♡ 23 // argentina // nsfw // female // she-her // pfp my sweet girl by: @dddans03 on ig// ♡

261 posts

MINE???? THAT'S OURS, GIRL Poor Baby His Eye Be Twitching He Doesn't Stand Us Anymore UDJSJFKDKGM

MINE???? THAT'S OURS, GIRL 🥴💕 poor baby his eye be twitching he doesn't stand us anymore UDJSJFKDKGM

bucciarati-babe - Anshu
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More Posts from Bucciarati-babe

1 year ago

okay besties everyone put in their tags what theyre majoring or what they majored in im so curious

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1 year ago

Kinktober 2023 2/2

Thigh Riding with Risotto Nero

Im sorry this so late but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!

Cw: thigh riding, exhibitionism if you squint

If Ive missed any content warnings please let me know!


You poke your head into the office. The door creaking open as you gaze into the room. Risotto sits at his desk, his back to you as he looks over his plans. The light from the sun casts harsh shadows in the room.

You tip toe in, closing the door and leaning over Risotto's shoulder. You look over the papers strewn across the table. Everything marked neatly in red ink. Little notes about where your team will go the paths they'll take and what they'll do litter the blue prints.

"Hows the planning going?" You ask, kissing just below Risotto's ear.

Risotto only grunting in acknowledgment, his shoulders relaxing ever so slightly. He makes a mark on the map of the area your target will most likely be at and be alone.

You chuckle a little at his answer, pulling Risotto's rolly chair and spinning him around. He raises a single brow at you but allows you to do as you please. You throw your leg over his and perch on his lap.

"Youre tired" you say, wrapping your arms around his broadened shoulders. Your hands rest on his neck, massaging the tense muscles.

"I think I can manage a little break" Risotto murmurs. One of his large hands rests on yoir thigh, thumb and pinky squeezing into your plush flesh. The other snakes up your back to press between your shoulder blades. You sigh as your chest presses to his.

Risotto is huge and solid. You look down at him, sitting atop his lap gives you the opportunity to see his face in great detail. The curve of his handsome hooked nose and the lilt of his brows. The crowfeet on the edges of his peircing scarlet eyes.

You lean forward, fingers tangling in his silver teresses and touch the tip of your nose to his. Sliding it against him as you kiss him softly.

Risotto is not looking for softness it seems, his strong hand traveling to cup the back of your head. Pulling you ever closer and slipping his tounge into your mouth to claim you.

You gasp and sigh, allowing him control. You wiggle your hips, heat blossoming in your core as you feel the press of his cock beneath his sweats. You swallow Risotto's groan with glee, beginning to grind against him slowly. The pleasure shoots up your spine as you circle your hips.

Risotto sighs against you, his hands finding purchase on your hips and moving you to straddle his thigh. Never once breaking the kiss, deepening it if anything. His tounge parting your lips to ravish the soft tissue inside your cheeks. You cant help but moan as your tongues tangle together in a well versed dance.

Your arms sling loosely around his shoulders, letting him press your chest to his and guide you against his thick thigh. You can feel his bulging muscles between his sweats and yours. The fabric doing nothing to dull the pleasure you feel. Your sex grinds against him, hips stuttering as you whine into Risotto's mouth.

Risotto pulls away from you, but you dont mind. You toss your head back, enticing him to kiss and nip at your throat as he often does. Though the heat of his mouth never finds you.

"Risotto..." you plea, pressing ever closer to him. You feel his chuckle more than hear it. A simple kiss placed at your pulse point sends a shiver through your whole body.

"Get up, breaks over" he says, patting your ass. His hand is firm. No room for argument but the heat coiling in your belly is near unbearable now. You pout.

"Thats not a break. Youre not fully relaxed"

"Well then by all means keep me entertained while I finish my work. Maybe then I'll take a real break,"

Risotto flexes his leg, effectivly bouncing you on his thigh. The extra pressure ripping a moan from your lungs. You bite your lip, bracing your hands on his shoulders to push yourself up.

"And where are you going?" Risotto says, his voice low and breathy. You can feel his erection pressing into the side of your leg as you straddle his thigh. "I thought I told you you could stay and keep me company while I finish up"

"Im just going to lock the door"

Risotto snakes a hand around your waist, trapping you on this flexing thigh. He leans close, even sitting hes bigger than you. Imposing and taki g the upperhand from your grasp. He smiles, the corrners of his eyes crinkling and his dimples making an appearance on his cheeks.

"No. You stay right here," Risotto growls. He picks up his pen in one hand the other keeping you firmly against him. His hot and heavy palm traversing you spine to rest on the curve of your ass.

"But what if the team needs-"

"You can be quiet" Risotto's smirk is down right evil. He knows good as well its difficult to keep your voice in check. Your stomach twists in an odd mix of embarrassment and arousal. Your thighs squeezing together to give your throbbing sex, but all you manage to do is squeeze Risotto's leg instead.

Risotto bounces his foot, effectively bouncing you on his thigh. Not dissimilar to how his hips rock to bounce you on his cock. A whine is stuck in your throat as you move to bury your face in Risotto's neck. Your arms wrapped around him as you bury your nose into where his scent is strongest.

