Bucky Barnes is no villain, I'll fight you if you say he is //mia//18//masterlist
1516 posts
Not Only Is The Shrek Soundtrack Amazing, The Play Is Too, I Did It In 6th Grade And I'm Listening To
Not only is the shrek soundtrack amazing, the play is too, I did it in 6th grade and I'm listening to now. It's a bop.
christdabbs-blog liked this · 7 years ago
More Posts from Buckyisloved
Ship: Bucky Barnes x reader
A/N: so like I think this is what you asked me to do?
Warnings: fluffy fluff ( Gifs aren’t mine! Creds to owners!)
Ask: I need some dad!bucky 😢.. So here's my request .. dad!bucky x single mom!reader .. bucky is sick and the reader needs to attend a meeting so her 5 year toddler takes care of him. And surprise she calls him daddy for the first time. ~Y
words: 1385

You wake up to the sound of your phone blaring that same old tune you knew best. You sigh and look at the time; 4:30.
You lazily answer the phone and hold it up to your ear, "Bucky, what could be so dire that you need to call me at four in the morning?"
you can hear coughing on the other end and know exactly what he was going to say before he said it.
"Y/n... I'm sick... Can you take care of me?"
You were about to say yes when you remembered you had an urgent meeting at work today were you had to present a knew slogan for this stupid toothpaste brand.
"Bucky I have a meeting today, I can't."
You can hear him thinking of an excuse to come over any way and then he finally speaks up.
"Is anyone watching Lily today?" His words make you mentally curse, you completely forgot about getting a babysitter for your three year old.
You sit up and smile, pushing your y/h/c hair out of your face, " You?"
You hear Bucky trying to laugh but it came out as a dry one and collided into a cough session.
"I'll be there in fifteen minutes!-" Then the phone call ends, he must have been coughing and hit the button, you think to yourself.
"Might as well start to get ready..." You say pushing yourself out of bed and heading straight to the kitchen for a good cup of tea.
An hour past when Bucky finally arrived, you had already gotten your hair and makeup done and managed to feed a cranky toddler who had awoken to the sound of your movements around the house.
Bucky fell into your embrace when the door opened.
"I feel like death." He says grumbling into your neck.
"Well don't rub it on me! Come sit on the couch."
Bucky flops down on the couch only to be attacked by Lily, giving him a hello hug. You watch as he tries to hold in another coughing fit as he hugs her back. You're starting to reconsider your choice. "Bucky are you sure you're up for this? I can just call Tony."
Tony was your high school sweetheart, that you had immaturely decided to marry thinking it would work out. The two of you split about two years ago because you both realized you were unhappy.
You watch as alert hits Bucky's eyes. He's always hated Tony, since high school. They were always bickering about boy stuff. He stands up quick, setting Lily aside and taking your hands, "No! I- I mean, I've got this Y/n."
You give him a warm smile and quickly peck his cheek before turning to Lily and bombarding her with kisses.
"Alright, fine. I will be back by twelve! Goodbye my babies!" You jokingly say before exiting your home.
It was around ten o'clock when Bucky and Lily had restarted the movie Up. Bucky had Lily cradled in his arms when he was watching the same sad beginning part again, now for the third time. Still, he felt tears leaving his eyes.

