Gay. Elder Millennial. Leo. Pop Culture Vulture. Content Creator.
1481 posts
Work Hard, Party Harder! Borgeous Is Ready To Bring It For LifeDance 2015! Get Your Event Passes Now

Work hard, party harder! Borgeous is ready to bring it for LifeDance 2015! Get your event passes now before they run out! Contact @pjgerona at 09166428511 for more details on ticket prices. #lifedance #lifedancecebu #lifedance2015 #sinulog #sinulogfestival #sinulog2015 #sinulogweekend #workhard #partyharder #borgeous
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Work hard, party harder! HookNSling is ready to bring it for LifeDance 2015! Get your event passes now before they run out! Contact @pjgerona at 09166428511 for more details on ticket prices. #lifedance #lifedancecebu #lifedance2015 #sinulog #sinulogfestival #sinulog2015 #sinulogweekend #workhard #partyharder #hooknsling

Work hard, party harder! Nari + Milani are ready to bring it for LifeDance 2015! Get your event passes now before they run out! Contact @pjgerona at 09166428511 for more details on ticket prices. #lifedance #lifedancecebu #lifedance2015 #sinulog #sinulogfestival #sinulog2015 #sinulogweekend #workhard #partyharder #nariandmilani
And it feels like... WE CAN DO THIS ALL NIGHT!!! #javesuperclub #thankgoditsfriday #livingfortheweekend #clublife #professionalpartyphile #fuckyeah #partylikearockstar #wecandothisallnight #partyanimals

Okay. Deep breath. I'm now on "Saga: Volume Four" after finishing the awesome behemoth that was "Saga: Book One". Right. Let's do this! And would you look at that! Hazel is now an adorable toddler! Major time jump! This is going to be fun, I can already tell... #saga #sagacomic #sagavolumefour #comicseries #graphicnovel #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples #sagacharacters #hazel #totesadorbs

ALANA NO WTF ARE YOU DOING TAKING CRAZY DRUGS ON YOUR JOB WHEN YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER AT HOME TO THINK ABOUT?! Right. Shit just went hella real in "Saga" now that Alana just took a supercharged drug called Fadeaway. #saga #sagacomic #sagavolumefour #comicseries #graphicnovel #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples #sagacharacters #alana #nopenopenopenope #shitjustgotreal #fadeaway #drugaddiction