brainrot-the-frog - "We will be reunited."
"We will be reunited."

for life is like the morning dew

20 posts

MHA Bite Sized Imagines #2 (Class 1B Edition)

MHA bite sized imagines #2 (Class 1B edition)


Itsuka always catching you when you trip up and picking you up whenever you're stuck in a large crowd (She's used her quirk to pick you up more than she's actually used it in combat. She actually doesn't mind.)

Monoma copying your quirk to give you pointers and showing you a different point of view. (He wants you to be more versatile with your quirk so yall can crush 1A.)

Tetsutetsu making you little rock/wood figures from trees and boulders he's punched from training. (I imagine him handing you a mini wood version of him so he's always by your side.)

Ibara giving you little flowers from her hair to make you flower crowns. (Some of the real bad crowns she makes she puts on herself.)

Yosetsu attaching his arm to yours when he walks you to class and lunch. (He made the mistake of welding your head to his and yall had to go Recovery Girl)

Kinoko giving you mushroom oriented gifts such as mushroom plushies and stickers. (She wants to match with you SO BAD PLS LET HER.)

Reiko floating items to you so you never have to get up to fetch them. (Ranging from TV remote to phone to drink to lunch to notebook. This girl always has you covered.)

Yui enlarging your food so you can buy a small portion of food and beep bop beep your hello pandas are now the size of actual pandas. (Good luck eating it all LMAO)

Setsuna using her quirk to pull pranks on people. (She put one of her limbs in your locker and nearly gave you a heart attack. She's very sorry.)

Pony using her horns to hold stuff up for you (sis will only use about 3 of her horns to help ya or else she gets tired.)

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More Posts from Brainrot-the-frog

3 years ago

Ohhh embarrassing moments?

I was with my oldest sister at the bank, trying to withdraw money from the ATM. When it was our turn, she noticed someone left their ATM card.

She told me that and bc I panicked, i yelled at the person leaving the bank loudly "YOUR CARD!"

Mind you, the room was a small one. Its more of a line of ATM machines tbh

Unfortunately that was not the owner of the card (they were quite near to us bc they just finished) and my sister told me "Its not them."

Then i shouted "EH, NO. YOUR CARD!" to the owner

Yeah, everyone was staring at me. And there was a good amount of ppl too, good grief


4 years ago

Cat Dad | Bucky Barnes

Cat Dad | Bucky Barnes

Warnings : None! (Aside from the fact this is quite shit and very short)

Tags : Fluff!

I thought of doing something Marvel related and small <( ̄︶ ̄)/✧


This was a bad idea.

Bringing a cat home was never a part of your plan, your schedule was consistently mundane. Wake up, go to work, go home, and hope your metal armed boyfriend comes back in one piece. It had only been a month since you moved into an apartment in Brooklyn. Pay was sustainable, view was nice, and it didn't have a superfluous amount of cat hair everywhere. Well, not at first.

You had to do something before Bucky came home.

"This is for your own good! You smell like Bucky's laundry!" The cat was in desperate need for a bath, but wouldn't budge. It let out an ungodly sound before fidgeting out of your grasp, it found refuge in said laundry pile just outside your shared bathroom. It hissed in response before kneading into your boyfriends dirty clothes like bread dough.

"You know you're really not helping you stinky little shit." You rubbed your eyes so many times you wondered how they weren't popping out of their sockets.

As if some higher being wanted to make your day worse because why not? A sound of knocking rang through your walls.

Thin walls huh.

"It's me!"

"I knew from the loud ass knocking!" You quickly picked up the little furball and rushed to the bathroom, you hid the cat in the bath before you headed out to greet Bucky.

Until you saw that the cat had shat on his laundry and pissed on the floor.

"oh fuck me with a broomstick-" You sighed.

"Plum? Can you let me in? I lost my key."

"in a minute!" You grabbed some toilet paper, plastic bag and a mop, not without flipping off the cat as you passed by and cleaned up its mess.

"Baby?" You could tell Bucky was growing impatient from the amount of grumbling you heard behind the door.

"In a minute!" You wrapped up the plastic bag and made a beeline to hide it in a trash can.

But when you turned around you did not expect to see your lover leaning on the doorframe of your shared bathroom with a sleeping cat in his arms.


"Shh- in a minute." He flashed a soft smile as he cradled the cat in his arms with such softness you felt your lips rise to a grin. He approached you and gave you a gentle kiss on the lips, the type of kiss that leaves with your eyes closed just a bit longer.

"We can keep em if you want." Bucky mused as he swayed with the cat securely in his arms.

"We can?"

"Of course, Doll, we can have a new member of the family." He let out a chuckle. Bucky was beyond handsome, and the sunlight that painted along his defined face made him look twice as good.

"So...." He glanced past you at the trash can you had stuffed. "You shitting in bags now or?"

"Shut up James."

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3 years ago

oh gods okay so I have somE FUNNY ONES SHDHDBBD

one day i was at school and some kid; lets call him steve; walked up to me with this dumb ass pickup line and it was like, are from the US bc you're the only ten I see ;;;;;;)

so my dumbass, in a crowded room of people. just deadpanned and said "..... we're in Oklahoma. what the hell are you talking about" 💀💀💀💀💀 PLeasE MY FRIENDS HAD TO EXPLAIN THAT HE WAS FLIRTING DHDHHDHR


4 years ago



Hashira x S/O

Warnings : Spoilers for Demon Slayer movie!

