Gay. Elder Millennial. Leo. Pop Culture Vulture. Content Creator.
1481 posts
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY BABY!!! Shit Just Got Real In "Saga" Now That My Antagonist Bae Prince Robot IV Just

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY BABY!!! Shit just got real in "Saga" now that my antagonist bae Prince Robot IV just got fritzed after Gwendolyn and Lying Cat put the smackdown on Alana and Marko's hideout on Quietus. #saga #sagacomic #bookone #imagecomics #comicseries #graphicnovel #princerobotiv #briankvaughan #fionastaples #shitjustgotreal #allmyfanboyfeels
More Posts from Brentofthefabulouswild

If you're a huge fan of epic space operas in the vein of "Star Wars" as well as high fantasy works like "Game Of Thrones" and forbidden romance stories a la "Romeo And Juliet" mixed with unfiltered graphic violence and sexual content, then I can fucking guarantee that you will FALL IN LOVE "Saga" by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples just like I did! #saga #bookone #graphicnovel #comicseries #bookporn #moderncultclassic #briankvaughan #fionastaples #imagecomics #mynewfavoritefandom #mybodyisready #shutupandtakemyfuckingmoney #allthegraphicnovelfeels #allmyfanboyfeels

Calling all partyphiles from Cebu and beyond: the first month of the year means one thing, and that is the annual Sinulog Festival! Celebrate this massive and internationally-renowned event with J. Ave Superclub as we proudly present to you the ELECTRIQ MARDI GRAS--an explosive and energetic fête that will prime you for action during the highly-anticipated Sinulog weekend! Clear your schedules because you definitely do not want to miss this exciting soireé!!! See you all soon and VIVA PIT SEÑOR!!! #sinulog #sinulogfestival #sinulogweekend #sinulog2015 #javesuperclub #electriqmardigras #vivapitseñor

Late afternoon frappuccino break at @starbucks after getting my outfit for LifeDance custom-altered at Magic Fit, shopping at @oxygenclothing and browsing for new titles at Fully Booked... Definitely a super chill way to spend the first Saturday afternoon of 2015. #happynewyear #newyear2015 #twentyfifteen #saturdayafternoon #starbucksbreak #frappuccinobreak #chillweekend #ayalacentercebu #letmetakeaselfie

Some inspirational words of wisdom for you to consider as we enter the first days of 2015... #happynewyear #newyear2015 #twentyfifteen #wordsofwisdom #positivequotes

All day, all night, I got the club lights in my eyes... Keep cool, stay young, I'm just having my fun with the lessons in party love... #partingshot #professionalpartyphile #partylikearockstar #clublife #letmetakeaselfie #anotherlatenight #javesuperclub #livingfortheweekend