Devin Oc - Tumblr Posts
I am losing my mind over feedees taking advantage of quarantine & stuffing their bellies to their hearts content. My newest feedism related character I wish to draw is an individual who has also been inspired to make the best of our current situation by getting absolutely fat!
Their basic description goes as follows:
A slender individual notices the sheer pleasure they endure whilst indulging themselves, regardless of its consequences. Now with no other choice than to stay inside, they lose all control. Day in and day out, dash orders and grocery shipments arrive at the front door as the twink pleasures themself shoving every morsel of food into their expanding belly. Entranced in a haze of lustful desire, they find themselves only growing more and more satisfied as their flesh expands around them.
Would you be interested in seeing art of a character like this? If so, send me drawing prompts in my inbox and maybe I’ll draw urs😏😏
(Also they will need a name! Whatcha think it should be?)

Here is some sketches of the character in question 😈😈 Someone suggested the name Damon, so workin off of that I feel like Devin is similar & fits him well. So this is Devin! Who wants to see him get fatter?
I am losing my mind over feedees taking advantage of quarantine & stuffing their bellies to their hearts content. My newest feedism related character I wish to draw is an individual who has also been inspired to make the best of our current situation by getting absolutely fat!
Their basic description goes as follows:
A slender individual notices the sheer pleasure they endure whilst indulging themselves, regardless of its consequences. Now with no other choice than to stay inside, they lose all control. Day in and day out, dash orders and grocery shipments arrive at the front door as the twink pleasures themself shoving every morsel of food into their expanding belly. Entranced in a haze of lustful desire, they find themselves only growing more and more satisfied as their flesh expands around them.
Would you be interested in seeing art of a character like this? If so, send me drawing prompts in my inbox and maybe I’ll draw urs😏😏
(Also they will need a name! Whatcha think it should be?)

Thank you! I wonder if there’s anyone out there wanting to help him grow,,, 🤭
Heya! I'm wondering if you might like the idea of drawing a series of images wheres its like a time-lapse of someone getting door dash deliveries and they insist on greeting the delivery boy (who always seems to be the same person, maybe one who enjoys watching their doordash orderer get larger and larger as they order more and more.
This is an epic idea & id love to use it as a character plot with my newest feedee of Devin if others approve 🥺🥺 here’s a little teaser sketch of ur concept & ty for submitting!

Any chance you could show us the boys shirtless?

Didn’t specify which boys so I doodled them all! (sry for the traditional sketches, charging the iPad atm)

Devin has come across a company advertising a similar recipe promising consumers 60 additional pounds of fat in only one month of drinking their product! His poor tummy practically begged him to place the order 🥺🥺🥺
Well, an online gastrology student friend of mine claims that he has found a recipe and quite a lot of methods that balloons anyone up with ~65 lbs (which is like ~30 kg if you use the metric system) in, what, a month? He said it was, like, very important for him since he spent quite a lot of time making it and refuses to give anyone the recipe without a deal. What a weirdo- I do not know if you are interested or not, just wanted to get that out of my system ^^°
Did you just say 65 pounds in,,, one month???? Oh my god 🤤🤤🤤🤤
I’m 5’4, it doesn’t take much added weight to round out a lil guy like me. Can you IMAGINE what 65 pounds added that fast would do to my body???
I’d basically be signing my life away to begine a new identity as a full-time fatass hog. Swollen with stretch marks having been made morbidly obese in only a month,,, I’m so hot just thinking about it.
Thank you kind anon for sharing. If you ever do get your hands on that recipe, then you know where to hmu (; There’s no way this isn’t becoming a prompt for a new feedism piece I’m got to draw!!! 💗😤
Do you think we could get some more Devin art? My feedee is trans, and seeing representation is very epic 👀

Of course! I too happen to be a trans feedist, so supporting any of my content is supporting trans representation in the community 💕💕
Hope you don’t mind I finally colored him for once & I gave him some longer hair bc boys with long hair drive me wild. I’ll be sure to make Devin a # so you can access his posts easier
Hope you all had a happy holidays!

More of my feedee oc Devin for the loverly anon who requested him! Here’s a progression pic from the first 3 months of quarantine 👁👃👁