Leather, sweat, metal. Its as comforting as it is driving you crazy. You begim to slowly rock back and fourth on Risotto's thigh. His smell making every press of his muscles feel all the more electric. The pleasure shooting up your spine and to your voice box to press quiet whimpers onto Risotto's pulse point.

You bite your lip, the pleasure surprisingly overwhelming. Its hard to keep your voice down, it always is. But this is new. You're borderline using Risotto's thigh for your own pleasure. Giving him something pretty and debauched to look at as he works.

Your whole feels hot and slick. Sweat dripping down your neck for Risotto to kiss away. You cant tell if hes working now. A hand firmly on your waist as you grind yourself on him. All you can focus is his touch and the feeling of his well trained thigh against your throbbing sex.

You cant swallow any air, your lungs struggling to take in oxygen as you pant. Your whole body begining to feel tight as you work yourself. You cant help but bite into Risotto's shoulder, barely muffling your moans into his skin

"Keep going" Risotto encourages. His voice a low familiar growl that only makes your thighs tremble. Your hips stutter as you grind faster. Chasing your high like a dog to a car's bumper. "Cum on my thigh,"

You whine, your back concaving as you curl over Risotto. Teeth bared into his neck and fingers digging into him.

Risotto bounces his thigh to help you along. Each movement making you bounce limply on him like a ragdoll, only able to hold on and take it as your whole body embraces the pleasure only Risotto can give you.

Your body snaps suddenly. Your orgasm crashing over you in a tsunami as you writhe in Risotto's strong grip. He whispers praises you cant understand in your ear. His hot breath tickling and grounding you as you begin to tumble down from your high. Slumping against his chest.

Risotto bends down to kiss your forehead, his hand smoothing up your back.

"Walk to our bedroom and wait for me while I clean up," he says simply. A promise of more to come in his tone. His eyes so dialated the crimsion of his irises almost completely depleted.

"But...what if someone sees me stumbling?" You ask, knees shaking as you slowly stand using Risotto as leverage.

Risotto chuckles, smacking your ass to get you going. His smile is down right evil as he places papers neatly in their folders.

"No one will. Everyone's already gone out for their set up missions. Got the text a little after you came to visit me"

Your jaw hangs open at him in shock but she shoos you away"

"Oh and make sure youre naked,"

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1 year ago

you🫵 yes you moot🫵🫵🫵 LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this commission made by @/chiakit.art on instagram!! and @chiakit-art on tumblr!!!♡♡♡ 😭😭💕💕 I of course printed it and now it's on my wall to look at everyday🥴💘

You Yes You Moot LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

everything about this is perfect I'm so in love with this man it's insane GHHHHJDJJJDJDDDFFFFFFFGGFKKL *sounds of eating raw soap*

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1 year ago

Darling dating someone else: Yan Team Bucciarati

ngl if you want the short answer it’d be a DISASTER but here’s the long answer


Giorno isn’t an overly jealous type. It isn’t that he’s happy with the situation, but it isn’t enough to make him act without thinking. He’s the type that would want to win you over as naturally as possible, so jumping the gun and offing your s/o wouldn’t be the best action. That being said, Giorno takes the opportunity to one up them. He knows he’s better, and doesn’t need to rush things. 

He can offer you everything your partner cannot. Expensive trips to exclusive restaurants, covering your rent, making plenty that you wouldn’t ever need to work again. While Giorno isn’t an expert in love, having not grown up with any positive figures in his life, he’s quick to catch on. If it’s not gifts that you’re fond of, his charisma should pull you in. Giorno listens to sympathizes with you so well, it’s almost unnatural. Always having the words to make you feel better, or making situations that troubled you disappear. 

Unfortunately, Giorno can’t lavish you in all the attention he might want to offer. As the Don of Passione, he doesn’t have a lot of free time. If things aren’t progressing as he would prefer, framing your partner for a crime and paying a few folks off to make sure he’s convicted is the next step. All the while Giorno will welcome you with open arms, a solid rock during the turbulent time. He makes a convincing argument to rely on him. 

“I can’t imagine how much you be hurting. If there’s anything you think I can do to help ease the pain, I’ll do it.” 


It’s not gonna be pretty. Once you’ve caught Mista’s eye, he’s under the impression the two of you are dating. You smiled at once of his jokes once, so that’s got to mean something. He has always been on the handsy side with you, an arm around your shoulder here and an amorous hug there. Mista isn’t the type to feel the need for labels, he goes with the flow. So imagine his surprise when he’s watching you from afar, and some guy claiming to be your boyfriend strolls up. 

He’ll bring it up to you casually, thinking maybe it’s a silly misunderstanding. Because c’mon, how obvious has he been? Calling you babe, treating you to lunch? So when you explain you thought he was just being friendly, and that person is indeed your boyfriend, he gets real quiet. When you question him about it he’ll bounce back, heading off with a grin and wave. As much as he adores spending time with you, there’s some stuff he needs to take care of. 

A few broken fingers and ripped out teeth later, the unfortunate soul scampers off after being threatened. Leaving you none the wiser as to why your s/o has cut off all contact with you. Should you ever run into him again in public, he’d be running away at the sight of you. Mista’s endless  amount of threats and violence ensure that. 