​​​​​​Comforting the Water, Butterfly, and Love Pillar | The Pillars (3)

| Giyuu |

— • Giyuu is a master at masking his emotions behind a nonchalant expression, it'd honestly take you a long time to notice that something isn't right. You'd tell him that you're there for him whenever and although he'd appreciate your efforts you know in yourself that he's still reluctant to express his concerns and let you comfort him. 

The first time you ever comforted him was during a rather sunny day, wind waded through trees and left them dancing, the sun kissed at your skin for today was a day of warmth and peace but you found yourself not being able to relax no matter how much times you flipped your cushions over to the colder side. 

"Damned things," You grumbled as you felt your once brewing sense of comfort subside. Maybe if you got back in the same position the comfort would return?

"I'm back." You felt a chill rundown your spine like a rain drop pouring down a leaf as the monotone voice of Giyuu cajoled you. "Welcome back Giyuu! How was your day?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." His tone held a sense of secrecy as he made his way to his bedroom. Something was off. Giyuu liked to keep to himself but the urgency in the way he moved and the slight waver in his voice, as if he'd developed a stutter, had you concerned.

"Giyuu?" You knock on his door, "what's happened?" You're left standing there for a good while until Giyuu finally slides his door open, his eyes not meeting yours, but you can tell he's in need of you when he softly grabs your hand.

"Giyuu, what's wrong?" There was a brief silence. Until-

"I failed to save a friend today.. I don't know what to do." He gently pulls you towards him in a hug you find yourself stuck in. Your hand makes its way to his hair and strokes it.

"Everything will be okay." You muttered as you began to sway back and forth, easing him into peace, 

"I promise."

| Shinobu | 

— • Similarly to Giyuu, Shinobu can mask her face rather well behind a plastic smile. Her emotions however, seep through her like an unwanted aroma Tanjiro thinks. However others tend to compare it to a soft shore suddenly being hit with a tsunami and no, Shinobu does not appreciate the comparison, in fact she abhores it. When something isn't right you can sense it and it annoys Shinobu to no end, she doesn't want you to see her vulnerable, she finds shame in it no matter how much you've consoled her in the past.

"Something on your mind?" You sipped your drink whilst keeping your eyes on Shinobu's tired form, to you she appears as though she's been overworked to the bone which isn't an uncommon sight for you unfortunately. You poured her a cup of tea whilst she wiped her face with a damp cloth.

"It's nothing really, just work—"

"Shinobu, I heard about Rengoku's passing." She stiffened, the damp cloth falling from her face, her eyes covered by her bangs and the only visible thing on her face is her small, fragile smile.

"Yes. Quite unfortunate.. he was a good man. A kind man." Her smile was gone as soon as you grabbed her so delicately that she immediately hugged into your side. Her fingers curled into your robe as if she's afraid of letting go.

"It's terrifying you know?" She breathed in, weary of being loud. "I see the pained expressions of people who've lost others and I can't help but feel small."

"It's not your fault Shinobu." You massaged her scalp as she embraced her face to the crook of your neck. She continued, you didn't know if she'd heard you.

"I realize that I'm truly hopeless.. I can't help the people like me. But you, you always help me when I need it most." She removed herself from your touch to meet your eyes finally, hers are drowned in a deep purple.

"So I'll ask you this, as shameful as it sounds.. won't you hold me just a little harder Darling?"

| Mitsuri |

— • Mitsuri Kanroji is a woman that believes in being completely open to you about how she's feeling, she's a very emotional person and is not ashamed about it at all. She carries her heart on her sleeve and loves to carry a passionate and kind disposition wherever she strides. But at times in where she needs to vent she ALWAYS makes sure you're okay with hearing her ramble and asks how you are beforehand. Because truly she wants to make sure you're mentally okay with whatever she wants to talk about at all times.

​​​​​​​​​​You heard a knock at the door of your shared bedroom, knowing very well it was Mitsuri who was behind it.

"Mitsuri you know that you don't have to knock." You heard a slight snicker as the door slowly slid open. You paused upon the sight of her droopy eyes and weak smile. You attempted to get up but she waved you to stop and stay comfortable. 

"Sorry!" She hushed herself. "Did I wake you?"

"No no! It's fine! Is everything okay?" You chuckled as Mitsuri plopped onto the end of the bed and hugged your legs. She let out a tired groan as you played with her hair.

"Uhm.. are you okay with me talking about uhm- sad stuff? I don't want to stress you if you're not up for it-" you grasped her hand, a reassuring smile graced your lips. "Of course, thank you for asking. What's happened?"

"Well I I- messed up big time." Mitsuri smiled as tears trailed down her cheeks she crawled up and hugged into your chest. "Kyojuro passed away and it hurts! I should have have- gone with him!"

"Mitsuri.. you can't blame yourself for something that happened so suddenly, Rengoku wouldn't want you to blame yourself." You kissed her forehead and wiped her tears, albeit that wasn't enough as more began pouring down. You're left in a silence as Mitsuri tried to collect as much of herself as she could.

"..I was his student y'know, I learned everything from him." She choked on her sobs and stuttered again and again,

"I do my best but now I'm wondering if that's even enough.. baby I'm in so much pain." She clutched at her heart as she pressed her forehead to yours. You were at a loss for words and she knew that, Mitsuri didn't want to overwhelm you. She leaned in and kissed you slow, your shoulders relaxing with hers.

"I'm so sorry for your loss-"

"You don't have to say anything, please just be with me in this moment."


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3 years ago

Would love to see actual toxic Genshin headcanons rather than

"Jean/Ganyu/Ningguang/Beidou/Keqing etc would be too busy with work to completely give you all of their time </3"

Like no shit Y/n, that's their lives and their responsibilities what did you expect?

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