braunyreiss - Michi

SnK Fan. Multishipper. Reiner lover. EreHisu is my OTP. 

671 posts

How Many Parallels/hints/panels Has Isayama Done For EH Over The Arcs+timeskips Because I Seen The Way

How many Parallels/hints/panels has isayama done for EH over the arcs+timeskips because I seen the way on how isayama puts theses two character's together very closely and that shows us something. What do you think about their relationship.

Hello anon! im sorry for the late answer, i was so busy and didn’t have time enough to take a look at tumblr.Parallels between those two. The ones not that important and more random like attitudes or random datas. Most of the parallel images im going to use, i took them from twitter long ago.Before start, i apologize for my english, but i hope you understand my point.Lets start:


1-Killing their first titan, the emotion, the pose and the movement


2-Worried about their close friend


3-Never needed to happend. 


4-The way they cry laughing


5-Their parents trying to inject them


6- Mothers killed in front of them


7-Killing their fathers


8-Overprotective friends, hitting them with their head lol


9-Worried about each other and saving each other


10-Half-siblings with royal blood


11-Destroying the world


12-the pose lol


13- having their fathers memories


14-Boring and routine childhood


15- being interested in something for the first time by reading a book


16- Fake previews, AU, where they both feel so bored about their lifes (And she is the one who understands him).Historia was a kid who received no love and being despised bullied and ignored. While time passed, she didn’t understand what did she do wrong. she felt depressed, insecure, feeling that her existence was unnecesar, that everyone would be happier if she wasnt alive. She blamed herself for everything. She had no goals, only wanting to commit suicide so people will love her for doing sth heroic, and also making other happ with her death. Then, Ymir appeard, she finally felt what life was, she wanted to live, Ymir made her to love herself, she was the one who inspirated her but then she left her saving the warriors, making Historia feeling lost again, the only person who she cared left her, and was alone again. But then Eren appears. She opened to someone else than Ymir, cause he saw through her mask and knew there was sth wrong with her. Then, he said what she needed to be told since the very begining. All she wanted is to be a normal person. She still was kind of lost and depressed (totally normal) and they even wanted her to make her the queen. With all her insecurities and fear because of rejection (something she experience along her entire life) of the whole people in the walls. She had the pressure but she accepted fearfull. Then, she met her father, he said sorry for everything, but he needed to do that in order to protect her, and now is the one who gonna save everyone being the new goddes by having the founding titan. What this meant for her, is that everything was a lie, she was loved, she was special, and finally she had a duty protecting hmanity from titans. But for this she had to kill Eren, and she was going to do it, she blinded herself because how nice everything sounds, and how everything that made her suffer was a lie. She was prepared to sacrifice Eren but not for humanity, for herself, beleiving she was special, her father loved her, a new goal.Eren on the other hand, he was totally different from Historia, a confident kid, with forcefulness goals, killing titans, those who destroyed his life. While he was growing, he kind of thought that he was someone special because of his titan power. And also, there was a big pressure on him with big expectations from soldiers and humanity. He had the title of being the hope of humanity. He kept confident until the Rod Reiss speech. This young boy who was so confident, now was broken for those words, wanting to die in order to, at least, make something good for humanity with his death. Everything about being special was a lie. He never needed to happened. That’s what he said. And Historia heard him. She totally felt that, she knew those feelings. here is the most importan parallelism that made their relationship that strong. Historia opened her eyes, her father was using him, she saved Eren, who still wanted to die and she hits him, being on his side, telling him that humanity is the one who must be destroyed, that she is the enemy of humanity. The enemy of humanity because she didn’t accept her duty, she wanted to live by herself, didn’t accept to be a goddes, a special person for humanity. And because she saved Eren, the “guilty” of everything. Doing this, means that she is on his side (and bc of this, enemy of humanity) so he is not alone. Now she was the one who was trying to make Eren gain some self esteem. Also she wanted to make sure that it wasn’t true that he was no needed. Some chapters later, watching Historia’s development, he understood he was not special, that feeling actually made him weak. But even if he is not special, he must help because he CAN, even without being different of the rest. He needed to chose his path, took decisions, as Historia, who finally decided her path but she wanted to do something in order to become more confident and to overcome herself. She chose to not be a goddes, but a normal person that fight and do what she can do for humanity, and that’s what Eren did, she inspired him, (if im not wrong, isayama said that he was inspired watching Historia in a guidebook). There is no need to be special, just do what you can, broke the chains. Both Eren and Historia were chained by their respective fathers. Historia got rid of this, and then also Eren. He respects her so much since all this situation. She was so important to Eren’s development. Seems that they become close. 


