Sometimes You Just Want Someone To Ask You How You Are... Twice. The First One Is A Pleasentry, The Second
Sometimes you just want someone to ask you how you are... twice. The first one is a pleasentry, the second one if expressing legitament care. Shout out to my friend last night.
More Posts from Brother-fishbait
WAIT A SECOND!! Why was everyone speaking english in El Dorado????
-Me, 21 years late
What do you mean I can't only rock climb as exercise? I still have to do cardio too? Nooooo.
I met a really cool couple on Saturday. She was from Israel and he was from Mexico and they had all these questions about the LDS church. I tried to do my best to answer each one, she had so many. I told her how she could get in contact with pross missionaries, I really hope they take a look. They were both so kind.
Also their pitbull was so freaking cute.
This may be for you, but I am not beholden to you.
You can't guess and check with truth. There are always going to be 100 times more ways to be sad than happy. Stop seeking to prove things wrong and start looking for things that can support you.