Dabi - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
I Was Bored And Also I Have Headcanon Lists But They Included Sexualitys Genders And Pronouns So I Wont

I was bored and also I have headcanon lists but they included sexuality’s genders and pronouns so I won’t post that cuz people will get offended 💀

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5 months ago
Ah Yes. Me. My Boyfriend. And His 4am Zoomies.

Ah yes. Me. My boyfriend. And his 4am zoomies.

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2 years ago

(Horrorfest) ‘Don’t Fall Asleep’ Dream Demon Dabi x Reader

Title: Don’t Fall Asleep (Dream Demon Dabi x Reader)

Synopsis: Inspired by A Nightmare on Elm Street. ‘Whatever you do… don’t. fall. asleep.’

Word Count:

Notes: Kinda-yandere, horror, violence, implied assault


You nervously chew on your bottom lip. You hate this habit, because you think it makes you look like a ridiculous schoolgirl. It reminds you of the many pasts that you left behind, the old versions of yourself that you shed like old coats when you first started college, then again when you graduated, and once more when you moved to  a new city. Always running, always on the move, at least until meeting actual friends and landing an almost fulfilling job in a city thriving with life and culture made you set down roots.

Roots which were currently threatening to wear thin, to rot and mold underneath your feet. All because of your dreams… all because of Dabi. 

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2 years ago

(Horrorfest) ‘Don’t Fall Asleep’ Dream Demon Dabi x Reader

Title: Don’t Fall Asleep (Dream Demon Dabi x Reader)

Synopsis: Inspired by A Nightmare on Elm Street. ‘Whatever you do… don’t. fall. asleep.’

Word Count:

Notes: Kinda-yandere, horror, violence, implied assault


You nervously chew on your bottom lip. You hate this habit, because you think it makes you look like a ridiculous schoolgirl. It reminds you of the many pasts that you left behind, the old versions of yourself that you shed like old coats when you first started college, then again when you graduated, and once more when you moved to  a new city. Always running, always on the move, at least until meeting actual friends and landing an almost fulfilling job in a city thriving with life and culture made you set down roots.

Roots which were currently threatening to wear thin, to rot and mold underneath your feet. All because of your dreams… all because of Dabi. 

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Ima be Simpin' for burnt toast

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Me planning to write a sub spinner fanfic because of this:

Me Planning To Write A Sub Spinner Fanfic Because Of This:

This post: Horikoshi why?! You kill midnight,you make mirko lose her arms and legs,get toga rejected,dabi turning into an actual corpse,shigaraki literally being half possessed by all for one,bakugou dying,edgeshot dying,now extra buff, drooling spinner,all of our favourite characters are being ruined,


Spinner, You Are Looking A Little Sus, My Man
Spinner, You Are Looking A Little Sus, My Man

Spinner, you are looking a little sus, my man

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Dabi with s/o whos plus size

Tw:Smut,Oral sex,spitting kink ,temperature play,face sitting,A LOT OF NSFW.

Dabi With S/o Whos Plus Size


Dabi wasnt exactly the romantic type as he was so fixated on revenge.


Due to your size, you get hate: villians,civilians, heroes you name it

I think what drew him in is how sweet of a person you can be but everyone looks at how much you weigh rather then personality.

You were being ridiculed by a pair of heroes after they saved you from a villian.

But they just wanted the torment for themselves.

So Dabi on sight killed them.

He was about to kill you but saw you huddled up in a corner and thought

More evidence to fuck heroes over

oh boy the amount of issues he gor after he took you in.kinda kidnapped

You were a crybaby ,that pissed of Shigaraki

Twice was very supportive and then unyieldingly honest

Toga kept squeezing you face and trying to stab you

Muscular wasn't polite either

And others didn't really notice you other than another person

Big sis mag was very supportive,she knows what it is to be discriminated by most of society.

Dabi started to fall for you every time you would show intrest in his quirk and comment and feed his ego about it.