Here you can see when he starts talking about the blondie. He understands her. (Also he ignores Jean trying to bother him with provocations)


Here you see them having a serious talk


Then changing the topic, finally Eren changing his countenance, and then just kidding like close friends. Also Historia


Also, you see how Historia takes a box and kept walking but then she decided to wait and walk with Eren but not with the other ones. You she how she is closer to him than with the rest and feel confortable with him.This relationship is based on empathy, muttual support and inspiration. Both of them were for each other when both weren’t psychologically in a good way or needed help, even if they weren’t that close in the beginning. He was the only one besides Ymir that saw the real her, and supported her. She was the only one who could understand, support, and inspire him in his worst situation. And you see how much Eren is concern about her and protects her. How he smiles when she is arround and sees her happy. You will never imagine that he would smile again after shiganshina’s battle with that traumatic experience, but he still smiled because of her. For me, all of this is beautiful. How positive they are for each other, how they helped each other when they were down in their worst situation. I appreciate that so much and i love it!I don’t think this relationship was built for nothing (not necessary in a romantic way).

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More Posts from Braunyreiss

5 years ago
Parallelism Between Eren And HistoriaBoth Had A Routine Boring Life When They Were Kids. Then They Got
Parallelism Between Eren And HistoriaBoth Had A Routine Boring Life When They Were Kids. Then They Got
Parallelism Between Eren And HistoriaBoth Had A Routine Boring Life When They Were Kids. Then They Got

Parallelism between Eren and Historia Both had a routine boring life when they were kids. Then they got a book that made them gain interest in something, also made them aware of their reality. Historia was a lonely kid who didn’t experiences maternal love, and Eren was prisoner in a big cage while the world is way bigger and beautiful, he wasn’t free. Historia was curious about how her mother would react about a hug, and she was so excited, but reality hits her, and the mother despised her. Eren was excited to join the survey corps because he wanted know the outside world. But then, titans attacked, killed his mom, so he joined the training corps in order to be in the survey corps, and when he had to fight titans he was so confident, with high expectations, but reality hits him and many comrades died and he couldn’t help it.  But still, im glad that they could overcome their hard moments and keep moving forward, even if now they are in a complicated situation. We still have to know both of them POVs.

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5 years ago

Mikasa must adopt Falco!!

I Keep Seeing People Criticizing Mikasa For Her Lack Of Concern This Chapter Or Justifying Her For It.

I keep seeing people criticizing mikasa for her lack of concern this chapter or justifying her for it. First of all, are we talking about the same introverted, reserved and shy Mikasa who hardly ever says anything?

I Keep Seeing People Criticizing Mikasa For Her Lack Of Concern This Chapter Or Justifying Her For It.

Out of all of them, she was the first one to show concern for falco. She wanted to know about the fate of that child before anyone else and the way she stops jean ; her hand reaching out shows us that she cares.

I Keep Seeing People Criticizing Mikasa For Her Lack Of Concern This Chapter Or Justifying Her For It.

Now before criticizing mikasa for her lack of words or concern when it came to falco keep in mind that jean wanted to feed him to pixis and connie to his mother. Not to condemn jean because he was acting like a leader in a battlefield would but armin was also not concerned for falco's safety, he was more concerned about how it will impact their relation with the warriors. And what about Mikasa? Like always she doesn't add anything to the argument because

I Keep Seeing People Criticizing Mikasa For Her Lack Of Concern This Chapter Or Justifying Her For It.


I Keep Seeing People Criticizing Mikasa For Her Lack Of Concern This Chapter Or Justifying Her For It.

She always has!

And while connie is talking about feeding him to his mother ,

I Keep Seeing People Criticizing Mikasa For Her Lack Of Concern This Chapter Or Justifying Her For It.

This is how mikasa looks, the sadness in her eyes makes it pretty clear how she feels about it

I Keep Seeing People Criticizing Mikasa For Her Lack Of Concern This Chapter Or Justifying Her For It.

And then when connie finally takes off , do you see how mad she is at his reckless behavior ?

I Keep Seeing People Criticizing Mikasa For Her Lack Of Concern This Chapter Or Justifying Her For It.

Mikasa has always been a women of few words, ever since she was robbed of her innocence. This is not something new from her. Instead of bashing her for your own ignorance , it would be more fruitful to see how the others around her acted. Mikasa's silence is no worse than what each of them were trying to argue for. Yes neither is jean feeding falco to pixis , connie to his mother or armin wanting to save him for some sort of reconciliation with warriors better , they all had selfish motives but what about mikasa ? We don't know , we can't say they were better than armin, jean and connie's while we also can't say they were worse. All we know is that she showed concern , was symapthetic and was mad when connie flew off with him. So let's just leave it at that!

Thank you!

5 years ago

So accurate

Floch lives:


Annie coughs:


Chapter 125 can not come fast enough now! It’s going to be a slow burn until January. 

Please do not steal and/or repost without credit. 

5 years ago

Finally!! I love this ship <3

Hello! Could u draw ColtKasa? If u have time. I know is a weird and crack ship but i found it cute

Hello! Could U Draw ColtKasa? If U Have Time. I Know Is A Weird And Crack Ship But I Found It Cute

coltkasa doodle😂

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5 years ago

why didn’t i saw this!?!?!?

Hello! I love your arts! 💗💕💞😍 If you have time, can you redraw Coltkasa again? *-* 😄😄😅

hii thank you

Hello! I Love Your Arts! If You Have Time, Can You Redraw Coltkasa Again? *-*