Bucky Barnes is no villain, I'll fight you if you say he is //mia//18//masterlist
1516 posts
When I First Met You I Honestly Didnt Know
When I first met you I honestly didn´t know…

you were gonna be this important to me.

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More Posts from Buckyisloved
when the teacher says you can work in groups of 3

good for him.

Shattered Glass Epilogue
Ship: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Warnings: fluffy stuff m8′s
Summary: You and Bucky have been together for three years now, you don’t understand how he could break your heart the way he did when you found him in your bed, but not alone.

Bucky sat in the the living room area in the tower looking Grimm.
Steve walked in and squeezed his shoulder. "Hey Buck. We have a mission to go to soon, are you ready?"
Bucky look up and breaks a weary smile, getting up and nodding at Steve.
The mission was a crazy one. The avengers was in a broken town in search of a piece of equipment that Hydra was on their way to get.
Steve and Bucky were running the street and beating every soldier that held a gun in their direction.
"Please! Help me!"
A small voice caught Bucky's attention in a small alley way.
Bucky gave Steve a glance and he nodded for him to go.
Bucky entered the dark path and found a little girl hiding under a table with a soldier aiming a gun at her.
He quickly slid into action throwing the man down the alley and shooting him.
After handling the man, Bucky turned to the girl and held his hand out to her. She looked like she was at least 6. 'So young' he thought.
"Please..." the girl got out and took Bucky's hand. He smiled at her and knelt down.
"Hello there doll. What's your name?"
"Ayanna." She whispered out.
Bucky's eyes widened and remembered where he was.
"That's a pretty name, Ayanna. Where's your family?"
She frowns and looks down, "I don't have a family...a-and I don't need one! I'm strong!"
Bucky smiled at the girl and lifted her up into her arms.
"I'll take you back to the home of the avengers, you will be safe there, okay?" The girl nods and grips onto Bucky's shirt as he runs back to the quinjet.
Clint stares at Bucky and questions why he has a little girl in his arms.
Bucky explains to him the situation and Clint nods.
Bucky has a little girl he wants to take care of and he will put her above anything.
One reason Bucky took such a feeling of joy towards her was because she had the same spite as you. He couldn't just leave her behind like that.
Bucky had taken her to the tower and gave her a bed and food. The girl was shaken up and it was obvious that she hadn't had a family since she was a baby. Bucky asked her if she wanted to stay and Ayanna said yes without hesitation.
"Bucky! Where's y/n?" Ayanna calls out to her father figure as he walks out of the gym.
He squats down in front of her and smiles, "Hey doll, y/n is up in the kitchen baking."
Ayanna breaks into a wide grin and grabs Bucky's hand, pulling him towards the kitchen. "Come on then! I know you want some of her cookies!"
Bucky laughs and follows Ayanna up the stairs.
Up in the kitchen you stand in a pair of fuzzy pajama pants which Ayanna came clinging to in seconds. "Whatcha making y/n! It smells delicious!" You look down startled at the sudden grip and laugh.
"I'm baking brownies. Hey Ayanna, have you seen Bucky?"
Ayanna stands up and points at Bucky who was leaning against the counter with his head resting on his fist.
"Hey doll. You were looking for me?"
You feel your cheeks burn and laugh slightly, "Yeah, I uh... wanted you to taste this batter!"
Ayanna pouts and crosses her arms, "can't I taste it?"
You scoop a piece of chocolate batter and let her taste it.
Ayanna starts skipping to the couches with joy. "Thank you! That was delicious! It may not be your famous cookies but they are amazing!"
Leaving you with Bucky.
"So doll, I was thinking since it's been a month of our renewed relationship, I would like to take you out on an amazing date tonight!"
You turn and face Bucky and smile, but it quickly fades. You walk over to Bucky and wrap your arms around his waist.
"Promise me something?"
Bucky looks at you and rests his arms around you as well,
"What is it doll?"
You let go and look into the soldiers eyes. "Be loyal to me."
Bucky frowns and tightens you back into the hug.
"I will always be loyal to you doll."
You lean yourself into his shoulder and push yourself closer to him.
"I think it's because I'm so in love with you, I can never let you go."
You lean back and then forwards to place a soft kiss onto Bucky's lips.
"I'd love to go on a date then." You say searching his face for his emotions. He quickly shows a giant grin and spins you around in his embrace.
When he finally placed you down you turn to your brownies and place a piece in your mouth. "I'm in love you with you too Bucky Barnes."
You turn to Bucky once more and he's staring at you in awe. He starts to walk closer and you quickly spray some whip cream on his nose. Causing him to laugh and chase you around the building, dodging every piece of Tony's expensive furniture.
When he got a hold of the whip cream Ayanna decides to join the chase and make the biggest mess in the kitchen.
You were like a little family.
And that meant everything to Bucky.
By the time the race was over and the room was clean Ayanna was sound asleep on the couch.
Bucky grins at her and kisses her forehead before placing a blanket over her.
He was about to see what you were up to once again when he turned to see you sound asleep on the couch in seconds.
He chuckles to himself and lays next to you, pulling you to rest on his chest.
Bucky took in his view of your sleeping face, a small smile was on your lips. You must of been having a good dream, Bucky wouldn't want to wake you up, taking you away from the experience. He simply kisses your forehead and brings another blanket up and over the both of you.
Bucky fell asleep in minutes feeling your warmth.
He swore to himself that he'd never leave your side again. He thought that the last time he'd ever see you like this would be before you caught him with another girl. He thought he'd never be close to you again.
Bucky never knew what was going through his head the days he'd meet up with that girl, but he knows that he hates every second he thinks about it.
But he doesn't need to think about it anymore, because he has everything he wants right in front of him.
His girl and a daughter, and that's all he needs right now.
He plans on slipping a ring on your finger one day, when he knows you're ready.
Bucky breaks his thought when he hears Ayanna sit up.
"Bucky I had a bad dream..."
Bucky nods for her to come lay next to him and she happily agrees.
She leans into Bucky and falls back asleep.
Sooner or later, Bucky did the same.
Tags: @chipilerendi @smsimoes @a-common-name @theassetseyeliner
When you've been ranting about Bucky Barnes for a good hour and they ask who he is: