,,, 🤭
Alex looks so cute all pudgy like that!

I totally agree! I’m just not sure “pudgy” will suit him much longer though; lets be honest, he’s certainly put on a hefty few lbs since Chi introduced him to the community😍💕💕
Heya! I'm wondering if you might like the idea of drawing a series of images wheres its like a time-lapse of someone getting door dash deliveries and they insist on greeting the delivery boy (who always seems to be the same person, maybe one who enjoys watching their doordash orderer get larger and larger as they order more and more.
This is an epic idea & id love to use it as a character plot with my newest feedee of Devin if others approve 🥺🥺 here’s a little teaser sketch of ur concept & ty for submitting!

Alex can’t help but continue to bubble out into the lard bellied fatass Chi has always dreamed he could be! Can you tell the pair has added calorie shakes to Alex’s diet? Woooofffff

Alex’s wg progression so far! Chi adores his butter gut peeking out of all his feedee’s shirts. The fatter he gets, the more aroused the two grow.
Hey, love the softness of your art style!! i heard you were looking for oc requests...i would love to see more of alex being upset/bummed that he can’t fit into some of Chi’s once oversized clothes 😅💕🐷
Thank you so much ❤️❤️ I know you asked for Alex being bummed, but I only really see him being exhausted & aroused feeling himself growing outta Chi’s clothes heh

Any chance you could show us the boys shirtless?

Didn’t specify which boys so I doodled them all! (sry for the traditional sketches, charging the iPad atm)
How does Alex feel about his gain so far? Does he wanna gain anymore?

Does this answer the question?
Alex loves his growing hog-body almost as much as he loves the crazy wicked fat sex I’m sure he’s having. Oh to be a growing feedee~
There’s no stopping him any time soon 💕😈
Alex has gained so much! they look so good! Do they still fit into their lingerie or have they outgrown them (maybe they're stuffing themselves and the seams burst apart ;)

Stuffed in more ways than one! Looks like this may be the end of Alex’s lil lingerie piece my friends, so I gathered all the older images so you could see just how big he’s gotten 💕💕💕❤️