I Have So Many Fic Ideas Going Through My Head For Nwh
i have so many fic ideas going through my head for nwh
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spider man nwh spoilers
spider man nwh spoilers
spider man nwh spoilers
spider man nwh spoilers
spider man nwh spoilers
pairing: tasm! peter parker x black!reader
summary: after another peter parker comes through the portal, you get to know him and fall for him.
warnings: mentions of gwen’s death, near-death experience, heartbreak, fluff and angst, no happy endings. not proofread so probably typos
a/n: i’ll make a part two for peters pov, also i thought of this as mind of a soulmates au or star crossed lovers that doesn’t work out in the end. also ur mj’s older sister

“find peter parker” ned says as he moves his hand in a circular motion, the orange circle opens revealing an alley way and spider-man.
“peter parker” ned and mj yell, waving for the man to come over to us. he looks over and waves, immediately i know something’s off as he jumps through the portal.
i move in front of mj and ned as ned’s lola screams and throws a pillow at the man, he removes his mask to reveal a cute man with fluffy brown hair and brown eyes. he puts his hands up in defense, showing us he’s not a threat.
“who are you” mj asks “peter parker” he says looking at all of us confused. “that’s not possible” mj mumbles and i shake my head “well apparently it is” i whisper back before turning my attention back to him.
“prove it” mj says and i shake my head “prove what” he asks “that you’re peter parker” she says and i run my temples. “i don’t carry an id with me it kind of defeats the anonymous super hero thing” he says and i nod understanding his point.
mj grabs a piece of bread and throws it at him and i look back at her “mj are you serious” i deadpan and she shrugs. “why’d you do that” he asks “i was trying to see if you have the tingle thing” she says and i hold back a laugh “i have the tingle thing just not for bread” he say, disappointed making me laugh.
after climbing on walls, meeting yet another peter parker, and cleaning up webs, we all end up walking to midtown high.
“what’s your name” the tall peters asks “y/n” i say and he smiles. “i’m peter nice to meet you” he introduces himself making me laugh “nice to meet you peter” he smiles at me before looking at the sky.
“so how do you know your peter” he asks looking back down at me. “he’s my sisters boyfriend” i say as i point at mj and he nods. “you two are very similar” , he jokes making me chuckle lightly. “mj likes to keep it real, i like to believe in fate and stuff like that” i explain and he nods. “those are good things to believe in” i look up at him and smile making him smile back.
when we get to the roof of the school building peters sitting and staring off into the distance, ned and mj walk over to him and hug him. i walk over to them and rub all of their backs comfortingly, they all had a close relationship with may and i know that it hurt all of them now that she was gone.
the more they cried the more i started to get emotional, a few tears fell down my cheeks as i watched all of them grieve together.
when they were done i stood up with them and stepped back, i watched as peter told the other peters to go home. i also watch the other peter explain their losses, both peters had lost their uncle ben but the taller peter had lost his girlfriend because he couldn’t save her in enough time.
i felt my heart break for all peters but mainly the tall peter, he blamed himself for his girlfriends death. as he talked about her tears pooled in his eyes and hood voice grew thick with sadness.
after they all shared their experiences with loss our peter agreed to let them help him cure the others, we walked into the school building from the door and followed peter into the chemistry room.
as the peters went around taking people to cure i sat in the back of the room and watched everything go down. as peter 3, the name i had established, he looked back at me and waved me over and of course i walked over to him.
i sat down next to him and he pulled my stool closer to him making me smile, “watcha doin’ ” i ask curiously look at his beakers and tubes. “working on a cure for a lizard” he explains and i look at him sideways, he laughs at my reaction and i laugh with him.
“long story short, he turned himself into a lizard trying to grow his arm back” he explains and i nod “he wanted to do good, help other people but it got to him and ultimately made him bad, i’ve cured him before so i’m pretty sure i can do it again” he finishes, his confidence in himself makes me smile.
i see his demeanor change as he looks away from me, i follow his eyes send see mj and peter 1 resting their foreheads together. “what was her name” i ask looking at him. “gwen, she was my everything” he explains and i nod.
“im sorry, i lost my person too” i explain and he looks up at me “his name was liam, he was my bestfriend, i loved him more than that though” i continue as i feel tears start to pool in my eyes “one night we were walking home from a party and he was shot right in front of me, i tried to save him but i was too late and i blamed myself everyday for two years until i realized that there was nothing i could do about it which sounds to shitty but it’s true” i finish and i didn’t realize that i was crying until he took my face into his hands and wiped my tears gently with his thumbs.
