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fate: the winx saga was a terrible show and i stopped watching it after the first episode but abigail cowen as bloom is a perfect fc for mafalda prewett

my version of Mafalda is mean, elitist, selfish, power-hungry and problematic (basically Percy's distaff counterpart) so it all fits perfectly. HP is missing a morally questionable female character so here she is.

YAAAAAAAAASSSS ALL OF THIS!!! Alana and Gwendolyn's face-off on Quietus was sooooooooooo EPIC! Seriously, these two HBICs need to have more confrontations on future story arcs in "Saga"! #saga #sagacomic #graphicnovel #comicseries #bookone #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples #alana #gwendolyn #headbitchesincharge #hbic #girlfight #girlpower

Tilda Swinton's deliciously bonkers yet brilliant performance in "Snowpiercer" as a despotic politician of a post-apocalyptic future is worth the price of admission alone. Seriously, if you haven't yet seen "Snowpiercer", you should go and see this incredible film ASAP! #tildaswinton #snowpiercer #letransperceneige #ministermason #fierceandflawless #shutupandtakemyfuckingmoney #hbic #headbitchincharge #cinematicvillain #knowyourplace #keepyourplace #theengineiseternal #theengineisforever