brentofthefabulouswild - Brent Of The Fabulous Wild
Brent Of The Fabulous Wild

Gay. Elder Millennial. Leo. Pop Culture Vulture. Content Creator.

1481 posts

Fancasting For Neil Gaiman's "Sandman": TILDA SWINTON As DESIRE "Desire Is Beautiful, Slim, And Truly

Fancasting For Neil Gaiman's "Sandman": TILDA SWINTON As DESIRE "Desire Is Beautiful, Slim, And Truly

Fancasting for Neil Gaiman's "Sandman": TILDA SWINTON as DESIRE "Desire is beautiful, slim, and truly androgynous; capable of appearing as a man, a woman, neither, or possibly both. Desire has a cruel streak and has a long-standing rivalry with Dream. Although Desire is Despair's twin, in a sense he/she is older than Despair. The current incarnation of Desire is the original one, while Despair is presently in her second incarnation. His/her sigil is a silver-tinted glass heart." #neilgaiman #thesandman #sandmanseries #filmadaptation #filmindevelopment #shitjustgotreal #dreamfancasting #shutupandtakemyfuckingmoney #shakingandcrying #theendless #tildaswinton #desire #theendlessdesire

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10 years ago
Work Hard, Party Harder! Miss Nine Is Ready To Bring It For LifeDance 2015! Get Your Event Passes Now

Work hard, party harder! Miss Nine is ready to bring it for LifeDance 2015! Get your event passes now before they run out! Contact @pjgerona at 09166428511 for more details on ticket prices. #lifedance #lifedancecebu #lifedance2015 #sinulog #sinulogfestival #sinulog2015 #sinulogweekend #workhard #partyharder #missnine

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10 years ago
From Monarchy To Anarchy... In A Parallel Alternate Universe, The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge Would

From monarchy to anarchy... In a parallel alternate universe, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge would be super-cool punk rock parents. #princewilliam #katemiddleton #dukeofcambridge #duchessofcambridge #britishroyals #futurekingandqueenofengland #alternateuniverse #punkrockroyals #englishmonarchy #englishanarchy #godsavetheking #godsavethequeen

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10 years ago
Fancasting For Neil Gaiman's "Sandman": TOM HIDDLESTON As DREAM "Dream's Usual Appearance Is That Of

Fancasting for Neil Gaiman's "Sandman": TOM HIDDLESTON as DREAM "Dream's usual appearance is that of a tall, pale man with wild and dark blue-black hair. He dresses in a shapeless coat of 'night' with 'flames dancing in its folds'. His eyes are pools of shadows with glimmers of light within. He is known by many names, most commonly by 'Morpheus'. He has a long history of insensitivity towards others throughout 'The Sandman', and he must come to deal with past cruelties. He is very concerned with fulfilling his responsibilities. His sigil is a dream-helm made from the spine and skull of a long-dead god." #neilgaiman #thesandman #sandmanseries #filmadaptation #filmindevelopment #shitjustgotreal #dreamfancasting #shutupandtakemyfuckingmoney #shakingandcrying #theendless #preludesandnocturnes #tomhiddleston #dream #morpheus #theendlessdream

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