“thank you” i thank with a wobbly smile and he smiles back, “of course” he whispers as he looks into my eyes. he doesn’t move his hand from where it is until ned speaks “peter” all of their heads pop up and they look at him “yeah” they all say in unison.
“peter peter” ned says making me laugh even more “we’re all called peter” they all say and i laugh, “peter parker” he says and all of the peters shrug “same name again” they ask say and ned drops his head in frustration, “computer” ned yells completely over it and peter 1 walks over to the computer.
“we’re all good”
“you like him don’t you” mj says snapping me out of my trance “what” i ask completely avoiding his question. “don’t play dumb y/n we saw the way you two were looking at each other” she comments and i sigh. “yeah i like him but what good does that do” i shrug my shoulders as i feel myself growing sad “once all of them are cured he’s gonna go back to his universe” i say and she nods.
“uhm guys we have a slight problem” ned says and i look over and see that the portal hasn’t closed. i look over at ned and see the entry on his face “hey ned it’s ok just keep trying ok” i assure and he nods.
i hear a roar and i look up to see connors running for us “run” i yell as i push ned and mj in front of me, as we run for the portal peter 1 walks swings in and kicks the huge lizard distracting him.
ned, mj, and i run onto the scaffolding surrounding the statue of liberty. “ned try and open another portal” i suggest and he nods. he does his little things and another portal opens, a man in a red cap walks through and grabs the box from mj.
“who the fuck is that” i ask mj and he looks over at me with a glare “dr stephen strange” he says before walk past us. “where’s the kid” he asks and we all point at him curing another one of the men. “we’ll i’ll be dammed” he mumbles impressed.
a menacing laugh fills my ears as i look up, a man on a glider is hover over us and looking down at us. “fuck” i mumble remembering him as the green goblin who i remember peter said killed may.
he throws something and peter yells “strange” before everything explodes, i managed to push mj out of the way and before i know it i’m free falling. “y/n” i hear mj scream, a tear falls from my cheek as mj’s features become blurry. i see peter 1 jump to save me, as our hands are about to touch he gets knocked away but the goblins glider.
i feel nothing as i continue free falling, lots of memories come flooding back as i accept my fate, memories of mj and i, memories of ned and peter, memories of liam, and the last memory being peter and i’s moment.
as i close my eyes accepting my fate i feel arms wrap around me, i wrap my arms around who ever is holding me and wait for us to hit the ground. when we do i open my eyes and see peter 3 looking at me with tears in his eyes “are you ok?” he asks and i nod as tears fall from my eyes.
“are you ok” i ask and he nods, a single tear falls down his cheek and i wipe it away. “thank you” i thank and he nods “any time” he says and i smile.
he puts me down and he swings back up to the battle to join the other peters, i look up at him and smile.
“y/n” mj yells running into my arms, i hug her back a tight as i can “i thought i lost you” she cries and i continue to hug her. “you know you can’t get rid of me” i joke making her laugh.
when everyone is cured i stand with mj and ned as peter says his goodbyes to the other peters. i feel tears pool in my eyes as i look at peter 3, realizing that this is the last time i’ll ever see him.
“you alright” mj ask and i shake my head as the tears start to fall “im not ready for him to go” i admit as i look at him and she nods. “ we’ll at least say goodbye to him” ned says and i nod before walking away from them.
i walk over to him and feel more tears fall as i look at him, he also has tears pooling in his eyes “don’t cry beautiful” he whispers and i sniffle “i’m not ready for you to go yet” i admit and tears start to stream down his face. “i know, i’m not ready to leave either especially with out you” he admits and i feel more tears fall from my eyes.
“i hope you find another me in your universe, maybe i can be your mj” i says and he nods. “i’ll look for you i promise” he says pulling me in for a hug, i hug him back as tight as i can.
when we pull apart he leans down tilts my chin up, i meet him the rest of the way until our lips touch. i move one of my hands to his shoulder and the other to the side of his face, both of his hands cup my face as he deepens the kiss. all of our passion, sadness, and hope is poured into the kiss.
when we pull apart he pecks my lips gently a couple of times before pulling away completely, i smile sadly at him as he steps away from me. “bye y/n” he whispers and i swallow a sob down“bye peter” i say as he disappears.
i feel my heart shatter in my chest but this feeling seems to come around a lot, so it’s nothing new.
there is no way i just started sobbing over peter and gwen

Andrew Garfield for W Magazine, 2018