"Jeez I really am a baby." He says with a sniffle and a chuckle.
Lily spins around to look at Bucky's face and frowns. She goes on her knees facing him, starting to wipe away a stray tear.
"Please don't cry Daddy..."
Bucky stiffens up and stares at Lily's face. A bright smile takes hold of his blank look, and he pulls her in for a tight hug.
"I'm okay doll, mommy will be home soon! Why don't you let me do that pretty hair of yours?"
Lily giggles and sits on the floor in front of the couch, falling into the movie once more as Bucky starts french braiding her long y/h/c hair, much like her mothers.
thirty more minutes pass and it was eleven, Bucky hears your car pull in the driveway. You were early.
Bucky looks over at Lily who was now sound asleep on the couch.
He walks over, opening the front door and leaning against the frame with his hands in his pockets.
You open the door and smile at him, "Why do you look so smug Buck?"
He steps inside, you follow along and finally see your daughter sleeping and marvel at Bucky.
"All I did was braid her hair then tuck her in and 'bam!" she's asleep." he says in a very hushed tone.
You walk over to her, kissing her on the forehead before waving for Bucky to follow you to the back porch.
A cool spring breeze blows as you take a seat on a chair, "So, how was she?"
Bucky scoots a chair to you and fiddles with the hem of his shirt.
"She was amazing, I don't even feel sick anymore. I think she cured me."
you laugh and lean back, Bucky looks like he is searching for words.
"How was the presentation?"
You automatically shoot up with a wide grin on your face, in which Bucky returns.
"It went just the way I planned it out to be! I won the deal! They loved the slogan!"
Bucky snatches you in a loving embrace and spins you around, "Oh my god doll! That's spectacular! I knew you'd do great!"
when he finally sets you down, you both sit down again.
"Lily uh..."
suddenly a rush of panic moves thorough you seeing the look on his face.
"Lily? What happened?"
he shushes your nerves and holds onto your hand with a small grin.
"She's fine y/n... just well..."
"Spit it out Buck!"
"She called me Daddy!" He says a little loudly, which takes you back a bit.
He looks down at his shirt, playing with that damn hem in his hands.
When it finally registers in your head of what Bucky just said you grab hold of his hands.
"I'm so sorry Bucky, she just hasn't seen Tony in a while. Sorry if that made you uncomfortable in any way." Bucky follows every word you say while shaking his head slightly.
He finally sits up straight and squeezes your hands, "No no no, doll. Listen, It didn't bother me at all actually. It made my day."
You look at him confusingly and he turns red, realizing what he just said.
"Well I mean- what I meant to say was-"
You interrupt him with a small kiss to his lips. It startles him at first, but when you leaned away he quickly pulled his hands up to your cheeks, kissing you back a bit more passionately.
When you finally separate it's because of the small knocking coming from the other side of the glass door.
You both laugh with your foreheads touching, peeking over to see lily on the other side of the door, rubbing her eyes.
"Mommy? You're home!"
You were about to get up when Bucky walked over, opening the door and scooping her into his arms. Causing a large amount of giggles irrupted from the little girl in his arms.
"Here's your mama." Bucky says plopping her down into your arms.
You hug and kiss her and take her inside, with Bucky trailing behind.
"Mommy! Daddy braided my hair today!" You look at her, then to Bucky.
He smiles and walks over to her.
"Lily I'm not daddy, You know that doll."
Lily makes a confused look, once again similar to yours and speaks up again.
"But you played all day with me today, and you kissed mommy before!"
You felt your heart pang for two reasons from her words.
One was hurt, she never really does play with Tony.
Two... well she saw you kiss Bucky. You look at him and see a pink tint on his cheeks.
He glances at you and back to Lily before speaking up again.
"Well that's because I love your mommy very much. As much as you do Lily."
You can see her puzzled look change into an amused one as you feel your heart doing flips.
"Woah that's a lot..."
You finally look back over at Bucky who had his gaze fixed on you.
"It is, doll."
You place Lily down and she says quick that she was going to play with her toys.
You walk closer to Bucky and pull him in, kissing him once more before pulling away and speaking up;
"You love me?"
He wraps his hands around your waist and moves you closer to him.
"Since the first time I saw you doll."
You connect the small space between your lips together and kiss him with all the love you had inside of you.
"I love you too Bucky"
The two of you walk into the living room again and start playing with Lily until it was dinner time.
This took me a little bit but I hope you enjoyed it Y!
Buckyisloved Masterlist
Bucky Barnes x Reader:
Shattered Glass:
Shattered Glass part 1
Shattered Glass part 2
Shattered Glass part 3
shattered glass part 4
One part fics:
The Broken Hearted fic
Ladies man?
The Boy with the Black Angel Wings Tattoo
The Silent Treatment

I’m good boy only
Shattered Glass Epilogue
Ship: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Warnings: fluffy stuff m8′s
Summary: You and Bucky have been together for three years now, you don’t understand how he could break your heart the way he did when you found him in your bed, but not alone.

Bucky sat in the the living room area in the tower looking Grimm.
Steve walked in and squeezed his shoulder. “Hey Buck. We have a mission to go to soon, are you ready?”
Bucky look up and breaks a weary smile, getting up and nodding at Steve.
Keep reading
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