He fell even harder when he started getting burned but instead of telling him to stop using his quirk like a certain someone

You tell him to take it easy.Put ice packs on his new burns to try to ease the burning .

He finds it adorable because Dabis whole nervous system was wrecked after the incident so he cant feel pain but you dont even know.

You confess to him after the war this time actually scolding him infront of everyone .

He asks why you care and you spill the beans.

Takes him a few before he kisses you and returns his feelings.

Isnt exactly high on PDA but he wants attention give it to someone else and he will take it back.

In other words:

Dabi:Y/N do you like cats?

Y/N: nods


Slyly pushes cup of table

Hes not fancy not just because hes famous now but he prefers being alone with just you cuddling,probably going on a movie madathon,playing games and just teasing the hell out of you how easily you get flustered when he warms you up with his quirk.

If you can get pregnant and you consent,he will probably rock up to the battlefield baby in hand saying how hes more lovable because his child loves him and wasnt born out of a quirk marriage.

Calls you little mouse beacause of how chubby your cheeks are yagami yato listeners


Hes gentle at first.

But choke me like you hate me is his motto

And he is BIG, a good 7-8 inches when hard

And he goes hard.

Hes not stopping either until he goes past his limit because aint no way your begging him to stop because you dont wanna do it anymore

That is how addicting it is

When you sit on his face your insecure about not just sex in general but crushing him.

He tells you to sit on him like a fucking chair.Starts humping the air ,from how good your hole is around his tounge.


Mirror sex and tells you how beautiful you are but also slightly degrading by calling you a slut and spitting in your mouth.

I stand by TO MY GRAVE hes possessive, and he burns marks into his skin not enough to scar but enough to tell people to swipe left cause your ass is his.

Buys purposely too small shirts just so he can admire you without you having to be naked.

Doggy style,missionary,cowgirl there is no end hes still trying to find a favourite because hes still experimenting.

He is either very quiet or way too loud.

Either way they're really raspy.


Smack you with his belt when you misbehave.

Fucks you in his coat so he can see the cum stains the next morning on the inside.

Slight breeding kink

Will not come inside you if you ask but you might have to stick to condoms for that one

Sex pretty much everywhere except the bed.

You have go to the bedroom to get pounded on the floor.If you use the bed you would have to get a new one the next day

Daddy issues really plays well into Daddy kink

He loves the way how he pushes you legs back and how stomach folds despite the fact your insecure.

Will suck your insecurities away through your nipples man,woman,non binary, doesnt matter .

you got em he suck em.

Hair pulling,most definitely

Same with overstim

Has let you been the dom before he now sees being a switch in a more positive way.

Drops things in cramped place so when you try get it you get stuck.

Just like his di-

"Come on little mouse~"Dabi groans from beneath you,fingers needing at the flesh of your thighs "Give daddy some sugar~"He stares up at you slowly lapping at your hole causing you back to arch "But I-"A sharp smack to your ass has you flinching and yet the pain makes you shamelessly moan."When i mean sit on my face,I dont mean 10% so sit the fuck down,sit like a fucking chair.Dont ask if I can breath."his hands start to burn into your hips as he forces you down, leaving red marks as he goes back to your thighs,wrapping them tighter around his head. Now be a good slut and do what Daddy taught you right"

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7 months ago

Apsa has already touched on this wonderfully in their post about Shahed, but it's such a dirty, disgusting feeling when you have to present your fundraising posts in the same manner that you would write a CV or a portfolio because you have to plead with people to see the value of a HUMAN BEING. I feel genuinely sick making a list of "strengths and weaknesses" for a HUMAN in order to help save their LIVES because that's the successful tatic and you've been asked to run a successful campaign and you cannot fail that at any cost because the lives at stake are more important than my feelings - and I'm not even the person who is getting dehumanized here.

I'm far from the only person to express this, but there's no understating how I've been changed by this experience. I hope everyone feels the same, because if not, then that scares me.