“Real shame about that guy, ditching you like that. Such a scummy move. Hey, I’m free all week, if you just wanna hang out and watch movies to feel better. Whatever you want.” 


Kinda like Mista where he feels you two already have a connection. Narancia monopolizes a lot of your time to begin with, tagging along with you whenever time allows. He sticks to your hip like glue, no matter how mundane a task you’re performing. That’s how much fun you are to him, that Narancia will pick you over doing anything else. Since you don’t seem to mind (or if you are uncomfortable, he’s oblivious to it), Narancia thinks you must feel the same. 

When he sees you with someone else in public, who is way too close for Narancia’s liking, he assumes you’re uncomfortable. Due to how much he cares for you, he’s on his way to defend your honor. The scene is a horrifying one, Narancia comes with his knife out to your partner’s throat, threatening them in a low tone to back the fuck away from you. You’ll need to deescalate the situation, but even that is almost impossible. 

He’s genuinely heart broken to find out you’re with someone else. As soon as the rushed explanation leaved your mouth, his blood runs cold. This entire time… did he just misunderstand things? He’s confused, and you’re looking at him like you’re scared. Why are you scared? Narancia would never hurt you, so stop looking at him like that, he can’t handle it. Having been left by so many people in his life, he would be distressed at the thought of you leaving him too.

“No, no, this isn’t right…! You’re supposed to look at me like that! I don’t understand.” 


Fugo takes a tentative approach to you. While he can recognize the feelings you provoke within him are probably love, that’s as far as his understanding goes. He can go from wanting to spend a lot of time with you, to needing his distance. This sensation of being so out of control reminds him of his anger, and it makes Fugo uncomfortable. So he needs time to sort it out. It’s all going decently until he stumbles across the fact you’re already taken. 

He finds it… almost offended? This level of hurt doesn’t come often, as Fugo doesn’t let others grow close to him. You managed to do just that, and because of it, he’s ended up hurt. He’s upset with himself, with you, and with the person you’re dating. It’s a festering wound that can’t be healed, only growing worse as he leaves it unattended. He’ll stop responding to your texts and calls, giving you the cold shoulder. 

It doesn’t take more than a few days for him to give up on that. Your presence is far too addicting, and going without you makes him feel worse. The extra time to be alone with his thoughts is a nightmare. He’ll pop back into your life as if nothing ever happened, waving off any concerns you had about him randomly withdrawing. The only catharsis he experiences is when he beats the guy to an inch of his life later, and then allowing Purple Haze to get rid of the evidence.

“Hm? That? I told you, work picked up and I got busy. If you missed me so much, just say.”


He’s similar to Giorno, where he knows his worth. Bucciarati doesn’t view himself as perfect per se, knowing his own shortcomings, but believes he could make you happy. Having all the resources to do so, and plenty of love to offer you to accompany it. How he deals with it depends on your level of attachment, but you can expect a lot of strings being pulled behind the scenes. 

Everyone in the community adores Bucciarati. He’s a beloved figure who people look up to, giving him some helpful leeway. Why should you have any reason to disbelieve him when Bucciarati voices concerns about your lover? He’ll take you out to dinner one night, in private, then provide photos (possibly forged or staged), of your partner being involved in unsavory business. Then he’ll be the shoulder you cry on afterwards, soothing you and cooing encouragement into your ear.

Sets himself up to be a savior in your eyes. Don’t worry about a thing, he’ll handle all of it. If you feel too scared to go back to your residence, you can always stay the night with him. Or however long you need. You could never be a burden, and he’ll assure you of that. This act of benevolence is hard to pass on, as Bucciarati lulls you into a false sense of security.

“Shh, shh… I know, I know. It hurts, but don’t forget to take care of yourself. Let’s get you to bed, you’ve had a long day.” 


He doesn’t like how he feels. Getting close to others, while tempting, opens up too many hurtful possibilities. Shame, regret, betrayal… all of it has been heaped on him before, why would he ever want to experience it again? So when you in all of your kindness manages to capture his tattered heart, he’s at a loss. Abbacchio gave up on any attempts of happiness long ago, and yet, here you are. And here he is, a fool in love, feeling undeserving. 

There’s a lot of alcohol gone through the night he figures out you’re not single. Self deprecating thoughts, just wanting to black out and forget about it all. Of course. Of course someone as good as you would be taken, he’s an idiot to think otherwise. Knowing that someone else is your comfort, your happiness, makes him sick to his stomach. He eventually just blacks out, and he’s grateful for the release unconsciousness brings.

Unfortunately, when he wakes up, it all hits him again like a bag of bricks. As tempting as it is to hole himself up in his apartment and wallow in his misery, he has to come out eventually. So when he does, his mind is at work. Doing his own research on your partner, disappointed to find nothing exploitable. He despises himself the entire time – feeling disgusting and utterly corrupt – but is too far gone. He’s human, he’s selfish. And he’s nothing without the light you bring. 

“I’m saying this for your own sake. Be more careful, you’re so naive. You don’t know how many people might try to take advantage of that.” 

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