Iron Man - Tumblr Posts
morgan: *finds a stray cat*
morgan: can we keep it?
pepper: your dad is allergic
morgan: dad can stay outside
tony: i wanna sleep for 50 hours
rhodey: you know that’s called a coma, right?
tony: that sounds so refreshing, i could go for a light coma right now
peter: i made a marshmallow mr stark. see? his arms are crossed because he's mad at marshmallow peter for annoying him. you like it?
tony, choked-up: it’s fine
peter: here’s my award for the most rules broken
ned: that’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from mr. stark
peter, hanging it on his wall: well, it has the word “most” in it so i’m calling it an award!
pepper: has anyone ever told you they loved you?
tony: does my father count?
pepper: yeah
tony: then no
tony: how long do you think it will take you to do this?
peter: i don’t know, probably three or four
tony: …three or four what? days? weeks? months?
peter: yeah, maybe five
tony: FIVE WHAT?
peter on his first avengers mission: what’s the signal when something goes wrong?
tony: we yell “oh shit”
peter: yeah, that will work
Me: Just a little peek in the Infinity War tag, it'll be fine, I'll be careful nothing will get spoiled...
Seconds later:

What if Peter told Tobey and Andrew about him joining the Avengers and they just,,,,,didn’t believe him,,?????
Tobey, watching the news: Hey, is Peter teaming up with Iron man?
Andrew: Last I checked, Iron man’s in Germany, tearing up an airport, so I really doubt it.
Tobey, dragging Andrew: No! No, that looks just like him! See!!
Andrew: I’m gonna kill him.
Tobey, already gearing up: Iron man or Petey?
Andrew: Captain america for dropping a f u c k i n g boarding bridge on Peter
Baby girl

If I see Tom Cruise as ironman in the new Doctor Strange movie I'm burning the cinema to the ground.
Not sure how I'm feeling about Empyre. It bothers me when the problem could be dealt with if they had only just spoken more. But instead; Tony ya fucked up. I just don't want it to become a shit-on-Tony fest.
Avengers on the other hand has Daddy Tony with baby Brandy and that is delightful.
Feeling better about Empyre. Was worried about everyone blaming Tony, but Tony blaming Tony I can get behind!
Plus Valerio Schiti has only gotten better at drawing Tony. 😍

Laura Kinney aka X-23 for my arttrade with @ kyde25 on Instagram 👐

Tony Stark, the Undersuit™ and his bootylicious butt™. Belated happy birthday, Tony!

Tony(groggy): Steve…? Steve: Shh, go back to sleep, Tony. Supposedly super quick color sketch to make watercoloring easier. Neither quick, nor finished, but it’s still 6/16 in some parts of the world. Happy 616 day! Also, how to hair? I have no idea. So, I wanted to draw something fluffy. But then it came to the point of deciding on their clothes. And since Civil War II was the first Marvel comic I’ve ever read (because David Marquez?!), I thought why not. Harmless, right? Well… I did a plot twist on myself? I should have drawn them naked instead. But I do love angst, too… 🤔 I’m obviously fairly new to Marvel comics and the timeline. Everything I know is from laireshi’s work. Seriously. Please read everything they’ve written (I’m not sure if there’s any 616 Tony fan who actually hasn’t…) They’re absolute masterpieces; I never knew you could fall so much in love with a fictional character, but laireshi’s Tony Stark is worship material. I’m still taking my sweet time. ~60% to go, maybe? Hopefully more? But probably less. Pardon me, it’s 5 am and I tend to ramble when I’m tired. I’d go on with the hymn of praise for laireshi. Because I just can’t be thankful enough for all their work. For sharing their love for Tony and I’ve discovered a whole new world with the comics. I’ll stop. For now. Back to the drawing and to MCU fans: In case you haven’t read what happens after Civil War II or somehow managed to stay away from all of that…congrats. Enjoy the fluff! Come join the dark side.

Here’s the actual watercolor piece!

Steve: I really like your underwear. Tony: Yeah, I can feel just how much, old man. Glad you approve. You know, it would look much bet—mhmm… Happy 100th birthday, Steve! Inspired by @sabrecmc’s post.