I hope one day Gazans can afford the privacy and dignity they deserve and that the wonderful little intricacies of their personalities and livelihoods become once again a privilege to those lucky enough to be their friends and the people they choose to share it with - because they want to, and not because their lives are on the line.

And I know there will be a free Palestine but I hope to God it happens in my lifetime because nothing short of a free Palestine will soothe this fury.

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11 months ago

the reason why I'm so in love with league of villains is pretty simple. they are all freaking losers


- theatre kid

- has terrible skin

- embodiment of daddy issues


- gamer

- has terrible skin

- and definitely issues with parental figure


- a little bit hyperfixated high school fangirl

- probably writes fics about herself and uraraka (and occasionally izuku)

- she has a good skin tho i give her that

- and mommy issues


- his character arc is build on the fact that he's loser


- the guy is basically a lizard

- knowing his love for stain i would say that he has watch To Much of true crime

mr. compress:

- embodiment of old school gay man

- pretty stylish gay man i can respect that


- Tired Guardian Figure (TM)

ngl i absolutely love some of the hero and support characters *intensive stare at hatsume* but those freaks speak with me in a whole new level

they're pathetic little fuckers and (not to be dramatic) i would die for them and their dynamic

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8 months ago

league of villains but they all work in entertainment industry


- well-known in industry because of her quirk

- if actor is sick or can't attend work for personal reasons it's time for toga to shine

- she refuses to work without personal permission of actor

- she still get to act as herself mostly in school setting romance

- once was asked to work for some indie horror movie and was absolutely thrilled through whole experience

- planning to attend more auditions for horrors but afraid that her school romance image would ruin her chances

-writes manga and light novels


- specifically asks post production team to credit him in end as 'dabi' not 'todoroki toya'

- because of scars mostly works for mafia related movies

- once was invited to film an advertising with hawks. agreed only to tease hawks by flirting with him, was not expecting hawks to start flirting back.

- someone put those bloopers on herotube and half of the internet convinced that they are a couple

- really likes it when toga drops by the set just to say hi

- hates that he has to spend the most time out of all actors on set for make-up


- started to stream just for fun, was not expecting it to become full time job

- if spinner has no fans shigaraki's dead

- has a herotube channel with short animation videos

- finds dabihawks shipping situation hilarious

- had been shipped with dabi after a few streams, but cut this off by coming out as aroace

- makes blind reaction videos with spinner

- invites toga and/or dabi for streams which includes them trying to cook something once in a while

- usually these streams end up in chaos


- was streaming for longer time then shigaraki but was less popular

- more known as a bass player for a few rock bands

- almost passed out when shigaraki showed up in chat for the first time

- 'close your eyes bro' 'okay' 'what do you see?' 'nothing' 'that's my world without you, bro' 'bro' – kind of relationship with shigaraki

- tries to bring all of his gaming gear to tours with bands and fails miserably every time

- comes to toga-dabi-shigaraki cooking streams but stays behind the camera ready to call firefighters

- wears mask and sunglasses for streams and mask and hood for concerts

mr. compress:

- one of the most popular cosplayers in the community

- somehow manages to visit all of the cons with multiple cosplays

- uses his quirk to carry costumes around

- makes custom cosplay gear and has herotube channel with cosplay tips for newcomers

- freelance photographer for a few geek magazines

- met shigaraki and dabi at a photo shoot for magazine

- a few times was hired as a concert photographer and met spinner at the first one

- magne's podcast buddy

- carries toga's bags at cons and helps her with shopping


- has been working for huge animation studio but started her own project and quit

- does podcast about queer and quirk discrimination with compress

- once invited shigaraki to discuss 'villainous' quirk discrimination and shigaraki ended up coming out

- actually the one who encouraged toga to apply for auditions for horrors

- met compress through cosplay community

- has been planing to work with shigaraki on some animation project

- runs support center for teens with twice


- works A LOT with dabi

- started as a cameraman but then dabi suggested to try acting

- toga's number one fan

- voiced a lot of characteres from magne's shows

- was the one who brought up the idea of support center

- always declines magne's invitations for podcast because he convinced that he doesn't experience any oppression

- helps compress and toga to get ready for cons


- shigaraki's editor and assists compress for photo shoots

- making tiktoks of chaotic cooking streams is his favorite part of his job

- the one who shigaraki calls when accidentally decays controller or other gaming stuff

- thankful to spinner for attending chaotic cooking streams for safety reasons

- his quirk is the reason why compress able to attend so many cons

- goes to every premier of toga, twice or dabi movies

- the one who organizes the league meetings once a month

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7 months ago

every single day. the guy has six sense for when they're playing to show up and walk in front of them.

new recruiter: wait, where are you going..?

dabi, take off running: shush, I've got shit to do

How many times do you think Dabi purposely walks in front of the TV while Shigaraki and Spinner are playing video games just to piss them off?

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4 years ago

Free Falling

includes: Dabi, Hawk, Endeavor

warnings: Mentions of suicide, nightmares

length: 1,082 words

There was a gleam in the blue eyes as they gazed over the city from above. The bottom of Dabi's long jacket fluttered against his scarred ankles as the smokey breeze whirled around him. The gut-wrenching smell of decay and burning body's turned the air stale, and his mind numbed as he thought about what he had lost.

It was happening again, history repeating itself as he was left with no solution.

The all too familiar pain, fear, and soul-crushing hopelessness coursed through every fiber of his being while he watched his world burn. 

A snarl sounded from behind him, the demanding voice making his body tense even after all of these years. "Your base is nothing but rubble, your boss is dead, your friends have been locked away in the most secure asylum this side of the world. You have no one else on your side, no more hideaways left standing for you to flee to. Surrender, Dabi."

Dabi chuckled softly, but the sound appeared to be unsteady as he turned to face the person he despised. Blazing blue eyes locked onto the number one hero, his father, Endeavor. 

"Have I ever surrendered to you, Enji? Even after the endless days of training, the beatings, the insults… Have I ever given up?" Dabi breathed, fingers twitching by his side as he started to mentally prepare for the pain his godforsaken quirk brought. 

Endeavor's face hardened and the beard of flames on his face seemed to flare up furiously. 

"Who are you?" Endeavor practically demanded an answer as he stepped closer to the villain. Dabi took a step back towards the edge of the building, determined to keep the distance between them. 

“Isn’t that a shame,” Dabi muttered with a scoff while his hands clenched into a fist. “Can’t even remember what your fucking son looks like, can you? You never did bother to care about such trivial things anyway.”

Endeavor froze almost instantly, his facial features violently contorting into mixed emotions of confusion and something Dabi couldn’t quite place. Was it fear? No, Enji couldn’t possibly fear anything. Dabi had learned that lesson a long time ago after personally putting his father through hell. 

“Touya,” Endeavor’s quiet realization was cut off suddenly by his son's sharp tone.

“You don’t have the right to speak my name,” he spat, blue flames sparking in the palms of his hands for only a second. He grimaced, never breaking eye contact as he spat out blood from the corner of his mouth. “Not after what you’ve done to me.”

Endeavor swallowed around the lump in his throat before moving closer, abruptly stopping when Dabi moved his heels to the edge of the building’s rooftop.

“Take even a step towards me, old man, and I’ll jump,” Dabi threatened, eyes narrowing almost daringly.

And suddenly, Endeavor remembered the frantic, fearful, yet determined look that Touya used to always glare at him with. A heavy sigh left him as he stood tall, not moving an inch as he watched his son closely.

“I thought I had lost you for good,” Endeavor admitted under his breath, watching as Dabi snarled like a rabid animal. 

“You have,” Dabi remarked without missing a beat. “Touya is gone, all thanks to you and your god damned dream for me. You’ve killed him, and nothing you can do will change that.”

“And you’ve killed countless innocent lives,” Endeavor growled. “What did they do to deserve death?”

Dabi gritted his teeth as he forced the tears from his eyes by sheer will. “What did I do to deserve you as a father?! What unspeakable evil did I commit before I was born to get you of all people as a parent?! Mom didn’t do any wrong- I didn’t do any wrong! So why,” His voice broke as he bared his teeth. “Why was I unfortunate enough to have you shove your goals down my throat after you couldn’t achieve them yourself?”

Endeavors throat felt dry as his eyes followed the trails of blood seeping from Dabi’s staples and scar lines. The sudden outburst had torn his burned skin. Endeavor didn’t know it, but this happened quite often, though typically when Dabi was alone.

“I needed to make you stronger,” Endeavor said coldly. What did Dabi expect? He knew his father was heartless.

“So I could fall into the mindless and shitty lives of heroes? I’m glad I passed,” Dabi swallowed thickly before a wicked smile spread over his features. “Tell Shoto to kick you in the dick for me.”

Endeavors eyes widened as Dabi outstretched his arms and fell backward without a second thought. Dabi saw his father’s large hand reach out to grab him, to stop him, and, by everyone else’s definition, save him. Yet Endeavor was too late. Dabi was free falling to his death.

A broken laugh sounded through the air as Dabi relaxed, watching the blood from his wounds fall with him through the air. Smoke was surrounding him as he quickly grew closer to the ground, blurring his vision slightly. 

Someone yelled incoherent words below him, followed by demands of where to stand. Yet Dabi didn’t pay enough attention to understand. The sweet embrace of death he wanted was so close he could almost taste it. His eyes shut gently and he smiled wider than he has before in his short life.

Dabi gasped sharply, bolting upright as his eyes shot open, his fingers twisting in the blanket. He was hyperventilating, body shaking as he failed to get his bearings. The tired grumble next to him slowly brought him back to reality.

“Touya?” It was Keigo, and concern was blending with the fatigue in his voice. “Hey, c’mere… It was just a nightmare. Let me hold you, Staples. Calm down for me, yeah?. I’m right here.”

Dabi swallowed thickly, running a quivering hand through his hair as he slowed his breathing. “Okay,” He whispered, earning a gentle hum from his lover. “Okay,” He repeated, this time more to himself than to the person next to him.

As he laid back down on his side, Keigo threw a protective arm over his waist, and he gazed blankly at the wall. His boyfriend started humming sleepily, making a good attempt at lulling Dabi back to sleep.

Dull eyes started to blur as he laid there limply, the humming failing to distract his mind as he thought. 

What have I done to deserve any of this? The good or the bad, why me?

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6 months ago

Final Product

Final Product

Sorry if it's a bit of a blurry photo, I tried, lol 😂. I'm procrastinating on the final Hawks+Mc. Donald sketch. Enjoy ♥️

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5 months ago

Touya Todoroki/Dabi

Touya Todoroki/Dabi

Hey everyone, reblog, like, comment, this is an amazing drawing one of my best friends traced🤩 please give it the live it deserves 🫵🌟

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5 months ago

Old Animation I found

Contains some slight dabihawks because I love them ❤️‍🔥 and enjoy, it's gacha time

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1 year ago

Lab Rat

To be honest, this was what you wanted, right? Being by his side will cost what it will cost, how stubborn you are, you never understand, no matter how much he shows you, you always came dragging yourself along. Why would someone like you mess with such a vengeful villain like him?

Perhaps it was his arrogance and flirtation that caught you, but you were not the only one, you never were, you are not, and you never will be. He has a choice, knowing him will conquer any girl to satisfy his most twisted desires. He uses them and then gets rid of them, that was the only thing he didn't do with you, oh poor thing, the little mouse feels special because they treat it differently. Big mistake.

don't complain now, you're the one who has endured the most by her side, you've taken all her tantrums and outbursts you end up with some burns but it's not something that can't be cured with a couple of bandages, you should be happy, happy to be sick of love for someone who hardly recognizes you. You let yourself be carried away by pleasure and here you are, on the floor with cuts and your medications all over the room, everything is spinning and after a long time your mind becomes lucid.

The day he gets tired of you and you no longer serve him, he's going to leave you to your own devices or maybe you'll end up like all the others, remember your place, Dabi said, you're just a simple laboratory mouse, when he finishes experimenting with you, you're going to die for all the side effects of the devotion he showed him and the "love" you thought he showed you.

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4 years ago

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death


Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks

Takami Keigo | Hawks/Todoroki Touya

Kaminari Denki & Shinsou Hitoshi

Shinsou Hitoshi & Yaoyorozu Momo

Kaminari Denki/Yaoyorozu Momo


Dabi (My Hero Academia)

Todoroki Touya

Takami Keigo | Hawks

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4 years ago

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Todoroki Fuyumi & Todoroki Touya Characters: Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Fuyumi, Dabi (My Hero Academia) Additional Tags: Todofam Month 2020, Jour 18, Lost - Freeform, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Character Death, Dabi is Todoroki Touya Series: Part 7 of Todofam Month 2020 Summary:

Jour 18 : Lost

Toya était perdu. Mort, envolé à tout jamais, Fuyumi le savait alors même que Dabi s'asseyait près d'elle et lui saisissait doucement la main, avec sa peau mutilée et son regard lointain.

Et si elle ne l'avait toujours pas compris jusque là, le trou béant dans sa propre poitrine en constituerait la preuve irréfutable.

  Ou : Fuyumi s'est interposée entre Dabi et l'accomplissement du rêve de Stain. La réaction a été immédiate.

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4 years ago

Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Uraraka Ochako & Pokemon, League of Villains & Uraraka Ochako, D'autres vont apparaître au fil de l'histoire Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Toga Himiko, League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Pokemons - Character, Dialga (Pokemon), Eri (My Hero Academia), Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Mimikkyu | Mimikyu, Hellgar | Houndoom, D'autres apparaîtront Additional Tags: Je n'ai aucune idée de comment tagger ça, Voyons voir, BAMF Uraraka Ochako, Crossover, Pokemon AU, Les Pokemon légendaire sont des dieux, Qui n'ont rien de mieux à faire que de s'amuser avec le destin des simples mortels, Sauf que parfois ça échappe à leur contrôle, Beaucoup de jurons, Ochako en a marre de sa vie, La Ligue est totalement paumée, Overhaul est un bâtard, Eri n'a rien fait de mal, pas de beta, On meurt comme des hommes, ( des femmes ? ), Attempt at Humor, Angst, Arson, Pyromania, Dabi is Todoroki Touya, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Blood and Violence, Human Experimentation, Pokemon Experimentation, Pourquoi est-ce que je tag en anglais ?, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Dabi est Todoroki Toya Series: Part 1 of Prophéties à la carte Summary:

Les prophéties, c'est toujours cliché.

Que ce soit la énième réécriture du Roi Arthur, d'Œdipe, ou, pour les dieux farceurs, de Scapin, elles ont toujours un petit quelque chose de recyclé, des allures de topos, qu'Ochako dépiste à cent lieues.

Déformation professionnelle, si vous voulez.

Alors, quand elle retrouve un Démolosse à demi-mort dans son moulin à eau, elle reconnaît aussitôt l'œuvre du Destin.

Et elle a le drôle de pressentiment qu'Il a un peu forcé sur la bouteille, cette fois-ci.

. . .


Toga et Spinner se recroquevillèrent sur eux-mêmes. La seule chose qui le retenait de les incinérer sur le champ était la petite boule bleue lovée dans ses bras.

Ces abrutis sans cervelle avait vraiment de la chance que Dabi n'eût à cet instant lâché son Goupix pour rien au monde.

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